The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 272 70. Barry Allen is about to murder Barry Allen--Monthly Ticket Addition·Happy Lantern Fe

Chapter 272 70. Barry Allen is about to murder Barry Allen——Monthly Ticket Addition·Happy Lantern Festival【1725】

"You said that the reverse lightning came for time?"

The answer from Barry was beyond Mason's imagination, and Mason froze in place. Then he seemed to understand. He looked at Barry and said:

"Can you go into more detail? What means is he going to 'steal' time?"

"It's hard for me to explain, Mason."

Flash's wounds healed under the action of potions and self-healing power. This process was uncomfortable and made him gasp constantly. He tried his best to explain:

"It's just a metaphor.

I didn't personally see who the reverse flash was attacking, but he kept running in a special space, and I could feel that the speed force net in this world was being distorted by him.

But he is definitely not trying to absorb those speed forces, he is trying to get what is protected by those speed force nets.

He had to defeat them before he could go any further.

He was about to express his thoughts, but then there was a noisy voice from the communicator in his ear. He motioned for everyone to be quiet, and he finished listening to Selena from Paradise Island and Bain from Atlantis City. double reporting.

Under a mask darker and more gloomy than Batman, those bloodshot eyes stared at Mason and said:

I guess it's the interference he's causing. "

He looked at Damian and his clown grandma who were walking towards him with the devil's head sword in front of them.

as for that voice
Black Arrow said it referred to itself as 'Barry Allen' in an out-of-control conversation. "

In the silence, Mrs. Martha shook her head with a weird smile, and said in a piercing voice:
"Is it possible that the world we live in has nothing to do with 'reality'?

Mason pinched out his Stars Club ID card,

The secret bodyguard Bullseye gritted his teeth, folded his arms and complained to Mason:

"What else did Oliver say?"

Seeing Mason approaching, the little cutie immediately jumped up to claim credit and said:

Their common feature is that they all have devil-like tattoos on their arms.

"Justice League? Is that some weird boy cabaret? Is it not enough for my Bruce to choose to be Batman in another world, and hang out with a bunch of weird friends?"

"The identity and name of that voice."

The latter was leaning against the wall with a sniper rifle on his back, with a displeased expression on his face, and the floating red light in the remodeled prosthetic eyes was filled with a cold killing intent.

"Did you torture him for me just now? Old man, you don't have to do this. I have a way to find out the truth without bloodshed."

"I just saw that Thomas rescued 'Black Arrow' Oliver from your men, this is an opportunity, Mason, if you want to know the secrets that Thomas is hiding, you can't waste time now.

He said to the old man:

I don't think it's possible to leave here and return to our world, it's like there's a wall blocking the speed force's connection between the two worlds.

Having said that, probably to strengthen his own persuasion, Barry said:

"No, you are simply crazy, Martha, don't make excuses for your cold-blooded brutality."


Signal Mason to find a way to "fish" him out quickly.

The reason why I say he is 'stealing' time is because I can feel that the time flow in this world is not normal, and the timeline is distorted into a rather strange appearance.

It stands to reason that a speedster can use the high-speed resonance of body molecules to pass through obstacles such as walls without a trace, and there will be no such situation of "can't stop the car" at all.

"No, no, no, your guesses are too superficial, not deep at all!"

Thomas Wayne was standing in front of his data wall at this moment, with his back to Mason, letting the jagged cloak cover his body, and looking up at the collected data on the wall.

So he complained to Mason:

"There is only one way to confirm your terrible ideas."

The terrible scars on Mrs. Martha's face have almost faded away, and now she is wearing a black lady's wide-brimmed bonnet and a coat and cloak, just like a lady walking in her own garden.

"I know."

Mason reminded in a low voice.

"It seems that only entry and no exit are allowed here. Only the communication is still open. No wonder they sent people before but couldn't send out any useful news."

"Am I under any obligation to please her?"

Harry was right, there had just been a horrible torture here.

A few minutes later, the group came to the Bat Cave below Wayne Manor.

Mason snorted.

"Reverse Lightning!"

This embarrassing scene made Mason and Flash stunned.

The old man said quietly:
"I'm a pretty good doctor. I can tell whether your mental state is clear or not."

And next to Bullseye is Harley Quinn, who is chewing gum and sitting on a rock, leaning on a baseball bat as if she is leaning on a sword. Her two vicious dogs squatting at her feet seem to be watching Bullseye.

Mason paused and said:

Mason looked at Barry with a smile and said:

Aunt Martha looked Little Flash up and down.

Mason stood in front of the door of the world where the starlight flickered and took a step forward, and then appeared from the other side of the door, looking back at the still shining starlight behind him, he frowned completely.

It was like being tortured, the scene was terrible. "

Give. "

The guy who was trying to escape through the World Gate directly hit the wall of the utility room next to the garden, and the impact was so strong that it even made a big hole in the shape of a dancing human on the opposite wall.

He left the others here, and told Harry to watch, and then walked into the dark bat cave in front of him alone.

He glanced at The Flash and said:

I was all on target. "

He too was stuck.

Alas, the poor child can't do without his mother's care since he was a child, and he can easily go astray. "

Barry's finger twirled in the air, bringing up a weak point of light, and he said:
"When I was chased by the reverse flash, I wanted to hide in time. This is a very effective strategy for speedsters in battle, but I failed. I can't go back or advance time in this world.

When Mason approached, the old man said to him hoarsely:

"No! I'm the captain, listen to me! We should now"

Stay away from them.

But the female clown spoke before him and said:

They saw Bullseye waiting at the entrance.

"But you said it yourself, there are signs of the Speed ​​Force in this world, Barry."

He put away the World Gate that had been placed on display, helped up Barry who was struggling on the ground, and whispered to him:
"Don't tell others about this in advance, lest the morale of the army will be unstable."

The Flash, who was eavesdropping outside the cave, got up instantly.

But Barry had just witnessed Mrs. Martha directing a group of thugs to kill several people with bombs, so he didn't like such cold-blooded people.

"I bugged old Thomas so you can eavesdrop on their conversations."

"If my theory is correct, then your world gate should also be unusable. You haven't tried it yet, have you?"

The old man turned around.

Aunt Clown snorted.

"That's true. I also think that the people in the Justice League are not very normal."

Impatient with Bullseye's provocation, she fired a shot at him. The bullet hit Bullseye's helmet trickily and splashed sparks. The latter was about to fight back immediately but was stopped by Mason's eyes.

In the center of the cave is an operating table and a rusty shadowless lamp.

Reverse Lightning was not only trapped here, but also suspected to have interfered with the normal operation of the Speed ​​Force.

"I happen to have something to talk to the old man about."

"I chased this sneaky guy all the way here, and I stopped him from sneaking up on the old man, and Old Thomas was about to beat Black Arrow to death inside.

Oliver Quinn, who was lying there, heard that voice earlier than me. According to his account just now, so far, he and his killers have killed nearly a hundred people around the world.

He brushed this thing on the door of a nearby room, and the wooden door lock was immediately replaced with a brass-colored handle, as well as exquisite world scale lines.

A muffled sound.

"Over a month ago I heard that voice announcing to me that the 'invaders' were coming and directing me to the Philadelphia area where I saw with my own eyes people like you pass through strange doors into our world.

But the destroyed wall in front of him cannot be faked. It seems that Barry Allen's guess is correct.

There is no legend of The Flash in this world. "

"What? Haven't you faced such a difficult choice before? Xiao Shan, looking at your face is terrible, maybe I should say something, welcome to the cruel world of adults."

"So is it possible that this world is not without The Flash, but that someone somehow 'erased' his life?
As for Barry Allen, who died 17 years ago.
For the speedsters, it is easy to fake this kind of death.

"Are all the people in the Stars Club so heartless?"

"I'm just optimistic. You see, I have encountered this kind of shit more than once, and I know that it is impossible for me to have any simple tasks.

He glanced at Barry, turned the doorknob to the position of Gotham World, and then gently pushed back, the familiar starlight reflection still appeared in front of his eyes.

Those discussions were so nasty I couldn't even say it in front of my kids.

Mason shook his head and said:
"I bugged the old man when I first met him, but I think it might be better for us to go straight to him now. He and Oliver are in the Batcave."

With a whoosh, he rushed into the world door pushed open by Mason, and then...

Now it seems that the fate of me and this world are tied together again. "

Bullseye, the neurotic killer, finished complaining about Harley, and then looked meaningfully at Barry Allen, who had just regained the ability to walk, beside Mason. He stretched out his hand provocatively:
"Would you like to compare again and see who is faster this time?"

That's why your people are buried as soon as they enter here, but our killing doesn't seem to be stopping things from sliding to the brink of destruction.

Accurate to the second!

"First of all, her name is Martha Wayne, and she is Bruce Wayne's mother, and secondly, she is the clown of this world."

The latter's overly revealing tights made her very dissatisfied, and immediately pulled Damian a few steps away, and then told her little grandson:
"Little Bruce, you have to listen to grandma, these exhibitionists in tights are ostentatious, and they cover their cheeks so that they don't dare to show their true colors. There are dark secrets.

"You have to make it clear, how does time flow in this world?"

Mason vetoed the suggestion.

Merlin reacted extremely quickly and drew his gun to shoot, but the reverse lightning that made a big mistake didn't give him time to aim at all.

In the past 30 days, I have carried out three assassinations and killed eleven people.

But I thought, maybe I was getting too close to the harsh truth, maybe I was too conscious. "

The whoosh disappeared just like when he came, leaving only the whirring sound of the dawn wind blowing through the hole in the wall in front of him, representing a "little mistake" just now.

There was blood everywhere on the ground, and the scene was very oozing.

It seems that his life plan is really problematic.

Every action of yours will be observed by that mysterious voice, Mason, which will provide us with accurate information about where, how many, and when you appeared in this world in advance.

I'm pretty sure Reverse Lightning couldn't leave either.

"I don't have the Speed ​​Force-enhanced mind to keep up with your leaping thoughts."

Mason explained:
"Of course you can make her angry at will, but I hope you can be so tough when she kills you in weird ways. By the way, stay away from me, lest your blood splash on my shoes."

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Now think about it, besides Barry Allen, who has been in love with Reverse Flash for countless years, who else can trap a villain speedster so easily for a period of time? "

Beware of being infected with some kind of madness called 'justice' by them. "

Thomas said I was crazy.

"Oliver is obviously a tough guy, but fortunately I have been a doctor for a while, and I know how to create pain better to break through his defenses.

Damian, who had just chopped down the two black-clothed assassins who broke into the Batcave, nodded approvingly. He and Mason exchanged glances, and pouted in the direction of Mrs. Martha.

"Either find a solution before the destruction comes, or die with this world."

Barry nodded, and was supported by Mason towards the depths of Wayne Manor. He whispered:
"But Reverse Lightning told me that this world will be destroyed in five days. If the gate of the world can't take us out, wouldn't it mean that?"

I was a fan of his when I was a kid. "

"But this chick reminds me of the Green Goblin, she was arguing with herself just now, it was a terrible quarrel, and the content was all about you.

At this time, Oliver Quinn, the leader of the Assassin League, was lying on the operating table. He had only his last breath left. All ten of his fingers were snapped off by the old man with surgical forceps.

Barry shook his head, and he said seriously:
"I have to use the Speed ​​Force again to enter the special space where the Reverse Lightning is, he must know more, or I can venture through the twisted Speed ​​Force web to see what is hidden behind the time of this world.

In the nearby caves, there are lights shining on all kinds of "trophies" that the old man has collected in the fight against crime over the years, and they are generally covered with blood.

Mason glanced at the excited Flash, he said:

"What? Are the little boys now proud of being fast?"

Of course, if she replaces the loaded pistol in her hand that is still emitting gunpowder smoke with a bag, it will be more presentable.

It looks like some kind of nonsensical operation that an unscientific animation character would do.

No matter how fast you run.

Yo, isn't this The Flash? "

But before Mason stepped into it, a swift stream of light rushed from afar.

She took out a pair of headphones and handed them to Mason, saying:

Mason took out a bottle of healing potion and poured it down on Oliver Quinn, who was lying on the operating table in a terrible condition, and by the way, poured him a bottle of Bone Raising Spirit to heal his completely broken hand bones.

He attacked me before as if he wanted to capture the traces of space-time interference on my body and escape here. This is by no means a problem with the Speed ​​Force, but a problem with the world itself. "

"No need."

"When did you raise this crazy woman? Boss, the taste is unique. If she hadn't stopped me, I could have shot the old lunatic and Black Arrow through the wall together.

Mason's words made Barry's face change slightly. When Mrs. Martha was holding the hand of his little grandson and approaching, he took the initiative to say hello:
"Hi Mrs. Wayne, I'm a good friend of Bruce. Both he and I are members of the Justice League and I actually adore your son.

The situation in this world is getting worse every day. "

Without further ado, Mason, give me the medicine!
I have to get better right away. "

Just looking at the car of the old man, you can tell that the Vengeance Knight does not take the high-tech route, so there are no cool bat planes in his bat cave. This is just an ordinary cave with a large number of bats nesting above his head.

It told me that the arrival of these people interfered with the direction of this world, and you must be cleared to ensure that this world continues to survive.

Barry screamed in surprise and was about to step forward to arrest him, but he staggered and fell to the ground as soon as he got up. The obviously ashamed and angry Reverse Lightning turned around and punched him a few times, causing him to fly into the air and then fall to the ground.

No matter how beautiful or elegant the other party is, she is just a femme fatale.

"Time is not linear here."

Flash complained:

"Smile, Barry, show your most charming smile, don't keep this dead face, the lady opposite doesn't like things that make people unhappy."

Like that horrible night in Crime Alley, I sometimes wonder if fate is playing a nasty trick on me?

Then, under everyone's weird gaze, he weakly shouted:
"I went to see the Barry Allen of this world, he was dead, he died in the earthquake 17 years ago, and he was an ordinary person until his death.

"I don't understand how you can still laugh in this situation?"

A few seconds later, Mason looked at everyone around him with a subtle expression.

他 说:

"The Amazons and the Atlantis are officially at war! Just a few minutes ago, the good news is that in order to avoid the destruction of the world due to the war, the two sides are going to find a place for a decisive battle in the open.

The bad news is, you might as well guess, where is the place they chose for the final battle? "

(End of this chapter)

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