The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 270 68. On-site card printing, right?Stop pretending, right?Kick out all the ones who didn&#

Chapter 270 68. On-site card printing, right?Stop pretending, right?Kick out all the ones who didn't open it! ——【1525】

(Add more for the "starsfalling" brothers!)

The combination of the old man Thomas Wayne, the female clown Martha Wayne, the Khorne god-chosen Diana Prince and the shameless villain Arthur Curry had already made Mason confirm that he had come to the famous "Flashpoint" "world.

However, the appearance of "Black Arrow" Oliver made Mason realize that this flashpoint world is not completely consistent with the story in his memory, and perhaps this is also a composite worldview.

Just like the hellish Isu world.

But this place is much more exciting than Sister Malaka's.

It was completely different at the level of conventional strength. Mason had just rushed out of the burned Wayne Mansion wearing an invisibility cloak, and saw a group of ninjas in black rushing forward among a pile of ice sculptures.

They were led by a guy dressed in all black and wearing a "padded jacket" holding a cool freezing gun. The weapon in his hand that emitted blue ice rays had frozen all the nearby Arkham criminals.

"Captain Cold? Black Arrow's subordinate? Cool, this world view is really interesting."

Mason complained.

In the hidden form, he took out his own freezing gun from his luggage. This invention from Professor Victor is obviously not as advanced as the weapon in the opponent's hands, but considering that Captain Cold is not a superhuman, he faced Mason's shameless During the sneak attack, his reaction was still half a beat slow.

The guy who is famous for being able to create "absolute zero" ice at any time was frozen into a big pile of ice slag, and the black-clothed killers beside him were also shot by the high-speed rotation of the bio-killing grenade thrown by Mason. Cut in situ.

The scene was bloody, but Mason didn't care.

He stepped forward to take the weapon that looked more like a real firearm from Captain Cold's ice sculpture, and threw it into his luggage as a trophy.

This thing can be used as a blueprint for upgrading the Freezing Gun.

However, the small encounter here has attracted the attention of the killer leader. Although the invisibility cloak is very face-saving and has not failed, for the world's top shooter, Black Arrow Oliver is no better than catching the target to act.

What's more, Oliver Quinn in this world is not an ordinary person. After killing the Master Assassin and inheriting the League of Assassins, years of soaking in the Lazarus Pool brought him superhuman strength and keen senses.

Dressed in a black hunting suit, he put an arrow on the roof of the flaming mansion and aimed at the assassin team who was raided below, preparing to shoot an explosive arrow to destroy them all.

Mason also sensed the threat, and the Isu's sensory frenzy called the police to make him evacuate faster.

And just as Heijian was about to let go of the bowstring, the master assassin bent over and rolled on the spot, and three consecutive black bat darts shot from behind, pierced into his feet and then detonated, completely destroying Heijian's surprise attack.

Bullseye, wearing the gray Isu Pioneer Armor, hid in the darkness and smiled, instead of chasing after him, he hummed a strange song, and untied the technological heavy sniper "Friendship Support" of the employer Mason from behind. cat again".

The prosthesis in the bloodthirsty killer's brain has been temporarily lifted from all restrictions.

He could finally have a good time tonight, and his first target was Oliver Quinn, who had fought once in Gotham.

Last time he relied on Mason's sneak attack support to win, this time he thinks he has no reason to lose.

However, being entangled by the dangerous sharpshooter assassin does not mean that Mason's breakout will be smooth sailing. Against the backdrop of violent explosions constantly ringing in the distance, when Mason rushes out of the garden of the mansion, he encounters Ms. Black Canary falling from the sky.

Hmm, in this world view, she should be called "Black Siren"?
Oliver Quinn has become a cold-blooded killer in this world, so it is completely understandable that his partner's lover is a little bit harsher, so the moment Mason waved his cloak to block his body, a super-large-scale sonic tear blasted him head-on. come over.

The sound waves with a frequency far exceeding the human ear's reception rate tore up the entire garden that the old man didn't like at all, and a large amount of soil and weeds flew into the air.

This scene is cool but not environmentally friendly at all.

However, this pure energy attack also activated the energy absorption of the Isu armor on Mason's body. Instead of being injured, an energy matrix was formed in front of him, helping him block several shurikens thrown by the Black Siren in time.

Seeing that Sonic was unable to defeat the enemy, the Black Siren rushed forward to fight in close quarters, but stepped on several laser mines that Mason had just dropped.

The individual weapons from the 2077 world exploded and ignited the black-haired girl's robe and hair. When she retreated in embarrassment, Kevin, the ooze monster hiding in the flying mud, rushed out with a cry.

It entangled the female killer like a splash of mud.

As if a rope was tied to keep her from breaking free, Mason stepped forward and pulled out the anesthesia needle and stuck it in her neck, then opened the suitcase and let Kevin throw her into it.

"I'm very weak, but that doesn't mean anyone can handle me. Do you understand the gold content of B-level personnel? I'm not afraid of the old K who is in full condition like me now."

Mason picked up the suitcase and complained.

With so many protective means on his body now, these second- and third-line heroes or villains running alone are like delivering food.

But perhaps after hearing Mason's speech of "Lonely Seeking Defeat", this malicious world soon gave him a "surprise".

Just as he rushed out of the gate of the manor and was about to find a place to sit up and wait for the Assassin League's raid to end, a swift black figure suddenly shot out from above, and the cold wind with intertwined sharp blades made Mason's scalp numb.

With a tactical sliding shovel, he barely avoided looking at the knife on the back of his head, and then turned around in doubt.

It was a tall figure wearing a red and black battle suit, holding two straight-edged knives, and wearing an armed mask that only exposed his left eye, also black and red, and there was a ninja-style streamer flying behind his head.

"Death knell?"

Mason recognized him at a glance, and asked:
"What? The official superhero is gone too? Have you cooperated with the League of Assassins?"

"Just the same goal."

The death knell of this world made an assault gesture and said coldly:
"But I'm not here for your life, Outsider 115, Amanda Waller wants to talk to you."

"But I don't want to have any contact with that annoying woman."

Mason took a step back and glanced at the suitcase that was kicked out by the death knell and left on the side of the road during the attack just now. He blinked and said to the attacker in front of him:

"In addition, uninvited guests are very annoying. Don't you just say hello to the host before stepping into the private territory casually?"


The death knell turned around in an instant.

The sharp blade in his left hand collided with the shark-tooth knife in the gauntlet of the old man who was rushing from behind, and the two old men started a dazzling melee fight amidst sparks flying around.

Mason rolled and hid on the side of the road, then fired the claw gun and pulled his suitcase over.

However, he did not continue to evacuate, but took off the rifle behind his back to support the old man. He was very confident in the skill of Thomas Wayne, the revenge knight, but the superhuman Deathstroke was not easy to deal with.

Under tonight's circumstances, it was not the right choice to allow the two of them to fight like this.

However, while setting up his gun to aim, Mason also activated the team communicator in his ear. This time he directly connected to Thalia, and said without nonsense:
"The League of Assassins in this world is coming to your son's head, I found a group of people to resist, but now there are troublesome guys.

Help me contact Deathstroke!

quick! "

Thalia has always been a lady with strong execution ability. After hearing Mason's simple description, she switched the frequency band. After a few seconds of waiting for communication, a deep male voice in pajamas sounded in Mason's ears:

"Your Excellency Captain, it's not yet dawn, even in Atlantis this is an evil time."

"I met your space-time alien in this world, and he wanted to arrest me to meet Amanda Waller."

Mason ignored Death Knell's inappropriate cold humor. He aimed at the inextricable Death Knell heterotopy who was fighting with the old man in front of him, and asked:

"But I'm interested in this superhero style death knell, so can you tell me some of your weaknesses? Shredder, I mean the kind that can change the battle in an instant, but not kill another you tactical arrangement."


Mason's request made the death knell full of question marks in the city of Atlantis waiting to be summoned by the sea king.


Are all the people in the Constellation Club so direct?As soon as I opened my mouth, I asked my weakness, what do you want to do?It’s no secret to prepare countermeasures now, right?

This Mr. Mason Cooper, have you confirmed that our relationship is really good to this point?
Seeing that the death knell was silent, Mason persuaded:
"It's actually not a big deal. You see how open-minded Batman is over there. The whole world knows that his biggest weakness is his ordinary physique, and that if you don't make an appointment with Batman, you can avoid getting knocked down by him with a high probability.

I know your weakness is one thing, but whether you give me a chance to take advantage of it is another.

Anyway, I have a little confidence that I have developed 90% of my brain, Wilson, I need your weakness now, otherwise I can only kill your space-time alien.

Are you really that uninterested in another you who became a hero and served justice? "

"Damn it, you convinced me."

Deathstroke over there snorted, cleared his throat with resentment and reluctance, and said:
"The superhuman reinforcements I injected when I was young can only protect my torso and internal organs. If I want to capture me, I try to target my limbs as much as possible. If necessary, I can attack my right eye.

It's been my Achilles' heel since I lost that eye.

Although I have always protected it well, if I encounter a sudden heavy blow, it will still make me fall into a brief dizziness, but this is not the best, Captain Mason.

In order to prevent me from falling into a desperate situation, I performed self-hypnosis for myself, and after I was injured to a certain extent, I would enter a state of madness and lose my mind.

You probably don't want to see me like that, so I suggest you start with your surroundings. "


Mason, who had his finger on the trigger and aimed at Deathstroke's right eye, paused and said:

"It's very simple. I, who have been so cautious, have already developed the habit of preparing an evacuation plan in advance during my years of combat career. According to my tactical thinking, once my preparations are seen through by the enemy, no matter whether I gain the upper hand If they are in danger, they will retreat immediately.”

Deathstroke explained for Mason:

"Look out from another place where I appeared. If nothing else happens, you should be able to find a vehicle for me to escape, usually a modified motorcycle or a single-person aircraft."

Mason immediately turned his gun.

Eagle-eyed perception spread out from the direction of the world's death knell attacking him, and he quickly found a vibration that was not quite right.

In a forest a few hundred meters away, an aircraft with optical camouflage turned on was waiting. Mason sensed the aim a little, and then pulled the trigger.

There was a loud "boom", and a ball of fire exploded from the woods.

The death knell who had already kicked the old man's pistol away and was about to step forward to execute was kicked on the face by the old man, and the death knell immediately stopped, looked at the direction of the explosion in surprise, and then threw a smoke bomb to cover his retreat .

"Your alien body ran away, and used a very special smoke bomb to block part of my perception. Now I can shoot to the left or right."

Before Mason finished speaking, the death knell on the other end of the communication immediately replied:


"bang bang bang"

Five consecutive bullets flew out of the gun barrel into the dense fog, and the last bullet successfully brought up a smear of blood, causing the fast-moving Death Knell who was hiding in it to stagger to the ground.

"Be careful of the throwing knife he shoots! That thing is a good thing from KGB, and it ejects very fast."

The death knell on Mason's side reminded with great interest that he seemed to be playing a game of "catch himself" and enjoyed it, and Mason, who was reminded, dodged the three catapult flying knives whistling in a short body. Chase ahead.

"I will plant landmines on my way to escape in advance."

The death knell reminded again.

Mason immediately shot out his flying claws to mount himself on a high branch, locked on with eagle-eyed perception, and shot off the limbs of the zombies in this world.

But this guy knew that he must have fallen into a trap when he saw that his arrangement was avoided by Mason, so he decisively called for support, and soon there were rockets roaring across the night sky and hitting the chaotic Wayne Manor.

That was the support of Deathstroke's commander by official forces nearby.

This scene made the old man give up the pursuit and retreat to the manor.

Mason wanted to chase again, but after crossing the end of the mine-strewn trail, he saw a suitcase-style explosive that had been activated in countdown, and it was initially estimated that its power could level everything nearby.

Probably Amanda Waller's order to Deathstroke is that if you can't catch it alive, you can kill it directly.


Mason landed on the box bomb with his flying claws, took out an engineering wrench to remove the shell, looked at the four red, blue, white and gray wires in front of him, and said:

"Which one do you think I should cut?"

"It's useless, if I arranged it, then any one will explode."

Deathstroke on the comms yawned and said:

"But I usually set a cancel password for explosives to prevent accidents. At the bottom of it, you can see an input device with a four-digit password 5698."

"you sure?"

Mason complied.

But when entering the last digit of the password, he looked at the number that was already counting down to 20, and said:

"You know, as long as you deliberately say the wrong digit, you can say goodbye to me forever."

"Is it any good for me to kill you, the senior captain, at this time?"

Shredder Wilson retorted:

"Or, do you think I trust Talia al Ghul more than you, a capable stranger?"


Mason keyed in the last digit, and the screeching whistle of the explosive box brought the countdown to 14.

He heaved a sigh of relief, put the exquisitely made explosive that seemed to be mixed with some alien technology into his luggage, and then looked up into the distance, where a black helicopter quickly disappeared into the night sky.

"Pleasant cooperation, Wilson."

Mason said to the comm:
"You are quite powerful in this world, maybe I have the opportunity to introduce the two of you to each other."

"Ha, there must be a chance."

Deathstroke laughed, not seeing the gloomyness of the world-class mercenary at all, and said like a hearty uncle:
"The next time I meet him, it will be mine. Oh, Shark King found something in Atlantis before, maybe now is just the time to report it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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