The track of dawn in the world of American manga

第279章 77.亚特兰蒂斯和7海之王强宣称Get!-【2425】

Chapter 279 77. Atlantis and the King of the Seven Seas Qiang Claim Get! -【2425】

(Monthly ticket plus update·Happy Lantern Festival)

The cruel facts did not leave Aum more time to think, and the hatch of the throne room of the doomsday giant ship was slammed open.

The new defense general Shark King, who was wearing the hideous armor of the sea people, ran in with a grunt. The paws of this big man who was not good at talking were covered with blood, and he tried to describe the rebellion that just happened on the ship to His Royal Highness Aum. .

This sudden situation made the Ocean Lord frown.

He immediately rushed out of the throne room with the Shark King to quell the shameful rebellion, but before Orm could adjust his mood, he saw the old man Batman holding two guns in the passageway in front of him, staring at him ghastly.

And at the moment when the hatch behind him closed, the little lunatic who was hiding also held the devil's head sword and landed from a high place with flying claws.

The big Bane injected a booster, and the two death knells pulled out their knives at the same time, and the dead shooter Jie Jie sneered and aimed at Om's strangely shaped submarine helmet.

Even Lai Tuo, the only ordinary person present with no strength to restrain a chicken, raised his pistol.


Old Germany's piercing roar sounded from the fast-starting Fenrir armor.

The silver-gray power armor adjusted its posture in the air, and finally hit the Gobi like a meteorite.

"Kill us outsiders by the way, right?"

The cyborg who was "killed" by Mason with the "Soul Killer" program maintained a weak but anxious tone, and he warned:
"Three supernuclear bombs are being launched from nuclear submarines around the world. They are targeting the Atlantean doomsday giant ship. Lex Luthor has previously completed marking that ship, which represents this tactic. The plan moves into the second phase.

"What about Gotham?"

That thing could hurt the Kryptonians' steel bodies. "

In this dry desert, which he was not familiar with at all and hated extremely, only this ancestral weapon could bring him a slight sense of security.

In the anxiety of the scorching sun, Arthur realized that he had stepped into a vicious trap, but the helmet and visors of the silver-gray power armor in front of him had turned scarlet, and the bat-shaped floating cannons were like a swarm of bees. Pop spin.

Without the protection of the sea, the power of the King of the Seven Seas is slipping rapidly.

Mason stood in the raised cockpit and did not jump off. He cautiously grabbed the silver Johnny gun and stared at the person in front of him, saying:

Orm was bewildered by the scene.

Mason's tone became more and more calm as the scarlet battle armor raised his big feet and kicked down fiercely.


Mason took over the control of Fenrir's armor again and pushed the output power to the maximum. With the close-range bombardment and heavy punches of the shoulder cannon's high-energy particle beam, the already precarious Aquaman was completely beaten to the ground.

Amanda Waller apparently also discovered your attack on the sea people, and she intends to take this opportunity to destroy the ultimate weapon of the Atlanteans in one fell swoop. "

Mason's tone became cold.

Only when the Amazonian invasion is terminated may the war enter a new one."

The artifact passed down from generation to generation by the King of the Seven Seas has a strange resonance in his hands, as if some kind of power is hidden in it and Mason can not only feel it.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, the little madman replied and fell silent.

Without a tower keeper father, he really lacks understanding of human life, and there is a sad abyss between the two races.

Even in such a embarrassing situation, this tall guy was still holding on to Neptune's trident, showing an unyielding attitude.

"pass it to me."

It can even be manipulated subtly.

Absolute pragmatist.

After all, the invulnerable Atlantean royal family does not come to the desert for a "walk" every day.

Mason turned his attention back to the battlefield in front of him.

He looked at the golden trident that fell at his feet, the torn arm and the bloody fingers that were still twitching, and then glanced at the power armor's shoulder cannon aimed at the King of the Seven Seas, who was dead or alive.

Mason reminds:
"The doomsday weapon of the Atlanteans is being received, use your identity as a pilot to contact human officials and ask them to suspend their attack on that ship.

Hal Jordan in the newsletter responded with undisguised envy:

Mason stood upright in the rain, discovering a little bit of his hidden secrets, which made him look complicated at the moment. He twitched his mouth and joked:
"Maybe it's just because of a simpler reason, maybe my real identity is another illegitimate son of Arthur's mother, maybe I also have the royal blood of Atlantis in my body, so when I come into contact with the trident, I can trigger a wave of blood. this weather change
I mean, I might still be human.

"Get back as fast as you can! Stop the Amazons before they destroy the city."

"Kids are not allowed to swear! Be careful that your clown grandma is looking for you in the middle of the night, and the problem of the nuclear bomb has been solved. I sent someone to intercept the warhead."

The Isu ghost God Consus who suddenly appeared said:

"But you are just a mortal, can you avoid lightning?"


Mason stood in the rain.


He looked down at his palm, and when his five fingers separated, drops of rainwater gathered in the palm lines.

Thunder echoed amidst the dark clouds, and within a few seconds, icy raindrops fell from the sky, hitting Mason's raised head, and the rain curtain turned into a torrential rain within ten seconds.

Mason said:
"Anyway, get Barry to pick me up in the Nevada desert as soon as possible. If it's too late, I won't be able to catch up with Gotham. By the way, let Baldy Lai give me some strength to stabilize the doomsday weapon on that ship and wait for me to go back."

"Why don't you call him directly?"

The last time Constantine mocked you as the rain god's joke is probably going to be a prophecy. "

The little lunatic exclaimed:

The little lunatic who was on the doomsday giant ship and followed his own troublesome parents to kill him was extremely dissatisfied and said:
"Why do you have to switch hands?"

The second punch that followed sent Arthur Curry flying head-on.

Mason handed over the melee system to Delaman to complete the continuous suppression of Arthur Curry, who was still struggling. While manipulating the floating cannon system to sneak attack, he said to Hal Jordan:
"The super speed of your flying machine can destroy the siege weapons of the Amazons, and distract their Pegasus cavalry by the way. Where is our superman?"

He raised his left hand and separated his five fingers to firmly hold Mason who was blown away by the impact, while the right arm of the unmanned power armor popped out a cutting saw blade made of vibrating gold, and cut down like a giant beast.

"What do you want to talk about? Arthur Curry."

But it doesn't matter, as long as Mason sews it up again, this time he must make sure the hat is stitched beautifully.

Mason walked to the bloody bunker and looked down, and said to Damian:

Mason urged, and at the same time changed the communication frequency, and said to the other side:

"Think on the bright side, Consus, maybe it's not my fault."

The rocket-assisted heavy mechanical fist and the thunderous Neptune Trident collided fiercely, and the nearly five-meter-tall Fenrir battle armor was like a giant fighting against the rebellious Aquaman.

"My Kryptonian friend has been basking in the sun enough and seems to have remembered the trick of how to fly. He left the spaceship from outside the atmosphere and is now trying to enjoy the fun of flying.

What's even more unfortunate is that the young man on the opposite side who is launching the "anti-sea king tactic" knows him very well.

"Damian? Put your brother Barry on the phone."

The helmet of the power armor then slowly opened.

This can be regarded as the combat test of the second upgraded Fenrir armor. Mason has enough time to complete the actual combat test of all modules before Arthur Curry, who is already defeated, is killed.

"Let's talk about you and me later, I just detected a signal."

As the price of the large-scale teleportation, the hat will no longer be able to maintain its own entity. It is like a tattered doll with a broken thread, and it fell from Mason's head before he could even say goodbye.

"Green Lantern back into Earth's atmosphere, calling Mason Cooper, this is Hal Jordan! We're on schedule for Gotham, the city has been invaded.

"But now it seems that you really need to take a good look at your body, my brother, there is a power in you that you have not noticed.

Its power characteristics should be related to water.

With this bare-handed posture, he spat a mouthful of blood towards his side and raised his left hand again, which was an action representing 'negotiation' in Atlantean culture.

But even if he wanted to run, he didn't know which direction to go. This strange desert trapped him like a death cage. Ah, how did human beings survive in such a hellish environment that lacks water?

"The doomsday weapon will activate when he dies! This lunatic wants to drag everyone to hell, don't be afraid, Lao De, I'm fine, just a little numb"

"Passengers attacked! Fight back!"

Mason ignored him, but reached out and held the trident in front of him.

It's ok.

"He's flying with you."

He could feel the water in his body being evaporated and absorbed by the damn environment, and for a person who had lived in the sea since he was a child, this was no less than the torture of being sucked out of blood.

A weak voice with a strong electronic sound suddenly sounded, interrupting Mason's instructions to Hal, the captain raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said:

"Your machine is very powerful and your tactics are very clever. I admit defeat, human beings."

He couldn't imagine why so many lowly humans suddenly appeared on the noble Atlantis battleship?
and many more!

The first punch was blocked.

Just when Mason was enjoying the fun of beating the King of the Seven Seas violently, the sudden rang of the communication signaled that the last arrangement he had made in this tribal war was finally in place.

God, there are distress messages everywhere in the communication frequency band. "

What about King Shark?

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and made a gesture of "truce", and then put the weapon in his hand into the sand in front of him and took a few steps back.

"Humans in this world are actually backstabbing us at this time! Damn, I finally did a good deed, and they let me lose so completely?


Seeing the drastic change in Aum's face, the middle-aged version of Deathstroke sneered and said:
"Although I'm a bad person through and through, I'm going to tell you, buddy, that the only thing that ridiculous pedigree theory can produce is idiots like you.
There is no need to talk about heroism with such a fool!
Go together! "

The floating cannon system newly installed by Mason into the Fenrir armor started hunting, and one after another high-energy particle beams were shot out one after another under Mason's control.

The King of the Seven Seas wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his narrowed eyes, and he said:

The golden lightning jumped on the trident and then stabbed Mason fiercely. Most of the energy was blocked and absorbed by the matrix of the power armor, but part of the lightning still penetrated the defense and rushed to Mason, making him show a painful expression.

He really wasn't hurt.

The captain of Team K said decisively:
"I don't like to deal with people who are self-righteous and always want to take advantage of it. Hal, the plan changes, you and Zod are not going to Gotham, to stop those nuclear bombs and send them into space, and destroy those nuclear submarines by the way !

Mason is not a strong supporter.

If the wound of the latter is not bandaged, he will definitely die here due to excessive blood loss.

The Fenrir battle armor, which was firmly in the upper hand, took a few steps back under his control, giving Arthur Curry, the King of the Seven Seas who was already miserable and bloody, a little respite.

This is a good opportunity.

The King of the Seven Seas kept dodging back and forth in the hot desert, just like playing a slightly difficult FPS game, allowing Mason to find the simple joy of using combat assistance to shoot black guns when he was hanging out in Gotham.

He doesn't even have wings, but he flies so fast and so steadily."

"Got it! I'll go find him right now."

He is an ordinary person like the old man. "

Hal exclaimed:
"There are millions of people in that city! Are they allowed to be slaughtered by the Amazons?"

"I thought you were joking when you said you were going to have another genetic test"

As expected of a bastard man who can do things like poison a woman.

Consus shrugged, and whispered:

As the smoke and dust splashed and the yellow sand flew, Sea King Arthur let out a terrifying roar. His entire left arm was torn apart from the elbow by the vibrating metal saw blade. The activated power armor popped out of the shoulder cannon to kill the target, but was killed by Mason. Emergency stop.

"I still have a card in Gotham, didn't expect such an 'interlude' when all was well. If you've figured out who's right, execute the plan now! Hal Jordan !"

He knew he couldn't stay here and continue to fight against a cunning opponent.

It seems I underestimated your talent in this area. "

他 说:

The three one-time Ark reactors had been overloaded and scrapped and were ejected like bombs. They were blown into flames when Arthur swung the trident, and then replaced with three new abundant energy sources under Mason's manipulation.

The King of the Seven Seas and the thunder-spattering trident in his hand also fell down together.

That thing is now my trophy.

In the vast yellow sand, the king suddenly realized that he did not seem to be as fearless as he imagined, and human beings did not seem to be as weak as he thought.

With the slight movement of his mind, the originally sunny desert sky changed instantly.

"Find him quickly, there are three nuclear bombs headed for you."

"Nonsense! The Speed ​​Force will interfere with normal communication. When he ran with all his strength, my signal transmission was not as fast as his legs."

At the same time, thousands of kilometers away from the sea, the sky of the scorching desert seemed to be raining heavily, and countless dark and hideous murlocs descended from the sky and fell on the sandy soil of this scorched land.

"Don't envy him, maybe you will soon be able to fly without wings, tell Zod to stop Diana Prince as soon as possible, and be careful of the Vulcan sword in that woman's hand.

NS! "


Even the blood stains on the outside of Fenrir's armor were washed away, and Arthur, who had come into contact with the water again, escaped the fate of death but was still weak.

Its performance was worth Mason's time and effort.

That's a traitor!
"Finally figured it out? It's okay, I can barely be a ghost."

Victor advised:

"Well said, the question is do you believe it yourself?"

"I can communicate with her, maybe it was just a mistake."


Zod just awakened the Kryptonian's ability, but he is not precise enough. He still needs your assistance and coordinate guidance to complete this precise movement. "

He rested for a while before climbing out of the cockpit by himself.

A trip to Amanda Waller's office on our behalf after we're done.

The dazzling thunder light descended from the sky and landed on the Neptune's trident inserted in the middle of the two of them. This should be the manifestation of the power of the Seven Seas artifact. It should be an upright power, but Arthur used it for a shameless sneak attack.

The King of the Seven Seas was smashed into the scorching yellow sand while his blond hair was flying, and he got up in a panic and shook the sand off his body as if he had been scalded.

"Victor Stone? Aren't you assisting Hal in flying the aircraft? Recovered from data form so quickly and hacked into our communications.

"No need!"

He could only hold the trident tightly.

Didn't it just follow behind me?

For ordinary people, the energy attack, which is fatal, left Mason with no serious injuries other than his hair bursting into an explosive head and his limbs were paralyzed.


While the streamer was beating, the Flash who rushed over from the deep sea appeared next to Fenrir's armor under the rain.

Xiao Shan stared dumbfounded at the half-dead King of the Seven Seas who was beaten to death on the ground, and then glanced at Mason, who was standing melancholy and independent in the rainstorm with a golden trident in his hand.

I don't know what kind of mental state Xiao Shan used to think in a few seconds. Anyway, the first sentence he said to Mason was:
"You! You are a relative of Arthur's family? How can you use this trident? This is wrong! Could it be that Arthur's mother has an unknown illegitimate child?
Is the private life of this Atlantean princess so chaotic? "

(End of this chapter)

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