The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 289 87. Run!Barry!Korrun!

Chapter 289 87. Run!Barry!Korrun!
"Things are a bit complicated, and I can't explain in a sentence or two."

When Mason returned to the Atlantis mothership from the time maze, a crowd of people surrounded him. He knew what they wanted to ask, so he waved his hand and said to them:

"To sum it up, a group of conscientious outsiders like us have come here with equipment that can help the world completely shift before the doomsday collapses.

I know you may be tired, but you must act now.

Find a way to contact the local authorities, prepare the whole world for docking through their channels, and send a collective message to the whole world. At that time, there will be special personnel in each area to guide them to the new world through the transfer gate. "

"But there is only less than a day left before the destruction!"

The old man said hoarsely:

"Is this in time?"

"This is the second good news I want to say."

Mason pointed to the gap in the time maze closing behind him, and said:
"Sam who came with me will take over from your Barry Allen to keep the system going, I don't know how long he can last, but winning a few more days should do it.

As for the work efficiency of my colleagues, you don't need to worry at all, this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. "

"There will always be people who don't believe such a big thing."

Damian whispered:

"It happened so suddenly, what should we do in the face of those diehards?"

"I don't know, but they have a way."

Mason shrugged and said:

"If they really don't want to leave, they can stay here, and I'm not begging for their lives. In the face of such a doomsday situation, stupidity is an unforgivable sin.

Well, let's do it.

I'm going to see the captives. "

He passed the crowd and walked forward, and instructed as if he was assigned a task:

"Selena and Thalia went to Paradise Island, Shark King took your 'loyal servants' to Atlantis, the people in these two places are 'strategic support', and they will be sent to our base world .

Zhakang will contact you.

Their transfer work is at the end, I want them to see the scene of the world shattered with their own eyes so that they can follow us honestly. "

This arrangement made Thalia's eyes shine, and Mrs. Catwoman curled her lips.

When Mason walked into the cabin of the doomsday giant ship, he saw the Fenrir armor parked there at a glance.

This big baby has obviously been used by the old man before, and the freezing gun module on its left arm still exudes a cold breath, which is the result of high-power operation at first glance.

And in the shadow behind the dark and huge power armor, Far Zod wearing a black battle suit was standing there with his arms folded, like the cruelest jailer guarding the frozen prisoner.

A dirty yellow suit with a red lightning logo on the chest, the details of which are basically the exact opposite of Barry Allen, representing the guy's strong dissatisfaction and malice towards The Flash.

Reverse Lightning!
"Mr. K!"

Seeing Mason appearing from the darkness and recovering from a sleep just now, Harley Quinn, who also "guest-played" the security guard next to Superman Zod, suddenly called out in surprise.

She ran over dancing, carefully checking Mason's situation.

After confirming that Mr. K was not injured, the worry on his face dissipated, and he held Mason's hand in his arms, and followed him to the frozen Reverse Lightning.

This guy's Speed ​​Force is just as amazing as Barry's Speed ​​Force.

Let him heal quickly even if he was frozen, but the injury caused by Gungnir's projection on his left leg did not improve at all.

The weakness caused by divine power is affecting him. This kind of power higher than reality has always been difficult to deal with, especially for a runner who relies on speed for a living, breaking a leg is basically equivalent to abolishing more than half of him. ability.

The unlucky ghost escaped from the Time Maze in embarrassment after Barry hit his thigh with Gungnir's lightning, but bumped into Mason's outer encirclement.

It can be said that his response is not bad.

Even though he was dragging a broken leg, he still avoided most of the ambushes by relying on the miraculous speed force.

However, when facing the Fenrir armor that had just been upgraded with the anti-Flash module and was driven by the vicious, delicate and deadly old man, his reaction was not perfect enough.

He was slowed down after a face-to-face encounter, and was shot again by the dead shooter.

Then, in the tug with the venom black cat, he bumped into the hands of Fal Zod who was waiting for a rabbit when he bumped into it like a headless chicken.

The Kryptonian who had just gained strength obviously couldn't keep up with the Speedster's speed, but facing a Reverse Lightning who had a broken leg and was heavily injured, he only needed to seize the opportunity and punch hard enough to solve most of the problems.

"This guy is dangerous, Mason."

The thin Zod, who folded his arms, glanced at the remaining scars on his chest, and said:
"I was almost torn apart by his vicious attack just now. If you hadn't arranged it earlier, this enemy alone would be enough to kill us all."

"You just haven't gotten used to your power, Zod."

Mason shook his head and said:
"When you grow up a bit, reverse flashing won't be too much trouble for you, even relying on Kryptonian's instinctive reaction is enough to keep up with his super speed.

But you still have plenty of time to learn and grow, now I need you to help me watch, I need to talk to this guy.

Harry, stand back. "

"It's okay."

Harry hid beside Mason and squeezed his eyes and said to Mr. K:
"I dare to put a can of clown laughing gas on me, this yellow guy will be sprayed in the face if he dares to come close to me, even if he kills me, he will be infected.

This is what I learned from Mr. J. The principle is not complicated, and I have completed the modification. "

She patted the clothes on her chest, and opened the collar to let Mason see the "Die Together" system she had set up. This overly intimate action and the ball of white flowers made Zod next to him turn his head.

This Kryptonian who spent the first half of his life in prison is surprisingly innocent.

Of course, Mason is not a nasty person, he immediately stopped Harley's behavior, but he was not too worried that Harley's random combination of clown laughing gas would hurt her.

Although she looks crazy, Harley Quinn is also a talented student with a Ph.D. She is very smart and often helps Mason, and she always has her own understanding of weird engineering items.

"Go, I will protect you!"

Leaning on a baseball bat, Harley threw a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, and took her big dog to guard Mason, showing a look of wide-eyed vigilance.

Mason stepped forward and put his hand on the ice. The magic fire melted the frozen ice, and soon released Reverse Lightning's head.

This kind of ice made by the upgraded freeze gun just looks simple.

Its internal structure is different from ordinary ice cubes. The weapons carefully produced by the Star Laboratory can suppress the speed force, making it difficult for speedy people to escape the cage through body resonance.

"Who sent you here?"

Mason stared at the reverse lightning in front of him and asked:
"Which faction do you serve?"

"I serve myself, idiot! Not like you, a tool in the hands of others."

Reverse Lightning probably guessed that he would not be able to survive no matter what, so he was very single, neither begging for mercy nor talking nonsense, very stubbornly sneered and said to Mason in the cold air:

"You can never really kill a speedster, I always come back in time."

"Return from 'time'? Interesting."

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:

"I asked Barry, it is easy for you speedsters to travel through the timeline in the individual world, but it is basically impossible to complete the act of 'resurrecting from the dead' in the super time flow system that coexists with the parallel world system.

After all, not every world has the Speed ​​Force, but you are so confident that time will be your friend.

It seems that the person who sent you has mastered some powers of the hypertime flow.

Well, let me think about it, there are only so many individuals in the parallel world who can control time without involving the universe, and there are only a few behind-the-scenes black hands who can make Reverse Lightning willing to be a forward. Hazard's most famous one.
Do you serve 'Conqueror Kang'?
He is also a member of the Council of Hope? "

This inference caused Reverse Lightning's pupils to change slightly, and he refused to answer any questions at first, but this reaction had already confirmed that Mason was right.

"Don't worry, Reverse Lightning, I won't kill you, I'm not a cruel person."

Mason stroked the Speedtail ring on his little finger, and said:
"I am very interested in the anti-speed force you possess. This strange power that can cut off the link of the speed force may become a magic weapon for me to defeat some difficult enemies in the future.

So now I formally invite you to join my research project, and stay in the 'warm box' I prepared for you as the researched object for a long time. "

"You can't trap me!"

Reverse Lightning cursed:

"Everyone who has tried this has failed, and you are just the next bastard to die in my hands!"

"Well, then please allow me to introduce you to one of the super inventions of the Isu Civilization's black technology."

Mason snapped his fingers and said softly:
"That thing is called a 'time stagnation capsule'. You can tell what it is for just by the name. Don't worry, my current skills are still completely incapable of making this level of unknown technological creations."

He took out the prototype of the modified freezing gun from his luggage, aimed at the reverse lightning and pulled the trigger, and the latter's head was quickly frozen again under the impact of the blue energy.

He looked at the crystal clear ice in front of him and said softly:

"So before I make the time stagnation capsule, I have to wrong you to spend some time in the ice cube."

"Mason! Are you really going to do this?"

Zod, who was watching, frowned and said:
"It only takes one small mistake and he's going to run away, it's a big risk."

"I know, so I will send a powerful person to guard him."

Mason looked at Zod and said:

"I now officially appoint you as the 'dangerous object custodian' and 'jailer' of the K team, are you willing to accept my invitation and join us in the parallel world to find and help more people in need?

Mr Farr Zod. "

Mason's extremely formal invitation made Zod hesitate.

He was suspended in the air and raised his head to look at the thick and dim hull structure above his head, as if he was looking at the stars through obstacles. After a few seconds, he rubbed his forehead and said:
"I can still hear the call from the stars, which was there when I was weak, and became clearer when I drew power from the sun.

My people await me among the stars, Mason.

I have remembered the mission I was sent to Earth.

I and other Kryptonian children were launched from the mother planet to civilizations all over the universe. We were ordered to lurk and meet our invasion fleet at the right time to complete the conquest and colonization.

From this point of view, it seems that the earthlings imprisoned me was not entirely out of malice.

i have my mission
And I'm hesitating whether I should finish it or not. "

Mason didn't answer but just looked at Zod, who turned his face, and finally showed a subtle smile on his thin face that didn't resemble Da Chao.

He moved his shoulders very relaxedly and said:

"However, I have learned the truth. This world was destroyed 17 years ago. I am only living in the illusion of the past. This world is of no value to my people.

Even me, who was launched into this world as a Sentinel, has become a worthless member.

Fuck missions and missions, I've had enough of this. "

He held out his hand to Mason and said:
"Kryptonian Far Zod applied to join the K team. I yearn for a free life that truly belongs to me. But Mason, I am not because I admire your ideals or agree with your ideas.
You know.

My current knowledge is not enough to allow me to think about such complex and profound issues. I join you only because I believe in you. "

"That's enough! Maintain this trust, and we will never let you down again."

Mason's hand held Zod's.

Amidst the cheers of Harley taking out the camera and taking pictures, the most needed attacker of Team K was finally in place.
"Are you sure you're ready?"

While the outside world is busy and busy, in the core area of ​​the speed force matrix deep in the time maze, the Barry Allen in the silhouette of time, who is like a faded photo, is walking back and forth at ten times the speed of sound. explain:
"Once you go up, you have to keep running, so as to maintain the continuous birth of the speed force to push the entire matrix, but if your speed is a little slower, you will be carried forward by the entire matrix.

You have to be faster than the matrix is ​​running now!

This will prevent the speed force from being drained from your body, which is already close to your limit speed. "

He said worriedly:
"You are too young, Barry, you haven't grown to the limit yet, your shoulders may be too immature to carry the burden of running around the world."

"I'm not as good as you."

Little Flash looked around, pouted and said:

"But you have no other choice, you can only make do with me. As for the risk of this matter, believe me, when I used the cosmic treadmill to travel through twelve parallel worlds in seven days and became extremely exhausted, I was already exhausted. Know how dire the risk of burnout is."

This Barry, who was as optimistic as a young boy, raised his head and looked at the old, skinny but still running Barry Allen above his head.

There was a complicated look in his eyes, and after a few seconds, he said:

"However, it's a world, you know what I mean? Another Barry, something I've always wanted to do in my hometown but never had the chance to do.

Always brash and jerky compared to my peers, I always felt unworthy of being part of a team of the world's greatest heroes.

And now, I finally have this opportunity.

After I go back, I can proudly declare to them that I can finally stand with them with confidence.
I alone saved 70 billion people!

Isn't this super cool? "

He grinned and waved to the other Barry.

Then he came to the core area of ​​the speed force matrix with a whoosh, and he felt the terrible pressure pressing on his young body little by little.

And he stretched out his hand, and put it on the arm of the old Barry who had no energy left to run on.

Barry, who had abandoned everything and ran for 17 years in the Speed ​​Force Matrix, seemed to be awakened at this moment. The latter struggled to open his cloudy eyes with wrinkles and age spots, and looked at the young man behind him.

The face surprised him.

It was just like seeing myself many years ago, full of vitality and energy.

"You're tired, Barry."

Little Flash said softly:
"It's time for you to rest, let me run instead. I promise everything will have a good ending, I promise!"

These words made the old Flash show his last smile with difficulty.

The moment he stopped running, what was left of his torso was like a stream of light, sacrificing the last bit of his existence to the Speed ​​Force in exchange for the system to continue moving forward.

The dots of light danced around the young Barry, like a farewell to himself. In the golden dots of light swirling in front of his eyes, Xiao Shan, who was holding an old battle suit in his hand, vaguely heard an old voice urging him to take a step forward.

"Run, Barry, run."

Said the weary voice.

So Xiao Shan took a deep breath, and stretched his legs in the terrifying pressure matrix. In the next moment, a more vigorous Speed ​​Force erupted from him, driving this old system to continue moving forward.

Golden lightning is flying, illuminating the entire area.

It is galloping.

It's like a runner who never stops moving forward along the track of racing against fate, just like the light that lit up in the rainy night, the lightning chose him, and he must give back with greatness.

Just start now.

(End of this chapter)

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