The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 262 60. Doesn't the status of "Honorary Robin" save me from 1 death? -【725】

Chapter 262 60. Doesn't the status of "Honorary Robin" save me from death? -【725】

(Add more for the brothers of "Stack Armor 丨 Over"! The title is too long to write!)
"The door of transfer? You still miss that shit."

Hearing that Mason told him to get ready for the transfer door, Zha Kang was stunned, and the invisible pressure of "a big event is coming" made the black magician who had just fished out a person from the lair of the Justice League groan in despair .

In this magical communication across the world, he says:

"That thing is for emergency use. The first line of its instruction manual emphasizes that the transfer gate can only be used when the world is in danger of being destroyed. We used it successfully last time because the third impact was a cover.

At that time, there was no time for Starsburg to investigate the situation of mud and sand.

But not now.

It's the same as lighting a candle when you go to the toilet at night. You use this thing right after the shocking event comes to an end, in case others won't notice you. "

"The matter is more complicated, and I can't explain clearly in a few words, John, but believe me, it may be useful this time, and there is a high probability that you will not be held accountable.

After all, what I am doing now is not a development in the conventional sense. "

While putting away the flying motorcycle in the dark alley near Wayne Casino, Mason briefly told Jake Kang what happened to him, while covering each other with Damian to complete the "quick change".

He put the hat that turned into a Panama hat on his head, and continued:
"I'm investigating the cause of this strange world. If everything goes well, there will be news soon. Please let everyone take a rest. If the situation here is not right and I need support, I will call you immediately.

By the way, have Old Peter, Lawyer Ma and Ivy got in touch? "

"Well, Elizabeth and Angelina are secretly sending people to look for them. They haven't been implicated yet, and they will stay there temporarily as representatives under the protection of Bat Boy.

I heard that the old spider had a fight with Lawyer Ma and Aquaman and then disappeared in the city. They should be hiding somewhere in Gotham. "

Zha Kang gave a quick report, making Mason nod, and he winked at Damian who was holding an ice cream cone and pretending to be an ordinary boy beside him.

The two walked out of the dark alley, and Mason straightened his collar and continued to say to the other side:

"The Afterlife Squad has proven its ability and goodwill as an ally of the K Squad. Send the replica mother box we got as soon as possible. This is the promised reward.

Say hello to Judy and her teammates for me by the way.

Get in touch again, John.

I'm trying to find your space-time alien in this world, just like John Wick, if I find it, I'll take a picture for you. "

"another me?"

Zha Kang said with a long voice:
"No, I don't believe that there are people as powerful as me in that damned world, even if there is, that unlucky guy has probably died.

If you come across his tombstone, remember to offer my condolences.

However, if you can find another Xiao Zha, remember to let me know as soon as possible, okay?I've long wanted to try sisters."

Seeing Kang Zha began to talk nonsense routinely, Mason quickly cut off the communication so as not to destroy his pure personality, and there was a child beside him, this Zha Kang dared to talk nonsense!

He led Damian through the crowded street, and he could see the huge signboard of Wayne Casino in front of him.

Although it was still in the afternoon, it was already very lively coming in and out. Luxury cars were constantly parked in front of the luxurious casino. The city's dignitaries obviously regarded this place as a good place for recreation.

This place is located in the busiest area of ​​Gotham, and the main building in front of you alone occupies a whole block.

Calling it a casino would be a bit of an understatement, it's set up exactly on the scale of a super entertainment center.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, no matter how the story is laid out, no matter what kind of master you are, there will always be a fixed label of "Brother Rich".

In response to that sentence, people's superpower is "rich".

And Yishui's blonde, long-legged, black silk bunny girl was the welcome lady at the door, giving the best hospitality to every man who entered the casino, and Mason had to feel that the master of this world was indeed a business genius.

He really knows what men want.

"The daily profits generated by a casino of this size are astronomical, and it would take a formidable network of connections to maintain its existence in this city.

Both the official and the gray area must be open to take this cake.

It seems that the defeat of the Wayne family in this world is only temporary. According to my common sense of economics, as long as this casino has been in operation for more than ten years, Bruce Wayne can take the first step to revive the family. "

Damian, who used ice cream as a disguise, made an evaluation of the casino in front of him from a very professional perspective. Mason was surprised and felt that this little lunatic actually had such a hand.

However, considering the fact that Damian's mother has kidnapped top scholars in various industries in the world to teach him since he was four years old, it is not surprising that this 12-year-old child has such insight.

Teachers who fail to teach students will have their heads beheaded, and once students' grades drop, they will watch their teachers be killed and their families will be killed. This kind of hell-style teaching efficiency is not good enough.

"We have to go in and see."

Mason touched the Ravenclaw glasses without frames on the bridge of his nose, and he said to Damian in such a polite manner:

"But try to avoid conflicts, I can't fight with my weak appearance, and don't be impulsive, especially if Batman really appears, you don't rush to kill him immediately.

You have also seen the chaos in this world.

I don't think a lord who can run a casino for a living will be merciful to a brat. "

"Isn't that right?"

Damian, who was wearing a small suit, sneered, and handed the uneaten cone in his hand to the passing children. He snorted, moved his fingers enthusiastically and said:
"If he did it first, then I wouldn't have any psychological burden when I broke that annoying old man's leg with a ruthless hand."

"Your previous goal was to kill him, but now your goal is to just break the leg and be satisfied. It seems that some people can't change the bond of blood no matter how hard they talk.

In addition, I advise you not to be too confident. "

He shook his head, and was about to launch a few drones to investigate, but just as the two guys, one tall and one short, were about to cross a green field and enter the casino area, the Eye of Hell pin on Mason's collar suddenly blazed brightly.

The captain reacted very quickly, kicking the rice away and activating the Eye of Death at the same time.

The whole world almost stopped in front of his eyes, and at the same time, a stream of light, like ripples splashing across the water surface, appeared in front of him amidst the faint and unmonitorable disturbance of time and space.

"bang bang bang"

Harsh gunshots sounded in the street, and people around screamed and ran in all directions.

In the chaos, the silver legendary gun in Mason's hand emptied its magazine in an instant, and eleven bullets with super destructive power hit the "assailant" in front of him at the same time.

However, when facing a speedster, the threat of bullets has always been zero.

In the flash of red light, all the bullets missed the target without accident. One second before the death eye ended, the well-dressed Mason flew upside down in embarrassment, smashing into the back of a car. on the windshield.

This "sonic punch" is merciless.

Although it landed on the chest, Mason's head was still buzzing. He was in a weak state, and the result of this punch was naturally to spurt blood when he opened his mouth.

A strong bloody smell gushed out of his throat and was suppressed again.

Amidst the screams of drivers behind the smashed windshield, he posed in a large font and looked up at the Flash in front of him.

The red uniform embellished with the yellow lightning logo, as well as the familiar body shape and the eyes with residual arc light fully proved the identity of the attacker.

"You actually came after me?"

Mason clutched his chest, coughed amidst the chaotic screams around him and said:
"But I guess this is your private action? Batman won't allow you to do something so reckless, Barry Allen."

"He won't allow it, but I won't let go of this opportunity."

The Flash from Mason's world swished in front of Mason, like a red whirlwind blowing away all the bits and pieces hidden in Mason's body and throwing them out.

In the blink of an eye, Mason was put in handcuffs, grabbed by his collar and brought to Xiao Shan.

Barry Allen stared at him and said coldly:
"I'm going to take you back, Mason Cooper, and I'm going to show you all the trouble your attack has caused, but I want to stress that it's not personal.

You will get human rights protection.

In Justice League's lunar prison, of course. "

"There's something wrong with the world, Barry, and it's going to end in a week."

Mason didn't try to break free. While signaling Damian not far away to run quickly with his eyes, he reasoned with the Flash who was chasing him across the border and said:
"I believe that a kind person like you will not sit back and watch them die quietly. You see, I am looking for information to judge whether there is salvation here, and I think we can cooperate.

There is no Flash in this world.
They said no.

But I don't believe it. "


Mason's words stunned Barry for a moment, and Xiao Shan immediately retorted:
"This world obviously has a link to the speed force, otherwise my coming here would not be so smooth, which means that at least one speed force existed here.

There must be. Boom”

Before he could finish his sentence, another light suddenly hit him.

At this moment, in front of Mason who fell to the ground, it was like two rays of light violently collided with each other and then spun and fought around him rapidly. The surge of the speed force storm made Mason's hair stand on end.

And the chaos of the whole street also escalated in an instant. The sudden explosion, flying blood, even the tearing of the ground and the gust of wind around him made him feel like he was in the eye of a dangerous storm.

He sat there and didn't dare to move.

Right now, as long as this kind of battle between two speedsters is brushed to the side, life would be worse than death, but it came and went quickly, and the chaotic light in front of Mason's eyes suddenly dissipated in the next second.

Barry Allen and the attacker were both missing.

Maybe they moved the battlefield to the other side of the earth to continue fighting, or maybe one side lost in the brief contact.

"They left?"

Damian rushed over in the chaos and pulled Mason up from the ground. The little lunatic just calmly didn't draw his sword and rushed out to fight the speedster.

He was about to help Mason untie the handcuffs, when he saw a sticky mass jumping out of Mason's skin and blending into the handcuffs, moving twice, and the silver-gray restraint device was automatically released with a click.

"What happened just now? That red Flash is from our side, right?"

Damian picked up the healing potion thrown everywhere on the ground and handed it to Mason, then asked vigilantly:
"How did he come after him?"

Mason shook his head and rejected the healing potion. Instead, he grabbed an inhalation bioremediation tank made by Isu Technology, shook it twice in his hand, and took a deep breath like an asthma inhaler, paralyzing his aching chest .

Only then was Damian helped him up, and he said:
"Every opening of the gate of the world will leave time and space disturbances, and for people like Barry Allen, it is an extremely conspicuous beacon.

Following those signs to travel through parallel worlds is as easy as eating and drinking for speedsters.

As long as he wants, Barry Allen can follow us across the world until we are all captured. "

He took out the Isu Shroud from his luggage and put it on his body, activated the rapid self-healing program to heal his broken sternum and prevent his weakened state from worsening.

This will sit on the stone pier next to it like a homeless man in a blanket, explaining to Damian:
"But the speedsters of the world don't seem to like seeing other people 'fish over the line,' Barry Allen is in trouble, and that's not a bad thing for us.

Until he gets rid of the speedsters of this world, we're still free to move, but we're getting worse, so don't waste time, Damian.

We have to find Batman before he returns."

"Enter a combat state."


A battle reminder popped up in front of Mason's eyes, and the piercing sound of a shot rang out above the casino.

Under Damian's stunned gaze, Mason in front of him fell on his back, blood flashing.

This sudden attack made Rice look up immediately, and he saw under the gloomy sky of Gotham, a familiar figure stood up and carried a long gun on his shoulder on the top edge of the casino.

The evening wind blew the chaotic streets, and also scattered the man's black jagged cloak.

He completed the kill with a ruthless attitude and disappeared on the roof of the building without stopping. Damian quickly fired his claw gun and rushed towards the attacker.

He recognized the figure.

That's Batman!
A Batman with a gun!
A super assassin, an assassin who makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

However, this is the image that Batman should have in Damian's heart, which also makes the little madman's desire to challenge that person more intense.

as mason
Although he hasn't had much contact with Mason, Damian thinks it's impossible for such a bad guy who just escaped the Flash's attack to die under an assassination bullet.

that's the truth.

A few seconds after Damian rushed over, Mason, who had a splitting headache, got up clutching his healed forehead.

It's not because his brain is hard enough to withstand sniper bullets, nor is it because the ruthless Batman of this world has missed, it's purely because Mason has the "preparation" to deal with this kind of long-range sniper killing.


A warhead that was not deformed at all hit Mason's feet.

In the shadow beside him, the alive and kicking ooze monster Kevin was twisting his body and transforming into the appearance of Damian. He pulled Mason up, and imitated his friend's posture and reached out to pat Mason's body. dust.

On the face of the playwright ooze monster, there was an expression of "quickly praise me" and "do you think I'm awesome?"

After devouring part of the divine clay puppet body of Wonder Woman, although Kevin did not become a divine creature, his strength in all aspects has increased by leaps and bounds.

Blocking a deadly bullet for Mason at this distance is only the most insignificant ability of it.

And Mason, who is protected by the ooze monster, can also announce here that as long as Kevin is not defeated, he is basically immune to the damage of sneak attack weapons such as bullets.

"Fortunately, I have 'fed' you before."

Mason sat up and stretched out his hand towards Kevin out of breath.

The lump of khaki ooze screamed and shrank its body and jumped into Mason's palm, and soon covered his wrist and turned into a transparent concealment. Mason picked up the bullet head at his feet and looked at it before him, then looked up The ongoing fight on the edge of the casino roof.

"The old man in front of me looks very difficult to approach."

He stood up in the shroud, took out the flying claw gun and shot at the building on the other side. At the moment he was pulled by the fast-shrinking rope and flew up, Mason said in his heart:

"But luckily I was prepared.

I am not afraid that you will be difficult, but I am afraid that you will not show up!After all, I have a lot of experience dealing with Batman. "

(End of this chapter)

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