The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 267 65. What kind of experience is it like to be the clown's clown assistant? -【1】

Chapter 267 65. What kind of experience is it like to be the clown's clown assistant? -【1225】

(Add more for the "starsfalling" brothers!)

When the old man came to Arkham Asylum, he only had a low-key car, but when he left, he even had a helicopter. This process was as ridiculous as coming to Arkham to buy goods.

The three helicopters belonging to the Sky Eye Society were released by the old man himself, and the "Gotham talents" of this world drove a mighty trail behind Thomas Wayne's luxury car and headed towards Gotham City at midnight.

Damian sat on the co-pilot of the stretched luxury car, looking back at the noisy team behind him from time to time.

The guys released from Arkham did all kinds of crimes along the way, and even the unlucky couples who passed by here were dragged out of the car and beat up, and then they took all the money and punctured their tires and beat them to death Gouzi then stripped them naked and left them in the wilderness.

Just like a group of "clean street tigers", no grass grows wherever they go.

But no one died.

Because his "evil grandma" Martha Wayne, who just escaped from prison, judged these "roommates" very accurately. Granny Vengeance Knight.

Damian and Mason still don't quite know what Martha Wayne has done in the past ten years or so to allow her to control these big villains so easily, but the old man "Crazy Criminal Slayer" is indeed very popular in this group noodle.

Just now, when Mason saw him with his own eyes, the killer crocodile who wanted to eat a toothpaste jumped on the helicopter as obediently as a kitten.

In short, the combined power of the old Wayne couple is almost the same as that of "Gotham's version of Black Wind and Two Evils", and it is much more "notorious" than Mason's Batman.

At Mason's hometown, he would be sent to the ICU for provoking Bat Boy, but if he fails here, he will have to go to forensic textbooks.

"It hurts a little, right? It's normal, after all, it's an old injury."

In the party-capable back seat of the grandpa's luxury car, Mason, who had just finished debridement and drug application, put on a new pair of medical gloves, picked up the medical forceps, and said to Mrs. Martha in front of him:
"But don't worry, I will remove the stitches for you now, and the scar will fade in up to six hours, and you will be able to return to your normal face tomorrow morning when you have breakfast."

"Is this some new treatment?"

Mrs. Martha, who covered her face and hair with a piece of gauze, looked at the bottles and jars beside Mason's hand and asked softly.

It seems that the old man did not introduce Mason's work to her.

The young man shrugged his shoulders and confessed that he was an alchemist. He also described to her the effects of the medicines at hand, which made Mrs. Martha, who had been the assistant head nurse of Dr. Thomas, be taken aback for a while.

She's in a good state of mind.

Although he would show a crazy smile intermittently, he drank two bottles of palliatives to stabilize his thinking, plus Damian, who was probably worried that he would be sitting in the front row of the car, and Thomas Wayne, who was driving himself, did not Something too terrible happened.

However, she was always holding the revolver that could be fired at any time in her hand, which really made Mason, the "doctor in charge", a bit inconvenient.

Holding the scissors in his left hand and the syringe in his right, he said to Martha in front of him:
"Take off your gauze, don't worry, the front and back of this car are cut off, Damian can't see you now, you won't scare him."

"What about you? Don't you feel scared? Cutie."

Mrs. Martha sneered twice, and Mason showed an expression of "I'm well-informed", and he said:
"You know the clown on Bruce's side? I killed him with my own hands and rewarded him with six bullets, so don't be afraid, ma'am, you can't scare me."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to uncover Madam Martha's gauze in front of him, revealing the smeared colorful and frightened face, which at first glance was indeed somewhat similar to Zhou Ke'er who was killed by Mason before.

But a closer look reveals the difference.

Martha Wayne's makeup is not crazy, there is a certain logic in it.

After all, it is a woman who is naturally good at grooming herself, not a rough man like Zhou Ke'er. In this respect, she is much more delicate. She paints her cheeks with white and gray paint to bring out the bright red on her lips.

In this way, when she smiles, people can remember this exaggerated smile at first sight.

However, just like Zhou Ke'er, Martha's lips were cut open with a sharp knife, and her cheeks were covered with suture marks. Those hideous wounds were still shocking even after Mason's treatment.

"Do you want to know how my injury came about?"

Mrs. Martha asked in a strange voice.

"No, I don't want to know."

As Mason inspected the wound, he said:

"But I know it doesn't depend on what I think, so go ahead and I'll listen."

"That was after Bruce left. I have been in pain. I know Thomas has suffered more than me, and he also misses my smile, but I really can't laugh, so I can only do this"

The clown old aunt in front of me talked about the past, and narrated that period of suffering.

Mason didn't interrupt Mrs. Martha's narration. He first used an anesthetic and then began to deal with the rough suture marks on the wound. During this process, Martha didn't stop describing.

She seemed to regain her senses for a moment, and her posture was too sad to fake.

"You are different from Zhou Ke'er over there."

Mason quickly finished the wound treatment and applied the ointment for healing and removing scars. He used the alchemy solution to help Martha wash away the remaining paint on her face, and combed her messy long green hair. .

He took out another mirror and handed it to Martha, who whispered:

"The lunatic over there made Bruce miserable, just to prove that what Bruce tried his best to protect was just a joke. But you, your situation is not that complicated.

Just like the old man.

You've lost your loved ones and felt that this world was no longer worth living in, and as time went by you hated this planet without Bruce even more. "

For this statement, Martha showed a sarcastic smile and did not respond.

She looked at her face in the mirror that she hadn't seen for a long time.

After fifty, she is no longer young.

But the love and killing with the old man in the criminal career for many years also gave her a good figure, and she did not see her figure out of shape or bloated cheeks.

It's just that the wrinkles on the forehead can be clearly seen after removing the clown makeup, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

Some kind of flame seemed to be lit in the eyes reflected in the mirror.Indifferent and sharp, there is also a kind of anxiety that may lose reason at any time, like an uncontrolled wildfire that will eventually burn everything clean.

"You seem to know us very well, Mason Cooper."

She looked at Mason who was sitting on the sofa opposite her, raised her legs like a lady and said with a drawn out voice:

"You are not surprised that Thomas will bring little Bruce to see me? Is this also what you expected?"

Mrs. Martha always called Damian "Little Bruce".

Mason had no intention of correcting this statement, nor did he want to irritate Mrs. Martha, who had finally regained her sanity at this time, so he replied very tactfully:
"I just got some information in advance and deduced that Thomas needed help, and he told me that his companions would come to find me and Damian and our partners to destroy them.

And in Gotham, the old man didn't have many allies to protect his little grandson.

After all, those capable guys have been almost killed by him in the past ten years. After a little thought, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the two will definitely join forces to prevent Damian from being harmed in this city.

As for me.
I was just in his light. "

"You're just using my little Bruce!"

Martha vetoed Mason's words.

She yawned and raised the muzzle of the gun in her hand to Mason's heart. She was smiling but there was no smile in her eyes. She said:

"As a member of the Kane family, I have seen a lot of people like you since I was a child, and when I managed the Gotham gang with Thomas, I also dealt with you guys who are good at conspiracy.

I don't believe even a single symbol you say.

Thomas told me stories about you 'world travellers', I'm curious, if I kill you here, my little Bruce can't go back to his world, will he stay with me forever? "

"He can indeed stay, and you can enjoy family happiness together for a full seven days."

Mason shrugged and said:

"I know you probably don't care, but the moment you pull the trigger, it means you'll never see the real Bruce Wayne again.

I've been to Wayne Manor.

In Bruce's Batcave, he put a picture of you and Thomas where he could see it. Although he never said it, I know that even if he paid a heavy price, Bruce would like to see his parents again.

My personal life and death are not worth mentioning in your eyes, but what about your son's expectations?

As a mother, you really have the heart"


Suddenly Martha pulled the trigger.

A bullet flew out and hit Mason's heart, and then was "vomited" by the "always on alert" slime monster Kevin, and hit the ground with a jingle.

The clown old aunt was smiling the whole time.

But the gun barrel emitting gunpowder smoke represented her answer, and it also completely ruined Mason's plan to be emotional.


This crazy old sister really did what she said, and didn't believe every word Mason said.

And this straightforward reaction also made Mason's heart tremble. The Kane family that Martha Wayne was born in was also a nobleman in Gotham and this family has always been known for producing geniuses and lunatics.

There is no doubt that Mrs. Martha in front of her belongs to the category that cannot be reasoned out in the usual way.

"Of course I'll help you, handsome Mason, because of your bad luck, I just loaded a bullet before you ran into me."

Martha showed a big smile, put out the cylinder and squeezed out six bullets from her pocket and put them in.

She stared at Mason and said:

"The shot just now was just a joke, to respond to my little Bruce's trivial matter that he was used by you several times, and in the following conversation, if you play tricks once, I will give you a shot.

I don't know how many times that scum of yours will protect you, but I can play like this all night without getting bored. "

"That shot just now is enough to make you an enemy of the Bat-family."

Mason complained:
"If the master saw this scene with his own eyes, he would definitely send you back to the Arkham Asylum with tears streaming down his face but with firm determination, and would take time to see you every night."

"Oh, are you describing days in heaven, little Mason."

Mrs. Martha curved a smile of surprise and horror, and said:
"For the past ten years or so, I have dreamed of living such a good life every day, so you mean, as long as I kill you, my dream will come true and I will meet my son every day?"

"Let's talk about the plan."

Mason's expression suddenly became serious. He felt that he, a normal person, couldn't reason with the crazy woman, so he said:
"The trouble at hand is obviously the League of Assassins who are targeting me and Damian, and we have to fight them off in Gotham, preferably with one or two alive so that I can discover more about the world's injustice. The truth about external influences.

As long as we can figure this out, Team K's mission is complete, and we can leave at any time.

I mean, leave with the two of you. "

"I'll get rid of them, but I might need an assistant to arrange it for me. Huh?"

Mrs. Martha just got up to talk about this matter, but the driving car stopped suddenly, and then the window was lowered, and there was a burst of noise from outside.

But it's still a little far from the city and I don't know what happened before. The clown old aunt who was interrupted was very upset.

She picked up the clown mask next to her and put it on her face, kicked the car door and walked down with a pistol in her hand. She fired three shots at the place where the crowd gathered without asking anything.

This random shot didn't hit a single person, but it immediately quieted down the chaotic scene.

In the light of the three helicopters at the rear, a group of Arkham lunatics in front lined up in two rows noisily and respectfully, as if accepting a "review" by Martha the Clown.

Line up!Aunt Martha!

Zhou Ke'er in another world doesn't have such a big face.

Mrs. Thomas and Damian also got out of the car. Damian wanted to go up to see the excitement but was held by the indifferent Mrs.

He didn't want Damian to mix with these crazy criminals, and he looked at them with disdain and disgust, like looking at a group of moving targets.

"Someone tell me what's going on here?"

Martha, who was wearing a mask, asked a question, and a woman in a prison uniform who kept flipping coins came out from the crowd, her long hair covered half of her face, walked to Martha and whispered:
"Human bats have captured an Amazon who was stalking our convoy."

"Amazons? What are they doing here? Don't they always claim that Gotham is a land abandoned by the gods?"

Aunt Clown frowned and said:
"Not to mention an Amazon, kill! Don't waste time."

"That's the problem."

The woman flipping the coin glanced at Mason who was walking up from Mrs. Martha, and she whispered in a strange tone:
"I wanted to kill her too, but the guy who tossed the coin seven times in a row and it was all heads was lucky, or she was cheating."

"Hi! Mr. K! I'm here!"

A cheerful shout sounded from the ferocious crowd in front, accompanied by the growling of two ferocious dogs, grabbed the dog leash and dressed herself like a real Amazon female warrior, but painted the battle helmet in colorful colors. Lee Quinn rushed up happily.

The Arkham lunatics next to him thought that this guy was going to attack the clown boss, and they swarmed up to stop him, only to be blown away by Harry's gravity ring with a wave of his hand.

The two fat and armored war dogs she led bit left and right, and the calf-sized vicious dogs tore to the ground one after another the guys who dared to block the way, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place.

Amidst the cheers, Harley jumped into Mason's arms and gnawed at his head while holding him.

"My own! It's my own, don't be nervous."

Mason was still weak, and was almost thrown to the ground by Harry's throw.

With great effort, he supported the waist of his crazy beauty with one hand, and waved to the vicious guys who surrounded him.

"Mr. K, you are amazing, have you released all the prisoners in Arkham?"

Harry wasn't afraid of the guys around him at all.

She thought she had learned a lot of martial arts on Paradise Island, and she stole two war dogs domesticated by the Amazons before leaving, so she didn't fear these ordinary criminals at all.

This time, he excitedly pulled out the golden mace he was carrying on his back, and was about to step forward to clean up a few people and exercise their muscles and bones.

But soon, Harley felt a very familiar gaze looking at her. She shook her neck as if her hair was fried, and looked back suspiciously.

Just in time to see Mrs. Martha take off the clown mask.

The familiar scars on her face, the green curly hair, and most importantly, the chaotic demeanor reminded Harley of the dead Mr. J.

Although the gender is different and the age is different, there are some deeper things that cannot be faked!

Harry was terrified.

He hid behind Mason with a whoosh, looked over there with his head poking around, grabbed Mason's wrist and said in a crying voice:
"Clown Zhou Ke'er! Why is Mr. J here? Let's run, Mason, I'm afraid."

"That's Mrs. J."

Mason patted Harry's arm and comforted him:

"Don't be afraid, she is from our side. She is Bruce Wayne's mother in another world. Anyway, it is very complicated. I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences, but she will not hurt you."

"What are you all doing here? Waiting for Batman to reward you with bullets?"

Madam Martha yelled at the guys around her in a vicious voice.

Pearl in her hand was twirling around the crowd with the revolver down and the hammer down, like she was looking for a lucky guy to join her for a joke or something.

This move immediately caused a group of people to scatter.

"This girl has good makeup."

Martha walked over and looked up and down at Harley behind Mason. She felt that this girl was very close to her, as if she had an inexplicable attraction.

The clown's old aunt rubbed her chin and rolled her eyes a few times.

After a while, she snapped her fingers and said happily to Mason:
"I just said that I need an assistant, don't choose, just her."

(End of this chapter)

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