The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 250 48. A good boy should know not to mess around with things you don't understand

Chapter 250 48. A good boy should know not to mess around with things you don't understand

"He has a lot of bad things, but I know I can trust him in this situation."

In the watchtower control hall, in the face of embarrassing questions, Cyborg seemed to give up thinking, and just stubbornly threw out a sentence that would not destroy the unity as a response.

Although Batman does have a lot of bad habits, what Cyborg needs to do right now is not to scold his teammates.

He tried his best to maintain the purity of data in his quantum brain, then raised his head and said to the "data giant" Ott in front of him:

"You are invading my brain, but I am also accessing your thread. Strange data life, I can feel that there is a terrible redundant area in your distant data subject.

The data in it is as wide as the ocean or even the stars, where is that?

Is that where you were born? "

"You said 'black wall.'"

Otto replied in a calm tone:
"It was originally used to protect the civilization I came from from the threat of data life and unknown AI like me, but the irony is that it has become the last safe haven for the entire world after the end of the world.

"I stole this from the Batcave specifically, and it took me a lot of effort."

Barbara said something to the second barrel beside him, Jason nodded expressionlessly, put on his red helmet and stood up straight with his two magic swords on his back, but Zhakang complained very unhappy:

She pouted and said:

Captain Jack jumped on the fool and pinned the fool to the ground, then gave the kid another blow and knocked him out.

If this little idiot with infinite potential is secretly bewitched by the eyeliner of the Stars Club.
Tsk tsk, every minute is an ethical tragedy.

Victor, do you want to save your world?

All your questions and doubts can be answered in our shared database.

Zha Kang, who was leading the way, grinned and said a bad joke, causing Batgirl to give him a vicious look.

Obviously, he was delaying time to allow the mother box technology in his body to operate automatically, so as to reverse engineer the unknown data life in front of him.

Captain Jack took out a box and opened it in front of Damian as if showing off.

The data interface of the blue beetle's cool alien armor that can freely transform various dangerous weapons is captured at the moment when the blue halo floats in the eyes.

Damian pointed in the direction and said:

Zha Kang, who had a knife mouth and a knife heart, snorted, stretched out his hand and threw a healing spell on Damian, the pain of the scorched flesh growing made the little assassin's face twitch.

"Tsk tsk, this little thing is so chic, if it is smaller, I can blow it away. Put your little cutie away, we have that thing with us."

Zhakang stepped forward holding the newly acquired Slytherin locket, kicked it cautiously, and then gestured to Er Tong, asking him to temporarily put away the alien weapon.

Behind this brat was a young man who was knocked down and a middle-aged man with white hair who was unconscious.

The second barrel flashed over with the incomparably sharp Alice war knife and chopped off the flying mechanical scarab, and raised the Archangel pistol to empty a magazine in the flames, which was enough to suppress the out-of-control outsider star weapon.

Zha Kang passed him and glanced at the hall behind him that was completely blackened by the flame explosion and the two people lying on the ground, took off his cigarette and blew out the smoke ring, and said in a strange way:

Oops, now it seems that someone wants Team K to help them as a 'nanny'. It's really a good plan, but this kind of troublesome work needs to be paid extra! "

"Take it, take it away!"

While holding the ice pack, she whispered:

What I'm afraid of is not whether it will stop, but that it will continue to spin at such a high speed, and I may really get a pot of pig brains."

There were four connected red rings of different sizes on the chest of the young man's special battle suit, which looked like a very sophisticated facility.

"I'm just saying you made a choice between freedom and humanity."

"It's just a fire storm, how difficult can it be to deal with? But look at you, it's like being caught by a kid and thrown into a frying pan in hell."

He heard Ott Cunningham say to him:
"Under the instruction of Bartmoss, I am forming a data life alliance that spans many worlds, and you obviously have the ability to join it.

"I really don't want to have any contact with Ott anymore, that data life is too scary, like a black hole, just getting close is enough to make me feel that she will swallow me at any time.

Do you want to enter the black wall and witness the scene of a helpless civilization struggling to survive in cyberspace after the end of the world?I can satisfy your curiosity and desire, but you have to promise me one request. "

The sharp knife in Er Tuan's hand was unsheathed, but then Barbara in the wheelchair pinned his wrist.


While talking, he took out a small piece of green kryptonite the size of a fingernail from his belt and put it on his fingertips, saying:

If not I can lend it to you. "

Maybe it's time to remind him today, don't play with those powers that he doesn't understand at all
[System restart] The protocol is activated.

But he still didn't forget the business.

"I just regret your character, Kara is a young and beautiful Kryptonian girl and Superman's cousin, I dare not leave her weakened with you alone.

Once opened, the effective time is only 10 minutes and it is quite fragile and unstable. It may not be good for dealing with a Kryptonian macho like Dachao, but it is not a big problem for dealing with a Kryptonian chick. "

"What? Sister, do you not believe in the strength of this magician?"

"Be patient."

The latter kept shaking Slytherin's pendant box in his hand, put on special gloves and took a green kryptonite and gestured to the others:
"I've always heard that Kryptonians are weak demons, and this is just a chance to verify it. You should hurry up and let the powerful John deal with that girl."

Two barrels curled their lips and said:
"I beat him many times when I was in Nandalbat. This kid really deserves to be beaten in every way. If Bruce's dislike index is 100, then this brat is at least 10000 or more."

Otto was silent for a few seconds and said:
"The impact event will completely tear up the current parallel world system, and the life carried by flesh and blood will perish. Everything will be turned into ashes is the most extreme situation, however.
We are data.

Not as a hero, but as a savior.

Barbara in the wheelchair said to Er Tuan beside her:

Even if it's just a pathetic way for them to linger after the end?Cyborg, what you can do for your world is far beyond your imagination.

"Hey, that thing is not like anyone's friend, you little idiot, any normal child should stay away and ask their parents for help the first time they see it."

We will share with you all the information we know so far, and teach you how to use data encryption to conceal the observations of the Constellation Society to complete the communication with data beings in other worlds.


Jack picked up the blue beetle host that he had knocked out, and said to Zha Kang:
"We're not human traffickers. It's useless to keep this child. It's better to leave him here. I think this place is quite safe."

"It's okay, can't this be a joke? It seems that the problem is not big."

While speaking, the black magician curled his lips and glanced at the black-haired young man in Jack's hands. The latter looked about fifteen or sixteen. Zha Kang snorted and said:
"A child of this age is exactly the kind of foolish age who will believe any nonsense, if he is an ordinary person, it would be fine, but he is bound to such a dangerous alien weapon.

"Jason, stay and help."

"If Mason takes solving the Firestorm independently as my assessment for joining the team, then I think he might underestimate me a bit."

We don't need a body to exist forever.

While the chances of winning are slim, Cyborg is not hopeless.

"Is that a blue beetle? It seems to be someone from the Teen Titans. It's still a child, Jason, let me do it."

While gasping for air in Barbara's arms, he said to Zha Kang in a hoarse voice:
"The most troublesome one was tricked into the lounge by me and locked up."

Holding a samurai sword, Damian Wayne waved at them with a blank face but his clothes were burned in many places and even a section of his hair was burned off.

I've sneaked a peek at her combat log, she's a pretty tricky guy.

Batgirl rolled her eyes and said:

Zha Kang turned around and blew out the smoke ring, smiled charmingly at Jack, and said:
"Don't you understand? My poor captain, our evil captain has made a deal with the number one 'undercover' in the Justice League, and now everyone in this cool base is a 'reserve' for K-team 'personnel.

"They cry exactly the same way."

The data firewall, which is not very strong, is then opened through the intrusion protocol.

Steel Bone replied.

"can you?"

There are kryptonites of various colors in it, blinding Rice's eyes.But the more he looked at it, the more something was wrong. Why are these "kryptonite" not only the size of a pigeon egg but also glowing, and even the shape is exactly the same?

"Is this child taken away too?"

She was about to speak, when a laser cannon shot from the front and hit the front of Barbara's wheelchair, as if to warn.

Barbara explained to him, and then looked at Zack Kang.

Now, I need your answer! "
At the same time, in the connecting cabin between the observation tower and the outside, Barbara sat in a wheelchair and was pushed by the second barrel into the space station with the door open.

"But I didn't say that the two can't have both, Victor Stone, my human program has been almost polluted by data redundancy, you'd better reach an agreement with me before I completely lose my humanity.


"It's temporary kryptonite.

He didn't want to give up just like that, however, Otto's next sentence made the central thread of the steel frame tremble violently.

And those of us data beings who are regarded as scourges have in turn become the last guards of civilization.

"Confirmed, it is indeed his son."

Just as Zha Kang finished speaking, the closed hatch leading to the inside of the watchtower opened in front of everyone.

In the end, Damian couldn't hold it any longer, so he asked for a bottle of "Mason's Special" from the second bucket, drank it down, and then took burn ointment to smear himself. In order to solve the fire storm as quickly as possible, his whole body was severely burned .

Speaking of it, it is indeed a bit difficult for the 12-year-old rice who plays physical arts to deal with a superman who can make a nuclear explosion with his bare hands.

The big boy who had been stripped of the alien scarab weapon system lay on the ground. Seeing that the vicious Ertuan was about to kill the mechanical beetle, he jumped up and tried to stop it.

"Don't just stand there, give me a bottle of healing potion, I know you have that stuff."

"I trust your strength too much, John."

As long as you're alone for more than 5 minutes she'll probably get pregnant.
You just fight, Jason will take care of the rest, John, go get her.Guys, we gotta move fast, it's not easy for Mason to buy us time. "

This is a 'big family'.

"The kid has no idea how dangerous it is to carry around an alien war weapon that can go out of control at any moment and has a serious data failure.


It's also an experiment."

With a sound of "Boom", the two barrels distanced themselves and threw the Isu plasma grenade made by Mason into the gap of the out-of-control alien weapon. Mechanical weapons temporarily shut down.

The Batgirl in the wheelchair rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hot hair, and activated the newly upgraded brain-computer plug-in and the newly installed "crow" electronic access pod.

I don't know what she's doing right now, but she's using up nearly all of my RAM cache, and I feel like my brain is spinning like a gear.

Although very embarrassed, Damian will try his best to stand upright, wipe the knife while leaning against the door, and complained in a drawn-out voice:
"Is your K team doing well? Your performance just now made me very pessimistic about my future career. It's just a blue beetle, how difficult can it be?"

Steel Bone asked.

Then a guy wearing weird insect limbs and looking like a technological battle armor appeared from hiding, waving the cool energy cannon barrels on his hands and shouting:
"Intruder! Don't come here again!"

Steel Bone snorted and said:
"You claim to be a data life but make such a human decision, Otto, you really are a duplicity bitch."

If we want to go further, we have to recruit some more potential members. "

Batgirl put an ice pack on her forehead to cool down her brain, and she complained weakly to the people around her:

In the sound of Barbara's simulated oven, the blue beetle in front of him, who was converting the weapon system in his hand to the long-range mode, suddenly screamed.

"That's right, that hapless guy was probably being tortured by a super blood in Gotham."

"Look at this beating tone, it's exactly the same as Bruce in the night watch."

Otto, who was insulted, didn't care, she still said calmly:

Are you curious about this?Victor.

It fell to the ground with black smoke, and turned into a faint blue "decoration" like a beetle when the mechanical structure closed.

"What to try?"


"But I don't need to fight him at all, stupid Jack, you don't know anything about the power of hackers."


Has your K team developed to the point where you can order kryptonite?

The alien scarab combat system that was very suitable for him lost control in an instant. The moment the cool blue armor that looked like metal and biological equipment detached from the body, it turned into a giant alien mechanical insect with teeth and claws attacking him.

"No! It's my friend, don't hurt it!"

In your familiar terms, this is a 'Data Justice League' united across countless worlds.

"Mason's order to us is to take everything that can be taken away!"

Captain Jack next to him grabbed his kinetic pistol and said:
"It's not that I can't believe you, Barbara, but you don't look like you can turn over that awesome looking armor. It would cost a lot of money to buy it back if it was thrown in Mason's broken shop. "

"Supergirl Kara, that annoying man may have anticipated your actions, so she was transferred to the watchtower during the last shift to replace Superman's possible absence.

Do you have any kryptonite?

"Speak, let me listen."

"I can say that too."


Zha Kang curled his lips and emphasized:

"It's me who is the commander of the second unit! Barbara, I should give the orders! Cough cough, listen to my command now! Everyone, act according to Barbara's suggestion, hurry up and go home.

The fact that it's just a grab and run in the Justice League lair is so exciting, Jack!Quickly activate your pirate sense, go find the treasure, and pack it up later.

Let's not come in vain. "

(End of this chapter)

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