The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 231 29. Not only did the scrapped armor not be destroyed, but it became an incomprehensible

Chapter 231 29. Not only did the scrapped armor not be destroyed, but it became an incomprehensible thing

After completing the delivery of the captives and obtaining the complete set of blueprints and various information for the watchtower, the three of Mason returned to the Osborn Tower without a moment's delay.

The old Green Goblin, who has secretly established a closer "colleague relationship", intends to win over Mason, and without his asking, he has prepared a very professional engineering laboratory here, which is located in a secret location and will not be disturbed.

Basically everything Mason needs is here.

There are many deals with Qunxinghui, so that Norman Osborn really has a lot of "good products". The nano-scale industrial printers are the basic standard equipment, and the computer database dedicated to the design of the armor stores green Demon's own battle suit and equipment blueprints, this is an expression of apology he promised to give to Mason.

However, Mason doubts that the Green Goblin directly moved the S.H.I.E.L.D. database from this world.

Because he saw the undeleted S.H.I.E.L.D. documents in it, and even some research data about the Black Panther suit, which also includes a full set of vibration gold processing procedures and technical introductions.

The only regret is that Zhenjin, which is a strategic resource in any world, has already been scooped up by the Stars Society in the first month of vassalizing this world.

It is said that there is only a huge sinkhole left on the old site of Wakanda. Even the vibrating gold panther statue, the national symbol, has been removed. It can be said that Mason has not left a vibrating golden hair.

However, from the laboratory database, Mason learned that the Black Panther had died of illness before the Doomsday War three years ago, and that the second-generation Black Panther was a "Surrenderer" or "Adventist", a superhero who pretended to be a backward third world country. The entire advanced ethnic group was migrated to other worlds by the Star Society, so there was no tragedy of annihilating the country.

There is no need to keep the bat helmet either.

Its color is darker than that of the Anti-Superman Armor, and it is completely embedded in the steel, but you can't tell the difference unless you look carefully.

"It's so damaged that basically all the remaining armor and weapon systems except the main frame have to be replaced."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of battle you have experienced? According to the specifications and combat effectiveness of this armor, if it is in peacetime on our side, the main force of the Avengers must be dispatched to suppress it."

The one I have on hand is his remaining nano armor, which is a very good research product, and I think we can learn from his ideas.

Mason glanced at the Fenrir armor that was being disassembled, and the replacement parts that were being reproduced in several industrial printers operating at full capacity next to it.

"I suddenly found that the previous engineering concept of excellence could not keep up with the development of the current situation. Although the quality of this one-time-use thing is poor, it is better than it is large and durable.

"I do not know."

Please use with caution.

"Old Peter has been abandoned for three years, he probably won't do well."

Black Death Sword, or God Killing Sword, a living blade used by the Cosmic Gods and forged from the fire of the remains of the oldest Cosmic Gods.

Brand new just like when it first came out.

You really can't be too harsh on the situation you are facing now, but you asked me to help you design this parallel energy core system without participating in it yourself, is it because you have other urgent matters?
Doing everything by yourself is a good habit of yours, you don't plan to throw it away, do you? "

In the smoke emitted by the nitrogen stored at low temperature inside, a strange black armor appeared in front of the two of them.

As he spoke, he threw a black battle armor storage jar from his luggage, and signaled Doctor Octopus to stay away before opening the jar.

Unknown threat!

In the non-combat state, the armor can be stored in the container or the driver in the form of a symbiosis.

But I've heard stories about it in certain rumors of the Stellaris.

The peaceful former hero held a tablet and scanned the internal structure of the battle armor, and couldn't help but turned around and said to Mason:

"It's not me, it's it."

He said without looking back:
"But your mechanical octopus tentacles seem to be broken by that guy, and I can't restart it."

Although I didn't get the blueprint, I guess he should use the nanoworm system to suppress the symbiote's corruption of the host and complete the perfect manipulation of the symbiote.

Mason took out the jar containing Tony Stark's nano-blooded armor from his luggage, and showed the blood-red metal wreckage to Dr. Octopus.

As if by magic, Mason took out a box full of eight Ark reactors from his luggage and placed it in front of the astonished Doctor Octopus.

Dr. Otto pushed his coquettish glasses and warned:
"Your thinking is not very good, Mason, as scholars, we should move forward step by step, and we can't always think about taking shortcuts.

Item Description: It is longing to be whole again, maybe you should put it on and kill two little gods to please it.

The doctor looked down at the energy reading on the instrument, and suddenly exclaimed:
"You hid an Infinity Stone in it? Is this some weird new drama? There's something wrong with this high-intensity energy reading, Mason."

Dr. Otto said seriously:
"Using something of unknown origin like this is quite dangerous, Peter was once poisoned by venom and almost turned into a spider bully, and the story of me and my tentacles should also remind you.

Except for Old Norman who didn't know what he was thinking, everyone was satisfied.

"You should have a new name."

After being fused with the fragments of the Black Death Sword, the armor has inherited super resistance to divine power, and when the user's tactics are clever enough, this power will also be converted into super lethality against divine creatures.

Even for temporary protection. "

It stands there quietly, like a soldier waiting to go out.

"That would just take your engineering from 'craftsman' to 'fake dealer'."

That's weird, reminds me of my unfinished study of symbiotes before the end.

Dr. Otto shook his head and said:
"This is what we owe you, because of your sacrifices that allowed us to be free. The people in the refuge can live and work in peace and contentment in the sun, and even the people in the underground have a new home.

But now I have to ask you to leave. You gave me two scientific research tasks and they must be completed within 24 hours. Time is tight and tasks are heavy, so I must start working immediately.

And what you have seen with your own eyes under the apocalypse, the nearly one million refugees from other worlds have now praised you as the rescue angels under the apocalypse.

Those high-strength composite metals are the original embryos he made by refining.

Infuse this armor with some nanites to protect me.

Doctor Octopus said something very modestly, and put the Ark reactor in front of his eyes for a closer look. After a while, he frowned and said:
"The one you made is really rough. I guess it will be scrapped after one battle at most."

"It may take some time, after all, I'm not a real genius like Tony Stark."

Mason was relieved when he got the guarantee from Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus didn't see the problem from the outside, so he asked in surprise.

Even if you have to use it, at least you have to prepare some countermeasures. "

"That's what I'm going to say next."

Mason sighed and said:

Doctor Octopus held the jar of the nano-armor that made him feel an eye-opener, and he said:
"Peter and Matt's battle suits may also be able to be upgraded. Obviously, it will take a lot of time to restore and understand this technology, but it is not so difficult if it is just a simple copy.

Norman has replicas here from other worlds, and I can replicate this technology to your strange suit within 24 hours.

Mason turned to Doctor Octopus and said:

Mason's fingertips could even feel the coldness of metal.

"It's quiet."

It was the anti-superman armor that had been destroyed by the "secret weapon" of the clearers in the battle before, but it had recovered from the wreckage to its complete form overnight.

Time is running out now, otherwise Mason would really have the idea to study the high-strength scandium alloy from 2077, which is stronger than titanium alloy and has certain energy absorption properties, making it a good material for armor.

他 说:

The fragments of the Black Death Sword have powerful bio-energy, which is enough to provide the energy needed by the armor in battle. After further symbiosis with the driver, the armor can also modify the weapon system according to the needs of the user.

Therefore, I think it may be necessary to consider the parallel connection of multiple energy cores. "

Even though it has been shattered, it is still very dangerous. "

"Is there something wrong with it?"

Doctor, can you help me complete the parallel energy supply design of multiple Ark reactors? "

Mason looked at the time and planned to go to the alchemy room to complete the research on the several reinforcements at hand. When he left, he saw the black battle suit placed in the storage tank.

As he spoke, Mason put his hand on the black armor in front of him. There was no monster jumping out suddenly and yelling at him, nor did any fluctuations appear.

Mason reached out and patted the "big toy" and said:
"I'll call you the 'Black Death Sword' battle armor, anyway, this is your original name, well, after looking at it for a long time, it always feels a bit monotonous, if there are more technological patterns on this battle armor, it would be great.

Mason handed the jar to Doctor Octopus and said:

"It's okay, just bring a few more as spares."

"But I really don't know anything about the field of nanorobots, so..."

Does it have a consciousness of its own? "

After a few seconds, the info tab pops up:
Unnamed Special Symbiote Armor
Quality: Legendary Engineering/Forged Items Perfect Craftsmanship

Your idea has a lot of maneuverability, I will test it, although I can't guarantee the safety completely, but if it is only used for one or two battles, it should be guaranteed. "

More precisely, "self-healing".

The thick black appearance reveals the solemnity of power, and the cover of unknown power makes it reborn overnight.

"This is the ark reactor I made myself. The time is tight and the quality may not be as good as the original version, but it shouldn't be a big problem to use it as a one-time consumption.

Dr. Otto had no objection to this, and he immediately started busy with the jar of the nano suit.

Doctor Octopus tapped the tablet in his hand a few times, pushed his glasses and said:

"I've got a very strange thing for you to look at, doctor. Seriously, it's giving me a headache."

Call Peter over for me by the way, I need him as my assistant. "

In Mason's laboratory, several large robotic arms are dismantling the Fenrir armor that still has traces of war under his control, and Dr. Octopus, who is wearing a cultural shirt and sunglasses, is assisting.

Mason didn't intervene after storing it, but the black armor in front of him is now completely incomplete, and even the scratches on the outer armor have disappeared.

So everyone here is willing to help you.

"Then we'll have to hurry, Doctor, I'll need it tomorrow night."

That's right, recovery!

Manufacturer: None

Although the wreckage of the Black Death Sword does not have a complete "God Killing Will", this item belongs to the category of legendary [cursed] items, so it will have an irreversible and unknown impact on the mind and body of the driver.

After entering the combat state, it will quickly complete the cover and enter the battle frame form.

"Then I will trouble you, Doctor."

Dr. Octopus approached and took off his glasses, looked hard with his own small eyes and tested with various instruments for several minutes, then frowned and said:
"Looks like the wreckage of some sort of metallic object, not particularly responsive to external stimuli but which seems to be replacing the energy system in powering your suit.

"I used it to turn over a, uh, two conquistadors."

[-]. Symbiote Armor:
The fragments of the ancestor of the symbiont "Black Death Sword" have completed the symbiotic fusion with this armor. Relying on its powerful biological characteristics, after purifying the metal of the armor and changing its characteristics, it perfectly retains all the original characteristics of the armor. It adds new powers.

I think that if a technological breakthrough cannot be achieved in a short period of time, it may be a good tactic to overwhelm the opponent with numbers. "

Mason approached this set of heavy armor, which seemed to have no problem on the outside, and pointed to the position on its chest that originally imitated the Ark reactor.

In the event of a Warframe being damaged, the symbiote will go dormant and can rejoin the battle after completing a quick repair.

He flexed his fingers and said:
"Forgive me, and I don't want to drag Peter and Matt into my personal affairs, but I really need their help this time."

"The symbiote won't think when there is no host. Maybe I can know more secrets about it after I wear it myself."


[-]. Anti-divinity:
The Black Death Sword is also known as the "God Killing Sword". It was born from the wreckage of the gods of the universe, and when it was used for the first time, it killed the real gods. All the legends about it are closely related to the fall of the gods.

"One of the conquistadors I encountered was your Tony Stark, who in his own ingenuity designed and built an endosymbiont suit.

"There's no need to reboot."

"Okay, leave it to me."

"You really hit the point."

"But you better not do that."

"I just learned from the enemy that it is a weapon specially used by the Cleaners to hunt and kill gods from all over the world, and it was a complete accident that it merged with my armor.

Mason put on a pair of goggles, put his hands on his hips and said:

He pushed the small brown sunglasses and took a special instrument from the side to test the physical properties of the armor. Before he got close to the instrument in his hand, he started to alarm crazily.

It has been "filled up" by metal, but after careful observation, it is not difficult to find an irregular black fragment inlaid there.

Mason took out a shiny bauble from his luggage, tossed it up and down in his hand, and threw it to Doctor Octopus, saying:

However, according to the "parasitic plan" implemented in this world, Mason has enough reasons to suspect that those Wakanda people who were relocated must also be a member of the "Doomsday Resistance Army".

However, according to the battle data saved by the armor, even the power of the Ark reactor used to power this power armor is a bit poor.

While Mason quickly reset various repair indicators, he adjusted the weapon system of the armor according to his own experience.

Although I don't know what the stars will want to do, but I can be sure that you are not the same as them.

Mason pouted and said:
"I have a better candidate, Doctor. Barbara and Judy will come to help soon, and let you teach them some wisdom belonging to 'Dr. Octopus'."

Just be patient and wait for it to upgrade.

Item characteristics: active symbiosis, anti-divinity, host adaptation, unknown hidden danger
Item description:

"That thing has a self-upgrade program. When it comes into contact with a more advanced technological system than it, it will actively collect data to complete self-upgrade. It is still being upgraded.

He touched his wrist and said:

After all, you have nothing to do with the Anti-Superman armor. "

"Don't do that, Mason."

After complaining in a low voice, Mason turned around and left, and entered the alchemy room next door to get busy again.

But he didn't notice that in the airtight battle armor storage tank, a series of simple lines were emerging on the black armor shell, as if an invisible hand was redesigning its appearance.

And the bat-shaped helmet is also changing its shape little by little.

It's like an ignorant child trying to make himself more pleasing to the eye according to the parents' opinions, so as to strive to be loved by the parents.

(End of this chapter)

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