The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 263 61. Grandpa!Just grab it!Your son... Bah, your grandson is in my hands! -【825】

Chapter 263 61. Grandpa!Just grab it!Pooh your son, your grandson is in my hands! -【825】

(Add more updates for the "Stacked Armor丨Over" brothers!)


The swung black sword of the devil's head drew an elegant and deadly arc in front of him, and with Damian's assassination roar, it stabbed at the retreating black figure in front of him like lightning.

Although the little lunatic was young, he had a lot of combat experience. He launched an attack the moment he caught up with the assassin.

Holding a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, while using a long sword to get close to you, you still don’t forget to shoot from the waist at a short distance to disrupt the rhythm of the opponent. This set of combat skills of the Assassin League is very useful in most situations.

It is difficult for ordinary enemies to deal with this multi-layered attack at the same time, but unfortunately, since Damian's "debut", he has not faced a "normal" enemy.

The same is true for the space-time alien of Batman in front of him.

They dealt with Damian's onslaught very easily, and even had a feeling of flowing water.

While quickly dodging bullets at close range, he dropped the long gun used for sniping behind him, and pulled out two black pistols from his back while rolling to avoid the blade.

The sight of this thing sent chills down the back of Damian's neck.

The person in front of him didn't retreat but advanced, he ran into Damian's attack range and opened fire with both guns, just like the two barrels showing an upgraded version of "Gun Fighting Technique".

But the old guy in front of him is obviously more skilled and more ruthless than Er Tong in this respect.

The left pistol swept across like a warhammer, forcing Damian to withdraw his sword to defend, and the right pistol aimed at the little lunatic's hand and fired two consecutive shots, sending the kinetic pistol in his hand flying away while kicking him fiercely.

With a bang, Damian, whose height and weight were not dominant at all, was kicked out, spun twice in the air and landed firmly behind.


The assassin Batman throws a batarang to prevent Damian from picking up the gun.

He seemed to have no interest in this encounter, he just stretched his neck, looked up and down at the crazy kid and said in a hoarse voice:
"If you continue to fight, it will be difficult to stop."

"It makes sense, but I don't want to stop."

The little lunatic showed a nasty smile under Domino's blindfold. Instead of using a gun, he held a sword with both hands, posing an assassination sword technique of the League of Assassins.

He felt that the Batman in front of him was more to his liking, at least more in line with the image of the "Dark Knight" in his mind than the nervous "Dad" hiding in Wayne Manor.

But before Damian could attack again, the piercing gunshot rang out from the roof of another building next to the two of them.

Batman quickly swung his cloak to cover himself.

But he underestimated the super penetrating power of the kinetic energy bullet after it was fully charged. The first bullet was blocked by the cloak, and the second bullet pierced through directly. If he was not wearing a battle suit, the blow would have broken his leg enough.


The smoke bomb was thrown on the ground, and the acrid smoke burst out to cover the surrounding area.

This is the master's "tactical retreat".

Still old fashioned.
But Mason, who was holding a Widowmaker rifle on the top of the building on the other side, didn't care about the little smoke at all.

There was no need for the aiming frame of the combat aid to interfere with the field of vision, and the eagle-eyed perception of the Isu blood alone was enough to lock the master's figure firmly. After pulling away the distance, the shooter Mason was finally able to give it a go.

The technological rifle in his hand was transformed by the Isu technology and almost achieved a "second charge" energy storage acceleration. As Mason pulled the trigger, two more bullets rushed out of the chamber.

This time it was more accurate.

The master, who was about to jump off the roof, was staggered in the air, and the cable of the flying claw gun was interrupted, making him roll and hide behind the wall on the roof with his arms covered.

This played into Mason's hands.

He didn't even adjust the ballistic, just slightly deflected the muzzle and fired again.

The bullet with super penetrating power easily pierced through the wall where Batman was hiding. The bullet passed by, but the subsequent "ricochet" hit the master's neck after precise calculation.

The full-coverage suit saved his life again, but it also left Batman with a chill.

In front of that sniper, all obstacles are useless.

The most important thing is that this is the encounter he hates the most. Facing an enemy who doesn't know much information and hasn't collected data, but the opponent seems to know him very well, there is really not much room for the master to play temporarily.

However, the master did not panic at all.

While quickly rolling to avoid bullets, he took out a remote control from his armed belt.

The opponent chose a not-so-good sniper spot!
The place he is in is also his own property, and with Batman's character, it is impossible not to prepare on his own site, so when he was hit by the third bullet in the back, the master of this world pressed the button without hesitation. up button.

With a loud bang, the roof area where Mason was located was completely blown away by the bomb hidden under the floor.

Mason, who was caught off guard, was thrown to the ground floor by the ground shaking, and there was an obvious electromagnetic shock mixed in the bomb, which made the charging technology rifle in his hand "stuck" in its shell.

"Damian, stop him, I'll be right there."

Mason's intermittent voice rang through the communicator in the little lunatic's ear.

In fact, he didn't need to command, Damian had already grabbed Grandpa's sword and charged forward the moment Batman was at a disadvantage.

The master who was shot three times by Mason's shameless sneak attack was still injured even though he was protected by a battle suit. His combat effectiveness as an ordinary person has been weakened in this situation.

It's just that when facing Damian's "Father, Son and Filial Piety" charge, the gun-wielding master still didn't panic.

He dragged his bloodied body and rolled to avoid the little lunatic's blade, and opened the distance in the continuous shooting, but was soon bullied by the little lunatic and kicked the gun in his hand away.

The two immediately entered the most dangerous close combat.

The Devil's Head Black Sword in Damian's hand is a real magic sword. Its sharp blade slices through the armor as smoothly as butter, and just ten seconds of fighting puts the master at a disadvantage again. .

Seeing that he was about to win the battle with Batman, Damian's mood became better, and the little lunatic's attacks became faster and more deadly.

After all, this is what I most want to do in the 12 years of my life, and this brat is only one step away from fulfilling his dream.


The sharp black blade was staggered and blocked by the shark-tooth knife that the master popped out of the combat gauntlet. He wanted to break the blade, but found that the sword was so tough that it couldn't be cut at all, so he could only forcefully restrain the blade and pull it out.

However, Damian let go of the hilt decisively.

The little maniac clenched his fists and punched the master's faceplate, then put his right hand together and used the deadly ancient martial art learned from Lei Xiaogu.

His fingers poked on the master's lung tube like a sword.

This attack with special power caused the master to instantly fall into a predicament where he couldn't breathe. The severe pain made him lie on the ground, and the torn sawtooth cloak behind him was also torn off by Damian. .

The little lunatic picked up the black sword and looked at the broken cloak stained with blood in his hand. He was a little dazed for a while, but soon a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart.

He beat Batman!
he made it!

His life at the beginning was already extremely high, as if he had no more regrets.

Holding the broken cloak, Damian shouted to the shivering master lying on the ground in front of him:
"I beat you! Batman, I proved that I am stronger than you! I am better than you!"

"You little lunatic, I don't know you at all."

The master who was lying on the ground said something in a hoarse voice in severe pain, and when Damian was about to stun him, the master suddenly stuck a small syringe into his neck.

The gloomy substance was injected into his body, and he instantly got rid of the difficulty of breathing, and even the bleeding wounds on his body no longer affected the battle.

This made Damian feel the danger, he stepped back quickly but was entangled in his leg by the flying claw gun fired by the master, and was dragged into the air again in a tug.


There was an intimate contact between the black gauntlet and Damian's head.

The little lunatic's roar stopped abruptly, and the moment he was restrained, he was cut with a palm on the back of his neck, and then a bat tranquilizer was pierced into his neck.

Damian was desperate to see that the victory he had won spread his wings and flew away like a boiled duck.

This result made him unacceptable.

However, the master would not explain this. Seeing that the rambunctious little crazy child in his arms calmed down, the master panted and put him on the messy ground, then took out handcuffs to restrain him, and at the same time took Damian's sword and Kinetic pistol.

He coughed violently.

Looking back, he looked at Mason who flew out of the explosion crater and landed behind him with a jetpack of the same style as the Riddler. The latter held a silver pistol and a black penguin umbrella in his hand, and a ray of yellow lightning danced on the umbrella.

"Why are you killing me?"

Mason didn't attack, he asked:

"Should we have no grievances, or should we say that the Batman in this world is a lunatic who kills innocent people indiscriminately? Just like Diana, the God of Khorne, and Arthur Curry, the shameless dog thief?"

"I have no reason to conflict with you."

The master flicked the blade in his hand, raised the pistol and aimed it at Mason, saying:
"But for the future and present of this world, you and your companions must die!"

"This statement is too familiar, so it is because of our identities?"

Mason understood immediately.

He pulled up the sleeve of his left arm to reveal his star tattoo, and said:

"Are all the people with this tattoo your target? The pioneering team that was sent into this world a while ago was also wiped out by you?
And the enhancer you used just now, was it seized from them? "

"You have too many questions, but I have nothing for you except bullets."

The master pulled the trigger without hesitation.

But the very vicious kinetic pistol in Damian's hands didn't fire any bullets at the moment like it was jammed. It was obvious that Mason had made a recognition modification on the gun.

Let the enemy shoot evil bullets at himself with his own gun without picking it up.

The dazzling lightning was thrown over and hit the old man's body, paralyzing him, and at the same time the golden apple on the handle was activated.

Mason didn't expect to rewrite the man's iron will, he just needed his thinking to be disturbed so that Batman couldn't fight back, and then Mason rushed over and kicked him down.

As if by magic, he pulled out a freezing gun from his luggage and fired at the master, freezing most of his body, and kicking out all the weapons around him.

Only then did he hold the freezing gun that was overflowing with cold air, and said to the old man in front of him:

"I made all these weapons, and you use my work to deal with me? As expected of you, you are so creative even in courting death."

"Drip drip"

A harsh siren sounded from the master's chest.

Mason glanced at it and knew that the master of this world probably activated some kind of self-destruct device when he saw that he had no hope of winning.

In terms of Batman's strategy, this self-destruct device will probably level everything around it, but there are at least a few thousand people playing in the casino below.

Does he really not care at all?
"You better stop that thing!"

Mason picked up the stunned Damian and didn't mean to step forward to disarm the bomb, but took a step back and said to the determined master in front of him:
"Otherwise you will definitely regret it! It's like the kind of regret that even if you go to hell, you will slap yourself hard. I'm not kidding."

Batman doesn't care about that.

The pair of indifferent eyes under the half-covered bat helmet just stared straight at Mason, and then he saw Mason pick up the silver legendary pistol and put it against Damian's head in his arms.

He threatens:

"Stop it! Or I'll kill the kid!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Mason's actions made the master finally couldn't help scolding:

"What you are holding hostage is your teammate, and you captured him, why should I be obedient?"

"Good question."

Mason's finger was on the trigger.

He stared at Batman in front of him and said:

"Because this kid's name is Damian! Damian Wayne. You fought with him for so long just now, didn't you realize that this kid's eyes are very similar to someone in your memory?
If my calculations are correct, he was four years younger than Damian now when he died in your arms.

Batman, you think that there is nothing worthy of your nostalgia in this world, but this is not the case, what I hold is the only blood of the Wayne family.

If my hand shakes or the bomb goes off in you, you'll miss out forever the opportunity you've been craving.

how about it?
Want to stop thinking about it? "


When the countdown to the explosion was three seconds, the master tore off the connecting wire on the battle suit. He stared at Mason and Damian in his arms and didn't know what to say for a while.

But when Mason took off the domino mask on the little madman's face, revealing the cheek that was [-]% similar to the childhood Bruce Wayne, the master whose lower body was frozen trembled almost immediately.

Then Mason stepped forward and took off the master's mask.

What was exposed under the mask was not Bruce Wayne's middle-aged but still chic and handsome face that made all the male compatriots in Gotham hate it.

Far from it.

Although the face in front of him is also very masculine, but it is full of cruel marks left by the years.

The short gray hair and the stubble on his chin made the man in front of him look very downcast and full of lifeless look.

Like the body of a walking dead.

But from this already wrinkled face, one can still see an indifferent temperament, never bowing his head, especially paired with those dark but fierce eyes.

It's like a night beast king who is old but still patrolling in his territory. It is indeed no longer young and has already been covered with bruises, but its fangs are still deadly.

"Thomas Wayne"

Mason took a step back and said his name.

"A revenge knight in the doomsday world! Sure enough, every man in the Wayne family is not willing to be ordinary. Look at how bad this twisted world has made you.

My friend Bruce Wayne will be devastated to see you like this, and maybe he'll be ecstatic before then.

And since you already know about the existence of the Stars Club, I'm just curious, haven't you thought about joining them and going to another world to meet your son?
You know, as long as you are willing to look for countless parallel worlds, you can always find countless Bruce Wayne.

Then one of them is sure to be suitable for you. "

He looked up and down at the silent "grandfather" in front of him, and then took out an alchemy bomb that could burn continuously and threw it at his feet to help him melt the ice.

Amidst the surge of white steam, Mason put away his gun and said:
"So, can we find a place to have a good talk now?"

He patted the little lunatic Damian who was unconscious in his arms so he didn't know that he had been used by Mason as an "anti-Batman tactic" again, and winked at the old man in front of him and said:
"Just because I just let your good grandson go? Give me a chance to shake hands and make peace, old man, don't touch the knife in your boot.

I really don't have the strength to fight you anymore. "

(End of this chapter)

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