The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 224 22. Now please Batman explain 1, what is a fucking surprise!

Chapter 224 22. Now please Batman explain, what is a fucking surprise!
Amidst the familiar lights and shadows shining, Mason and his party returned directly to the secret base in Gotham Miller Harbor.

It's not that they don't want to go to Osborne Tower to join the remnants of the Caribbean world, but because of the impact of the impact incident, the world gate temporarily cannot open the passage to any other world except the base world.

When Mason lowered his head to look at the brass-colored doorknob, he found, as expected, that two world coordinates had been permanently dimmed.

The world of Hogwarts didn't appear to have escaped the onslaught either.

what a pity.

"Take a break first, and after the impact of the shock passes, we will go to Osborne Tower to join Selena and the others. Why don't you see Charles and Ivy?

They should be waiting for us here. "

Mason looked around.

He saw some black mud remnants, which should have been brought back from the Hogwarts world by his other two team members.

He didn't think too much, just whispered something to Zha Kang who was still able to move, asking him to look around and contact Kite Man and Poison Ivy by the way.

We have to fish him out before we leave this world! "

"Superman and Wonder Woman fell on us from the sky while we were delivering potions and seeds into that apartment and sending it back here.

"You don't want to die, get someone from the Justice League?"

"So the main body of the gate of the world and Lord Fate are still the core of the problem. If they are not resolved, the matter will not be finished. Therefore, the next step is to think about how to win Ciri over. Even Norman, a new member, can see that If there is a problem with Quint, it will be bad for her to be obsessed with it."

Mason pouted and said:
"If I can have a solution, why do I need to play this kind of latent game that makes me unhappy? Now I also hope that a group of god-like guys will suddenly jump out to help me solve all this.

The Isu ghost Consus reminded at this moment:

If you want to keep your own secrets, it is naturally impossible to leave your mouth alive.

If you want to completely eliminate the stars will have to give them a new choice.

The sorting hat reminds:

"Don't worry, just take your time, what's going on?"

Anxiety shone in those green eyes.

The guy yelled:

"But the coordinate system of the gate of the world is the positioning of their travel through the worlds, and this will not change."

Mason put away the hot separation chip, and untied the microcomputer from Barbara's wrist, which also came from the 2077 era. He dragged the captive Bizarro back into this world into a separate space inside the container. In the cubicle.

She took Mason's hand and said:
"He was captured! Charles to save me, he lured those guys, but he captured! The door didn't resume operation until the world collapsed, and I tried my best to block the demigod's sword, I Almost didn't run out.

Rao is that the brains of Kryptonians are tough enough and capable of self-healing, but this kind of horrible injury cannot be solved by self-healing.

He was very brave, but... I managed to escape from Wonder Woman's attack. I tried to reopen the door but couldn't. Some force was interfering with me. "

Mason pointed to the floating world fragments above his head, and said to Zha Kang whose expression changed greatly:
"The worst thing now is that Charles didn't run away when he escorted the Poison Ivy away, and they captured him, right there! Among the stars."

"Isn't Hogwarts ruined?"

So do you.

He inserted the separation chip in Barbara's microcomputer, and the moment he turned on the start button, a violent voice sounded from it.

Mason said casually:

"Shut up, Anim Zola!"

You are a bunch of traitors.

Leaning on the trident to endure exhaustion, he snapped his fingers and sprinkled some green fluorescent lights in the eyes of his companions, so that they could see through the global illusion barrier set up by the spellcasters of this world and see the creatures that exist in the real night sky. everything.

"I was going to have a showdown with the Justice League after this was over anyway, and it wasn't out of hand. We can't leave Charles behind!

Mason walked up to Poison Ivy and patted her on the shoulder, handed her a cup of palliative to calm her down, and asked again:

Poison Ivy gritted her teeth and said:
"I can see very clearly that it is the Batman we are familiar with. He wears strange clothes, he"

The beeping connection sound lasted for a long time before being connected, and the low and hoarse voice remained the same as before.

There should be a dedicated data device on Judy's side. "

"and many more!"

It's not a matter of willpower at all.

"You can talk to it with my tiny computer, but you can only trap it for 12 hours before it expires and we have to move it to a more secure data 'cage'.

Gods have their own reasons, and humans have their own tasks.”

Poison Ivy got up a little violently, waved her hands and said without thinking:

Get those shattered bits of metal out, or he'll die soon. "

Mason nodded and said:
"It's really annoying to deal with these 'reformists', they always want to change the situation by tinkering, this style is really not likable."

But the craniotomy must be done immediately, my brother.

"Hehe, you really are a peculiar little guy."

The latter picked up a cigarette and cursed, but he didn't mention the matter of escaping again. Perhaps he felt Mason's determination and knew that this had to be done.

"Let me out! No, this damn data hell! Damn unknown AI! I curse you!"

Although the clone of the Kryptonian is still full of vitality, this guy has been pierced through the body by the dangerous Alice sword for several hours, and his vital signs are already extremely weak.

If you're cooperative enough, I can hand you over to those superheroes in Minecraft, who I assure you are a bunch of 'humanists'.


"Well said, but I'm not joking."

They can't even save themselves.

It took Mason a few seconds to straighten out Poison Ivy's confusing description, and he widened his eyes and said:
"You said Superman appeared in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts? The Justice League is gone?"

"This Quint will not seem to be a friendly person. If you plan to use each other's tricks and tricks with them, you have to be 'friendly' for the time being, and do less things that are obviously not in line with their style like now."

Mason poured a bottle of healing potion into the unconscious Bizarro's mouth to help him heal the wound, while checking the guy's physical condition, he shook his head and said:

You will be imprisoned, possibly tortured.

"Then you are too difficult for me, a C-level person."

Probably in order to better control it, the Cleaner made some kind of modification to his brain, which allowed him to survive the overheating explosion of the prosthetic body.

But you will not die.

However, no god can save us in this dark age.

"Where's Charles?"

When Mason was left alone, he opened the flip phone and looked at the emergency contact number stored in it. After a few seconds of silence, Mason cursed in a low voice and pressed the dial button.

Captain Jack glanced at him, and helped Barbara to turn around and walk towards the secret base. The weak Colypso also patted the complaining Zack Kang on the shoulder and motioned for him to help him back under the container.

Mason looked at the gravel all over the sky and muttered something to himself.


Mason frowned and asked:

"I can answer you, yes!"

"It's rare to see a half-hearted person like you in all worlds, I need time to think about it, and I'll remind you."

You have to come up with a solution to the problem. "

No, he doesn't need to talk at all, Batboy knows the relationship between you and him very well.

Mason was a little numb all of a sudden, he curled his lips and said:
"Then we need a piece of blue kryptonite to allow him to temporarily peel off his body of steel, otherwise even a laser cutter would not be able to cut through his titanium alloy skull.

Charles let me go first.

It's just that the sample in front of me is a bit special.

"Hurry up! Don't run away! Show me some dignity!"

In the starry sky, the ruins of a world hang above the sky.
It was the only remaining ruins of a destroyed celestial body, spreading across the night sky like suspended broken rocks, and the remaining main body of the continental shelf was being pushed away from the sea of ​​stars little by little.

"You should keep a low profile."

"You're going to take me as a 'gift'? Bastard!"

A blurry human face protruded from the hat Mason put beside him, saying:

"Mason! I found Ivy, but you have to come over quickly! She's not feeling right."

He let go of Zack.

Poison Ivy took the palliative with some trembling. The experience of witnessing the end of the world made her obviously a little shocked and confused. Facing Mason's question, Ivy drank the potion in her hand before looking up at him .


"Well, I know, you take a rest first, don't think too much."

You are the human embodiment of the word 'traitor' to us. "

Zha Kang beside him exhaled the smoke ring in surprise, and said:

He arranged Barbara and Ertu on the beds in the secret base, gave them medicine to let them rest, and took out Barbara's separation chip.

Mason nodded, and glanced at the Zombie Superman who was still suffering in a coma.

The ex-Hydra evil scientist who was exiled and besieged by the data life from the 2077 era is also considered to have a backbone. When he was suppressed, he responded sarcastically:
"Don't be kidding! You traitors, I have seen the destruction of countless worlds. Wherever I appear, everyone there wants me to die suddenly on the spot.

"It's ruined, and it's right in front of our eyes. It's what should have collided with our world! The Justice League destroyed that world early.
This is really a fucking joke. "

I have green kryptonite in my hand, but I don't have any ideas on how to convert green kryptonite into blue kryptonite. Maybe I can get some help from the master?
He has always been very interested in this kind of thing that can beat his own people. "

The premise is that you don't kill yourself. "

Mason stared at Zha Kang, and said word by word:
"I'm not asking for your opinion, John! We've got to do it, and I'd do it if you got caught. Remember our conversation at Turtle Island?
I don't allow anyone from Team K to be the 'price'!
I was not joking.

The Isu ghost Consus hovered beside Mason, and the top biologist said:
"We can't wait for him to heal himself. This kind of injury is probably fatal to all races except Kryptonians. No, it is also fatal to Kryptonians!

"Can I still live?"

He turned around and rushed out of the secret base, stood with Zha Kang in the night sky of Miller Harbor and looked up at the sky.

I plan to treat this unlucky prisoner first.

Zack Kang's shout sounded outside the cubicle, and Mason frowned.

"He is now equivalent to having a third of his brain cut off."

"Or, you can ask the guy who has been manipulating this zombie superman."

We'll be exposed soon.

His super self-healing can make this penetrating injury heal quickly, the real trouble lies in his brain.

Mason looked seriously at the weird face made of data that appeared on the microcomputer screen in front of him, and said:
"I'm not afraid to tell you that the Stars Club and I have never been on the same path, and I prefer to have other choices at critical moments than going the same way.

Mason was taken aback.

"Yes! Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman, they're all there!"

With Dr. Zola's screams, she turned off the microcomputer, walked out quickly, and saw the distraught Poison Ivy sitting in the corner of the secret base, covering her face with her hands, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, that's a way too."

But they came too fast, and we couldn't get out unscathed.

There is nothing there.

Now I leave the choice to you, Anim Zola.

The cunning guy bounced a few lines of data ripples on the screen, and said with a wicked smile:
"You want to use me to wash the stains on your body to your world, so as to win back their trust? Do you believe in your world like that? Even after witnessing the truth of the shock, you still feel that your world Can we still survive crisis after crisis of destruction without relying on us?"

"Justice League!"

Not now! "

You go and save him! "

It’s over.

He took a deep breath and said:

Jagger screamed:
"With the strength of our group of remnants and defeated generals, Da Chao makes us unable to beat him with one hand and two feet!"

Mason yelled with a face as heavy as water, and Zha Kang also realized that the problem was serious.

A few minutes later, Mason, who took off the blood-stained medical gloves, confirmed that the worst injury of the zombie superman in front of him was not in the penetrated body.

"It's not about style, my brother."

"I trapped that evil databody in Bizarro's mind with the program Judy gave me."

Mason slammed Jarcon onto the container next to him. He stared at him viciously, and then looked back at the other people beside him.


As far as I know your past story, you shouldn't have any psychological pressure on things like jumping around repeatedly, right?First jump from the mustache to the Red Skull, then jump from the Red Skull to SHIELD, and finally jump back from SHIELD to Hydra.

"We must save Charles!"

He said to Mason:
"Quick! Pack up everything and go! Kite Man can't keep secrets, and even if he can, Wonder Woman's rope will allow him to say everything he should and shouldn't say.

"Fuck! It's over!"

He suddenly turned down the volume of the computer, and said sinisterly:
"You're trying to save that stupid Superman? I know what blue kryptonite does, but I can't tell you right now unless"

You choose.

"There is no soul curse on this conqueror."

"Compared to the stars, compared to you, I believe in my world. Considering that I may soon have a showdown with them, a 'gift' is a must.

Do you think I'm the kind of fool who would be persuaded by hope? "

If they can't come up with an answer to deal with the shocking event, they naturally have no other choice. In this case, asking them to completely abandon the system of the Constellation Society is equivalent to letting them bind their hands and wait for death in despair.

Mason looked back at the silent others, he took out his mobile phone and said:
"You go to Spiderman and wait for me first, we need a plan, I'll make a call later."

Something went wrong! "

"I try my best."

"Can't you read that chip?"

"Do you want to open this guy's head?"

This answer silenced both consciousnesses in Mason.

The cigarette in Zha Kang's mouth fell to the ground, this guy was at a loss by this "surprise", and his first reaction was to turn around and rush back to the secret base.

Barbara used the hacking program to burn off the "smart components" in the guy's brain, like detonating a bomb in Bizarro's brain.

"Who took Charles?"

Mason's answer made Dr. Zola, who had already transformed himself into some kind of strange data-conscious body, frowned. As smart as he was, he naturally understood Mason's plan immediately.

When Mason pulled out Alice's sword from Bizarona's zombie-like body and bandaged him urgently to stop the bleeding, the Sorting Hat, which had been silent all the time, spoke to Mason:
"It seems that only members of your Star Society will get that cursed tattoo. Members of other organizations have their own methods of world travel."

"Is he all right?"

Trapped in the separation chip, Dr. Zola let out an odd laugh and said:

"The problem is choice!

The sick Batgirl took a bag of ice cubes and applied it to her forehead, and said to Mason:

Mason scolded coldly:
"I ask you, do you want to live?"



Mason held the phone to his ear.

Looking up at the wreckage of the world in the starry sky in the night wind, he rubbed his aching forehead and whispered:
"Is the scenery in the Forbidden Forest okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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