The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 225 23. I'm Mason Cooper most of the time, with occasional guest appearances in Miracle

Chapter 225 23. I'm Mason Cooper most of the time, with occasional guest appearances in Miracles
Batman, who received Mason's call, was standing in front of the porthole of a lounge at the watchtower base, looking out from orbit around the earth with some kind of tired master.

He sees the remnants of a shattered world.

A few hours ago, the Justice League used three imitation mother box bombs to shatter the earth's core and continental shelf of the incoming world, and before it crossed the boundaries of the planes to affect its own world, a group of powerful magicians Disassemble it as a whole under work operation.

The whole process went smoothly.

Under the cover of the enchantment covering the world presided over by Dr. Fate himself, it didn't even cause any waves.

Except for the mobilized actors and K team, as well as some talented people, this night is no different from last night for the vast majority of people in the Gotham world.

Countless people fell asleep peacefully, unaware that their existence had just brushed shoulders with death.

But for Bruce Wayne, who personally hosted and participated in this operation, this process did not make him feel easy.

Especially at a moment when the world is shattering before his eyes, all Batman feels is a heavier worry and an unspeakable pessimism.

At this time, a group of heroes who can survive in the space environment headed by Superman are cleaning up the debris of the world outside the orbit, and most of the collapsed debris have been pulled back to their original planes in the rewinding of the dimensional subsidence.

The master paused and asked:


What are you going to do next? "

There must be many, many secrets in his mind.

In addition, I also have a "communication representative" from a B-level world that also resisted the tyranny of the Star Society. He represents a powerful civilization that has repelled the infiltration of the Star Society.

You can use the same reason to convince yourself.

It's not that I don't trust your abilities.

There's one from Catwoman, one from Nightwing, one from Barbara and her dad Gordon, and one from Dr. Leslie and Harley Quinn.

The young man frowned and said:
"In such a lively event, didn't the dark monarch jump out to show his presence? You have dealt with him before, right?"

They are creating a group of stars who speak with violence.

"This is definitely the worst birthday of my short life, and given the circumstances, I think you should be more lenient with me, Mr. Hat.

"Do you believe in miracles? Even after seeing all this?"

After K-Squad's irreconcilable conflict with one of the world's most powerful Guardians, our ascension in the Stellaris will only go smoother.

The first step in things like destroying the world is always the hardest to cross, but once you have the first time, the second decision is not so difficult.

Frankly speaking, this scene really looks like the murderers are rushing to clean up the scene after a murder.

But I just have one question for you.

Mason shook his head and said:
"No matter how fake it is, it will be discovered, so this time it has to be real! You don't have to work hard to make plans for us, you just need to let it go when there is a conflict, don't put the 'anti K-Squad Tactics' really worked out."

In the first puff of smoke he puffed like a skilled old smoker and said:

"It's still you who can see clearly. I didn't realize it until I was reminded by others."

Mason took a deep breath. Under the night sky of the empty Miller Harbor, he put his hands in the pockets of the gray windbreaker, looked up at the sky and whispered:

The top text message is from the master far away in space, and their contents are surprisingly consistent.

He said this to himself and looked up at the sea of ​​stars.

The master turned back with intense fatigue.

The young man coughed a few times and said:

If they can provoke more divisions between the good and the evil while looking for collaborators, it will give them an advantage when entering the 'finals'.

Mason was also unambiguous, and rejected it directly:

Mason didn't hide anything. This moment is not a good time to pretend to be a riddle. In the howling wind of Miller Harbor, he said directly:
"My companion is in your hands, is the kite man still alive?"

"Today is my 18th birthday. It was just after twelve o'clock 2 minutes ago. I am an adult."

He looked at the dark stars beyond the porthole, and could vaguely see the remains of some zombified strange creatures that were thrown into the debris of the stars after the world exploded, wandering aimlessly as space junk.

"Where's the Mobius chair?"

The moment he put the flip phone in his pocket, Mason said the second half of the sentence he didn't say:
"After all, I am a miracle myself"

"I didn't suffer much, although when Superman captured him, he resisted violently and once wanted to take poison to kill himself. I have to say that Charles Brown is very loyal to you, Mason. He was not so stubborn when he was under Zhou Ke'er's command.

I hope I can get your help in this process. The K team has come to this point, and we will continue to lurk in that organization to find more truth and information.

"I do not know."

But there are still traces that must be cleaned up.

Mason laughed and said:
"What they're doing is turning an already bad situation into the worst kind of zero-sum game, but I think there's something else going on besides surviving the shock and punching the dog's brains out of each other. kind of solution.

"I can guarantee that you and your companions will not be harmed, provided that you cooperate and come to the watchtower to 'live' for a period of time. Selena told me that you have some kind of taboo and cannot tell too much truth.

"No, I only trust you now, especially now that you have already destroyed a world with your own hands."

Mr. Hat scolded:
"Hey, Mason, minors are not allowed to smoke!"

For the sake of my own capture of a conqueror you hate so much.

And Bruce, have you ever thought deeply about why the stars would carry out large-scale "pollution" in the parallel world system? "

After all, Clark Kent had a wife and kids, Diana Prince had her clan mother, and even you, Bruce, had your lovers, your family and your kids.

The master nodded.

Your own world is obviously more important.

Mason snorted and said:
"Perhaps you can convince yourself that there is no need to save a world full of monsters, and you must do the right thing for your own world and people.

"They're trying to make us feel more at ease when we make such cruel decisions, to take the pressure off of making decisions so that we realize that selfishness and salvation can go hand in hand.

Mason closed his eyes and said:

"Happy birthday, Mason."

But I think we can always find a tactful way to get something that both parties desperately need. "

"There are no living people in that world. We used various methods to detect it seven times before we acted! We can ensure this. It is full of wandering zombies without any trace of life."

It will become reasonable the third time, and even start to look forward to the fourth time.

Mason narrowed his eyes and asked:
"Is that thing in your hands? Before you decided to destroy a world to save your own, no one proposed to sit on it and ask the truth of the universe?"

I don't even have a train of thought.

"And you owe me a favor."

I will chair the process.

So we, who exhibit just the right value, are also safe.

The captain of Team K said to the other end of the phone:
"Let's assume that if the next time you encounter a great epidemic in the world, more than 99% of life has been extinct and transformed into bloodthirsty monsters, and only 1% of the survivors still exist in the world in the refuge.

Mason picked up the phone in surprise and opened the cover, and several consecutive messages popped out.

They need us.

Like you, I witnessed the demise of two worlds, but unlike you who destroyed the zombie planet neatly, I saved the last 1% of the survivors in that world."

Those stars are shining.

Master said in a low voice:
"They obviously don't intend to get involved in this matter, but it's a good thing. We really don't have so much energy to deal with them in the current situation."

The master rebuffed straight away:

But now that I've said this, I'm going to ask. "

Once path dependence is developed, it can lead to dire consequences.

At this time, facing Mason's meaningful question, the master was silent for a moment, first activated the data encryption that he always carried with him to prevent the call from being eavesdropped, and then whispered:

"No one was harmed by this action, and you know, we had to."

I hope you can cooperate with us to cover up your identity.

"That means we'll be exposed to 'them', that means we'll become traitors and be hunted down for a long time by an organization that spans countless worlds.

The old man asked quietly.

You probably should."

This time you can destroy it, but next time, what will you do? "

I haven't found a way yet.

Phew, you might think I'm just nitpicking about a necessary rescue and a great victory, but I'm telling you, it's not!
I just came back from a world that was destroyed.

It is like a beautiful diamond embellished on a dark curtain full of cruelty.


"I've already called you on this, Bruce."

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Well, that must be the wrong way for you to ask."

"Selena should have told you that the stars will still have a lot of eyeliners in this world. From the darkest point of view, I have to pessimistically regard all members of the Justice League except you as potential threats.

So next time, if that world has 30% life left, next time, 50% life left. I could go on and on, but I think you get my point.

"Escape? Or."

Mason paused, looked up at the starry sky again, and said:
"The choice the stars will make is to ignore it, and they will discard it as 'worthless'. The Justice League just got off to a bad start, which means that someday in the future, you may also be another' All the stars will be'.

If we can vote for the majority with peace of mind, then one day in the future, when a world has more lives than us and we face the difficult choice of having to die.
Can we calmly face the ending of self-sacrifice? "

Let me get it straight, Bruce.

"No, I got bad news from my companion just after returning from another world."

"Really fake?"

This question silenced the master.

After thinking for nearly a minute, Batman answered in a hoarse voice:

Especially driven by the noble reason that you still have an entire world to protect, I'm sure some of you will end up singing the praises of this destruction.

Mason said:
"I don't believe that mutual destruction is the ultimate answer to everything. Maybe it's because you didn't ask the right question. You should try me next time."

"Apocalypse and even the entire fourth-dimensional channel was completely closed a few years ago. Not only Darkseid, but other universe-level villains have disappeared."

Batman said emphatically:

"Your tone sounds like a child who has done something wrong is powerlessly justifying, Bruce, you know it's wrong yourself."

"Mason, can I trust you?"

He hung up the phone.

If it had collided with our world this time, would your decisions have been different? 70 billion people and 100 million people, which is more important when you put them at the two ends of the balance?

I originally wanted to do it myself, but I still leave it to you right now. How much you can dig out depends on your means.

The master also answered frankly:

After all, they have never given up on infiltrating this super A Grade dangerous country.

You can also choose people you trust to slowly join our 'secret agreement'. In this regard, I absolutely trust your prudence, but don't let them know too much.

He lowered his head, took out a pack of Sika cigarettes for Zha Kang from his luggage, and popped one out of his mouth. This action made the black sorting hat on his head dissatisfied.

"How do you think this cruel decision was made and agreed to by everyone? I asked it myself, and this is the advice it gave me, and it said it was the only way."

We all have weaknesses.

Bruce, I want Charles back safe!
In exchange, I'll give you a 'personal' gift, the kind that will absolutely satisfy you and your friends and keep your mouth shut. "

But I think we should give it a try, after all we still have some time.

The master asked a question.

After thinking for a long time, the master said:

Mason said:
"But you can trust Selena, I will send you a gift to Wayne Manor, a 'conqueror' from the violent organization of the higher institution of the Stars.

They are looking for a collaborator, and it is best for you to make contact with him.

"It is indeed necessary to think carefully, maybe we can meet."

Before he finished speaking, the phone in his pocket vibrated twice.

"There are less than 100 million people left there, and it is also a doomsday wasteland where zombies are rampant, which perfectly fits the most extreme situation I just described.

I can't fault anything, and I'm not a fanatical Madonna.

Mason shook his head and said:
"I don't know if this decision was made by you, but this act means that I must be vigilant against you."

"You know that's impossible!"

Mason let out a long breath and said:

This is a vicious ethical trap, and we have just stepped into it. "

Mason rubbed out a ball of fire without raising his head.

I think there are opportunities in any crisis. For example, if this conflict works well, it can wash away our suspicion of betrayal.

I'm making this call to have a showdown with you, not the Justice League or anyone else.

Give me the weak point of the watchtower defense system, Bruce, and you can forget about the rest. "

He looked at the dark sea of ​​stars in front of him, and after a few seconds of silence, he said:

I would rather work with you than them, but not now.

"Having seen first-hand the troubles we face, I believe I can convince some credible people."


I'm sure you can keep a secret and fully understand why it needs to be done, but I don't trust the people around you, even if they are a brilliant group of defenders and fighters. "

Mason didn't answer right away. After several seconds of silence, he said:
"Yes, Bruce, I believe in miracles."

When the time left for you is no longer enough to find and rescue them, will you make the same choice?

He glanced at the futuristic technology chair behind him covered by a piece of magic silk, and said softly:

"No matter who sent me here, I believe their purpose is definitely not just for me to watch and record the collapse and destruction of an entire parallel world system.

As for you.

"The answer is hidden under this starry sky, and my mission here is to find it. But this question is really too difficult."

If this is a competition, then they are setting the rules of the game, snuffing out the spark of communication and sending everyone into a dark forest of naked life and death.

"Human favor can't be used in this kind of thing."

When all the survivors have bloody hands, no one can confidently hold up the moral archway.

This is a super difficult 'assessment'. "

"In the brig Diana watched him herself."


Mason curled his lips, threw the phone that was still ringing back into his pocket, raised his head again and looked at the unchanged night sky, took a deep breath of smoke, threw the cigarette he had only smoked on the ground and stamped it out.

He complained:

"Look at what these bastards are doing so provocatively? I almost burst into tears. Ah, I must be too hungry. Look, the saliva is pouring out of my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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