The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 260 58. Come on, villains!A little Gotham shock for the warmongers in another world-【1】

Chapter 260 58. Come on, villains!A little Gotham shock for the warmongers in another world-【525】

(Add more for "Huo Zheng is very good" brother)

On the battlefield of the great battle between the Atlanteans and the Amazons, Damian, who heard that everyone was assigned a task, but he was "isolated" by Mason, held his grandfather's legendary long sword, and shouted in displeasure :

"I can fight too! I didn't come here for a coward."

"Come on, those lunatic Amazon women who have the blessing of war are too many to hit you with one hand, please calm down!"

Mason glared at the militant little lunatic, and Selena and Thalia also gave their adopted son/son a wink at the same time, asking him to follow Mason obediently and leave this dangerous place.

The two old aunts who were rivals in love thought it was Mason who wanted to take Damian away from the danger zone for their sake, but Mason was not joking.

Where he was going would not be possible without Damian's help.

"The heavy artillery that the Atlanteans set up on the coast is adjusting their orientation! They are about to start the next round of fire coverage."

Deathstroke put down the binoculars at this time and reminded:
"Now is the best time to act. If we drag it on, everyone will be finished. We don't have a decent defense at all, and we can't stop their heavy firepower."

"Then act!"

Mason made a gesture, and the group of people dispersed immediately.

Except for Selena and Harley, it's not that they really admire Mason's command, it's just that the current scene of dying if they don't make a quick choice is really bad.

At least Mason has come up with a complete plan and it sounds like it is indeed executable.

These rebellious guys are carefully selected by Thalia. They may have bad habits but they definitely have self-knowledge. In this case, it is better to obey the command of the old bird.

"Mr. K, you must take care of yourself."

Harley, who injected herself with another bottle of Green Goblin potion, was still wearing the gaudy Isu battle helmet sprayed by her when she was taken away by Catwoman, waving wildly at Mason and shouting:

"When I become a powerful Amazon woman warrior, I will come back and protect you!"


Weak Mason looked at the smiling Harley Quinn and sighed. He didn't know what others thought, but he knew that Harley must have regarded this as a fun and exciting war game.

Of course, for a neurotic beauty who dared to "fight and box" with Wonder Woman in the dark alleys of Gotham as soon as she gained some strength, this little scene of "mild wind and light rain" is really not enough to make her feel Just be afraid.

This kind of mental patient's unique "laughing at life" attitude is too chic.

Mason, who was cleaning up his armed wall, felt that he also urgently needed such a heartless good mood.

While the coastal artillery was firing, he took out the invisibility cloak and put it on his body, covered Damian in it, and led him to move quickly to the edge of the battlefield.

"You seem to be quite familiar with this place?"

The little lunatic hid in the invisibility cloak, looked at the crazy battlefield around him through the transparent robe, and asked in a low voice:

"You sent my mother away on purpose. Do you know what to find in Gotham? You cunning guy! Did you give me my grandfather's sword on purpose just now to warn my mother to be more obedient?

Why are you so cunning?

There are [-] minds in every turn of the eye, right? "

"Shut up, there are things you know. You can't give that sword to your mother, at least not now, she's not a good leader, Damian.

Especially compared with your father, your mother has many flaws in all aspects.

You've had contact with Batman, and you know it. "

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"And you'd better pray to your grandfather who is far away in heaven, this is not the world line I know, otherwise you little guy will suffer.

But that might not be such a bad thing."

Mason looked at Damian with a meaningful look, and after making the little lunatic feel uncomfortable, he said in a long voice:
"It turns out that Bruce Wayne can't discipline you at all, your mother and your grandfather have too much influence on you, and Selena is not a character who can take care of children.

It will take until the Year of the Monkey to turn around your bad character by old Fu, so I think it is time to find you a 'parent' who can convince you and be obedient. "

"I feel like I'm normal, and do you really think there are people like that?"

Damian asked awkwardly.

Mason shrugged and glanced at Gotham City, which was obscured by the ocean fog ahead. He narrowed his eyes and said:
"That's not necessarily the case, child, you should learn to believe in miracles."

He gestured.

Squatting on the ground, he pulled out the Widowmaker rifle with his backhand, and aimed at the three Atlantean armed soldiers who rushed to the coast in front of him in the very sci-fi module conversion when the technological gun was activated.

While aiming, he explained seriously:

"I'm very weak now and can only sneak attack. So if the three guys are not killed by me, you will make up the knife. Aren't you always eager to show me your ability?"

"give it to me!"

When Damian heard this, he immediately became excited. He grabbed Grandpa's knife and prepared to stab. The next moment, Mason grinned and showed an unscrupulous smile.

Death's Eye activates.

Three kinetic energy armor-piercing bullets flew out of the gun at the same time, and three Atlantean soldiers 50 meters away fell down in response.The eagerness on Damian's face turned into disappointment, and then he heard Mason say to him quietly:
"Look, your captain is actually quite powerful sometimes, right?"
In an underground palace in the center of the island, Catwoman, who had just finished a killing, took off her screaming venom suit, and beside her, Thalia and Harley were holding Amazon weapons.

And all around the three women were killed Atlanteans.

This is not how powerful the three girls are.

The main reason is that a fierce battle was already taking place here. A group of sea people were besieging a wounded Amazon female warrior with no sense of martial ethics. They just rushed in and took advantage of the chaos.

"You guys, cough cough, who are you?"

In front of the three of them, the Amazon woman covered in blood but with black hair supported her body with a flaming long sword in her hand. The corner of her mouth was bleeding, but it was not from the aftermath of the battle.

It was obviously poisoned or seriously injured by weird forces.

And her pretty face with black hair and fair skin made the three of them, especially Harley Quinn, call me a fuck.

They all recognize this face, isn't this Wonder Woman Diana Prince?

Well, it was more heroic than the face they remembered, to be precise, more majestic and wilder, especially those eyes seemed to be burning with the flames of conflict all the time.

The Wonder Woman on their side is more like a heroic but friendly hero, while this one in front of her is an out-and-out ruler and queen who dominates wars.

Harry even exclaimed:
"How could you come here?"

Thalia covered her mouth before she called out her name, and Lady Catwoman stepped forward to support the female warrior, and said in a low voice:
"Powerful female warrior, I salute you. We are mercenaries hunted down by the dogs of Atlantis, from the city by the sea, hired by a mysterious guy to come here to collect information about the war between you two.

There are many sea dogs active around here.

They seem to be looking for something important. The Amazons above can't hold on anymore. Maybe we should retreat immediately. Can you go?sisters. "

"Go? No! I want to kill these bastards. Their raid cost me at least a hundred sisters! This is an unforgivable provocation."

The weak Diana did not immediately reveal her identity to the three strangers in front of her.

But they are women.

Moreover, they did ruthlessly kill these sea dogs who besieged themselves, which proved that they were credible. For the Amazons who advocated force, this kind of courage and strength alone was enough to make Diana feel good about them.

"And yet you're in a bad situation."

Thalia was holding an Amazon battle spear, and her figure was as vigorous as a female leopard, looking around vigilantly, she whispered:
"I know you are angry, but you can only take revenge if you survive, and if you stay here, you will only be used as prey by the Atlanteans, or even worse.

Become a prisoner!
You don't want yourself and your sisters to be humiliated wantonly by the stinky men at the bottom of the sea, do you? "

Thalia's words immediately had a miraculous effect.

Queen Diana, who was extremely angry, quickly calmed down. Panting, she was helped out of the underground hall by Catwoman and Harley, listening to the chaos of war in her ears, and looking at the chaos in front of her eyes.

After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and said:
"Then withdraw.

Strange sisters from the fallen city of Gotham, I have a mission for you, it is dangerous, but if you will help me, then you will be friends with the Amazons and our war queen.

Go gather the warriors on the island!

Let them come to me, as long as there are enough wizards to activate the Hermes rune, and send us back to Paradise Island.

Then there is a revenge that destroys everything!

The king of the sea people wants total war, then we will give them total war! "

Catwoman and Thalia, the rivals in love, glanced at each other, and she immediately nodded and said:

"Of course, we would like to help the heroic Amazons."

"But it can't be done in vain!"

Thalia added a sentence to complete the "mercenary character design" of the three people, but Harley didn't care, she just felt that the matter in front of her was too interesting.

They all knew Diana, but the Wonder Woman of this world didn't know them.

Woohoo, this is great.

On the other side, on the deck of the Atlantis warship, which was shrinking its defensive circle by the sea and preparing to wipe out the stubborn Amazons, fully armed submarine warriors escorted Deathstroke, Deathshooter and Bane over.

A soldier reported to the commander wearing a strange black full-scale armor:

"Great General Black Manta, we have captured a few humans wandering the battlefield who claim to be offering their allegiance to the great Lord of the Seas."

"Human? Allegiance?"

The black manta ray standing on the deck of the ocean battleship said without looking back:
"What is the meaning of the allegiance of low-level life to the mighty Kingdom of Atlantis? Drag them down and kill them, and feed their meat to the berserkers of the Trench Race.

Get ready to unleash the beasts and kill these damned Amazon bitches! "

"No! Wait, Commander!"

Deathstroke cried:
"We are not just here to serve, we have other identities! We are servants of the Shark King, a descendant of the gods from the sea, who brought us to assist His Majesty Arthur Curry in his holy war.

But our host needs treatment now after being shamelessly attacked by the hateful Amazons.

We are here for this. "

"A descendant of a sea god?"

Black Manta ray made a disdainful nasal sound from his huge weird helmet. Although he is also a human being, after all, he has long been loyal to the King of the Seven Seas, so he can be regarded as a "deep sea coat". These mud-legged humans are really impressive. People are bored.

But now that he is sure of winning, he doesn't care about helping his kingdom find more available people. Anyway, this protracted war always needs more cannon fodder.

These guys in front of them seem to be very fit to "loyalty" to the king's great cause.

He waved his hand and signaled his soldiers to follow the death knell to pick up the Shark King. A few minutes later, after seeing the Shark King with an Amazon's arm in his hands, the young blood of the sea immediately let him go. King Shark has won the approval of the Black Manta Commander.

"It does seem to be the blood of a forgotten old god. It is very powerful and pure. It is just the warrior and pioneer that His Majesty Arthur needs."

General Black Manta nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Because its noble sea bloodline deserves the best treatment, as for you! Human beings, your loyalty to your master also deserves to be commended.

Go ahead.

You will be given new weapons and armor and I allow you to join the glorious army of Atlantis.

And your first task is to follow my army to exterminate those whores!There is an important goal on that island, and she must be captured alive.

Of course, it's okay to die. "

The death knell trio was led to the Atlantean warship in such a daze, and were assigned the advanced weapons and armor of the sea people.

He even got a ride in a seawater-powered floating tank.

Ten minutes later, they were sent to the island with the first batch of dead murloc berserkers who followed the Trench tribe to slaughter them. Needless to say, although the sea people talked about preferential treatment, the treatment seemed like cannon fodder.

It shows that the pretentious black manta ray doesn't trust them "land people" at all.

In the advanced tank, the three villains stared at the new equipment on their bodies, and it was difficult to understand and accept it for a while.

"The black manta rays in this world seem to have some brain problems?"

Deadshot was the first to speak in the team communication:

"I worked with that guy on a previous mission, and our black manta ray is much more normal, at least not full of nonsense like 'bloodline' and 'glory'.

And he is also a human being, why should he look down on us!The bastard will block the door when he gets into the car, right?
What a mess! "

"You said it was a guy from another world."

Death Knell drove this advanced but oddly shaped marine tank on a rampage. This mercenary had a strong ability to accept. He aimed at the Amazons defending in front and said:

"I don't think the world itself is very serious, how can Diana Prince and Arthur Curry be like haters under normal circumstances?
That is a hero of justice.

Maybe the world here is full of reversals, maybe we are all good people in this world.A superhero death knell, tsk tsk, sounds very exciting! "

"Does Batman and Superman exist in this world?"

Death Archer stroked the technology in his hand that gave him a sense of security and asked again. Bane, who was wearing a full set of full-cover submarine armor and finally no longer needed to cover his body with a cloak to avoid direct light, snorted, and he replied:

"Better not! Otherwise things will be troublesome. I contacted Thalia, they are escorting the wounded Diana Prince to join the other Amazons, and they need information from us.

They sent me the Amazons' evacuation routes.

We can intercept them and take a few prisoners to prove our 'loyalty' to His Majesty Arthur Curry. "

"No! This is too low-level, and it is an insult to my reputation to carry out such a plan."

Deathstroke thought for a moment, and immediately raised objections.

This world-class mercenary squints and plans to say:
"Report to Black Manta that we found an important target, seduce that arrogant guy to come and kill Diana Prince himself, and pass the news to Thalia and Catwoman.

Let them prepare for the ambush in advance.

In this way, Black Manta's head can make the three of them more trusted by the Amazons, and the loss of our commander here is a good opportunity for Shark King to take over.

I think the sea people here are still in the stupid feudal era, they value blood, which can be used. "

"not that simple."

Bane said in a low voice with a rational tone that didn't fit his bulk:

"Black Manta is dead and there are other commanders, so your 'evil' plans have to be revised, why not give our great Amazon queen a 'jedi victory'?

We can pass the location of the various commanders of the fleet to the Amazons, and let them perform a beautiful decapitation operation.

We're going to get a fiasco.

But there are gains in failure. "

"I'm familiar with this job, isn't it just a black gun?"

Deadshot sneered a few times and said:
"I don't need those she-wolves, as long as the battlefield is chaotic enough, I can do this job. The gun that Mason gave doesn't need to be adjusted, it has the best feel, and it matches the energy-accelerated bullets!

This little cutie that can penetrate everything is in my hands to ensure that those arrogant underwater people are accurately harvested from 3000 meters away.

But if you want to do it seamlessly, you need the cooperation of Amazon people.

Bane, ask Thalia if he can get this sorted out, if so, I need to find a sniper spot now. "

The three villains spoke to each other and arranged the fate of General Black Manta and his commanders in less than a minute. How about the super villains from Gotham? ?

All are talents.

Not only is he bold, but he also has the skills and ability to realize his ambitions. This seems to be in line with the old saying that heroes often only need to specialize in one thing, but to become an outstanding villain, they must develop in all directions.

Look, it's only been less than an hour since we arrived in this different world, and the villains began to maliciously manipulate the trend of the war.

Fortunately, there are still seven days left in this world to finish playing. Otherwise, if they are given a few months to develop, they can't imagine what they can do in this world.

The Stars Club lacks such "talents".

Sadly, these guys have been bridle called "Masons".

At least for now, they have to serve the interests of Team K.

(End of this chapter)

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