The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 251 49. Damian: Freshman Enrollment Lesson 1

Chapter 251 49. Damian: The First Lesson of Freshman Enrollment

In the lobby of the Justice League watchtower, Captain Jack who stayed here could still hear the sound of fighting and the screams of Zack Kang from the lounge not far away.

And the deep roar of some strange creature.

It seems that even with the temporary Kryptonite, it is not easy to defeat the Kryptonian girl, or is Zha Kang using Kara, a Kryptonian warrior, to test the power of his new weapon?
In short, the movement was not right, and the pirate captain, who was not in a good mood recently, curled his lips.

He looked down at the young Xiao Hei lying under his feet and the white-haired old professor who looked at the gentleman, and while taking out the healing potion, he couldn't help but stunned and said to Damian who was dragging Barbara next to him:

"You brat! Isn't it too hard to strike? Look at how you slashed, almost cut off his arm."

"You don't understand the combat power of Firestorm at all, pirate."

Damian, wearing a domino blindfold, said bluntly:
"Jax is just an impulsive black brat, but when he and Professor Stein merge into one through the Firestorm Matrix, his impulsiveness and will to fight can be controlled and guided by wise thinking.

In order to beat them I have to find a way to separate them, and it is impossible for me to keep my hands in this situation.

And it looks miserable. "

Old Pao Zhakang glanced at Damian who had provoked everyone's anger. He sneered, exhaled a smoke ring and said to Damian:

Charles was locked at the bottom.

Damian, who was stubborn and provocative, wanted to refute a few words, but Er Tong came over with a man on his back and slapped him on the back of the head, suppressing all his rebuttals back into his throat.

The light in Barbara's eye pupils changed from blue to red, and the cracking process began.

Barbara sat in a wheelchair and complained to Damian:
"Also, it is said that Grayson has been trying to get you to join the Teen Titans. Even if you are not interested in their recruitment, there is no need to respond so strongly, right?"

Don't worry about me, Jason.

"Ha, just kidding, girl."

Damian will protect me. "

No matter how ruthless you are, it doesn't prove how strong you are.

Pointing to her left eye, Barbara explained:

Facing Barbara's inquiry, Rice said honestly:

After a few seconds, she said:

But he still pushed Barbara into the main database, and then saw Barbara pull out a cable from his left wrist and connect it to the interface of the database.

Theoretically, this is my eye. Installing a data interface in my head and adding this eye will allow me to go further on the road of hacking.

After saying this intentionally intimidating Damian, Barbara stretched her hand and pointed forward.

"Okay, Jack, I know you've been in a bad mood recently, but don't get angry with brats with backgrounds and backgrounds."

"This little thing is really powerful."

"No, I'm just curious about your eyes."

Batgirl interrupted Rice's "evil" thinking with the instruction of a weak electronic sound, and he obediently responded and walked out the door.

"Damian, go and watch outside the data room. I don't want to be disturbed when I'm connected to the data."

"Don't underestimate me."

I know what you're thinking, Damian.

Understand? "

"I'm starting to crack it now, it may take some time."

"Stop it, John."

The old team members were very annoyed by the tone of being about to be in charge. Captain Jack took a sip of his wine and scolded:
"Don't say you haven't joined yet, even if you did, you'd be a junior. You guys keep saying you want to do the right thing to prove yourself, but you can't even think about what we've been through.

"She slept with Jason, my God!"

Tsk tsk, Barbara, what's wrong with you?
Isn't your charm enough to tempt Grayson to focus on you?Why do you still let a lowly alien woman get a foot in your relationship?

"This little lunatic was brought up by Lei Xiaogu, so it's not surprising that he did anything crazy."

And their so-called "luck" is not at all comparable to the skills and strength I have acquired through hard work. "

This discovery made Damian sure that Barbara Gordon hadn't just modified her eyes, maybe this weak Batgirl had replaced her whole body with a deadly weapon.

The latter wears the same classic red and blue battle suit as Da Chao, but instead of wearing underwear on the lower body, he wears a short red skirt.

Brother Mason, who can protect you now, is not here.

Just because I know that if I want to accomplish a feat like this again in this era of disaster, then I have to make myself stronger.

This thing is not only about talent but also about hard work.

Barbara snorted and said:
"But you and I both know that you should listen to what I told you today, you'd better change your style, otherwise Mason will be very upset.

These guys who rely on superpowers to fight are so unreasonable, but fate is fair, their power is given, and they don't know how to use this gift at all.

But if you've heard Lord John's story, you'd better behave yourself.

"I thought that when Mason picked people, he would judge his character."

I need a few minutes to restart the subnet connection here. "

I have the final say here.

"Hey, kid!"

The little lunatic pouted.

If you really believe them, they will be out of their minds.

But no one forced me to do it. "

We are alone in the apocalypse, side by side with gods in a flooded world, alien dangers want to destroy us but we won.

"The activation of the separation chip just now almost exploded my frontal lobe. If I dare to stand up now, I will vomit it out. You don't want me to vomit all over you, do you?"

Oh, this is not obedience!

"What about you?"

Er Tong glanced at the unconvinced rice, he whispered:

The originally blocked cabin door in front suddenly slid open to both sides, and the sharp sirens also quieted down at this moment.

Barbara covered her eyes and said:
"Don't wash her at this point, Selena is no worse than one-tenth of your mother's in this area, well, put away your samurai sword, and push me in now.

If you want to join us, you have to reverse your thinking first. You can't just provoke conflicts just to prove that you are better than anyone else. Your strength should be used in more reasonable places. "

"You can make dangerous jokes that can kill you by accident at any time."

"I know."

You are really not suitable for this line of work. "

After freeing him I'll show you the way to the prison area of ​​the Watchtower, where everything we're looking for is stored. "

The blue light dancing in her eyes accepted Ott's delegation of authority, and after a few seconds, she took over all the surveillance cameras in the entire watchtower. The road was smooth sailing.

"A small chip inserted into an interface can paralyze the entire Justice League base camp, which is just like the magic of data.

Not because I'm scared anymore.

I didn't see any rising teen titans, I just saw the assy dude mingling with a flirtatious alien woman.

Damian snorted, put the samurai sword back into the sheath behind his back, folded his arms and said:
"This time, your captain, Mason, personally asked me to help, otherwise you thought I would waste my time playing games with a group of half-grown kids? They keep saying they want to pursue justice, but they don't even know what the Justice League is doing!
They blindly worship those heroes but I can't see them doing what is really necessary. It's like playing house.

"Damian, I don't know why you want to join us, and I don't want to persuade you. I know something about your past. Your situation is obviously not someone who can be tempted by others with a few words."

Rice complained:

Of course, this is just the initial stage, and I still have a lot to learn.

Zhakang glanced at the people around who needed to be taken away, and winked at Barbara in the wheelchair. Batgirl nodded and touched her forehead to connect to the main control program of the watchtower.

"What are you looking at?"

"Boy, you are hanging."

"Are you really only 24 years old this year?"

"Oh, so you are also a lunatic who pursues power and can accept self-transformation?"

and your boyfriend dick grayson
He was supposed to be Batman's best sidekick, a part of Gotham's frightening lore.

Ott quickly removed part of the thread and temporarily transferred it to the watchtower host to release Batgirl's own computing power. This was a kind of "burden reduction" and made her feel that her forehead was not so hot.

"That woman is unfaithful, Batman chose her out of his mind, obviously my mother is more..."

"Can't you go by yourself?"

Barbara says:

"Mason needing your help doesn't mean you can kick your nose in the face, you see, you dare to quarrel with other people because you know they are good people and won't do anything to you.

In the downward gravity elevator, Batgirl said to her future companion:
"But what I want to tell you is that the K team is not the kind of survival of the fittest place you imagine, and you don't have to treat everyone you meet as your competition."

The data life given to them by the afterlife team is really powerful and mysterious, and to be honest, it's quite gentle.

Any pirate on my ship would be tougher than you, but so what?It’s not like we lost in a complete mess, we even lost our own world.”

"Because his world just fell apart, and together we and Jack saved close to a million people, sending them into a fragile new world that could collapse at any moment, hours before the world fell apart."

"Your idea is exactly the same as Bruce's. I should say, you are worthy of father and son?"

Damian snorted, folded his arms and looked at Jack, who was treating the wounded, and said:
"What about your mission? Didn't you talk about saving a useless team member here? In my opinion, let's just throw him out of space. A qualified team cannot have weaknesses."

"Normal people's eyes don't shine, but I have never seen a fake eye as flexible as yours."

Damian said something coldly, he knew that Barbara had already recovered.

Damian curled his lips and said slightly sarcastically:

Mason complained that the men in the Wayne family have "friendship phobia", and now it seems that Damian has also perfectly inherited this defect.


Damian pushed the wheelchair and thought:
Barbara Gordon is indeed believable, well, definitely more believable than Evil Mason and Jason Todd the bastard who takes pleasure in beating him up!

Before that, I didn't think I would accept this kind of transformation.But since I came back alive that day, I don't care much about any of it.

"The next stage!"

Damian folded his arms and said coldly:
"Otherwise, the pirate who spoke rudely to me just now would have been eliminated long ago. He can't even compare to an elite ninja. It's hard to imagine why Mason kept him in the team."

Our captain is a kind man.

Barbara stared at him as if she was looking at a dead person, and said faintly:

We are now nearly a thousand kilometers above the ground
If you dare to comment on the relationship between me and Grayson, I will throw you out of here!One command and you won't even feel the pain, nasty Damian.

It seems that this child is indeed a bit difficult in interpersonal communication, and the hedgehog posture just now was not aimed at anyone deliberately, it was just a "self-protection mechanism" when dealing with strangers.

However, he resigned himself to depravity, not only left his mentor, but also ran to an unknown small town, and even mixed with a group of children, calling it "guidance".

After the others left, Rice's tone of voice became less embarrassing.

A light tube above Damian's head suddenly exploded, which startled Rice, and then he saw the eyes of Batgirl in the wheelchair transform into a dangerous dark red.

Ertong asked, and Barbara pointed to her feet and said:
"I'll stay here, Ott needs my help to physically connect to the core area of ​​the watchtower's database, and Steel-Bone's Battle of the Trapped Beast has just physically disconnected there.

Barbara rolled her eyes and said:
"Since I met Judy, I have to hold her hacking technical manual and study hard every night before going to bed. It took me three days to decipher the program instructions that Ott left in my mind.

And your adoptive mother is also on the team, so you better behave yourself. "

Probably because what Er Tong said was true, during the time in Nandalbat, he probably beat up this brat a lot, so much so that it left some psychological shadow on him.

"You stinky boy"

Batgirl pouted and said:
"I'm also the one who participated in two K-team battles and survived all of them, Jason, little Damian's skills can't do anything to me.

Slag Kang, who was blowing smoke rings, played with the Slytherin pendant in his hand and said to Barbara:

I promise! "

While directing Zack Kang to move quickly through the intricate watchtowers in the team communication, she signaled Damian to push his wheelchair in the direction of the main database.

I was like that, Jason was like this, and so was Mason.

It was tough to win.

Alas, I began to regret that I didn't study hard when I was in school, and ended up on the road of no return to magic. "

"John, take Jack and the second barrel all the way down the road in front of you, and I will open the doors for you, only those doors that will open automatically.

This is different from the means of showing your strength that you are single-mindedly pursuing, Damian, we choose to make sacrifices for a noble purpose.

Therefore, the first step in controlling the K team by yourself is to win over Barbara.

It is understandable that we have a little 'mistake' in the process of carrying out such a dangerous task. "

"I want to remind you that we are now in a space station built with various high technologies, and the program I am running has already controlled the defense system of the watchtower.

Barbara, who was sitting in a wheelchair, suddenly turned her head after a few seconds and looked at Damian beside her. She stroked her fiery red hair and asked:

"Technology from the future, but it's not a 'false eye', it's an organ cloned from my genes and added with some sophisticated plug-ins.

"This is a bionic prosthetic eye."

"Is there something dirty on my face that bothers you?"

Just like what I said earlier, if this kid dares to play tricks, I will just throw him into outer space through any vent. John is right, the only Mason who can protect him is not here.

Batgirl pointed to her head and said:

Tch, sure enough, the members of Team K are all good at pretending!

At this moment, Kang Zha pushed open the door of the lounge and stepped forward to stop the dispute.

he thought.

The gentle Barbara shook her head helplessly.

Damian was silent for a few seconds, and he spit out very viciously:
"How can I talk to my grandfather? He is almost 900 years old this year."

"whispering sound"

Now that Ott controls the entire Watchtower, I'm safer here than in Gotham.

Will a troubled alien princess also appreciate the buttocks of a man on earth? "

There was no wound on her body either. It seemed that Zha Kang used temporary kryptonite and magic to subdue this difficult but severely inexperienced Kryptonian girl.

"Jack isn't lying or mocking you, Damian, he's telling the truth. You can't even dream about what we've been through for the past month or so.

Strange to say, this Damian is not afraid of anything and even dares to play tricks with the master, but he is very afraid of Ertong.

He was unscathed, holding the shimmering Slytherin locket in his hand, and behind him, the second barrel was carrying the unconscious supergirl Carla Zor El.

"I'm too lazy to talk about them."

"To shut up!"

Zha Kang rubbed his hands, took Ertu and Jack into the passage in front of him, and before entering the gravity elevator, he told Barbara:
"Remember to help us open the 'Zhenglian Treasure House' later. It's hard to come here. It's a shame to leave empty-handed. After all, the 'technical support' of the afterlife team is not free."

Damian glanced at the member of the Teen Titans in front of him, and sneered at the injuries he caused on the young black, and said:
"They just have to reintegrate and all the injuries will heal.

"It's him that worries me."

"Don't mention Selena to me!"

This is just a way to paralyze Barbara. I need to pretend to be well-behaved to win Barbara Gordon's trust, and she will be a breakthrough.

Just wait, Mason Cooper, I will lead your K-Squad one day!
Woo ha ha ha ha.

"Don't laugh, Damian, it sounds creepy."

"Oh well."

(End of this chapter)

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