The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 290 88. Decentralized Management Guru Mason Cooper

Chapter 290 88. Decentralized Management Guru Mason Cooper
Old A's affirmative reply that there is support gave Mason a reassurance, but he himself did not expect the support to come so quickly.

Just when Mason properly placed the Reverse Lightning in the suitcase factory and brought Harley and Zod back to the deck, the Catwoman who was supposed to go to Paradise Island with Talia but turned back halfway stepped forward and said to him:
"Zha Kang just reported the special situation. He said that the gate of the world we placed in Osborne Tower was shaking, and there were many requests for connections from strangers.

He could only tell that one of them belonged to the Afterlife team, and Judy had given us their identification codes.

However, the rest of the strange requests came from the teams under Mr. Hunter, such as the Aix team and the three teams of Aegis, Defender and Punishment who had just entered the Hunter's vassal.

Even the half-mutilated Hydra team in the hands of the old green goblin received orders from the Fort of Stars.

Zhakang had contacted them, and they said that they would enter this world in an hour at the latest and complete the construction of twenty transfer gates. Including the two small doors in our hands and the hands of the afterlife team, we now have a total of There are 22 transfer gates. "

Catwoman looked at Mason suspiciously, and said:

"And Mr. Hunter also said that he will be there in person, and even Starsburg will allocate some resources to support this unplanned transfer operation. Currently, the rescue of this world is planned to be completed within 72 hours.

And it all started with you, little Mason.

You tell my sister honestly, did you join some weird force behind my back, otherwise there is no way to explain how your appeal can be so strong all of a sudden. "

"Well, it's hard to explain."

Faced with Catwoman's series of questions, Mason pretended to be stupid and said:
"Maybe it's because we're lucky?"

"Hmph, don't say it if you don't want to say it."

Catwoman folded her arms and curled her lips and said:
"You don't know what your own luck is! However, it is a good and perfect ending for this matter to come to this point, so I won't ask any more questions.

But I have a suggestion. "

She looked around and whispered to Mason:
"Although the K team will be stationed in Osborne Tower in the future, it is equivalent to abandoning our home world as a base in disguise, but after thinking about it, I think it is a pity to give up like this.

Why don't I take Jack and them back to Gotham to make a facelift and continue to host the Glacier Bar?By the way, acting as a link between you and Bruce, we need to leave some eyeliner over there. "

"You just want to go back and enjoy the two-person world with the master, you feel that you owe that man and Talia's joining puts a lot of pressure on you.

After all, only women can truly understand who their opponents are. "

Mason pierced through Lord Selena's small plan at once, he waved his hand and said:

"But it's not impossible, but we have to wait until this matter is over to see if we can get some special gadgets from the Stars Club to ensure the absolute safety of the Glacier Bar, otherwise I wouldn't dare to throw you there like that.

We are too conspicuous over there now. Although Bruce helped to finish it, if those guys persist in continuing to investigate, it is only a matter of time before you are exposed. "

"That's true."

Lady Catwoman sighed regretfully and said:

"Oh, I was dragged into a pirate ship by you, and now I have become an old aunt who has a home and can't go back."

"Don't make trouble, you are having fun playing by yourself."

Mason comforted:
"I'll take care of this. Now go help coordinate the affairs on Paradise Island, okay? By the way, watch Thalia for me."

Hearing that she could cause trouble for her rival, Lady Selena immediately became interested. She waved her finger and stepped into the shining Hermes rune next to her, turning herself into a beam of light and teleporting in the direction of Paradise Island.

"Mason, are you worried about Thalia's misbehavior?"

Harry next to him rolled his eyes and whispered:

"Do you want me to help you get rid of her? Maybe I can learn some ideas from Mr. J's past, and we can create a little 'accident' for her.

Little Damian may be sad for a few days, but time and Aunt Martha will heal. "

"Being good is the biggest help to me."

Mason glared at Harry, who was out of ideas, and said:

"Did you miss your medicine again today? Or did Quinn replace you again, don't be so vicious, Harley."

"I'm doing my best."

Harry swung Mason's wrist, put it on his heart, and said:

"Whatever you say is what you say, I am very obedient. But I feel that my heartbeat is not normal, can you help me look?"

There was a provocative smile on her face, full of encouragement, but Mason coughed and withdrew his hand. He pouted, and Harry turned to look.

The gloomy old man was standing in the shadow behind, watching them faintly.

"Tch, no matter which world you are in! Batboys are too annoying!"

Harley, who had been interrupted, screamed angrily, took out the palliative and drank it in one gulp under Mason's instructions, then turned and left angrily with a baseball bat and her two vicious dogs.

She is really smart.

She knew that the old man would definitely have to talk to Mason about something, so she left the space to Mr. K.

"Such a sensible and good girl is rare."

Thomas Wayne stepped out of the shadows. He watched as Harry drove the two big dogs into a series of messes and disappeared around the corner of the deck. Then he said to Mason in a hoarse voice:

"Apart from her slightly crazy personality and uncontrollable spirit, this girl is really a good assistant, but maybe you need to put a collar on her and keep the chain in your hands.

But she obeys you and pleases you all the time, so it's not that hard. "

"But that doesn't sound like a Batman thing to say."

Mason complained:
"I don't want to use Harley's dependence on me to do something bad, I owe her something, of course, as an old gentleman with a mentally ill wife, I will refer to it a little bit.

Are you here to talk to me about your whereabouts?Don't worry, I promised you I'd let you see Bruce, and I always keep my word. "

"No, that's not what I'm thinking about right now."

Thomas Wayne took out the activation key of Fenrir's armor from his belt in the house, returned it to Mason, and whispered:
"I hope you will seriously consider taking me and Martha out of this world again, especially Martha, I doubt her reaction after seeing Bruce.

I didn't even dare to think about the consequences of trying to get her close to him.

She's gone mad, Mason.

There is no cure for her.

but me
In fact, I am not very normal. Years of rage, hatred, indifference and killing have made me unable to control the darkness in my heart. I have long been out of tune with the world of normal people.

Perhaps it is the best choice to leave us lunatics who have been distorted by the world here to live and die with this world.

I am very grateful to you for allowing me to see Damian before the end. After learning that the blood of the Wayne family passed on safely in another world, I have reconciled with fate and the world.

I can finally meet my demise without resentment.

Maybe I shouldn't have appeared in the first place. "

"No, it's not the changing direction of the world that changed you, Thomas."

Mason explained:
"I asked Barry Allen, and when he had a premonition that the entire Speed ​​Force Matrix was about to collapse, he restored the world trend this time to the situation it was 17 years ago.

What you've been through was not fabricated by a speedster.

You are who you are right now.

The only difference is that you didn't meet me 17 years ago, but now, I have appeared in front of you. I don't want to be a messenger of hope, and I don't want to use these things to blackmail you.

But the truth is, your own world may be falling apart, and Bruce needs your help. "

He paused, and said to the silent old man in front of him:

"The death knell in my team has already told me his origin. In my world, there are eyeliners of the Star Society, and they are eagerly planning to invade my side.

Just wait for the aftermath of the third shock to dissipate, and that large-scale invasion operation will be put on the agenda, and Bruce and his friends need to fight against the malice from the dark star sea.

Thomas, they are outnumbered.

They need help.

I would love to help them, like I help other worlds to help my homeland, but the truth is, we need more companions and forces hidden in the shadows.

You can't join the Stellaris!
I don't want to send Lord Fate any more candles to burn majestically, but there is another way for you to join the fray that is about to start.

I can't put all my eggs in one basket, so your faction is my preparation for starting anew.

Sending you there isn't just about reuniting the Wayne family either.

I want you to lurk in my world and accumulate strength as a third-party force, so that when we need help, you can complete an unplanned divine weapon drop. "

Seeing that the old man was still silent, Mason took out his notebook, turned to the latest page, tore it off and handed it to the old man.

The latter took a glance in his hand and said in surprise:

"Well, this is really a bold plan, thank you for thinking so highly of me, but I don't think that bastards like Diana Prince and Arthur Curry, who you defeated, would be willing to obey my orders.

In fact, I didn't even have the confidence to control Martha. "

"Then you'll have to start making plans now, Thomas."

Mason said:
"I'm not asking you to help me revise this plan, I'm just informing you that this is your next job.

Talia's father, Lei Xiaogu, had always wanted Bruce Wayne to lead the League of Assassins he left behind, and Talia, an ambitious woman, didn't deny it.

I want you to control the League of Assassins, so you need to get rid of Thalia first, and then I will give her a job that is more suitable for her.

Diana, the queen of war, and Arthur Curry, the mad king of the Seven Seas, will be your war dogs. Martha Wayne and her elite Arkham gang will be your evil think tanks. You build an airtight data intelligence network.

Damian Wayne, your little grandson will assist you throughout this process.

He needs a suitable elder to teach him. At the same time, he also needs to experience and grow. The blood in his body and the long sword of the devil's head in his hand are the best blessings for your orthodoxy.

You see, I've been planning this from the beginning. "

He stopped and said to the old man:

"I know you will agree to me, Thomas, and I know you may not like this arrangement but you will do your best.

Because you know, what you did was protect your son while protecting that world.
You've lost him once, and you never want to lose him a second time.

And this is my gift to you. "

Mason stuffed the activation key of the Fenrir armor that the old man had given him back to Thomas Wayne, and he said:

"The first authority of the Fenrir armor prototype has been transferred to you when you drove it to beat the Reverse Lightning just now, and Delaman left a full set of combat databases for Cyborg program to receive.

You will also soon have your own Vengeance Batmobile and Vengeance Fighter, and I will also customize a new set of Batsuits and weapon accessories for you.

You will become Gotham City's second Batman, a crueler, colder and more terrifying Batman.

You will ride the night sky of Gotham with your son.

You can teach him or help him, whatever you want to do with him, I will not interfere at all and have no ability to interfere.

My only request is that when Team K returns to our hometown at some point in the future, I want to see a fearsome army that can crush all incoming enemies!
And you!

Thomas Wayne, dark knight of rage and vengeance, you are my pick for the best commander of my Gotham minions. "

This remark was so loud that the old man couldn't find any reason to refute it. Mason had confessed all his thoughts, and even the old man's heart was persuaded.

But he still adhered to the duplicity principle that the men of the Wayne family always possessed, and deliberately said in a hoarse voice:
"What if I refuse? You know, Mason, I didn't kill those criminals because I enjoyed killing them, I just had to, but now, I've lost that reason."


Mason took a step back and looked up at the clown aunt above the deck who was wearing a purple suit and letting her long green hair fly in the air.

He waved hello to Mrs. Martha who was "watching the scenery", and said to the old man:

"If you refuse my invitation, Thomas, I will change the name of the subject of the project from 'Thomas Wayne' to 'Martha Wayne', and show the full text to Grandma Martha after the replacement. Martha, who protects her lost and found baby son, will carry out all this without the slightest hesitation or compromise.

I also know that if I let her go, she will probably choose to burn Gotham to ashes overnight in order to protect Bruce Wayne.

And there is a high probability that no one can stop her from doing this.

So, in the hope that the already suffering people of Gotham can sleep well tonight, help us out, okay?You see, I've even picked out where you'll be stationed in Gotham for you.

It's in the same location as your casino, even the location of the floor-to-ceiling windows is exactly the same. "

He shrugged and said:

“You can look out over the city from there with Mrs. Martha and pick out how it’s different from your Gotham.

I've even prepared a new outfit for your loyal butler Oswald.

He could reprise his 'Penguin' role in that city as if I hadn't been there at all.

only i disappeared
Those who are vigilant against me can really feel relieved, and only when I really hide in the darkness can I find out where the malicious eyes looking at me come from.

Stealth, that's the tradition of the Bat-family, it's our tradition. "

The old man made no further objection.

He carefully went over the short plan Mason gave him, and after a while, he reached out and took off the too dark revenge knight mask on his head, revealing his middle-aged face that was no longer young and had experienced many vicissitudes.

Pointing to the wrinkles on his face and gray hair, he said:

"Last question, I'm getting old, Mason, and I've been ruining my health by taking 'magicine' for strengthening the body.

How can you solve this problem? "


Mason pulled his hands together like magic, and more than seven or eight bottles of injection liquids of various colors were placed in front of the old man in syringes of various shapes.

The evil alchemist introduced many treasures:
"Comprehensively strengthen the physical quality of the super-soldier serum that gives superhuman physical strength and endurance, the green goblin potion that takes short-term effects but has a good effect and the side effects are also weakened by me, the warrior injection that is used to temporarily strengthen and grant special abilities, and the serum prepared with my own Isu serum, as well as a suitably weakened version of the Superman enhancer, etc.

There is always one for you, Thomas.

If you can wait a little longer, when my research on symbiotes enters the next stage, I have more options for you.

Just old.

For alchemists, this is not a problem. In a word, as long as you are willing to do it, I can guarantee that you will be able to work in good health until the day you retire voluntarily.
Think of this as an 'entry benefit'.

I'll pay for your health insurance later, Thomas, don't worry about it. "

These words made the old man choke and couldn't speak, he shook his head and said:

"I need a Robin."

"I me me!"

Damian, who was hiding and eavesdropping, rushed out with his hands raised high, and shouted to his grandfather from another world:

"I could be your revenge Robin! I've been training for years for this, give me a chance Thomas, uh, I mean, grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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