The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 288 86. Things are too big for you to grasp

Chapter 288 86. Things are too big for you to grasp
The hunter Ciri, who received Mason's urgent contact, got a headache when she saw the letter. She just returned to Starsburg from the support battlefield in the A-level world yesterday. She just relaxed for a while before she was caught by Mason. "Strong man".

After asking Mason to hear the specific reply, it was even more frustrating.

Just the sentence "It's a big deal, you can't handle it" was enough to make Shirley's heart twitch.

She knew that Mason's urgent B-level promotion mission was an internal order from the Gwent Society, and it was ostensibly to reward Mason for bringing back important information from the Isu world, but according to that guy's guess, there might be a little warning mean.

Logically speaking, in this case, Mason should keep a low profile.

But unexpectedly, in less than four days in the past, he seemed to have made something extraordinary.

"Thank you for reminding me not to get into trouble, but I need a reason to report to the higher authorities."

In the large office of Fort of Stars, the hunter who was still lying on the bed turned over, straightened his messy hair, and said helplessly through the roaring letter:

"Do you know what 'lurking' and 'secret operation' are? Most of the time we have a single-line contact here, and we have to use very troublesome procedures every time we take the initiative to call.

Believe me, Mason, I really have no interest in the contingencies you encountered on this mission.

But I have to know a rough idea. "

In the temporal chaos area of ​​the Speed ​​Force Matrix, Mason took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, organized his language, and said to the roaring letter in front of him:
"I know that there is a special research organization called 'Fox's Nest' in the higher-level organization. Don't worry about how I know it. As far as I know, the researchers there have spent a long time to demonstrate the protection of the planet under impact events. All kinds of measures, any valuable means are regarded as very important research results by them.

And now, I have a matrix in front of me. "

He glanced at the light belt of speed power escaping in the form of yellow lightning above his head, and said to Ciri:
"This matrix has protected the time I am currently in for a full 17 years, and it is also the key to making it immune to the third shock, which is the completion goal of my B-level promotion task this time.

I have found it. "

"It is not good?"

Ciri wondered and said:
"Record that matrix and write a report, and I will transfer it to the higher-level organization through the correct channels. You can complete the task perfectly and become a B-level personnel, and I don't have to worry about it for you.

The world you're in is about to be destroyed, which means that what you've found is seriously flawed, and while it may help a world from the impact, the side effects are dire.

This kind of method can't be regarded as clever, and those geniuses in Fox's Nest may not necessarily appreciate it. "

"Well, if only it were that simple."

Mason sighed, he exhaled the smoke ring, and said:
"Then what if I tell you that the time I live in was actually destroyed when the first impact occurred? It existed between 'life and death' for a full 17 years, Hiri?
are you listening

Give me some answers, okay? "

The roaring letter in front of Mason kept his mouth slightly open, which seemed to perfectly simulate the astonished expression of the hunter at this time. Not to mention, this magic method simulated Ciri's mouth quite like a miraculous one.

It reveals a sluggish elegance with brain tremors.

The hunter was stunned for a few seconds, and then there was a tone of remorse and headache, and she said:
"I regret asking you. I should have listened to your suggestion just now. I was asking for trouble. Wait a minute, I will start the confidentiality procedure to contact old A.

I don't want to hear a word about the next thing, you can talk to him directly. "

This attitude surprised Mason instead.

He asked curiously:

"Although I guess they treat you as a cheap and easy-to-use puppet striker, your authority should not be so low, right? It's always okay to observe."

"No, Mason, I can't hear specifics."

Ciri explained softly:
"Remember what I told you last time? There is a price for becoming a great teacher. If you C-level personnel are a pair of eyes observing the world, then I am equivalent to the connection between the eyes and the brain.

All information that passes through my hands is 'open and transparent' to certain beings.

Although it doesn't know how to read most of them, if it is interested in looking through my "chat records" one day, then things will be troublesome. "

"But you know it now."

Mason frowned and said:
"Wouldn't it be considered 'disloyal' if you deliberately avoided it?"

"'Loyalty' is a non-existent concept for it."

With an inexplicable emotion, Ciri replied:

"Just as the three mentors don't care about the thoughts of C-level personnel at all, they don't care about what is thinking in our heads.

Do you pay attention to the thought of bread while eating it?
The stars will be a ruthless system, Mason, and it is the source of our ruthless tradition.As for whether it will arouse its anger and disgust, I don't really care.

It needs me, so I'm not in danger yet, I can't say more, wait a minute, old A is already in contact. "

Ciri, who was wearing pajamas, jumped up from the bed, walked barefoot to her desk, opened the drawer and took out a very old mobile phone, and sent a message to the number with only one record.

She tossed her hair, made herself a cup of coffee and waited patiently for a response, then said to Mason:
"Just to remind you, old A is a very talkative person, at least I thought so before."


Mason nodded.

The roaring letter in front of him was suspended in the air and closed his mouth, which represented Ciri's withdrawal from the communication, and when the letter opened again, it represented another guy's thinking.

The important information hidden in what Ciri said just now has also been captured by Mason.

First of all, Ciri said that for the godhead devils who control the Constellation Society, loyalty does not exist, which means that the higher the curse of the soul, the higher the coercive power may be.

When reaching Xili's level, the mandatory constraints and manipulations that were not there may have appeared. The worst case is that as long as that guy is willing, the three masters may become its "string puppets" in an instant.

Secondly, Ciri said that she is not worried about her infidelity being discovered by the devil, because the devil needs her.

From this point, it can be analyzed that the devil should be unable to move freely for some reason, and it cannot directly manipulate the Stars Association through its own behavior, so there must be three major mentors as its symbols to replace it to manage this organization.

Moreover, the formation of this deep contract means that the devil will also be subject to certain constraints, and it will also suffer losses if it wants to get rid of Xili.

Mason rubbed his chin, taking advantage of this little time to think:

"So, Your Excellency Fate, who formed the Stars Club, is likely to be in a 'semi-sealed' state.

Zha Kang also said that to maintain a soul curse with a scale of tens of thousands of people and spread across many parallel worlds, it is quite a terrible pressure on the caster itself, and even the powerful Dimensional Demon God will not easily The power spreads to such an extent.

Although we members are lit candles connected to the devil's presence, our imbuing it with 'immortality' also causes it to be 'bound' on a symbolic level.

According to Zha Kang's previous speculation, this guy is likely to be in a state of 'sleeping' for a long time. Shirley also said just now that it has no interest in the things in the minds of the great teachers most of the time.

Maybe it's not that it doesn't want to see
It's that its waking time is really limited, and the precious time cannot be used for meaningless things like checking the subordinates' thinking.

To sum up, maybe for a long time to come, Team K doesn't need to worry too much about the pressure directly from Lord Fate, but what is certain is that if we want to destroy the existence foundation of the Society of Stars, then it must be me. The ultimate big boss to face. "

Behind Mason, Barry Allen from Time Silhouette saw that he had been waiting in silence, and the precious time was passing by every minute, so he couldn't help but want to step forward and urge him.

But Xiao Shan stretched out his hand to stop him.

Barry from his hometown said to his space-time alien:
"Don't bother him at this time. Although I don't have much contact with Mason, I guess he must be thinking about very serious things now. The way he thinks reminds me of Batman.
Uh, it's not the murderous and death-like old man Batman on your side. "

"cough cough"

A slight cough rang out on the silent roaring letter in front of Mason's eyes, as if to remind Mason of a new call request, the captain raised his head and looked at the silent roaring letter in front of him.

他 说:

"Hello, old A, sorry to take up your precious time."

"Hello, Mason."

A man's voice sounded from the roaring letter, and he politely responded to Mason's greetings. His voice was not deep or deliberately hoarse, but a normal conversational tone.

There is a sense of distance in politeness.

"I'm actually not very busy now. You picked a good time."

The guy said in a joking tone:

"I am participating in the formulation of the authority tree and material distribution that need to be updated immediately in the parallel world system after the third impact. It sounds very important, but in fact it is a group of old immortals from various worlds getting together to discuss how to 'splitting the cake'.

They quarreled really badly this time.

Probably because they all felt the pressure from each other, so they didn't even bother to make an outward gesture of unity.

You know, Mason, when everyone may become a life-and-death opponent at any time, every resource and every fighter is precious.

Let's not talk about this, I heard from the hunter, you found valuable information? "

"Yes, a speed force matrix that can affect the operation of time."

Mason had nothing to hide.

Since he was applying for help, he naturally had to speak clearly, so he described the effective principle of the speed force matrix according to his own understanding. At the end, he reminded:
"The Matrix has been running for 17 years, draining the energy out of a great Flash, and with his body on the verge of collapse, the system is coming to an end.

Obviously it's terribly flawed, but I think this blueprint that needs to be perfected but has proven itself can be very useful to you guys as well. "

"Indeed, a time-disordered system that can withstand three shocks without collapsing is the most valuable knowledge I have seen in the past few years."

Old A did not pretend to be false. Realizing the value of the Speed ​​Force Matrix, he said decisively:

"We must obtain this knowledge. The researchers of Fox's Nest may be able to open up new ideas. Tell me, what help do you need from me?"

"There are seven billion people in this world who need to be transferred."

Mason finally got to the heart of the matter.

他 说:

"Most of them are ordinary people. My base world can't accommodate so many people, and there are less than 22 hours left before the time limit for destruction."

"I can deploy twenty of the most advanced transfer gates for you. As for who will help and the target world of the transfer, the hunter will help you choose.

After the end of the third shock, there are many worlds that need human resources, and our collaborators in each world will properly resettle these space-time refugees. "

Old A immediately made a decision and said:
"And you, Mason, the only task of your team is to bring back this knowledge in its entirety! Also, after this is over, I need to meet with you.

I decide the time, and you pick the place.

It's just a conversation, it won't take up too much of your time. "

Mason's heart skipped a beat, but instead of refusing, he replied:
"These things can be discussed later. There is still a troublesome problem here. There is a speedster here. It should be an exploration conqueror sent by other factions of the Council of Hope."

"Kill it!"

Old A said:
"Treat it cleanly."

"Well, okay."

Seeing that the other party was so decisive, Mason couldn't say anything more, but when the conversation was about to end, Mason asked again:

"Old A, I'm curious, are you also a member of the Council of Hope?"

"Me? No, no, no, I'm not one of these outstanding individuals who represent all powerful worlds. My talent and my ability make me completely inadequate for this kind of need. I'm always fighting with my friends career.

Compared to big shots like them, I'm just a lowly social tool.

I am one of countless unsung servants in this system. "

With an inexplicable smile, old A said at the moment when the roaring letter was burned:

"Well, no kidding, I hope that the council will be the speaker this month. My term is still one week away, so I can help you complete this without anyone noticing.

I hope you are satisfied with my service, Mason.

You are the most valuable newcomer that our organization has accepted in recent years, bar none.Oh, by the way, after your B-level promotion mission is over, take a few pioneering missions from the hunter to brush up your qualifications.

I will try my best to help you arrange it. "

He reminded:

"There just happens to be a vacancy in the A-level 12-member council. We can work it out and let you join it. Based on the abilities and skills you have shown so far, a bigger platform is more suitable for you to play."

After finishing speaking, the envelope in front of him was burned to ashes, and disappeared under the gaze of Mason whose eyes twitched.

Mason's head will be buzzing.

What the hell?
I haven't figured out the B-level promotion task yet, so you arrange for me to enter the A-level 12-member council?

This generosity was a little too much, so generous that Mason couldn't help cursing his mother and using Batman's thinking to think about whether there was any hidden pit in it.

The answer is obvious.

It was with great difficulty that I managed to gain a little trust from Shirley, and before I met him for the first time, Old A started digging holes for himself.

If Shirley had been more narrow-minded, this unexpected promotion arrangement alone would have been enough to dismantle the fragile alliance between her and Mason.

Although it was true that the vacant position was "hired" by Mason himself, to be honest, he really had no interest in that position at all.

"The problem is solved."

Mason pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind.

Looking back at the three very different Barry Allens behind him, he said:
"Support is coming soon, we should prepare to transfer this endangered world."

"But that person asked you to hand over your knowledge of the Speed ​​Force Matrix!"

Little Flash said worriedly:

"Although there must be a reward for asking someone to help, I doubt whether he is trustworthy? Do you think he is trustworthy? Mason."

"of course not."

Mason looked at the skinny Barry Allen running hard above his head, and he sighed and said:

"If old A and a dog were in front of me, and I needed to form a team with one of them to wipe out the aliens in a world, then I would definitely choose that dog
We'll give him the blueprint for the Speed ​​Force Matrix.

I promised.

But I didn't say I would hand it all over. "

He paused and said:

"It's enough to give an original framework. They have a lot of talents. I believe that what they need is just a general idea. As for these valuable knowledge"

Mason looked at Xiao Shan, pointed at him, and said:
"You! I don't care what method you use, memorize every detail for me, don't forget a single punctuation mark, then bring them back to the watchtower and hand them over to Bruce Wayne.

Now, you are welcome to join our unwelcome little gang, Barry Allen. "

"Should I say I feel honored?"

Xiao Shan pouted, and while warming up, he said:

"But since it is a gang, there must be goals and enemies, right? What is the goal? What is the program? Who is the enemy?"

"The goal is not clear, the program is not clear."

Mason pouted and said:
"After all, the official members are only the K team and Batman. As for the enemies, there are many, basically everyone except us.
You see, this is what you insist on asking.

Now it's too late for you to quit. "

(End of this chapter)

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