Chapter 287 85. Runner with fate

When Mason first entered this world, he saw the Amazons and Atlantis struggling, and then saw the old man in Gotham.

At that time, he thought it was the famous Flashpoint world.

But then when he was fighting with the Queen of War, he found that the opponent was not holding a lasso of mantra but a lasso of submission. He guessed that this world might be the "Earth Two" of the N52 super-time flow.

Or this place that looks like Flashpoint but with all the details is off is another damn hybrid worldview.

Finally he meets Lex Luthor.

After learning from the other party that the world has changed twelve times in different catastrophic doomsdays, he realized that his previous ideas were all wrong.

His own B-level promotion mission is likely not to be carried out in a "real world", which may explain why the world with this special coordinate observed by Fort Stars is completely unaffected by the shock event.

This may be a virtual place.

And the real self may still be lying down and sleeping in a biological cabin in a world with super advanced black technology. All this is an absurd but real dream made by myself.

But now, he has seen the truth hidden in the deepest part of the world with his own eyes, so he realizes that his imagination is still too far behind and reality does not speak logic to you at all.

When he saw the aging Barry Allen in front of him, who seemed to have been drained of every ounce of strength, and was still running weakly, Mason finally had an insight into the ultimate truth of this strange world.

It really exists in the parallel world system.

But Mason may be late.

"The world is dead, isn't it?"

He whispered to the "skeletal" version of Barry Allen running hard and panting in a void before him:
"It was you who distorted time through the speed force, forcibly creating the illusion that it still existed, and you who reversed time back to a certain moment before the end?

Why do you want to do this? "

"He can't answer you, honored guest."

Another voice sounded behind Mason. It was an image that seemed to be "deducted" from time, very much like a portrait in a faded old photo.

The whole person and the surrounding air are glowing with the luster of the old days.

He has a young cheek that is [-]% similar to Barry Allen, but that face is as tired as the real frail old man in front of him.

His eyes had lost all luster.

Mason looked back at this "time clone".

He knows that this is a special ability of the speedsters, which can summon the skills of the past self that existed for a short time.

"He has put all his strength, thought and wisdom into this long run, in order to drive the complex speed force matrix to push the whole world forward or backward in the twisted time axis."

The silhouette from the old days floated beside Mason, looking at his "future" self, he whispered:
"He can't hear you, he can't see you, he's bound himself to the Speed ​​Force, and he's become part of this huge system.

By the time Barry Allen started this final race against the apocalypse, he was dead.

All that remains here is a tired shell waiting for release. "

"I see."

Mason heard the explanation, but his eyes were focused on the skinny runner in front of him who staggered and ran, but was likely to fall down at any time.

After a few seconds, he asked:
"How long has he been running?"

"17 years, four months, 21 days, 15 hours and 37 minutes"

The old silhouette whispered:

"I can get down to nanoseconds, but I don't think you need that watery answer. I know what you're asking, Mason Cooper from the Outer Worlds.


Minecraft was destroyed when the first impact happened, and it was one of the first worlds to die from the tremors of the dark stars, but we are luckier than other unknown worlds in that we have The Flash.

The end began 17 years ago.

But to this day, it is still not over. "

"You extended the time!"

Mason turned his head suddenly, looked at the young Barry behind him, and said:
"Using the 'Speed ​​Force Matrix' I saw outside?"

"No, we distorted the timeline."

Barry explained:
"Although it sounds similar to distorted time, these are two completely different concepts. When the end comes, Barry intercepts a period of time from the hyperspace flow and uses the speed force matrix to 'encapsulate' it.

To do this is very difficult.

Fortunately, he had started preparing before the first impact, and finally made it happen.

The price is that the entire Lightning family is swallowed by the Speed ​​Force the moment the matrix is ​​activated, so that the Speed ​​Force can grow to the extent that it can cover the world.

Only Barry is left running here alone to drive the Matrix into effect to this day.

As for the ontology of the matrix."

The old silhouette hesitated for a moment, and he said truthfully:
"I can't explain its existence to you, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that you don't have the approval of the Speed ​​Force and you can't understand the principle that I will spend a long time explaining next.

I can only tell you that the lightning matrix you see outside is just the most insignificant part of the whole system. "

"Oh, I get it."

Mason was not disappointed.

He nodded and said:
"So, this is Barry Allen's 'legacy' to the next speedster who arrives here?"

"you can say it this way."

The old Barry nodded and said:

"It was the best we could have predicted, but it turned out to be better than we thought. We now have two speedsters as successors and even an 'extra option'.

Although your arrival time is much later than we predicted, you have arrived here almost with the countdown to the end. "

"and many more!"

Mason frowned and said:
"You mean, Reverse Lightning is also considered one of the successors of the 'inheritance'?"


Young Barry said:

"We watched him.

He also arrived here with a mission of exploration, although he doesn't care about the changing fate of this world, but as the operation of the speed force matrix is ​​approaching the limit, we seem to have no better way."

"Hold on!"

Mason stretched out his hand rationally and interrupted the narration of Barry in front of him.

He regained his senses and lay down on the closed matrix behind him, and shouted to Xiao Shan who was still playing "peek-a-boo" with Reverse Flash in the time maze outside:
"Barry Allen! I'll give you ten seconds to kill that bastard! Otherwise we'll be finished with this world, think of your Iris
Get your hands on it! "

As Mason yelled, Barry, who was dodging fast, was caught by the reverse flash as soon as he stopped and was kicked away.

But in the air, he found out the "secret weapon" Mason gave him.

After all, Barry was kind-hearted, and before throwing the stone spear, he still aimed at Reverse Flash's left leg instead of his head.

Afterwards, amidst the lightning and thunder, there was the scolding of the god king and the strange cry of reverse flashing, and a dazzling thunder gun with the effect of "must hit" pierced through the time maze.

Between the terrified screams and the muffled piercing sounds, Reverse Lightning screamed and escaped from the time maze like a wild dog with its bones broken.

This made Mason heave a sigh of relief.

He looked back at the silhouette of Barry Allen in this world who was stunned in place, snapped his fingers, and said in a relaxed tone:
"The problem is solved!

You don't have to think hard, we made the decision for you, now you only have one successor left.Let Barry Allen come in and prepare to 'teach him'.

I'm here to protect you. "

"and many more!"

The Barry Allen of this world crosses his arms.

He didn't care about Mason's move to eliminate Reverse Flash through "malicious competition", but grasped the core of the problem and explained:

"This matter is not as simple as you think, Mason Cooper, we will pass on all the knowledge of the speed force matrix to your friend Barry Allen, but we have a small request."

"Understood, I understand, it's good for you."

Mason nodded, and said with an old-fashioned attitude:

"Tell me, how many people are still alive in your world? Let me calculate the number of transfer doors needed for emergency rescue. Don't worry, I don't do this job once or twice.

I know very well. "

Such a straightforward reaction made the old silhouette stunned again, and then he said with a wry smile:
"I also prepared a long speech to deal with your inquiry, and even prepared a distressed manuscript to beg for your mercy. I mean, we do look forward to rescuers from the outside world, but I didn't expect you to be so straightforward.

Didn't you even ask why? "

"Nothing to ask."

Mason waved his hand.

Glancing at Barry Allen, who staggered into the core of the Speed ​​Force Matrix while rubbing his bloody forehead and was stunned by the sight in front of him, he said to the time clone in front of him:

"Your situation obviously needs help, and I have the ability to help you. In fact, you have tested my strength in this area in the previous timeline deduction
That's a test, right? "

"Well, I'm sorry to mobilize resources to kill you, but it's not just a test."

Old Silhouette explained:
"The conclusions from Lex Luthor's thirteen studies are only partially correct, and we are indeed manipulating the Speed ​​Force Matrix to keep the world changing.

But it's not just about finding a solution to the end from within, a large part of it is because we need to keep the people of the world alive in the time flow influenced by the speed force matrix.

Rather than 'freezing' them all in time, it is obviously a better way to let them continue to maintain a normal social form.

The so-called doomsday deduction is just a process incidental to this purpose.

As for why every deduction will eventually lead to the end is also very simple, because we are already in the end of the end.

The end of this intercepted and encapsulated timeline is the moment when the end comes. "

Having said that, this old Barry Allen also sighed, and he whispered with a hint of sadness:

"It has been changed thirteen times. We constantly change the background of the times and the direction of the doomsday event, in order to deduce whether this matter can be resolved from the inside.

Unfortunately, we failed twelve times, and the last time we were terminated was because of your 'unknown variable'.

Facts have proved that relying on the internal efforts of a single world cannot avoid the end of the end, and only the assistance of external forces can help us get out of this predicament.

And to defeat the doomsday, many worlds must work together.

We have tried to deduce the origin of this tragedy.

But we failed, and we couldn't come to a conclusion. "

"Don't be so sad, you have done enough."

Mason comforted:
"In another place, as far as I know, a group of smartest people from the entire parallel world system are trying their best to find the answer with their own wisdom, but so far they still have nothing.

But I noticed what you said just now, you said to keep the whole world 'viable'."

He blinked and said:

"Barry, don't tell me that you saved everyone under the background of the shock?"

"It's hard."

Barry's silhouette flashes a humble smile as he says:
"But luckily, we did. We activated the Speed ​​Force Matrix to intercept the timeline before the series of apocalyptic events that preceded the collision of the two worlds.

Except for the innocent people who died in various accidents at the beginning, most of the lives in this world have been safely preserved by us. It is estimated that there should be about 70 billion people.
Mason, why do you look so ugly? "

Facing his question, Mason rubbed his forehead with a headache and said:

"Because the upper limit of a common type of transfer gate is 28 million people in 100 hours, don't question this data, we just tested it with our own hands a week ago.

The number of transfer gates you need to transfer 70 billion people is astronomical.

The only good news is, we still have time, right? "

He looked at the old man running hard in the air above his head.

Then under the horrified gaze of Mason and Barry, the frail and skinny old man staggered forward and almost fell, making Mason even want to reach out to help him.

But fortunately, "old and strong", he stood still and ran weakly again.

Mason looked at the old silhouette next to him who was in charge of explaining. The latter coughed a few times with a somewhat embarrassed face, and explained with some intention of concealing:

"Uh, don't look at how weak I am, but I can still run for a long time. Well, at least one more day of running is not a big problem."

"Isn't that the end?"

Mason rolled his eyes, Xiao Shan beside him took a deep breath at this moment, he took a step forward, and said self-recommendedly:

"Change him down, I'll go up and run!"

"You can't hold it!"

The Barry Allen of this world doesn't give his space-time alien face at all. He looked up and down Little Flash and said:

"Your connection to the Speed ​​Force is too immature to bear the burden of keeping a world going, and you'll be drained for a maximum of 72 hours."

"Then at least we can get 72 hours, can't we?"

Xiao Shan was not discouraged.

With blood all over his face, he clenched his fist and said:
"Even if it's only three days, it's good. You want me to give up 70 billion people before my eyes, I can't do it! If I just do nothing, and then run back in despair
I will definitely be removed from the Justice League.

Joining that group is one of the greatest honors in my life. "

Having said that, Xiao Shan suddenly turned to look at Mason.

The anticipation in his eyes made Mason dizzy for a while, and the captain complained:
"Now I finally know how Kang Kang feels when I tell him that I have an idea. I'm really convinced by you troublemakers!"

Mason turned around complaining, looked at the inside of the speed force matrix like a void around him, and said:
"This place is not affected by the distorted time axis and can communicate with the outside world, right?"


Old Silhouette replied:
"Because the speed force matrix is ​​on the verge of shutting down, in fact, the time-space blockade of the entire world has been lifted, and you can turn around and leave now.
We will not blame you for this, the current situation is indeed a bit difficult. "

"If you don't expect aid, then you should say this at the beginning, you see we have come here by our own efforts, it is really difficult for us to give up now.

You are such a clever little ghost. "

Mason groaned fiercely. He took out a piece of letter paper from the roaring letter that Jarcon had made before, wrote a few words on it, and sent it to the Fort of Stars.

A few seconds later, another roaring letter was sent back, fell in front of Mason's eyes and then floated up, and then the hunter Ciri's extremely helpless voice came from it.

she says:

"We've discussed this issue before, Mason, at your current level you can't have a direct conversation with Old A! You're embarrassing me, I think you really deserve a beating."

"It's nothing personal, Ciri."

Mason glanced at the two Barries next to him, as well as the thin old man who was still running hard above his head. The latter's wrinkled face and white beard fluttered so bleakly against the Speed ​​Force.

He said to the roaring letter:

"I have to talk to Old A in person, I have enough reasons."

"Tell me."

Ciri's tone was full of disbelief. She obviously thought that Mason was adding useless workload to herself.

Mason coughed and said with a straight face:

"With your authority, you shouldn't have access to these things, Shirley, this matter is too big for you to handle, so don't make trouble for yourself. Help me contact old A.

I wait for him for 15 minutes.

If he is really too busy, I can only turn around and contact other big figures in the Hope Council. I believe they will be able to spare time. "

(End of this chapter)

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