The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 259 57. Boys and girls charge forward! --Add more for the brothers "Huo Zheng is very g

Chapter 259 57. Boys and girls charge forward! ——Add more for the brothers "Huo Zheng is very good" [425]

Entering a chaotic world where war is breaking out means danger, and that danger has just brushed shoulders with K-Squad in very real terms.

Thalia and her team's well-prepared armaments have no advantage in front of the ultra-advanced weapons of the Atlanteans and the magical powers of the Amazons.

Mason, who was hiding in the shell crater, took the spear that was stained with the blood of the Shark King to check, and soon an information label popped up:

Amazon Hunting Throwing Gun

Quality: Fine Forging / Inscription Item · Outstanding Craftsmanship
Weapon Trait: Blessing of War Ocean Killer

Weapon Description: This weapon is specially made by Paradise Island War Blacksmith for this doomsday war between the Amazons and the Atlantis. The "Artemis' Hunting Blessing" is applied to make it ten times more lethal to all marine life.

Producer: Paradise Island Blacksmith Shop
Item Description: It's perfect for spearfishing, right?Arthur Curry.

Reminder: The forging blueprint has been collected, and the inscription of "Ocean Killer" has been collected
"The doomsday battle between the Amazons and the Atlanteans? Wait, where did I seem to have seen this plot?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and suddenly had a bad feeling.

He quickly bandaged the Shark King's wound and poured a large mouthful of healing potion on him, then stood up and looked around.

The offensive and defensive battle around this island has gradually come to an end. Although the Amazon female warriors guarding here are very brave, their number is too small.

However, although the Atlanteans on the opposite side obviously have an advantage, they are also quite difficult to advance in the war when facing this group of female wolves who look down on death and shout the names of the gods and fight to the death.

One side has the quality advantage, and the other has the quantity advantage. At present, a wonderful balance has been formed. If external forces do not intervene, it is estimated that the two sides will have to fight for a long time before the winner can be determined.

The confrontation and fighting between the two sides of the war made Mason squint his eyes, and the notoriously useful brain of the captain of the K team spun quickly, and soon came up with a bad idea that was not a good one.

After Thalia and Deathstroke cooperated with each other to kill the last Atlantis armed pursuer and returned, Mason stood up and shouted to everyone:

"Ladies on my left, men on my right, quick!"

He shouted back.

A group of people didn't know why, but they were quickly divided into two teams according to Mason's request.

Mason tossed the various Amazon weapons he had pulled from Shark King to Thalia, Selena, and Harley Quinn, and took out his magic suitcase and opened it.

Grab a storage rack like a children's toy and throw it out.

The Voodoo Shrinking Curse was released, and in an instant, a mechanical wall covered with various individual weapons and several sets of armor of different styles appeared in front of everyone.

He put on the Isu Pioneer Armor that he used for himself, and put it on the weakest Hari here, and gestured to start changing clothes, and said to the others at the same time:
"Now is the new plan! Listen everyone, we must fight to the end here now... in order to escape."

"Who are you fighting with?"

The disheartened Thalia threw aside the broken samurai sword, grabbed a black double-barreled shotgun from the weapon rack in front of him and asked:
"There are two groups of people outside, we must join one side to have a chance of winning!"

"We have two groups too, Thalia."

Mason coughed while clutching his stuffy chest, threw the mantra lasso and a bottle of black spray paint that he had seized to Mrs. Catwoman, and turned back to Thalia and said:
"We joined both sides at the same time, attacked each other at the same time, and finally reaped the friendship of both sides at the same time. The time has come to test your acting skills and cooperation, my old and new players.

Give you 5 minutes to dress up, and then we will act!

If anyone has a better idea, please put it forward, the K team has always been democratic. "

No one answered, how could other people have the brains of Mason, they would still be in the shock of the crazy world, so under the urging of Mason, everyone in the shell crater got busy.

The world in front of me is as dangerous as Shirley warned before sending out the mission. Although it is rated as B-level because it is on the verge of self-destruction, its power level is obviously a real Transcendent A-level.

In order to barely pull Team K's strength to the same level as the enemy's, Mason "generously" contributed the gadgets he usually made with his hands.

The mechanical wall he threw is covered with 2077-style firearms and explosives, ranging from large-caliber kinetic revolvers to self-aiming smart weapons that require a prosthetic link to use.

These "artifacts" full of killing art and tried and tested in another world made the eyes of the dead shooter who had just joined the K team and was still in the "internship period" shine.

This villain with super shooting skills and firearm adaptation talent didn't need Mason's explanation at all, and quickly picked out the most suitable weapon for him.

A set of assassin armor that is easy to move, plus two imitation kinetic energy pistols "King Kong", a high-tech heavy sniper "Maoyou" that can be quickly charged and can shoot through perspective, and a kinetic energy shotgun "Tactical" for quick counterattacks.

At the same time, he took a dozen of engineering grenades filled with fear gas and advanced biological cutting grenades and hung them on his weapon belt without a teacher, and he became fully armed in an instant.

"Be patient!"

Mason didn't waste any time, and took advantage of the time when everyone changed their outfits to complete a temporary treatment for his team members.

He diluted the Bone Spirit that healed the fracture into a syringe on the spot and said something to the dead shooter. The latter just wanted to show that as a top villain, why haven't you seen such a big storm?

Do you still need to endure an injection?

Isn't it just pain, come here casually, tasting pain is a compulsory course for a villain, when the master was broken by Da Chao, he didn't howl!

However, when the Bone Spirit was injected into the wound of his broken left arm, the excruciating pain made the super shooter's face turn pale.

This TM is not ordinary pain!
The pain of the magic potion taking effect is difficult to overcome with willpower. Even Daredevil couldn't hold on to this thing, but the effect was very good. After ten seconds, his broken arm returned to its original state.

For a shooter who lives with his hands, that's a blessing in disguise.

"Thanks, Captain."

Deadshot flexed his arm and whistled to Mason.

Mason showed a polite but distanced smile to this old black who resembled Will Smith, and then turned to look at Bane who was picking and choosing.

He reached out and took out a box of temporary reinforcements of various colors from his luggage, handed it to Bain and said:
"If you need close combat, just pick one and shoot it into your blood vessel. These are all effective immediately, but don't forget to record the effects and side effects of various reinforcements.

I will improve the booster to use it later. "

This was simply writing the words "experimental product" on his forehead, but Baine, who was wearing a tattered cloak to cover his body, did not refuse.

Since being "forced to detox" by Mason in the Batcave last time, Bane's body has recovered to a healthy state under the effect of the blood of the cursed unicorn.

But occasionally he still misses the feeling of being extremely powerful under the effect of "Titan Toxin".

The most important thing is that Bane has been used to relying on drugs to fight in the past 20 years, and it is no big deal for Mason to be a "drug testing tool" now.

He inserted these convenient and practical alchemy reinforcements contained in a syringe into his armor belt, and seeing Mason leaving, the big assassin mercenary thought for a while and whispered:
"Do you still have anything that's, uh, I mean, strong enough?"


This request made Mason turn his head in surprise.

He looked at Bane who took off the mask under the hood, revealing his gray and ominous face under the curse of unicorn blood.

Just like Voldemort in the movie, the eyebrows, beard and hair on his face have all disappeared. If it weren't for his physical strength, this face alone would have a kind of "white ghost" horror.

Bane pointed to his weird cheeks, and said to Mason in his very special tone:

"You made me like this with unicorn blood. I should hate you, Mason, but in the quietest hours of every night in Arkham, I can hear the voice of sin in my soul.

Because I am stained with unclean blood allows me to examine the sins of the past.

I don't feel guilty.

And yet that painful feeling of 'tasting' sin is what fascinates me, like returning to the place where I grew up, the rawest urge to fight for survival.
If it's a curse, then I think I can turn it into power.

Give me some more, Mason.

The blood of those sinful powers allows me to discover my true strength. "

"You are crazy!"

Mason shook his head in astonishment and said:

"The tainted unicorn blood is too late for others to hide, but you took the initiative to go up, how I wish you were cured of your drug-fighting problems, Baine.

But now it seems that your brain, which has been poisoned by toxins for many years, is really hopeless. "

He took out a lot of potions made with unclean blood from his luggage and handed them to Bain. These medicines have excellent healing effects, but they also have terrible curses because they are contaminated with unclean blood.

Mason had no place to use them. He wanted to keep them in his hands and take them out later, but now that Bain wanted them, he just disposed of them as waste.

It was an exchange that was satisfactory to both parties.

He raised his head and glanced around. Mrs. Catwoman has used black alchemy spray paint to make the mantra lasso in her hand into a deep black color that he likes, and also tied a whip to it to make it very similar to the cat tail whip he is used to. .

Harley was wearing Mason's Isu Vanguard and was spray-painting the helmet in red and blue.

Deathstroke is also armed.

He didn't take too many weapons, but took a set of black vanguard armor and two replica Isu longswords from Mason's collection, as well as two pistols for close combat.

This is obviously a guy who is very confident in his skills.

Like Batman, he believes in his own abilities rather than external forces, and Deathstroke is a genuine metahuman.

This guy completed self-reinforcement a long time ago. It is said that his brain development rate exceeds 90%, which makes most of the reinforcements no longer effective for him.

"We will act in 1 minute, everyone! If you need anything, I will come here and get it."

Mason shouted to everyone, and then they saw Mason take something out of his bag and hold it in his hand.

It was a straight black blade.

Its handle is decorated with evil spirits, and the senior leaders of the Assassin League know it, and the eyes of Damian, Bane, and Thalia are all attracted by it at this moment.

This is Lei Xiaogu's sword, the head of the devil.

It was previously put into the penguin umbrella by Mason as an umbrella sword for assassination, but it has never been used. Later, after Mason put the golden apple into the penguin umbrella, this thing was replaced.

It was originally intended to be handed over to Er Tong, but Er Tong didn't like anything related to the League of Assassins, so he stayed with Mason.

He caught the gazes of the three, especially Thalia's longing gaze.

She needed the sword from her father to add to her legitimacy in the League of Assassins, but Mason glanced at Thalia before handing the black straight-edged sword to a bewildered Damian.

He looked into the little madman's eyes and said:

"Lend it to you for self-defense, little lunatic, don't break it, after all you will have to pay it back later."

Damian didn't reach for it, but subconsciously glanced at his mother. He knew how much his mother wanted the sword, but Mason shoved his grandfather's sword into his hand without giving him a chance to refuse. .

This inconspicuous movement made Thalia's eyes shrink.

It is impossible for Mason, who is as smart as a monkey, to understand the significance of this saber to everyone in the Assassin League, and Damian is by no means the most qualified to inherit this sword.

Thalia suddenly realized at this moment that this might be a small warning from Mason to her.It seems that they recklessly rushed out to fight back just now and almost caused the group to be wiped out, which made the captain of the K team very dissatisfied.

Of course, it's also possible that she was thinking too much, maybe Mason gave him a good weapon to defend himself out of his love for Damian, it's normal and a ghost!
Obviously, it is to knock the mountain and shake the tiger and split their mother-child relationship by the way, okay?

"Okay, everyone, we are ready to start action! Come and listen to my plan!"

Mason clapped his hands and let the armed crowd surround him. He pointed out to the ladies on his left and said:
"You go to help the Amazons, it's best to save a few wounded soldiers and kill some Atlantean soldiers by the way, it would be even better if you can kill them in front of them.

They lost the battle.

But these people don't seem to want to run away, that's not okay, you guys try to get them out of the siege. "

Afterwards, Mason looked at the men's team again, and he said to Death Knell who had been observing the battlefield:

"You are the temporary commander of this team, Wilson, I need you to bring the men to join Atlantis, capture a few Amazons alive and send them there as certificates.

The point is Shark King! "

He pointed to the blue shark king who was sitting behind everyone and whimpering.

The unlucky guy was almost killed by the Amazon's spear, and after Mason's emergency first aid, he drank ten people's healing potion and barely recovered to the state of being able to charge on the battlefield.

Hearing Mason call his name, Shark King, who was a little dizzy due to excessive blood loss, stared at his small black eyes and raised his head sharply, blinking at Mason.

It should look like a ferocious beast in all aspects, but this silly gesture is actually a little cute.

Fierce and fierce!
"The Shark King is a creature in the sea, and his natural camp is in Atlantis. Therefore, you are now the human servants of the vicious Shark King. You have come here to answer the call of the sea and serve His Majesty Arthur's great cause of conquering the Amazons!
This is your slogan. "

Mason emphasized:
"The caliber must be unified. You choose a guy who can speak well to communicate with the Atlanteans."

"You want to hedge your bets?"

Thalia reacted immediately, but Mason shook his head and said:

"What bet? Don't be stupid, open your eyes and look around, we will die here if we don't choose sides, we can't afford to provoke either side.

But the Amazons despise all men, and the Atlanteans are not friendly to humans.

So that's the only way to do it right now.

This is a world that has just been discovered but is already on the verge of self-destruction. The Stars will not set foot in it, and the two parties should not know the existence of outsiders.

But if they know and ask, don't hold back and tell the truth.

Let’s just say that we are pioneers, who were thrown over by our superiors as cannon fodder to explore the way, and the rest are free to play. "

He took out the micro communicator made by Isu Technology and distributed it to everyone.

Without a super hacker like Barbara to coordinate the communication, whether this thing can maintain stability and take effect can only depend on luck, but according to the "instructions" in my mind, these communicators should be able to maintain cross-continental communication before the energy is exhausted. simple communication.

"how about you?"

Selena asked with some concern:

"Are you going to the sea people too?"

"No, I'm going to another place."

Mason looked back to the foggy coast around the battlefield.

The storm set off by the Atlanteans blocked all observation of the outside world, but relying on the super perception of the Isu blood, Mason could vaguely see the outline of a seaside city outside the "fog of war".

"I'm going there to collect some intelligence in human cities."

Mason looked back at everyone, and said:
"Let's act separately, time is not waiting, my friends, let us lurk in the first stage of this mission first. Damian, you come with me.

The two of us also have our mission, we need to conduct a covert operation.

The kind that you can't do without. "

(End of this chapter)

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