The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 280 78. Our Wayne family is the upper class in Gotham, do you understand that we are well-co

Chapter 280 78. Our Wayne family is the upper class in Gotham, do you understand that we are well-connected? -【2525】

(Monthly ticket plus update·Happy Lantern Festival~)

Although the king of the seven seas was teleported to the desert and knocked down, and the doomsday giant ship of the sea people has been raided and robbed, this does not affect the striker of the sea kingdom to land in Gotham as planned.

A large number of suspended tanks and heavy artillery displayed on the coast outline a chilling war scene.

They flattened the buildings along the coast of Gotham City with crisp shelling as a battlefield for advancement. Behind the sound of continuous heavy artillery fire, the underwater heavy infantry emerging from the tide lined up and marched towards the land.

These guys also used devices that appeared to be weather weapons to bring down heavy rain in the area around Gotham, in order to create a wet and cold environment that was more suitable for the Atlantean landing operations.

However, an army of this size was only the vanguard of the Atlanteans.

The order they received was to seize the coastal land of Gotham City as much as possible to buy enough buffer time for the elite legion that came later.

In short, this is a bunch of cannon fodder.

But they are very thoughtful cannon fodder. They planned to occupy the entire city and set up an ambush before the she-wolves of Paradise Island, but they ignored the magical power of the Amazons.

Harley, who was wearing a raincoat, was chewing gum and leaning on a baseball bat to watch the excitement, and said to Mrs. Catwoman with joy:

Amid their cheers celebrating the war and another small victory, Selina took off her symbiote suit, and said to Thalia who was in charge of defense with an ugly expression:
"She gave us a hundred people, let us withstand the siege of thousands of sea people nearby, this is to let us shed the last drop of blood here.

Especially after Master Catwoman drove the crazy venom to break through the siege of dozens of people and beheaded and ate most of the deep sea captain of this small team in the street, the frightened seabed people shouted the name of the monster one after another. coax away.

You and I have already seen that the situation in front of us is heading towards irreversible corruption, yet Mason actually wants to rely on the power of the K team to prevent a worldwide war of destruction.

"It's that 'warrior' who was mentally abnormal and insisted on riding Pegasus with us on the island and almost fell to his death. When he was sent away, he shamelessly stole two of the Queen's pet dogs."

If my prediction is correct, the Queen of War should be leading her guards to try to attack the Atlantean headquarters on the coast at this time. "


"Do you have something to do with him?"

She stared dumbfounded at the old clown aunt who was holding an umbrella and walking towards her as if her spirit had been shocked. She didn't react until Martha was only two meters away from her.

The forces of the three parties fought chaotically in the city under the torrential rain.

"Your son and I are just in a romantic relationship! There is no de facto marriage yet."

Apparently, in her opinion, Talia al Ghul, who had already brought an heir to the Wayne family before she was married, thought Serena would be more suitable to help her poor son who had already stepped into Batman's destiny to take charge. Wayne family.

They are signaling to us to move closer to them.

She coughed, waved her big hand, and said majesticly:

Mrs. Martha in Zhou Keer's form responded blankly. She looked Catwoman up and down, and then said critically in an uncomfortable tone:

While these four women, who seemed not quite normal, were discussing how to find something for the Amazons, Mrs. Martha almost arranged the marriage for her son who was still far away in another world on the spot.

"Has Diana not arrived yet?"

"You know nothing of the wonders my little Mason brother is capable of, poor woman, and your poor imagination is not half the size of your bosom.

At the same time, in Gotham City in another world, Bruce Wayne, who was discussing matters with a distinguished guest who placed the Wayne Manor, suddenly sneezed violently.

Do what Mason tells you to do, don't ask too much, he always has his reasons and he will never harm us. "

I just saw that the people under the sea are mobilizing heavy firepower, and it is estimated that this place will be flattened in a short time. "

"Who asked you this?"

Thalia said with a gloomy face:
"There was a strong interference on their side that blocked the communication, but the tracking technique I left on Damian is still working, so I guess they haven't encountered any danger yet.

"In order to take care of your feelings, I deliberately chose to digest it instead of swallowing it, you won't feel the feeling of swallowing food at all, and it's not human at all, okay?

However, when the "mother-in-law relationship" of the Wayne family was on the verge of ending, Halle, who was pretending to feed the two big dogs, actually received a secret instruction from Mr. K .

Her ears moved slightly, and she checked the surroundings with the help of the super perception given by the symbiote. After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, she whispered to the love rival in front of her:

She pushed her colorful helmet, jumped up immediately, put her hand between the clown mother-in-law and the cat daughter-in-law, and shouted:
"Mason asked us to find a way to do a little sabotage to delay the time. He said he would be here soon, and that he had already awakened the 'secret weapon' against Queen Diana."

In addition, I saw the warrior who rescued the queen with you in the sky."

But attacking the doomsday giant ship of the Atlanteans with a small team is the same as committing suicide. I don’t know how Mason persuaded my Damian, but even now, I still respect his Thoughts feel disappointed.

Twisted, ferocious and crooked, crawling in the dark, the trench murlocs rushed into the city from the sewer system connected to the sea. They were no match for the ferocious Amazons, and they circled around in groups to attack lonely soldiers, and It quickly spread to create a horrific carnage across the city.

"Ms. Martha Wayne, you're familiar with her name, right? She's the otherworldly mother of your favorite Batboy, and the clown grandma of your adopted son Damian.

Before His Majesty Arthur, who can communicate with all things in the sea, became the king, the Trench tribe has always been a serious problem for the people of the sea.

Such a counterattack is regarded by the Amazons as a tactical advantage, so so far, the human settlement has not been brutally destroyed by the female warriors of Paradise Island.

Commanders don't even need to feed them.

But after the King of the Seven Seas ascended the throne, these once-feared deep-sea beasts were also incorporated into the servants of the Undersea Legion. Although they are unruly, they are the best in the current battle that requires quick occupation pioneer.

Master Catwoman complained:
"Do you think I look like someone who is interested in the wisdom of war? I am not an Amazon, and I have no fanatical intentions to sacrifice everything for Diana's victory.


Report to her:
"The sea people who tried to besiege us are being attacked by a strange force! Like an army organized by some abnormal humans in the city, they blew up the chariots gathered by the sea people under the command of a strange woman, and are Fight those ugly murlocs.

Probably to annoy Selena, Thalia, who has always been rebellious and extremely arrogant, behaved quite decently in front of the clown aunt. Aquaman's villain is also watertight.


"The figure is not bad, the face is good, the specially trained figure and temperament can barely catch the eye, even if it is taken out, it will not embarrass my Bruce.

She was very familiar with the prison uniforms on those guys, and there were even a few "old acquaintances" among them. A few seconds later, she met the commander of the Arkham coalition under Harry's "recommendation".

Because of the weird relationship between the two of them, she, who has always been ice-snow and smart, didn't know what to say now, so she said in a jerk:

The turbid voice of venom sounded in Catwoman's heart, and it quibbled very happily:

Their nerves have long been tempered by the vicious deeds of the vicious criminals in this city. At this time, they quickly organized a counterattack in the face of the attack of these sea monsters.

The cunning fox-like woman glanced at Catwoman who was playing with her nails, she said suspiciously:

"I can't get in touch with them right now."

"We both agreed, no cannibalism! You bastard, you make me feel like a pathetic pica."

The Amazons transferred to Gotham through the Hermes talisman moved faster than they imagined. They encountered the Amazon vanguard berserkers rushing into the city from the other side, and were killed in the first wave of battle in the city center. The slain and defeated Atlanteans were quickly recompressed to the coastal areas.

The two chatted happily.

We have our goals, Thalia. "

However, the citizens of Gotham, who are tough and tough, are also well-informed.

What a wonderful thing. "

The flesh and blood of millions of humans in Gotham City, where the rain is pouring, is enough to lure these monsters to sacrifice everything for His Majesty Arthur's conquest.

Catwoman and Thalia, who are the "leading party" on Paradise Island, naturally can't stay out of the matter. They will lead a team of female berserkers to occupy the strategic location of the city's power plant, and then retreat here to fight for it The undersea people fought in the nearby neighborhoods.

While Catwoman and Thalia were discussing these things, an Amazon Pegasus knight in charge of patrol landed in a heavily fortified power plant during heavy rain, and she jumped off the majestic Pegasus and walked briskly to Selena's side.

But when she saw the smeared colorful cheeks and classic clown makeup, as well as the green curly long hair and those eyes that seemed to go crazy at any time, Catwoman still took a step back vigilantly.

This "mother-in-law's family training" made Mrs. Catwoman feel very angry in an instant. When did she suffer this kind of grievance?

He's either a saint willing to give his life for love and peace, or he's a madman overwhelmed.

She complained about the venom in her body:

It's just, I heard that you were a petty thief?
Even a criminal career is so out of style, my sweet little Bruce told me that you nearly broke my son by running away from the big wedding he was planning for you.
Hmph, based on this alone, the mistress of the generation of the Wayne family will not have your share, just obediently be an unworthy little lover. "

She stared at the strange woman in front of her, and said to Harry beside her:

"Selena! Are you motion sick? I have medicine here."

Among other things, this fox-like woman is really easy to give birth to.

Sharp black claws popped out from her fingertips, and Selena made a "no approach" gesture.

"Who is this"

"That's how the Amazons play, Selena."

Having said that, the Pegasus rider curled his lips and complained softly:

Seeing that the front line was about to collapse, in order to protect themselves and better fulfill the task of delaying time, the commander of the sea people decisively released a large number of cruel trench murlocs without thinking too long.

Catwoman, who took back her venom suit, retched while supporting the bent telegraph pole next to her.

Under the attack of the icy rainstorm, they fought from behind, causing the Atlanteans who were struggling to resist the "Arkham Allied Forces" to quickly collapse under the enemy's front and back.

It's fine if you don't allow cannibalism, but now you don't even allow fresh fish to eat?how?Do you feel nauseous when you eat sushi sashimi?
You are so hypocritical!selena. "

It's a pity that your old husband Thomas Batman took Damian to the people of the sea to make trouble, and he won't be able to come back for a while, otherwise you can be reunited as a family.

"Stop kidding, Selena."

"Oh, she's your 'mother-in-law'."

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and planned to call venom to "report his interests" to the clown lady in front of him.

These beast-like humanoid creatures are at the bottom of the caste kingdom on the seabed, and they are not even slaves. In the eyes of the Atlanteans, they are a group of cruel beasts who drink blood and drink blood.

The murlocs frightened them with their claws and sharp teeth, and they responded resolutely to the invaders with flames and scorching guns, which murlocs hate most.

"What seems unbelievable or even unreasonable to you, Mason has done three times, and I participated in two of them."

"is it?"

"Ahem, that must be the servant army organized by the loyal Harley for Her Majesty the Queen in the human city, and that is also an important purpose for us to send her back to this city.

That is clearly a humanoid fish!
I can see clearly that she has gills.

"You know that what Mason wants is a peaceful ending, and the longer we drag on here, the farther away we will be from this goal. Are your people's operations on the bottom of the sea going well?"

Apparently, Talia, a lady with an ancient surname that has lasted for more than 900 years, is very suitable for the old aunt clown who is also born in a famous family.

The venomous black cat, who had just defeated a group of sea people alone, returned from the streets already flooded by heavy rain. Her heroic and powerful fighting posture won the admiration of a group of Amazon soldiers around her.

The two ladies who looked at each other snorted at the same time.

I don't understand, Selena, why when he proposed that ridiculous plan, you accepted the task so honestly without even a word of rebuttal. "

Captain of the Guard!
I ordered 20 berserkers to follow me, and we went to pick up those loyal servants of the queen. Their understanding of this city can obviously help us better complete its strategy and occupation. "

Catwoman obviously has a lot of opinions on her "other-world mother-in-law". When she and Harley were complaining about this, Thalia, who quickly received the news, got along with Mrs. Martha unexpectedly.

"Commander Black Cat!"

"Stop arguing!"

This made Alfred, who was standing beside him, immediately and properly hand over hot tea.

Harley, riding a war dog and rushing forward with a baseball bat, jumped off his loyal and fierce mount. The "dog rider" ran to his companion and took out a box of motion sickness medicine with concern and handed it to Catwoman.

Mrs. Martha changed back to her "battle robe". She wore a purple lady's suit with high heels. Her good figure made her look very elegant while holding a clown umbrella.

Catwoman blinked in surprise, then exchanged glances with Thalia.

Minutes later, a 20-strong Amazon vanguard, led by Venom the Black Cat, smashed through the corner wall from the other direction.

Selena sighed, ignoring Harley, who really had a brain hole but just wanted to do something good, and looked back at the criminals who were chasing and killing the sea people during the heavy rain.

The Queen's majesty and glory have obviously passed to the poor and sad hearts of humble humans. Since they have aided our war, then we must not let the hearts of these Queen's loyal servants be chilled.

Thalia was carrying a black sniper rifle. She still stared blankly at the rising water in the streets around the power plant, and said in a cold voice:
"Diana Prince didn't specifically want to sacrifice us as cannon fodder, she just needed us to attract the sea people's troops to close up. In such a kingdom conflict, the embarrassing number of people on Paradise Island is a fatal flaw. She wants To win, you must pursue a surprise attack that wins more with less.

She also "learned" in Arkham.

Catwoman froze in place as if her brain had crashed.

"Wait, what do you think she is me? My mind is a little messed up, what's all this mess?"

Catwoman snorted, put her hands on her hips and said:

Bruce wondered why he suddenly had a strange feeling of chills just now, but as Batman's expression management, there was nothing unusual about it.

He was sitting on a luxurious sofa with tea, looking at the lonely man opposite him who was hugging a dog and with restrained breath like an ordinary literary uncle, he said:
"Then let's continue, Mr. Wick, about inviting you to become a member of the second echelon of the Justice League so that you can represent the civilization behind you and observe our position and strength for yourself.

You need a new identity, a new uniform, a new code name
'Nightman' or 'Baba Yago' would be nice, don't you think? "


Well, call it a day~ Happy Lantern Festival~ Remember to eat more Lantern Festival tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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