The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 232 30. I advise all cat lovers not to do strange things to their cats!

Chapter 232 30. I advise all cat lovers not to do strange things to their cats!

While Dr. Otto was fiddling with the strange symbiote armor, in the room directly above Mason's laboratory, Lady Selena, who had just woken up after a nap, was changing clothes.

Her body is recovering quickly and she has a personality that can't be idle, so she plans to do "rehabilitation training" before the war.

As a result, this side just put on the yoga clothes that can outline the figure and was about to warm up, but accidentally saw the jar that was placed next to her bed to store the black symbiont that almost killed her shaking.

Very fast shaking, as if rocking to exciting music.

This made Selena make a surprised nasal sound. She approached the biological storage tank, and the symbiote "Venom" stored in it seemed very restless, like a frightened beast in a nest.

But in the absence of a host, the symbiote cannot think, and can only act according to instinct.

"How is this going?"

Lady Catwoman looked at her "new pet" in amazement. While stroking the head of the lazy Miss McGonagall in her arms, she and her cat cast their eyes on the demented venom in the jar.

"Poor guy, you can't speak or think, and I can't make an automatic dialogue machine for you, maybe you can talk in human form like Mason's ooze monster pet Kevin?

Mason rubbed his forehead and threw the failed test tube into the trash can.

Although what I hold is only a small fragment, it is still enough to tear you apart.

But after all the advantage is on my side, so I will say.
Be careful, Venom, and better not say something that would make me angry. "

A hoarse sound like a knife rubbing against a stone sounded at the back of the alchemy laboratory, and Mason turned around quickly and aimed the penguin umbrella at the back.

Mason complained under his breath.

Maybe he is also observing whether his "brother" recovered from the outsider is credible?
"Try this first."


Mason first completed the processing of ordinary reinforcements in order to make better reinforcements for the servants of the K team, and then he frowned and looked at the spider serum in his hand.

This Isu ghost is quite interesting.

"You... what's going on with you?"

This form cannot last long.

Mason took out two test tubes from his arms.

"The typical deep encryption structure of the gene chain, if you have an Isu-style gene decomposition instrument at hand, you can easily crack it.

"According to Peter Sr., his parents were excellent biologists, so the birth of this version of Spider-Man should have been arranged in advance.

"That's great, I helped him avenge."

"Selena is a scout and a thief, not a combatant."

"What are you afraid of?"

The deep and turbid female voice sounded from Professor McGonagall's long-dried vocal cords, which represented that there was a second will in this body, but listening to its voice, one could tell that the symbiosis that had found a new host must be very unhappy now .

Selena snorted again ruthlessly, curled her lips and said:
"When will you be obedient, when will I let you out and say a few words. Well, wait! If it's just thinking, I suddenly have a great idea."

Consus shrugged regretfully, and turned into a dark blue data arc that dissipated on Mason's shroud cloak.

It made a bubbling sound and returned to the shelf without hesitation. After hesitating for a long time this time, it finally chose the right solution, and the figure flashed into the appearance of the cold second bucket and handed the solution to Mason.

"it's me."

Don't be afraid, there won't be a big death.

Who doesn't blow up a few crucibles?
"But this thing is too evil, isn't it? Is it true that there is no way to analyze the mysteries of Kryptonians' power with magic? Think about it, if this thing is really so easy to discover, the master probably would have made it against Da Chao. compound."

It meowed and fled to the distance, trying to get rid of its next fate, but Catwoman shook her hand, and the cat's tail whip flew out and wrapped up the screaming Miss McGonagall in the air, dragging it back.

It's not the first time he has dealt with these things, so he is very skilled.

See the hell!

Professor McGonagall gave a hoarse dry laugh and said:
"She seemed to be in poor health, and was in a weak convalescence, and I found in her pack the Water of Death and the Tonic, and administered it to her. She would sleep for twelve hours and be refreshed.

"I also really want to spend some more time studying these Isu knowledge, but the problem is that I don't have that much time."

After being praised, it changed back to the shape of a ball of ooze with a swish of joy, and jumped into the paint jar next to it to absorb the paint to dye itself in colorful colors to entertain itself.

She put this strange symbiote on me.

"That thing helped me regain some sanity after I died, and your cat-crazed female friend had a whim that I couldn't understand in what kind of mental state she was in just now.

This ooze monster separated from Mudface seems to have also been contaminated with a bit of the weird habit of the Gotham villain. It is very keen to "perform" its various abilities in front of Mason in order to get the owner's reward and affirmation.

Seeing it face Professor McGonagall's face full of wisdom but humming like a fool and unable to speak, Mason felt bad for it.

But the third bottle of liquid was a bit strange.

Just after the seventh stirring, an uncontrollable destructive force exploded in the crucible, splashing fire like a firecracker, and shattering the entire crucible.

This zombie cat was really raised by Selena.

"The Resurrection Stone you put in my body, Mason Cooper."

I don't hate her.

Her eyes kept moving back and forth between Miss McGonagall and the venom jar, and the fur on the entire neck of the zombie cat felt the danger exploded.

Mason waved his hand and said:

It is perfect for your subordinates and soldiers to use. "

Mason immediately noticed the strange and irregular movement of Professor McGonagall's robe, and there was no wind in the laboratory. A bold guess immediately jumped into Mason's mind.

But it was quite difficult. He poured Bizarro's serum into the crucible, added a high-purity solution to it, heated it with a magic fire until it was warm, and then began to stir.

Golden lightning was ready to go out on it, and Mason's hand was already clasped on the handle of the umbrella inlaid with golden apples.

Venom is a little short on words.

Mason exclaimed.

"My brother, I suggest that you don't waste too much time on this mysterious encrypted gene. If it's just to strengthen your combat effectiveness, I think the knowledge of biological mutation left by Juno is more suitable for you.

"Change it to another one. Your simulation is too ugly. Be careful that Selina beats you. Also, remember to simulate the clothes when transforming into a human form. This is too obscene."

What appeared in front of him was Professor Minerva McGonagall, wearing a witch's robe, with a haggard face but also wearing the iconic pointed hat.

"Let me go over it first, what about Selena? You didn't hurt her, did you? After all, although she treats you both as pets, she really treats you very well."

"There's no time for chatting now! Old hag! Let me talk!"

I believe those guys know the characteristics of Black Death Sword very well.

One of them is a Kryptonian blood sample he got from the Batcave before, and the other contains the mutated Kryptonian serum taken from Zombie Superman Bizarro.

I don't want what happened to Eddie Brock to happen to Selena.

Her hand stroking Miss McGonagall in her arms suddenly stopped, which made Miss McGonagall who was enjoying the massage meow very dissatisfied.

Mason looked up and said:
"I almost forgot about this. When the Black Death Sword, the ancestor of the symbiosis, was created by Gnar, it was able to absolutely suppress and manipulate the lives of your symbiosis.

Do your part as a tool man.

Mason pulled up a chair and sat on it, took out a cigarette and put it under his nostrils to sniff, and said:

"That's a dangerous thing. With your mortal will, you can't resist the temptation from the Black Death Sword. Except for Gnar, that thing has no owner."

Venom calmed down.

He hopes to use these two serums as raw materials to make a powerful temporary reinforcement for himself.

"You mean the fragments of the Black Death Sword?"

Mason glanced at Venom and said:
"Why don't you think that the black death sword is broken so thoroughly?
The symbiont god probably blocked the way of the Hope Council, and was killed in the end, and even its weapons became their spoils of war and were used by them to harvest the gods of the world.

"I tried five times, and the separation failed every time. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the craftsmanship. The reason why I can't get the complete Spider-Man gene module is probably related to his origin story."

Selena pinched the back of its neck to appease it:

Go, take it again. "

"It's really good news, but you should still throw it away, it's bad luck!"

Once I find out that you are dishonest, I will have good fruit for you! "

I promise! "
"Kevin, bring solution number four here."

Poison Ivy has verified that the spellcaster on my side has the ability to temporarily block the operation of the single world gate. "

It requires my brain to think, and the activation it does to my brain reminds me of an Animagus spell. "

"Well, I'm not good at that. I'm only a biologist after all."

"Gnar is dead, dead dead."

It looked up at the shit shovel officer, and found that Selina was staring at it with wide-eyed eyes and a "dangerous" smile on her face.

"You have something terrible in your hand, something very terrible to us! I just felt its breath, where did you get it?"

It hid its hideous appearance again, and said with a little lack of breath:
"I'll try to work with that weak woman, as you wish, Mason Cooper, but there's no way to make her use my full strength without modifying her body."

He stepped forward to clean up the mess with no special expression, and seemed to be used to such dangerous accidents.

Behind him, on the shelf full of various bottles and jars, a wriggling khaki "slime monster" suddenly crawled up, chattering and changing into the appearance of Catwoman, and took a bottle from the shelf. The green solution was taken out and moved to Mason's side, clumsily imitating Selena's usual way of making gestures.

After all, you are the weakest of all symbiotes, Venom, what the hell do you want to talk to me about?Come on, as long as it's not too much, I will consider it.

You don't have to worry about your ruthless god being resurrected in the body of some hapless creature. "

I can teach you how to control those biological mutagenesis processes to a stable and temporary level, and use your current alchemy skills to produce corresponding mutagenic liquids.

The reprimanded slime wasn't angry either. In fact, the IQ of this little thing probably didn't understand the meaning of "angry".

"Eddie is dead. Right in front of my eyes. He's my friend. The only friend!"

"Don't mention Eddie!"

He rubbed his chin and looked at the cloudy test tube that obviously failed to separate, and said:

"This dead body should have no vitality, it is not a qualified host at all!"

Mason knew that Consus had something to ask of him. The ancient Isu of course hoped to regain his flesh and blood, but the guy was very patient and never made the request.

"No, Eddie's murderer is not here."

"The little girl fainted from fright."

A flash of lightning flashed through the mind of Lady Catwoman.

He said to Consus' biosignal:
"After the matter at hand is over, we will discuss further study and production. Now I have to make an 'escape plan' for myself, if the worst happens.

The degree of shock made the Sorting Hat on his head jump violently.

But now obviously you can't do it. "

She reminds me of the other life I tried when I was young and wanted to leave my wizarding behind. "

"You can't use it!"

Professor McGonagall changed back to her voice that could scare a child into tears, and said slowly:

"No, you just used the wrong solution!
In the third paragraph of Section No. 11 of Hogwarts Advanced Potions Class, when dealing with high-complexity alchemy drugs, a specially prepared palliative solution and at least three parts of coolant must be added.

The young man waved his hand and said:
"I promise I won't use it against you, Venom, on the premise that you cooperate with Selena to be more obedient. You understand what I mean, you are not allowed to modify her body, and you are not allowed to affect her mind.

On the workbench next to Mason, the Isu ghost Consus sat there. He obviously had a say in his professional field, and suggested to Mason:

Not cat form!
An old witch in real human form!
It's just that her scarlet cat eyes mean that she has not "resurrected from the dead" and is still the essential form of a zombie, but she seems to have regained her sanity.

But unexpectedly, the person who appeared in front of him was not a stranger...
"Professor McGonagall?"

"and many more!"

The high-temperature debris splashed and was blocked by the open penguin umbrella and fell to the ground. The expressionless Mason closed the umbrella in his hand, and took the frightened ooze monster Kevin off his shoulder and threw it aside. paint bucket.

After all, it was good at fighting, but it was really difficult for it to play tricks with Mason. It was confused by Mason's two or three sentences and didn't know what to say.

I mean, if I'm stuck on the ground and can't get out through the world gate, I'll have to find another way.

Mason put down the penguin umbrella in his hand, rubbed his aching head and said:

Just like an excellent stage actor longs for applause and encouragement, to put it simply, this is a "drama" slime monster.

Mason spread his hands and said:
"The cleaners of this world were crushed by me, and you know that, so you owe me another favor."

Even if the super spider bites someone else, it will not create a new Spider-Man, because the genes that give superpowers are bound to Peter's DNA from the beginning.

"What did Selena do to you? And what kind of magical chemical reaction did you achieve in this weird form?"

In the alchemy laboratory on the lower floor of Osborne Tower, Mason stood in front of the fast-running centrifuge and shouted without looking back.

Even after three times of filtration and two times of purification and separation, the serum sample from Peter Parker still maintained a weird and unresolvable state.

If they dare to take it out, it means that they have completely cleaned up the residue of Gnar's power left on it, which is also good news for you, Venom.

Ha, what an idiot. "

The venom was furious, and it pulled out the ferocious black and white speckled "mask" to cover Professor McGonagall's body and said to Mason with claws and claws:

It's the yellow bottle!

In the dim alchemy laboratory, the high-speed centrifuge stopped quickly, and Mason took out three bottles of separated serum components, two of which belonged to the purified product of the rationing reinforcement seized from the Cleaner Commander.

There was always a fine line in his conversations with Mason.

Venom reprimanded a little violently:

In other words, Peter's DNA is the key to unlocking Spider-Man's secrets. "

I'm putting my life into this conversation, Mason Cooper, let me make a long story short! "

He said suspiciously:
"Venom? Is that you?"

It looks like you must have failed your Potions class, after all I haven't seen you on campus. Maybe I should call you a 'transfer student'. "

Mason said casually, took a glance at the alchemy solution that Kevin handed over, sighed and said:
"This is the No. [-] solution used to make ordinary potions, not the No. [-] solution specially used to analyze the ingredients of items. I taught you Arabic numerals before, and you are really clueless.

"You're dead, it won't be able to hurt you, little idiot, just take it as a try, and lend your shriveled brain to the poor little venom.

She switched to Venom's deep voice and continued to explain:
"But the damn stone locked her to death, leaving her in a state of immortality, and I could barely use her degraded brain to complete my thinking.

"Well, you said."

The venom viciously grabbed control of this body. It stared at Mason with wide eyes and asked:

"Besides, the strength of the symbiote depends on the foundation of the host. I will use a safe method to make Selena stronger. You just need to sit back and enjoy the achievements.

As for whether she wants to avenge your only friend with you. That's something you two need to discuss, and I'm not involved.

Now, let Professor McGonagall come out!

I need to talk to her. "

(End of this chapter)

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