The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 261 59. The Thelma & Louise 3 Sisters I Become Honored Amazons in the Madman World-【625】

Chapter 261 59. The Three Sisters of Thelma & Louise I Become Honored Amazons in the Madman World-【625】

(Add more updates for the "Stacked Armor丨Over" brothers!)

The evil plan that Deathstroke and Bane took a minute to make was quickly sent to the girls, and Thalia and Selena decided to follow through after a few discussions.

Before they came, they knew from Mason's boss that the world would be destroyed in a week at most. How could there be so much time left for them to slowly "favor"?
If you want to enter the core layer, you have to take risks, and if you want to get big gains, you have to take big risks.

"Are you going to stay here to ambush the sea people?"

When Catwoman told their plan to the feeble Amazonian War Queen, whose consternation was palpable, she heard Thalia say coldly:

"Those damned sea dogs have released the dangerous Trench Clan, they have no intention of letting anyone go, and they don't care whether these released lunatic murlocs will enter our human city.

But they don't care, we do!
We are going to kill the commander of the sea people here to buy time, so you go first, Amazon sisters, if we can survive, then I will ask you for the payment of this trip. "

"What do you mean, you want us Amazons to be deserters and cowards? You want us to give up all the fun of war, so that you can become rising war stars in hell with the highest honor?
Do not!
My human sisters, you think beautifully! "

Diana sneered.

The group of bloody and exhausted Amazons gathered around her also laughed.

These death-defying god warriors looked at their leader. The weak War Queen was sitting on a stone. She stroked the Vulcan and the blood-stained shield of the Bladebreaker in her hands, and said to the three women in front of her. :
"You are not Amazons, weak human beings, there is no noble blood of gods flowing in your body, you should be lowly in our eyes.

But your burning will to fight makes up for your inferior race, and you have the courage to fashion for you the crown of war.

Therefore, in my opinion, you are already qualified to honor the Amazon.

At least today.

Then today, right here!
Let's fight to the death with those miscellaneous men at the bottom of the sea, let the blood of this war rise to the heavens, and let the gods decide who should survive and who should end! "

The sound of her declaring war made the militant Amazons around immediately cheered, and Harry pushed the large golden battle helmet on his head, and looked at the surrounding female warriors with a crazy look.

she asked in a low voice:
"Well, I'm curious, Diana, uh, I mean the brave Queen, how did you fight with the sea people?

Is it because they took the initiative to provoke? "

"Oh, it's not."

After making an excellent war declaration, Queen Diana, who then grabbed a whetstone to sharpen her blade like nothing happened, waved her hand indifferently, and said casually:

"We started the war, but because the king of those wretched sea bastards betrayed me first.

Arthur Curry was afraid of the strength of the Amazon Kingdom, and he negotiated with me to seek marriage for peace.

I think that man is not bad, so I gave him a little fun, but that bastard is still flirting with his former queen in private, but can I be wronged?

When his vicious Queen Mela came to provoke me, I killed her neatly and cut off her head with a knife to warn Arthur Curry to be more loyal to his queen.

That bastard actually poisoned me for such a trivial matter.

What a pathetic and weak man!

Not even daring to fight me on the battlefield, which fully proves that I made the right decision to burn his palace, and the sea people don't need such a weak king.

They dare not resist, so I will help them get rid of the shameful tyrant. "

The Queen of War snorted, and pushed the golden helmet on her head that was obviously not Amazon style.

It was the crown of Atlantis that belonged to the queen of the sea, Mela, who was put on her head as a trophy after the latter was beheaded by her to provoke Arthur Curry.

The reason for the war that Diana said personally made the three Catwoman look at each other in dismay.

Even Thalia, who was originally from the lawful evil camp, couldn't stand it, and the cute little psycho Harley Quinn, who was falling into chaotic neutrality, looked at Diana with "pity" in her eyes.

In her opinion, this war queen Diana is much more crazy than her.

Arthur and Mela are the couple who are married by Ming Media. You ran to be a mistress and didn't say anything, but you even justifiably killed his wife to warn the man and still feel complacent about it.

What kind of God of Khorne are you?

This is not even explainable by neurotic behavior, which is completely beyond the definition of insanity.At least Harley wouldn't kill any woman just because she flirts with Mr. K.

You see, Catwoman and Thalia around us both drew their knives and slashed at each other in order to fight for Batman, but that is also a matter between the two of them, and it will not harm others.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, do you understand the truth that wives and children are worse than disasters?
But obviously Diana Prince of this world didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior. She rubbed her neck, looked at the sea in the distance, and said:

"I burned the palace of the Seamen, and they hunted me down here, and there was no hope of peace between the two sides, but that was no great matter.

The war never ended anyway.

It doesn't matter if you are fighting with the sea people or you are fighting with humans!
Amazon is fearless and invincible!
Taking advantage of this opportunity to destroy Atlantis, and then land with troops, it would be a good choice to unify the human world and rebuild the Olympus era.

What do you say?

My human sisters, after I kill Arthur Curry, are you willing to be my vanguard in breaking into the human world?
I will appoint you to be my generals, and let the priests perform their magic to replace your dirty and lowly human blood, so that you can truly be noble Amazons. "

Diana, Queen of War, felt that she was sincere enough.

However, her confusing speech still made the three girls feel outrageous. They exchanged eyes with each other, and finally confirmed one thing, the Wonder Woman of this world
Do not!
Everyone in this world is probably crazy, right?
Whoops, the job of honoring Amazon doesn't look like an easy job.
"They fought fiercely on that island. The Amazons seem to be counterattacking. Their queen is so powerful. Such a small number of people dare to surprise the opponent's base camp.
It's incredible! "

From the islands in the outer sea to the air in the land city, Mason wearing a helmet is driving a flying motorcycle to lower the altitude, while Damian in the car is holding a tablet-like instrument.

He manipulated several drones that Mason left on the island to observe the battlefield, and summarized and reported the information to Mason who was driving in real time.

Unlike the little lunatic who was interested in violence, Mason temporarily lost interest in the war when he decided to leave the island.

All his attention was on the city that was getting closer and closer.

"This is a senseless but extremely dangerous war."

Mason casually commented:
"It seems that the Arthur Curry and Diana Prince in this world are not good things if they can make things go this far, but if any one of them is a bit sensible, the situation will not be in such a mess."

"What's the point of worrying about this?"

Damian pouted and said:

"A guy like you who stands in a mud pit with both feet, do you still care whether the enemy is good or bad?"

"Of course it makes sense, Damian."

Mason drove the scooter through the "fog of war" created by the Atlanteans, and landed on the city in front of him, explaining:

"If they're good guys, like Aquaman and Wonder Woman over there, I'll just knock them down and not hurt them. But if they're bad guys, that means we can deal with them in worse ways than the bad guys them.

You see, Batman has a Batman code.

I have mine too. "

"You are just stupid idealism!"

Damian, a small barbarian, immediately retorted:
"Whether it is good or bad is just what you think, but maybe they are not as bad as you think? What if you kill the wrong person?"

"Good question! So good that I want to sew your little honeyed mouth shut."

Mason sighed and said after a few seconds of silence:

"This world is too complicated, Damian, I can't control what other people think, I can only restrain myself and stick to my view of good and evil, so, if I think who is a bad person under observation, then what will happen to them It probably won't be too good."

"Tch, hypocrisy."

Rice pouted, and continued to operate the drone that Mason left on the island to watch those exciting war scenes.

Mason stopped arguing with this little lunatic. He looked at Gotham in a different world from a high altitude, and found that there was not much difference from Gotham in his memory.

The same gloomy and the same prosperity.

However, towering war fortifications have been built around the city, especially in areas close to the ocean, and the entire coast is covered with mountains of garbage pushed up from the seabed. The layout was torn off abruptly.

There are also some soldiers who look like soldiers patrolling back and forth outside the remaining ruins.

It can be seen that in this world, the Atlanteans are not just in conflict with the Amazons, they are very likely to have already attacked land.

But the survival of Gotham right now proves that it was definitely not an all-out war, otherwise a coastal city like this must have been destroyed by the tide long ago.

"Search for signals, get down to business, Damian."

Mason twisted the handlebar to lower the height, and said to Damian who was watching the "war live broadcast" through the drone in the truck:

"Search the entire frequency band in the city, and log in to the local network to browse the news by the way, to see if you can find news related to Batman."

"It's all in another world, and you're still holding on to Bruce Wayne?"

Damian in the truck had some complaints, but he still quickly carried out the task. He quickly searched for information with the computer in his hand, and complained in a low voice:

"Are you so sure that there will be Batman in this world? Judging from the crazy attitude of the Amazons we just saw, maybe the Batman here has long been killed by the warlike Wonder Woman.

Well, their world calls her the 'Queen of War'. "

"There is Gotham here, if there is no Batman, wouldn't this stage be wasted?"

Mason pointed to a place in the outskirts of the city and said:

"Look, even the Arkham Asylum has been perfectly reproduced, which is almost standard for Batman, right?

Damian, pioneering teams like ours do not carry out frontal war missions most of the time, and there are special clearer legions in the same organization of the Stars Association to carry out large-scale battles.

We are scouts and explorers, so don't try to solve any problem with violence.

You have to use your brain.

In such a chaotic, complex and endangered world, who else can help us the most besides Batman, who is also a human being?

It's not that I'm deliberately looking for a win-win, but that he is our best choice now. "

"Whatever you say."

Damian rolled his eyes and said:

"But seeing that almost all the main members of your team are from the Bat family, you are trying to pinpoint Batman. If it wasn't for the age mismatch, I really feel that maybe I should call you 'brother'?
Got it! "

He looked at the tablet in his hand, drew out a message and read to Mason:

"According to Gotham City Mayor Mr. Hugo Strange's third successful election declaration, his main task in this term is to eradicate a series of dangerous and unstable factors in Gotham City.

If he wanted to fight crime, he would start with the Wayne family's er, the Wayne family's casino?
and many more!

The Batman of this world runs a casino? "

"Don't make a fuss, it's not surprising that the same person's space-time aliens do anything in different worlds."

Mason pursed his lips and said:

"Maybe the master of this world is tired of being a superhero and wants to try being a villain? Tell me where is Batman's casino? By the way, search for news about other heroes.

Like the rest of the Justice League. "

"Hold on."

Damian's fingers danced quickly on the computer screen. After searching for the news of Batman's casino, he who was originally not interested became excited instantly.

他 说:

"I feel the joy of this strange world now, maybe I can find another me"

"Don't think about it, there can't be another you."

Mason flew towards the Bat Casino in downtown Gotham according to the address Damian gave, and said softly:

"I even doubt that the League of Assassins here never existed."

"No, the League of Assassins exists."

Damian responded immediately.

He picked up the tablet and pieced together the searched messages and placed it beside Mason, saying:
"The League of Assassins here is led and ruled by a guy named 'Black Arrow', and their public activities are still 'radical rebels' within the human race.

It is declared worldwide that there will be a final battle between humans and Atlantis and the Amazons.

There is no Justice League here, only the super force formed by the Sky Eye Society authorized by Congress.

Its leader is Amanda Waller, its scientific advisor is Lex Luthor, and its first commander of operations is, uh, Slade Wilson?
What a hell!

The death knell of the world is a beloved tough superhero?
Without any news from Dachao, The Flash never seemed to exist, not even the place name Central City, let alone organizations like Teen Titans.

But Cyborg is still there, and he's building another Transhuman Squad at the behest of the President?
Also, you are right.

I didn't find any news of another mine. "

Damian frowned and swiped the screen up and down, he said:
"There are also legends left by my grandfather in this world line, but my mother never seemed to exist, and what makes people uncomfortable is that there is no catwoman here but there is Selena Kyle
Although not the one we know.

She is dead.

A year ago, after Commissioner Gordon and Prosecutor Harvey Dent were attacked and killed by clowns, she, as Commissioner Gordon's assistant, also died of multiple organ failure with paralysis.

Tsk tsk, look at this interesting parallel world.

Even here, Batman and the Joker are some of Gotham's most enduring horror stories. "

Mason didn't answer.

The information Damian has searched is enough for him to piece together a general image of the world in his mind, and its direction is more and more in line with the timeline of a hellish world in his memory.

No wonder the fate machine in Starsburg predicts that the world will be destroyed within a week
"Its birth may have been a mistake."

Mason shook his head and said something in a low voice, then turned the car around and took Damian to gallop in the direction of Wayne Casino. Just as he was about to land, Damian pointed to his collar and said:
"Your pin is shining!"

"What's the big deal?"

Mason glanced at him, holding the tie pin but before he could speak, Jon Kang's voice sounded from the other side:
"Bad news, Mason.

Kara-Eir just launched a 'rebellion' with Firestorm and Blue Beetle, and they destroyed one-fifth of Osborne Tower. You will probably lose money to Old Norman when you come back.

Didn't you see, the old guy's face fell into his crotch.

Where are you now?Need us to pick you up?Your dog Charles cursed and swore he would go all the way to get you back. "

"Well, John, it's not something anyone can easily solve in hell right now."

Mason stopped the car and glanced at the casino sign not far away.

He sighed and said:

"Prepare the transfer door first, and then wait for my news. I guess we may have to use it again."

(End of this chapter)

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