The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 265 63. Terrible!Such a grandma is scary! - Add more for the brother of "Stack Armor丨Pa

Chapter 265 63. Terrible!Such a grandma is scary! - Add more for the brother of "Stack Armor丨Pass"【1025】

Under Mason's surprised gaze, facing the scolding and lessons from the extremely powerful old man, the little lunatic who clenched his fists as if ready to strike with a heavy punch, actually gave in after a few seconds of staring at each other.

He lowered his head and responded depressedly, and then left the office under the leadership of Penguin Butler.

This kind of obedience and obedience that should never appear on Damian made Mason amazed. Really eat this set.

But then, he noticed that the old man's cold eyes fell on him.

Thomas Wayne stared at Mason, crossed his hands to support his chin, and said in a certain commander's signature gesture:

"You must take Damian out of this world immediately, Mason.

Not just because it's about to go to a bad phase, but because my 'peers' will soon notice you, and it's not just me hunting you down. "

"You are so close to writing on your face that you will throw me out as cannon fodder when you encounter them."

Mason pouted.

他 说:

"We will leave, but not now. We will not be able to leave until we achieve certain goals. As for my own safety, you don't have to think about it. I just need to spend a few more days of weakness to recover."

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the dark city in front of him again. After a while, he sighed and said:
"However, Ni's world is as angry as you, Thomas, I can feel the cold malice coming from it even standing here, probably because it has lost its own 'child of the world', so it has become violent.

But what I'm more puzzled about is, who was the speedster who took Barry Allen away just now?
Is that one of your companions too? "

"no, he is not."

Thomas Wayne picked up the pistol in front of him, and said:
"I only know that he is also an outsider. He has killed many people who chased him. There are traces of him all over the world. He seems to be looking for something, but now it seems that he and you are not in the same group."


This thought popped into Mason's mind instantly.

Ciri the Hunter had told him when she released the mission that she wasn't sure if the higher authorities had sent conquerors to this impending destruction of the world, but now it seemed the worst had come true.

At least one speedster was dispatched here before Team K, and Barry Allen, who followed Mason, helped Team K top the tank.

I hope Flash survives.

Mason blinked, and a new plan began to take shape in his mind.

But since the old man Thomas Wayne was going to take Damian to meet someone after nightfall, Mason, as Damian's "temporary guardian", naturally asked to accompany him.

Faced with this request, Mr. Thomas did not refuse.

However, when he set off a few hours later, seeing Penguin Butler put a large number of weapons into the trunk of Thomas' luxury car, Damian, who had changed into a children's suit, was very surprised.

He said to the old man who seemed to maintain a deadpan attitude all the time:

"Where is this going? Why do you even have anti-tank rockets in it? Is this going to attack a military base?"

"Just being prepared."

Sitting in the car, the old man closed his eyes and meditated, and said casually:
"After all, the place to go is more dangerous. Amanda Waller's subordinates have been picking cannon fodder for death, and I don't want to deal with them.

But we have to be prepared if it is unavoidable. "

The door of this black luxury car was opened the next moment, and Mason sat in the passenger seat. He glanced at the old man and Damian in the rear seat from the rearview mirror, and asked softly:

"What's going on with the Sky Eye Society in this world? Are they loyal to the government?"

"I've never had much dealings with them."

The old man closed his eyes and said:

"But I know that group is not kind to the Atlanteans and the Amazons, and they've been preparing for a possible sprawling war.

Many villains have been recruited, and Amanda manipulates them in supposedly nasty ways.They have a research facility on the east coast, where they are said to conduct various experiments to try to create super soldiers on a large scale. "

"Do you know the location of the base where Tianyan will conduct human experiments?"

Penguin Butler quickly drove the three of them to the outskirts of Gotham City. Mason, who was writing and drawing in a small notebook on the road, asked again:

"There are also rumors about alien orphans that have been circulating here. I am very interested in these things."

"That's your business."

Thomas looked out the window and said in a bad tone:
"If you want to know, find the answer yourself. You are not a child anymore, Mason. I am not responsible for answering any of your curiosity."

"He's just looking for Superman."

Damian, who was sitting next to the old man, said in a low voice:

"It's a bloodline from Krypton. It is extremely powerful and can destroy a world by itself. Mason doubts that there is a superman in this world.

And to be honest, I've seen Wonder Woman and Aquaman's kin, and now I've seen Batman, and it'd be a disappointment if there wasn't Superman here.

After all, in our world, Superman and Batman are good friends who talk about everything.

I think if it wasn't for the gender mismatch, the relationship between the two of them is probably so good that they got married in place. How can there be anything about Catwoman and my mother? "

"is it?"

The old man snorted and said nothing more.

The grim old man didn't seem interested in the subject at all.

Mason and Damian exchanged glances covertly.

He leaned on the co-pilot and used the team communication to contact Catwoman and her party. In the quiet car, Damian took over the task of inquiring about the news and began to ask Thomas Wayne something in a low voice.

The little lunatic who inherited the blood of Batman and the King of Assassins is very smart.

Although his super intelligence has not been fully discovered, he is definitely a genius. This little thing just doesn't use his intelligence for proper things most of the time.

While eavesdropping on the conversation between the "grandfather and grandson" behind the car, Mason contacted his teammates a few minutes later. He rubbed his ears and asked in a low voice:
"Selena, are you all right?"


At this time, the Catwoman-sama, who was resting in a quaint but luxurious bath on Paradise Island, seemed to be dozing off, but was actually observing her surroundings vigilantly.

She replied lazily:
"We took out Black Manta, the Sea People's commander, in a successful sneak attack on that island.

This big victory allowed Queen Diana to give us three official 'Honorary Amazons' identities, and to win over us to lead the way when they attacked the human world.

Talia, the stinky fox, can't stay idle, and this will still attract people on Paradise Island.

And your nerdy cutie Harley Quinn has gone crazy, jumping up and down the island and training and hunting with the Amazons.

It's not like running to a dangerous world to explore, but it's like traveling. "

Mason listened to Mrs. Catwoman's report and glanced at the rearview mirror again.

Seeing Thomas who was whispering to Damian, the Knight of Vengeance had a very keen perception, and looked up at Mason in an instant. The young man smiled at him and then said to the communication side:
"It seems that you are lurking quite well. Can you get in touch with Atlantis?"

"It's not my responsibility over there."

Selena snorted and replied:
"Talia controls the power to communicate with that side, and has been guarding against me. That annoying woman is secretly directing her team members. Although they don't want to admit it, they are indeed much better than us.

The success of ambushing the black manta ray this time was all due to the assistance of the three bad species. I heard that they also successfully recruited a bunch of remnants by relying on the deep sea blood of the Shark King. "

"Then please tell Thalia that she is still a member of Team K."

Mason said gently:

"If she wants to do things on her own, wait until after she completes the first pioneering mission. I am currently in charge of this world. If she plans to set up another family, she must let me know in advance.

So that I can be prepared. "

"Are you going to hit her?"

Selena suddenly became interested, but Mason shook his head and corrected:
"No, I just want to tell her that I need this information to get an overview of the situation. If she decides to bypass me and make her own decisions, then I am not responsible for the safety of her and her team members."

"It's just beating."

Catwoman snorted and said cheerfully:

"I'm going to convey Master Mason's order right now. I hope you can teach that woman who is jumping up and down a lesson. However, the medicine that Harley is carrying is not enough, and her spirit is not stable. accident.

How about I send her to you first? "

"You are on Paradise Island, half a world away from here."

Mason replied:
"How are you going to come here?"

"The Amazons have a peculiar 'Hermes Rune' that is very fast. We just used that to get back to Paradise Island from the east coast in 10 minutes."

Catwoman explained:
"Relying on our current status as the 'Amazon of Honor', we can also use that thing, you give me a specific location, and I'll send Harley away right away.

She kept complaining on the way that she planned to kiss you tonight."

Selena asked with a weird smile:

"Oh, so you like this style, no wonder my old aunt is not attractive to you, Mason, but I want to warn you, sleeping insane is against the law."

"You also know that her mind is abnormal, do you dare to believe what she says?"

Mason complained.

At the same time, this fast luxury car has also driven out of the city of Gotham.Mason glanced at the destination in front of him, turned his head and said to Mrs. Thomas:

"Is this going to Arkham Asylum?"

"Any questions?"

The old man asked with a cold face, and Mason shrugged and said:
"No, there's no problem, I'm just asking casually. I have a premonition that I may not be able to participate in the next thing. I just have a friend coming over, so I will stay outside until you are done and we will go back together.

In the meantime, please take care of Damian for me, okay? "


The old man waved his hand.

This action combined with his sitting posture in the dark at this time, and the peculiar temperament of the anti-hero who had been in the underworld in the early years and then became an anti-hero who slaughtered criminals, he had a feeling of a big boss.

Mason gave Damian a "you wish you were lucky" look, and then watched the car continue to move forward after the car pulled over to the side of the road and opened the door.

The young man stood by the roadside and took out a pack of Sika cigarettes, popped out another one, lit it in the dark and took a puff.

He looked at the luxury car that disappeared from sight, shook his head and complained:
"My poor Damian, you may think it's amazing enough to have a 'Knight of Vengeance' falling from the sky to become your grandfather, but in reality you still don't know anything about 'surprises'.

Enjoy the rest of the trip, and I don't want to deal with Mr. J right now.

Uh, no!
In terms of the situation in this world, it should be Mrs. J. "
The Batman in this world is a bit miserable, and there is no cool Batmobile to drive.

But the old man obviously had good taste. The luxury car he chose was not only elegant in appearance but also quite fast. It stopped at the front door of Arkham Asylum soon after Mason left.

"Where are we going?"

Thomas took Damian out of the car, and the little lunatic looked at the building in front of him that was bigger and darker than in another world. He suddenly remembered Mason's strange look before he left, and asked with some concern:

"You're not going to put me in here and claim to protect me, are you? That sounds like something Batman could do."

"Your child's imagination is really rich, but it's a pity that it's not rich enough."

The old man sighed, and handed Damian a mask to signal him to follow.

The penguin butler stayed by the luxury car and waited.

He was holding an old-fashioned pipe for entertainment, but he had the penguin umbrella that Mason had given him before, but just a few hours after he got it, the butler Oswald had already used it skillfully and became more and more fond of it.

It's like Krypton finally got his destined "exclusive weapon".

The grandfather and grandson walked into the gloomy madhouse. Thomas said before that this madhouse was used by the eye of the sky to pick cannon fodder. After entering it, he could see many people in military uniforms busy in it.

But the old man was obviously deceiving Mason when he said that he didn't have much intersection with them.

The soldiers here were very familiar with him, and many of them took the initiative to greet the old man, and in Damian's view, there was even a sense of flattery.

Probably because Thomas Wayne opened a local casino and was very good at being a man, although the old man always had a cold face, he was quite popular among these guys with "special hobbies".

The two of them were not stopped, and walked smoothly all the way to the bottom of the Arkham Asylum.

Also known as the VIP area.

But the further he walked in, the more ominous Damian's feeling became. The old man was still reluctant to say a word, but Damian noticed that a certain emotion in his eyes was getting darker.

It's like sadness, and it's like resistance, and there's even a feeling of disgust when you're close to something you fear.

A few minutes later, the two stood in front of a ward with five locks. Thomas glanced at Damian beside him. He reached out and knocked on the door, saying:
"are you there?"

"I have been, my dear Thomas."

A hoarse voice quickly sounded from the ward.

It was a woman's voice, and it sounded no longer young. She seemed very happy with the old man's arrival, and said in a long and joyful voice:

"I've been waiting for you to come and see me, you heartless man, I know you miss my smile, I did something wrong, I scared you.

But not now.

I've been learning about makeup all these years.

I can do really good makeup now, the makeup that keeps smiling, I've been waiting for you to come and see me.

my thomas.

Wait a moment, I'll be putting on my makeup right away."

"You'd better pack up."

Thomas Wayne closed his eyes, and said in a tone of suppressing discomfort:
"I've brought a visitor to see you, and I don't think you'd like to frighten him."


The people in the ward were stunned for a moment, their tone raised a few degrees.

she screamed:

"No! There shouldn't be any guests! I don't want to see outsiders. Everyone else is a villain except you. They all deserve to die! They killed my baby.

I don't know who is behind the scenes.

But it doesn't matter, kill them all and no one can hurt us again, Thomas, listen to me, I have a plan, a great plan.

If you help me, we can kill the others!
Then our family will be able to live happily together forever. "

"Calm down, your crazy appearance is really uncomfortable."

The old man said in a low voice:

"The guest I brought was Damian Wayne, and he came from another world. I confirmed his identity, and he was indeed Bruce's son.

This is our little grandson.

I brought him to see you.
Martha. "

(End of this chapter)

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