The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 271 69. The person who bears the name of lightning is sacrificed to the sky again - monthly

Chapter 271 69. The person who bears the name of lightning is sacrificed to heaven again - Monthly Ticket Addition·Happy Lantern Festival [1625]

"Why are you so miserable?"

On the quickly evacuated helicopter, the young pilot glanced back at the Deathstroke commander who was in the cabin giving emergency treatment to his injured leg and arm.

The blond short-haired pilot said curiously:

"It's not once or twice that our partner has raided the group of Amazon KB elements last time, and I didn't see you in such a mess."

"Shut up, Hal."

Deathstroke angrily took off his combat mask, revealing short gray hair. He is no longer young in this world. He stroked the cracked mark on the mask, which was where his right eye was.

Reminiscent of the series of bizarre incidents just now, this veteran loyal to the official turned on his portable communicator with a solemn expression, and reported to the other side:

"Target information update, Waller, this time the outsider is suspected to have the ability to predict, he seems to be able to see the short future, all the arrangements I made were known and deciphered in advance.

My suggestion is, don't let the group of second-rate fighters under your command come to die again.

This is not an enemy they can deal with! "

"Information update received, return to the base as soon as possible, Schrader."

Amanda Waller's voice said in the newsletter:

"Officer Lex Luthor firmly believes that the Atlanteans' doomsday weapon is not groundless rumors, and he has already applied to the high-level for a state-of-the-art warship to escort him to the dangerous high seas for investigation and positioning.

In this operation, he designated you as the combat commander.

It seems he trusts you a lot. "


Deathstroke said angrily:
"I hate that bald head, he always tries to disobey orders and is full of undeserved sympathy for those alien races but can't see the suffering of his compatriots.

He was not loyal to his job, and I always felt that his mind was not on the situation at hand. "

"I admit that Luthor has serious flaws in this area, but we also need his top-level intelligence at this moment. Stop complaining, Schrader."

Waller urged:
"The Amazons and the Atlanteans are not just playing around this time, and satellite reconnaissance shows that they are both amassing the largest armies ever seen on either side.

They are going to fight to the death.

And our task and mission is to ensure that human society will not be involved.

Luther's ship is about to set off, and there's not much time left for you to rest. "

After she finished speaking, she hung up the communication, and Deathstroke put the mask aside in annoyance, dragged her self-healing body to the front of the helicopter and sat on the co-pilot.

He lit a cigar and rested in his seat, while the blond pilot next to him glanced at him and said:
"Is there another mission?"

"Well, I'm going to die again."

Old Deathstroke seemed to have a good relationship with this young man. He exhaled smoke rings, looked at the hazy Gotham City in the distance outside the window, and said in a low voice:

"Go to the far sea, which has been turned into a restricted area by the Atlanteans. Once you step in, you will definitely be attacked."

"Can I follow?"

Pilot Hal Jordan cheered up and said:
"I also want to dedicate my strength to this crisis, you know me, Schrader, as long as you give me a flying machine full of weapons, I promise to beat those underwater people and she-wolves to call them daddy. "

"Enough! Hal!"

The old death knell suddenly scolded.

He opened his eyes and looked at the blond young man beside him, and said:
"You haven't been on the battlefield, you don't know anything about war but you want to join it, and let me tell you, you can continue to think you're the 'chosen one', but when you get shot by the first bullet When it hits, you realize you're no different than everyone else.

You will die too!
Hal, stop longing for war, that's what idiots do, you should retire now and go back to Seaside, where your girlfriend is waiting for you.

I told you before, what General Lane needs in his series of plans is not top-notch pilots but cannon fodder!You are turning yourself into cannon fodder that never comes back.

You should value your life instead of wasting it. "

"Carol called me yesterday and broke up."

The young man shrugged, curled his lips and said:

"My best friend Kyle Rayner greenlit me, but what can I say? That's life, right? Shredder, I submitted my application to the front line this morning.

General Lane personally approved me to join the 'Hammer of Doom' project.

He told me he had the best plane in the world waiting for the best pilot in the world."

"Don't go, it's like what I just revealed is enough to send the two of us to a military court."

The old death knell, who obviously knew more secrets, sighed and persuaded in a low voice:
"That's a suicide project!

That aircraft was modified by Luthor with an alien spaceship. It was a 'flying coffin', and it was designed for the sole purpose of dying with the enemy. "

"That's okay, it's better than me messing around like this now."

Hal Jordan didn't care.

The young man skillfully grasped the joystick of the helicopter. He looked at the starry sky above his head. After a few seconds, he said:
"I grew up with the feeling, Schreider, that all my life, all my preparations were for a moment, and I loved flying, and I belonged in the sky.

I don't want to be stupidly crawling on the ground when this crisis comes, me."

"snoring snoring"

The low snoring sound interrupted the young man's emotions. Hal Jordan shrugged his shoulders and said no more as he drove the helicopter towards the base quickly.

He didn't forget to pick up the blanket with one hand and cover the veteran beside him.

He grew up listening to the heroic stories of Deathstroke Schrader since he was a child. This bad-tempered guy is considered his idol. Unfortunately, he probably won't be able to excel like Deathstroke in his entire life.
"Bane, tell me again, what did King Shark find at the bottom of the sea?"

Near the end of the battle, outside the Wayne Manor where the assassins were being besieged gradually, Mason frowned and asked the communicator:
"A special submarine mothership?"

"Yes, a ship as huge as the Ark is hidden in the trench near the city of Atlantis."

Now it's not the death knell reporting, it's Bane who is following this line, the assassin mercenary said in his very unique tone:
"The Shark King was invited to Arthur Curry's army as a distinguished guest. In this ocean country that still maintains the caste system, the big shark belongs to the kind that cast a supremely good tire.

It was appointed as the commander of the raiding force of that ship because of its extremely fierce character and bloodline of great potential, but according to Shark King, there was something about that ship that made him feel scared.

That is a strength.

It says that it is a depressive and painful force, and it has become very unstable as it grows day by day. It only needs a switch to explode with energy that can destroy everything. "

"So, that is the legendary Atlanteans' doomsday weapon?"

Mason thought for a few seconds and said:
"Can you sneak in and take a closer look?"

"It's hard."

Bain replied:
"We are not allowed to set foot on that ship, King Shark is negotiating with Ocean Lord Orm, but even if we go up and want to observe it up close, we will only have one chance at most.

These sea people are technologically advanced.

The most important thing is that they don't believe in any life other than themselves. They are a bunch of arrogant and arrogant fools, and they are ruled by a furious king who has a dead wife and burned his palace.

Just yesterday, they were preparing to trigger large tides that would submerge all of South America.

They are expanding the war.

If the human beings in this world are also involved in the death struggle between them and the Amazons, I believe that this world is going to end, Mason, even if there is no natural disaster, they will die in this kind of high-intensity internal fighting. "

"You summed it up very accurately, but continue to investigate and find out exactly where the 'doomsday weapon' is as soon as possible, and then we can find a way to control it."

Mason replied, and then turned off the communication.

"The prophecy that the world will be destroyed in five days is definitely not the doomsday weapon of the Atlanteans, it does not have the power to completely destroy the world.

This prophecy was referring to something else, and it was hiding deep beneath the chaotic reality. "

Mason looked up at the cloudy night sky.

He would have more time to think and gather information, so he rubbed his forehead to think about these things, and soon saw Harley Quinn in a messy burning place.

Her own cranky patient would ride on the back of a large dog she had stolen from Paradise Island, brandishing her own gold baseball bat and clutching a daubedly painted pistol in the other.

Go on a rampage like a heroic "dog rider".

The two dogs that Harry stole were obviously not ordinary creatures. They should be "special breeds" domesticated by the Amazons. They were not only fierce and loyal, but also powerful enough to crush stones head-on.

They wear special armor that can block bullets, and these two dogs are smart and scary, and they quickly learned "new tactics" under Harley's precepts and deeds.

The big dog named Luther approached the hiding place rejected by the black-clothed assassins with a bundle of bombs in his mouth, and threw the bombs in with his speed advantage.

Then the dog named Luke laid his paws on the detonator and waited for his companion to run away before detonating the bomb. After the explosion, the two big dogs would happily rush into the fire and drag out the ignited killers to kill them alive. .

I really don't know how Harley communicated with them. Did she still teach "animal language" at the medical university where she got her Ph.D.?

"Mr. K! The villains have been driven away."

Seeing Mason appear in the manor, Harley, who whistled and shot an unlucky ghost in the head with a baseball bat, waved and cheered happily to Mason, and even shot randomly into the sky to celebrate the victory.

Then there was a pop.

Under Mason's speechless gaze, a person fell from the air and landed right next to Harry's feet, startling Mr. K's female patient.

She tentatively reached out to touch the person in front of her with a blood-stained baseball bat, to see if the blood-soaked guy was still alive, and soon she saw the heaving chest of the person.

And Mason, who watched Harley shoot down a person indiscriminately, sighed with some kind of tiredness.

He quickly stepped forward and took out the medical tools, and with Harry's assistance, he turned the unlucky guy over to give him first aid, and then he saw the face that was smeared with blood but still very recognizable.

"Barry Allen?"

Mason exclaimed, looking at the bloody Flash in front of him, he immediately took out his epic healing potion and quickly poured it down for the poor guy.

Seeing that she had hit an "acquaintance", Harley immediately threw out the baseball bat weapon in her hand with guilt, and then whistled as if nothing had happened but left the "crime scene" quickly.

She was afraid that the Flash would recover and trouble her, but in fact, when she saw that the injured was Barry Allen, Harley's suspicion of "intentional injury" was ruled out.

No matter how desolate this speedster is, it is impossible for him to be knocked down by a few bullets from his high-speed movement.

Mason gave Barry first aid on the spot and quickly discovered the two truly fatal points of his body injury, one in the heart, where he had been punctured by a sharp object.

If it weren't for the super self-healing brought by the Speed ​​Force, this injury would have died long ago.

Another fatal injury is the waist and abdomen.

Barry's waist and abdomen seemed to be sliced ​​open by a sharp weapon, even his intestines and internal organs were severed. It was also because of the speed force's super self-healing that he saved his life.

"Let you stab me with a knife at the speed of light! Is it retribution now?"

While cleaning up the wound on Barry's heart, suturing and applying recovery medicine, Mason whispered:

"This kind of laceration was obviously caused by the light-speed hand knife. It seems that it was caused by another speedster. The ruthless attack obviously meant venting anger. There should be no one else except Reverse Lightning.

But this knife wound is a bit
Not only the internal organs were cut, but even your battle suit made of high-strength aerospace materials was cut as smoothly as butter. If you hadn’t met the big sister Malaka, then it would have caused you such a blow in this world. This kind of cutting injury should be only the Khorne God Chosen. "

The captain sneered, reached out and patted Barry's cheek, and said:

"Since you're awake, open your eyes! What are you pretending to be? Are you planning to attack me?"

"I just"

Under Mason's scolding, Barry weakly opened his eyes.

With a bit of embarrassment, he whispered:
"I was just thinking about how to greet you. After all, our meeting was not so 'friendly' before. I almost killed you."

"Just you? Come on."

Mason shook his head and said:

"From the day I became a member of the Constellation, I was used to this kind of inexplicable malice. When we appear in a world in this dark age, people on the entire planet want us to die on the spot.

Your little misunderstanding doesn't even count as pre-dinner entertainment.

Now tell me, who made you like this? "


The Flash touched his healing abdomen, and said with a trace of fear:
"I was injured by reverse lightning and only wanted to ask my friends for help. I couldn't return to our world, so I wanted to seek refuge with Diana, but she didn't wait for me to speak, so she gave me a sword.

She scolded me for being a lowly man, who dared to step into her supreme bedroom and tried to attack her, damn it, the Diana of this world is simply an unreasonable lunatic! "

"Then why didn't you ask Arthur Curry for help?"

Mason quipped:
"Maybe your Neptune brother can save your life because you are both men and have been stabbed by Diana's sword?"

"He? I don't believe him!"

Breathing hard, Barry said:

"He flooded Europe and killed hundreds of millions of people, just because humans are unwilling to form an alliance with Atlantis to attack the Amazons. In this world, Batman is a cold-blooded thug, the clown is his wife, Oliver became the leader of the assassins, and Dana became the leader of the assassins. Killing for pleasure.

I didn't find any trace of Superman and Green Lantern, but I didn't dare to contact Cyborg, everyone in this world is crazy!

We shouldn't be here at all. "

"Superman does exist, but he's not who you think he is."

Mason pulled Barry Allen up from the ground, and he said:
"Now that you have been beaten by reality, you finally know who is a trustworthy and reliable friend, right? Come, tell me what happened between you and that reverse lightning.

I need to know more to judge.

At least you have to tell me, what did the conqueror who almost killed you come here for? "

"It's time! Mason."

Barry put his hand weakly on Mason's shoulder, and was supported by him to walk.

Xiao Shan, who was almost sacrificed to heaven, said in a low voice:
"Reverse Lightning came here to 'steal' the remaining time in this world"

(End of this chapter)

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