The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 266 64. Deadly Joke · Power Enhanced Version - [1125]

Chapter 266 64. Deadly Joke · Power Enhanced Version - [1125]

(Add more for "starsfalling" brother! The English name is too long, and it seems impolite to call it 'starsfalling' directly (laughs))


When the old man said the name "Martha", Damian next to him widened his eyes for a moment.

The little lunatic stared at his "grandfather in another world" with an expression of "I must have misheard you must be joking". When the old man looked down at him, he also put his hand on Damian's shoulder. Avoid the child's fear of running away because of the cruel fact.

After all, in the conversation just now, it wasn't just Damian and Mason who were getting information from the old man, but the old man got a lot of information from Damian calmly.

For example, he already knows that the Joker is Batman's most terrifying enemy in Bruce Wayne's world, and has almost brought the Bat family to the brink of destruction many times.

Under such circumstances, when he learned the explosive truth that his grandma was a clown, Damian's reaction was naturally expected by the old man.

And this time, the little lunatic finally understood the meaning of the strange "seeking good luck" look that Mason gave him just before he got out of the car.


That guy already knew!
All kinds of noisy sounds would come from the originally gloomy ward in front of the two of them, and just by the noises coming out of it, one could guess how hurried the people inside would be.

It’s like the scene where a young man laying his corpse suddenly received a call from his parents saying that they had arrived in front of the rented house where he lived alone. The messy room needed to be tidied up. And the dishes have to be thrown into the sink quickly, and the dirty ground has no time to clean, so it can only be pulled randomly.

"No! Don't let him in!"

Martha Wayne's scream was so piercing for a moment, it sounded from the room amidst the chaotic noise, and she shouted:
"Thomas! Give me a few more minutes, I'm such a mess here! No! Water, I need water, these damn paint no, my wounds.


My son's bloodline is back to see his grandma, oh my goodness, a dream come true.

And yet I've turned into

He will be terrified.

no, thomas.

take him away!
Martha has left, Martha is dead, only Zhou Keer is left here.

I can't see him.

I can not."

The voice in the ward sank.

But the woman's suppressed crying sounded and spread from it, and in the surrounding darkness, this sound alarmed the hopeless patients in other wards.

Seeing that the clown who is the "Arkham female bully" actually cried, these bastards immediately started making noise. They knocked on the cell door frantically, and uttered all kinds of strange screams, taunts and provocations.

Let this dead and hopeless place become lively for a moment, just like New Year's Eve.


A bullet flew out of the muzzle of the gun in the old man's hand and hit the iron gate behind him. In the piercing voice, the old and strong revenge knight said hoarsely:
"Quiet! Otherwise, I will help you to be quiet!"

The reputation of Thomas Wayne in Gotham City in this world is not a playboy. Judging from what he has done in the past many years, he should have his own "VIP room" in this lively place.

Therefore, this scolding was filled with a certain kind of tyrannical deterrent force, which made the chaotic voices quiet down a lot.

Mrs. Thomas looked at Damian. He squatted down, put his hand on Damian's shoulder, and looked at the complex eyes of the grandson in front of him.

He said softly:

"Don't be afraid, Damian, she is your relative, no matter how crazy she is, she won't hurt you. I didn't bring you here just to satisfy my guilt or resentment towards Martha.

There are also very practical reasons.

I didn't tell that cunning Mason some truths, the entire League of Assassins was my 'peer'.

The news of your appearance will be noticed by the 'Black Arrow' soon, and facing their hordes coming out on the east coast, I cannot guarantee that I can protect you well in this city.

I need Martha's power, which was not possible before.

Bruce's death had created an irreparable rift between me and her, and her insane and vicious murder of Harvey Dent and Gordon made me completely desperate for her.

In the past ten years, she has been my most troublesome opponent.

It's like the Batman and the Joker story you're familiar with, but the relationship between me and her is obviously much more complicated. "

The old man sighed, put the gun in Damian's hand, and said:
"But your appearance is an opportunity. Only you can temporarily bridge the terrible rift between me and Martha. As long as you make a request, she will never refuse.

Listen to me, kid.

You are in a very dangerous situation now!

You must get her help, but I will not force you to do these things, I leave all choices to you. "

The little lunatic glanced at the gun in his hand, and then at the old man in front of him who finally showed anxiety and worry when the two were alone. He pursed his lips, put his hand on the door lock, took a deep breath, and said:

"Mason is a nuisance, but he can be trusted.

We're not here to do anything bad, and if even half of what Mason claims is true, he's trying to help the world.

And from what I've seen so far, you really need help.

We need all the power that can help
My grandfather taught me this. "

"Your grandfather is a dangerous person. He instilled dangerous ideas in you. You should learn from your father."

Thomas took out a key and opened the closed door in front of him. He said to Damian:
"Go in, I will protect you here, don't be afraid, remember! Men in the Wayne family never lack courage."

Damian nodded.

He looked at the dimly lit room in front of him, raised his feet and walked into it. The floor of the small room was full of debris and debris.

The things that Martha broke when she was nervous and crazy just now turned this place into a garbage dump.

Right in front of Damian, a person wearing a dirty purple vest with a green shirt was sitting there hunched over, with various paints spilled beside her, she trembled when she heard the footsteps behind her He covered his face with his shoulders.

She screamed hoarsely:

"Don't come here! Baby, don't come near me, I'll hurt you. Get out! Get out of here with Thomas! Thomas, you disgusting piece of shit!
take him away! "

That voice was full of resentment and viciousness, and it really looked like the frightening sound that the legendary clown would make when he was insane.

But the more she resisted, the more the fear in Damian's heart dissipated, and he could feel the struggle in the heart of this crazy relative in front of him.

After falling into chaos for many years, she may be trying her best to maintain the shaky sanity in her heart for the first time, just hoping not to scare the little baby she lost and recovered.

That gesture even bordered on humility.

"I am here."

Damian put the gun in his hand on the ground, and reached forward to rest on the clown's shaking shoulder.

He tried his best to make his voice sound gentle. He was arranged by his mother to take various professional courses since he was a child, and he knew very well what he should do in this situation.

他 说:

"Martha. You won't hurt me. I know you care about me. I'm here. I'm real, not a fantasy or a dream."

Damian's other hand was on Martha Wayne's arm, which was smeared with paint or blood.

The movement made the latter jerk her hand back like an electric shock, but Damian held her wrist.

He whispered:

"Look, I'm real, don't you want to hug me?"

"You are not him!"

Martha Wayne, who was still crying just now, suddenly said in a cold voice:
"My son's strength is not so strong, you are lying to me! You little bastard!"

"Damian! Come out! Quick!"

Thomas at the door was startled, and immediately rushed into the room, but Damian stopped him with his hand.

His wrist was tightly held by Martha, the nails penetrated into the flesh and made him feel pain, but he did not fight back but took a step forward, so close that Martha suddenly lowered her head to cover her face.

She was really afraid of her face being seen by Damian.

"I'm not Bruce Wayne."

Damian signaled the old man not to approach with his gestures. While gently hugging Martha in front of him, he explained:

"I'm his son. I grew up in another world. I just found out that my surname is Wayne not long ago, but I didn't see you and Thomas in that manor.

In our world, you and Thomas protected Bruce in that alley.

He survived, but you died.

I know Bruce misses you guys a lot. He's grown up and stuck in the same nightmare. I kid you not, Martha.

Your son really needs your help.

I will take you to meet him, but now I need your help, some people are stopping you from seeing your son and my father again, those people want to kill me. "

Damian whispered in Martha's ear:
"They want to take me from you again, they want you to never see your Bruce"

"They dare!"

Martha let out a shrill scream from under her trembling body, but then she patted the little lunatic on the back softly as if she was afraid of scaring Damian.

She hummed a lullaby, and while the old man was watching, she reached out and hugged Damian.

In this dark and cold place, she was sitting on the ground holding Damian in her arms, and there was a deep and distorted tenderness on that cheek that was covered in paint and horribly scarred.

As for the little madman.
He will feel like he is being hugged by a tigress, and he may be killed at any time, but he must be calm.


Damian who was hugged whispered to the old man.

The latter hesitated, but finally stepped forward.

When he approached, Damian could clearly feel the muscles of Martha who was holding him tense, like a mother beast guarding her cub, ready to attack at any time.

But under the comfort of his pat on the shoulder, and when the old man knelt down and put his hands on the shoulders of the two of them, Martha finally didn't stab the prison knife hidden in his cuff.

"I have a plan, Thomas"

Martha, who was holding Damian, licked her lips in the dark, and said hoarsely:

"Go and release those bastard freaks in the next cell. Someone wants to hurt my little baby. I want to arrange the warmest welcome for them."

"Those criminals will get away, Martha."

Damian immediately knew what his "grandma in different time and space" wanted to do, and he said with some concern:
"They may take advantage of the chaos"

"No, my little Bruce, let the grandparents worry about these troubles, my little cutie, it's late now, you should go to bed."

Martha stretched out her paint-stained fingers, and gently touched Damian's lips.

She covered her face and said in a hoarse voice like coaxing a child:

"You never have to worry about this, grandma is back, grandma will protect you, these bastards will obey, they all know who I am.

If they dare to escape I will
Ha ha.

They dare not.

Well, I need a basin of water, a clean set of clothes and an assistant, look at my messy hair, how can I take care of my little Bruce? "
"These Amazons trust us a lot, but Queen Diana is a cunning leader. She is detoxifying at this time. I guess she will find a way to check on the three of us after she recovers.

In addition, the Amazon warriors on the island have begun to gather, and it seems that they are preparing to formally fight the Atlanteans. "

Thalia's calm and indifferent voice came from the communicator.

After Catwoman's warning, the team member who aspired to become the Queen of Assassins wasted no time in getting in touch with Mason, and relayed the information he had collected to the captain.

"I see."

Mason's heart sank.

Just when he wanted to continue to ask, he heard a sudden violent explosion in the Arkham Asylum in front of him, which made Mason realize that something happened there.

He gave up the plan to ask for more details, rode on a motorcycle and rushed to the madhouse that was already on fire, and ordered:
"Talia, I'm not sure whether Barry Allen is dead or alive, and I don't know where he will go next, but if I were him, after I escaped from an attack in a strange world, I would definitely be the first Time to find your teammates.

Therefore, it is possible that he will appear on Paradise Island.

If you or Selena come across him, hold on to him.

I am following the line of your father-in-law to find the truth about the end of the world. I will inform you in time when there is news. As far as the current situation is concerned, we can cooperate with Barry Allen.

The premise is that the young man has to calm down first, at least he has to see clearly the situation he is facing. "

"What is 'our father-in-law'?"

Thalia asked in an unhappy tone:
"Thomas Wayne being Bruce's father doesn't mean he is my father. Bruce and I have nothing to do with each other. I'm not like Selena, a sad woman who is willing to give up independence and cling to a man.

You'd better not challenge me on this, Mason.

Well, if Bruce really knows we've got his father back, he'll be happy too, although this Thomas Wayne sounds dark and evil and fit for the League of Assassins. "

"Forget it. If the old man joins your Assassin's League, I'm afraid you won't survive the first night. He is not someone you can handle casually."

Mason scoffed at Thalia's tone, saying:
"And I think the 'surprise' that Bruce can get in this world may not be as simple as finding his father.

In short, to establish stable contact with my teammates in Atlantis as soon as possible, I need some intelligence from the seabed to support my current judgment on the situation. "

"Okay, if there is any news from Bain, I will pass it on as soon as possible."

Thalia responded:

"But if I want to form the second team of K-team after I go back, I will need some help. It happens that there are many Amazons here who can't get what they want under their queen."

"You handle it yourself."

Mason fell from the sky on a motorcycle.

Seeing Butler Penguin hiding behind a luxury car and shooting at the soldiers rushing out of the burning Arkham Asylum, he shook his head and said:
"As long as you have the ability, I won't stop you from evacuating the entire Paradise Island. That's it, let's talk next time."

The moment the communication was cut off, Mason jumped off the motorcycle and drew out the silver pistol with his backhand and fired forward.

The pressure of the penguin butler was suddenly relieved by the support of the shooting skills of the gunshots, but before the two of them could breathe, they heard a more violent explosion.

Amid the flames, Mason looked up and saw the old man and a woman in a robe walking out of the burning Arkham Asylum.

And in the midst of them is Damian Wayne, held hands.

If it weren't for the old man and the old lady holding a gun, if there were not many strange guys behind them cheering, burning and looting, this scene like a family returning from an outing is really healing.

Especially for the Wayne family.


Mason snapped a photo as a souvenir.

But in the next moment, he was pressed against his head with a pearl black revolver, and the green-haired woman who wrapped her whole body in a cloak looked at him with vicious eyes.

A few seconds later, she exchanged glances with Damian next to her, and threatened in a hoarse voice:

"It's you who's been bullying my little Bruce? You're the one who put my little darling into this damn danger? Shall I buy you a taste of the bullet?"

"It's me, that's right."

Against the burning fire in front of his eyes, Mason spread his hands to indicate that he was not malicious, and he said softly:
"But on the bright side, it's me who brought your family together, it's me who can give you the chance to see baby Bruce one more time and I'd love to.

So, Mrs. J, put the gun down, okay?
Now one shot and I'm only going to make things worse.

What I mean is, you don't want to put on a face that would scare a child into crying, and get along with your brat grandson who has learned to secretly report to parents, right?
You are obviously suffering from a serious disease, and I have the medicine here. I am an alchemist. I can't cure you, but at least it can make you appear in front of your son without scaring him.

I'm your friend, and I really don't want to kill another clown. "

(End of this chapter)

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