The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 269 67. No way, I just beat you once and now I'm going back again? -【1】

Chapter 269 67. No way, I just beat you once and now I'm going back again? -【1425】

(add more for "starsfalling" brother)
At five o'clock the next morning, the squeaky Damian crawled out of Mason's suitcase factory. As a well-trained master assassin, he only needed a few hours of meditation to regain his strength and Get rid of tiredness.

But this night he suffered.

The dilapidated factory in Mason's suitcase was operating almost all night, producing various raw materials through pre-set procedures, making Damian so noisy that he couldn't calm down at all. When he climbed out of the box, he immediately saw the fairy-like Mason playing with a strange device.

Judging from the various engineering materials visited on the table, he should have just made this thing.

"Aren't you a lunatic who doesn't sleep?"

Rice exclaimed:
"I heard Barbara say it. I thought she was joking at the time. Haven't you slept since you joined the Stars Club?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense."

Mason yawned. He deftly took out a bottle of brown owl from his luggage and poured it into his mouth. The vitality regeneration effect was activated, and his whole body trembled and his body suddenly became refreshed.

He picked up the handkerchief at hand and wiped his face, then turned to Damian and said:

"How can a person not sleep? If you don't sleep all the time, you can't be a monster? I have slept several times in the past two months. Well, it feels good to close your eyes and rest when you really can't bear it.

Come on, try this.

My freshly completed engineering device now needs a willing champion. "

"You wait!"

Damian crossed his hands and glanced at the still dark dawn outside the window of the room. He rubbed his eyes and said:
"I also need something refreshing, give me some of what you just drank."

"This stuff has great stamina and is poisonous. If you drink it, you will be sent to the ICU."

Mason glanced at the brown owl in his hand, shook his head, took out a bottle of refreshment and threw it to Damian, saying:

"This is enough."

After joining Team K, the little lunatic still has some complaints about Mason, but at least he has a little trust in Mason.

He removed the stopper, sniffed the mint-flavored medicine, and took a sip cautiously, as if the power of a bomb exploded on the spiritual level, instantly dispelling the exhaustion and making the 12-year-old boy want to yelp twice.

He punched a set of monkey punches on the spot full of energy, and then moved his neck to take the device in Mason's hand.

That thing was made into the shape of a round belt buckle. The three-finger-thick volume was unpainted, and the silver-gray device was covered with precise card slots and energy tubes. Inside it was an ark reactor operating at low power.

"I made it into a bat belt accessory style, which can be used directly on your battle belt."

Mason sat on a chair, held a slate in his hand and pushed the frame without lenses on the bridge of his nose, and said to Damian:
"Press the red button first, then the green."

"You use me as an experiment, I don't have much opinion, but at least you have to tell me what this thing is for?"

Damian stuck the device in his hand on his belt and asked in a low voice.

Mason pouted and said:
"Don't you know if you try it yourself?

Don't be afraid, I installed three sets of energy redundancy tubes on it, even if it gets out of control, it won't hurt you.Mainly because it is the first time I do this thing, and it belongs to the category of "Fantasy Engineering", there is really no reference case. "

"You might as well not say that."

Damian gave the unreliable engineer captain a hard look, took a deep breath under Mason's gaze, and reached out to press the red button on the device in front of his belt.

The Ark reactor operating at low power immediately started to run at high speed and made a buzzing sound, making Damian feel like he was carrying a bomb with him.

The moment he stretched out his hand to press the green button, a blue electric current shot out from the device and covered his whole body. Although there was no pain, a very strange pressure spread all over his body.

It was as if a pair of hands were squeezing hard from the outside. With Damian's exclamation, the world in his eyes suddenly became "open".

Under Mason's gaze, Damian's body "shrunk" several times within a second, from a short man to a "little bean", but it was still within the range visible to the naked eye.

He nodded in satisfaction, wrote a few notes on the recording board, and said to Damian who was bouncing around:

"Keep zooming in on the world, Damian, the spec limit of this thing is to shrink you to one-fiftieth the size of a bug, which is limited to a little bigger than a bug.

But the closer it is to the limit, the greater the energy consumption. I have to observe its energy dissipation to design an improvement plan. "

"Be quiet!"

Damian, who has been shrunk five times, will look at Mason as if he were looking at a giant. He thinks this shrinking experience is very interesting, and climbing up the table nimbly is like a little man's big adventure.

As a result, the "air current" formed by Mason's speech almost blew him away.

Then he pressed the green button again according to Mason's request, and pressed it four times to send himself into a state of one-fiftieth limit reduction, jumping around like a buzzing bug.

With this body size, any air current can blow him up and let him fly around in the air, as if gravity has disappeared, and in such a microscopic state, the whole world presents a rather wonderful "contrast". .

Damian stretches his body and glides through the air.

He can even clearly see the lines and pores on Mason's skin. Fortunately, he doesn't have a phobia of giants, otherwise it would be really scary.


The siren sounded from the device, and the reduced state was forcibly canceled in the next moment. Damian, who was still experiencing the new feeling, was enlarged unexpectedly, and fell to the floor with a bang.

But there was no resentment on his face, instead he jumped up, touched the magical device on his waist and said to Mason with a smile on his face:
"This thing is good. Its tactical value is very high. With it, there is no place in the world that I can't go to. I can even sneak into the keyhole of the vault."

"That's unimaginative, Mr. Wayne Jr. The World Enlarger and Reducer is a 'miracle' of engineering, and you just want to use it to rob a bank?"

Mason was in a good mood and made a joke, and took the silver-gray instrument back from Damian's hand to record the energy consumption, saying:
"The energy consumption in the limit shrinkage state is very considerable. The energy provided by a palladium element plate is only enough for it to operate in the limit state for about 10 to [-] minutes. It seems that we still need to find a more abundant energy source."

"Twenty minutes is not bad."

Damian leaned over to the captain and watched him continue to work on the details of the prototype. He asked:

"This thing is called a 'world enlarger and reducer'? I have experienced the feeling of 'world enlargement' just now. What about shrinking? How tall can it make me?"

"Shrinking the world takes more energy than enlarging it, so the extreme specs can make you twenty times larger overall, and the Ark reactor would shut down in about five minutes at the most.

But larger body size means more energy and oxygen consumption, so I would estimate that before the energy is exhausted, you will first cause yourself to suffocate from lack of oxygen due to strenuous activity.

So my suggestion to you is to try not to exceed 30 seconds each time you enter 'Extremely Large'."

Mason removed the energy redundancy tube used to ensure the safety of the test, and installed a black casing on his new device. He put this thing in front of his eyes to check, and a translucent blue information label popped up:
World Enlarger and Reducer Prototype

Quality: epic engineering creation · outstanding craftsmanship
Special effects:

Activate the device and change the way the world looks to you!


It is currently known that the reduction and enlargement specifications of the device are only theoretical parameters. After finding more suitable materials and energy sources and reminding the manufacturer of his engineering attainments, the device can be upgraded.


Individuals with [Phobia of giant objects] and [Fear of heights], please cherish life and stay away from this device.


Each time the device is activated, there is a 0.15% chance of loss of control, but please note that this "loss of control" is only a short-term entertainment effect and will not cause any substantial harm to the user.

This effect cannot be removed through modification, after all, a dull life needs a little surprise every now and then!
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: Dr. Hank Pym would have to light a cigarette when he saw this thing.

The explanation made Mason smile.

He knew that the thing in his hands was just a toy compared to the Pym particles. After all, no matter how powerful the world amplifier was, it could not reduce the user to the subatomic level.

He handed the assembled device to Damian, and said under the latter's slightly surprised gaze:

"I gave it to you, let's treat it as a gift for joining the team. Mrs. Martha said that I used you several times to make you full of resentment towards me. I hope this little thing can improve our relationship."

"Are you bribing me, Mason."

Damian took a stuck on his own bat belt, but although the little lunatic was very happy, he still said:

"Are you afraid that my 'Grandma Martha' will come to trouble you with a knife in the middle of the night? Well, is this the feeling of being protected by a strong parent? It's really great."


The door was pushed open in an instant, and Martha in pajamas appeared behind Damian with her hips akimbo like a ghost. When the little lunatic turned his head with wide eyes in astonishment, his dear "Grandma Clown" dragged him with both hands. left the room.

When the door slammed shut, Mrs. Martha's eerie cry could be heard:
"You bad boy! You scared grandma to death, where did you go! No one was seen all night, I thought the lunatics outside hid you.

I'm planning to blow them all up to avenge you
Woo hoo, don't scare me like that anymore, little Bruce, your poor grandma can't stand such a thrill. "

"Mason! Help me!"

Damian's screams came from afar, and he screamed:
"Mason, captain, take me back, I'm afraid. Mason!"

"Well, it's not daylight yet, good boy, don't call out scary things at such a time, because they will really appear."

Mason laughed twice, silently blessing Damian in his heart.

The little lunatic didn't know that the reason why Mason gave him the world enlarger and reducer was not just to express his apology for using him before, but also to make up for the miserable life he had to stay with the clown grandma and the old man during this time.

After all, in theory, all of this was caused by Mason's active planning and guidance.

"Well, let's take a look at the improvement of the Isu Pioneer Armor. Can you modify them to make them better?"

He had just returned to the workbench, took out a set of Isu blueprints and was about to start the next round of work, when he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and just as he turned around, he saw Harley rubbing his eyes and hugging a shark doll, appearing at the door .

Mason blinked and glanced at the darkened window, it was still an hour before dawn, so.
"That little bastard has finally been taken away!"

Harry cheered in a sharp voice, she jumped up behind Mason with red eyes, put her head on Mason's shoulder, and said in a long voice:

"I've been waiting all night, Mr. K., you promised me."

She pouted and started acting coquettishly.

Mason suddenly realized how wrong it was to let go of Damian just now.

But it will be too late, he can't drive Harley away again, if the more evil and impulsive Quinn comes out, it will be difficult to end this matter peacefully.

"I think we can pick an appropriate time to talk."

Mason glanced sadly at the unfinished design improvements, and he leaned back on the chair to watch Harry stretch his body against his arms with amazing flexibility.

He looked at the face without makeup in front of him.

Especially those sparkling eyes.

He can see undisguised nostalgia, enthusiasm and expectation from it.He asked himself what he thought in his heart, but at this moment, Mr. Hat, who was placed by the table, replied in a low voice:

"You don't resist her, Mason, and you know it. You actually like her, even before you really knew her."

"my brother."

The Isu ghost Consus also projected onto Mason's side, persuading him:
"It's good to be self-disciplined, but always living this kind of ascetic life will affect your creativity and enthusiasm for life. You're always stressed. It's not a bad thing to have some fun."

"Mr. K.?"

Halle lay in Mason's arms and watched Mr. K's expression change, she whispered:

"What's the matter with you? How about I come back later?"

"No, nothing."

Mason, who was pregnant with a beauty, shook his head, letting the voices of Consus and the hat go away from his ears. He looked down at Harry, took off his glasses frame, and said:
"We need to hurry up"

Then the lips kissed together, as if the first flames were lit.

The atmosphere gradually became ambiguous and hot, but just as Harry, who was short of breath, raised his head and prepared for the next step, the sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded in the room.

Mason's eyes were clear immediately, and he quickly threw the screaming Harry to the ground.

The chair they were on just now was nailed with three black arrows in an instant, the tops of the arrows were still beeping, and the dangerous red light was counting down.

He only had time to pull out the Isu shroud on the table and cover himself and Harley before a violent explosion engulfed the entire room.

This movement immediately alarmed the entire abandoned Wayne Manor.

A few seconds later, the old man in the shape of a black bat jumped onto the eaves while being pulled by the flying claw gun. Damian wanted to rush out to help, but Martha the clown pushed him into the closet of the room, and activated the secret elevator to send him into the closed room. in the underground bat cave.

Arkham's lunatics shouted noisily.

The periphery of their manor was raided by a large group of black-clothed killers in the night before dawn, and it was almost chaotic at this moment.

But fortunately, the weapons were transferred to their hands last night, so that they would not deal with this group of menacing Assassins with bare hands.The old man said that Heijian and his killer would definitely come, but he didn't expect this group of people to be so efficient!
"cough cough"

The room torn apart by the explosion was still burning, and thick black smoke was billowing. Mason, who was coughing, was helped up by Harry, whose face was covered in ashes.

The Isu Shroud is indeed a legendary cloak of immortal craftsmanship. It still protected Mason and his little lover from being hurt in such a close-range explosion, but it was certain that they would be messed up.

Those guys really picked a good time to shoot the assassination arrow at the moment Mason let down his vigilance because of Harry's enthusiasm.If it weren't for Isu's sharp senses, the explosion just now would have buried Mason here.

"I'm going to kill him!"

Harley, who has been interrupted, will be extremely irritable.

She rushed out of the burning room with Mason in her arms, feeling as anxious as an enraged tiger, and even her sharp voice had a strange "resonance".

Obviously, the "Quinn" in her heart was disturbed.

"You lead those criminals in Arkham, they need your lead."

Mason put the shroud on Harley, patted her waist and said:
"Good things take time, let's go."


Harley turned around and hugged Mr. K's neck, bit his lips fiercely, as if retaliating to collect some "interest" first, then she turned her head and whistled.

The two big Amazon vicious dogs rushed out howling, and obediently brought armor, weapons and a bag of explosives for Harry.

He watched Harry leave, then pulled out his precision rifle from the bag, and glanced around the manor that was being raided by the League of Assassins. Mason shrugged and put the invisibility cloak on his body.

Mason didn't leave immediately.

Instead, a cylindrical bio-chamber for long-term storage of living organisms is released from the suitcase, and while the fingerprint iris is used to verify the release of the dormant "bodyguard", he says:

"Get to work, Bullseye! 'Black Arrow' Oliver Quinn doesn't seem to have had enough of a beating last time, give him the whole job this time. 'Peace is more important' process temporarily suspended.

Authorize the use of deadly force! "

(End of this chapter)

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