The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 291 89. Intelligent life is locked, Hal Jordan from the dead world...

Chapter 291 89. Intelligent life is locked, Hal Jordan from the dead world.
Old A personally gave the order, and almost all the forces placed by Quint in the Gathering of Stars were dispatched.

There is no need for Mason to worry about the next thing. Including the K team led by Zha Kang to welcome the captain's "return in triumph" and the "Hydrama" supported by the old green goblin, the six pioneer teams are Under the coordination of a great mentor, and with the full support of Star Fort, transferring a world within three days is a matter of grasping.

The main reason is that even if Mason wants to intervene in the next matter, there is nothing he can do. The K team has never carried out such a large-scale transfer, and they are out-and-out novice in this respect.

So after receiving the roaring letter from Mr. Hunter, Mason took the new attacker in his team and his little tail Harley to Paradise Island as quickly as possible to hand in the task and go home.

Of course, things that should be arranged before leaving must be properly arranged.

"This doomsday ark is going to be taken to Osborne Tower. The oceans of the world over there have been polluted. Although the Atlanteans have the technology to purify the oceans, they couldn't live in sewage when they first passed, so this The ship was to be given back to the Atlanteans as their mobile city in the New World.

The transfer door of the Stars Club has its own space folding, and this thing will not affect its efficiency. "

Mason told King Shark, who was in charge of the seabed:

"You take the ship back with people, give it to the ministers of Atlantis, and tell them that their Majesty Arthur will visit them in a few days.

Let them lead the people across the transfer gate and someone will meet them there. "

The naive Shark King rubbed his head and nodded vigorously.

As the blood of the old gods, of course he can understand what Mason said, but whether he can understand it is another matter.

Mason didn't expect that this hot guy could do a good job, the main thing was to let him use his pure and noble marine blood to make a gesture and be responsible for spreading the word. It was Shark King's titular servant Deathstroke trio who really did the work.

There is also the old Deathstroke who has been "bound" to Shredder Wilson and the younger version of Lex Luthor.

The main reason for the latter to follow the Doomsday Ark is to stabilize the biological cabin of the unlucky Captain Atom, lest the latter suddenly explode and push everything into an irreversible situation.

And Lai Tu in this world is probably the only guy among this group of people who can understand the working principle of the speed force matrix, so he looks more anxious and uneasy than everyone else.

"You look nervous."

Standing by the Hermes rune leading to Paradise Island, Mason joked to Luthor:
"Is it full of curiosity and expectation for the new world?"

"No, what I'm worried about now is that your little friend can't support the needs of the Speed ​​Force Matrix. According to what you just described, I feel like you are letting a boy do a man's work."

Luther kept looking down at the time.

It was as if he was afraid that the time axis carrying the existence of the world would suddenly get out of control in the next second, and everyone would be involved in the out-of-control turbulence and completely buried in the dark stars.

He said to Mason:
"I can understand the necessity of this action, but your decision is too hasty."

"Sloppy? No, I don't think so."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Barry knew exactly what kind of pressure he was facing when he took the initiative to take on this responsibility. He knew it was difficult, but he still gritted his teeth and took it.

I believe he can stick to this race.

That's running.

That's what he's good at, and you, Luthor, you're smart, but I don't think you should judge a professional in a field you don't understand. "

"You know your answer is very idealistic, right? It doesn't make me feel at ease in the slightest."

Lai bald snorted, looked down at his watch once more, and said:

"Mason, you said earlier that you didn't intend to recruit me into your K team, so where are you going to send me?"

"The third impact has just ended, Luther, the entire parallel world system is full of ruins, so much that the world needs your smart head.

So I plan to send you to a world of ruins to work as a small worker to build a house with ashes.

Your brilliant intellect will surely come in handy when stirring limes. "

Mason waved goodbye to Luthor as he walked into the Hermes rune and said:
"Besides, your new leader is not me, Schreider said that he needs you to be his staff, and he is planning to rescue a few people from your space-time alien.

In other words, you may have to compete in intelligence with your 'evil twin'. "


Mason's figure disappeared into the magic of Paradise Island, leaving the young version of Lai Bald in a daze, but the next moment, Deathstroke stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying:

"Don't listen to Mason's nonsense, our captain is a character who likes to joke, how could I let my think tank go to the front line with a gun?
We, the gun-carrying bosses, will do the breaking into the headquarters of the Lex Group. You only need to be responsible for helping us break through another defense program written by Lex Luthor himself. "

Shredder Wilson, who aspired to build a large cross-world "Deathknell Legion", grinned, his dark white teeth reflecting the cold light in the sun.

He said to Luthor who was looking at him:
"Let's take this as an 'entry test' for the 'Deathstroke Corps', my dear science officer."

This adult version of Deathstroke stuffed a victory cigar into Luthor's hand, and then swaggered to the cockpit of the Doomsday Ark with Shark King and Deadshot.

The clever Labal glanced at the cigar in his hand.

That was a sign he had never seen in this world, and just as he was hesitating, the old version of the death knell of this world stepped forward and comforted him:
"Don't worry, Luther, I've discussed it with Shredder. I joined his organization in exchange for his promise not to hurt you. You only need to make plans for him, and you don't have to worry about him using your wisdom. Do evil.

With Mason on top, he didn't dare to go too far.

And to start living again in that strange world, we do need some 'friends'. "

"Do you believe him?"

Luther looked at the commander he trusted very much. His question made the old death knell laugh. The lonely old hero took out a cigar and put it in his mouth, and said in a low voice:

"I'd rather trust a dog than the promises I made when I was young. Back then I lived a very depraved life, where broken contracts and fraud were commonplace.

At that time, I didn't have any beliefs, and I was a real mercenary.

But I am willing to help him, at least in the next matter, I will do my best to help him achieve his goal, regardless of good and evil, good or evil. "


Luther frowned and asked:

"That's not like your code of conduct."

Faced with this problem, the old Deathstroke exhaled a smoke ring, leaned against the bulkhead of the slowly submerged ark, and looked at the messy sea outside the glass window in front of him and the burning Gotham City in the distance.

After a few seconds, he whispered:

"My child ... went with his mother when he was not born, and they died in the supervillain's vengeance on me, and that was many years ago.

My family is gone, Luther.

But his family is still there.

He is me in another world, so that may also be equivalent to my children's time-space aliens in another world, which is also my child, another possibility of their never-opened life.

I couldn't bring myself to stand by.

He knew this too, so he didn't ask my opinion. "

"That's not how it works, Wilson."

Young Luthor laughed dumbfoundedly.

He shook his head and planned to briefly explain the concept of "space-time heterogeneity" to the old death knell.

But seeing his world-famous old hero leaning against him alone, smoking a cigar, Luther suddenly realized that what he needed might not be an academic explanation.

What he is pursuing may be to make up for the heart-wrenching failed rescue when he was young. In religious terms, the old death knell regards this as his second chance in life.

"OK then."

Ratu also picked up his cigar, but without lighting it, he said:

"I'll help him this time! But it's free only this time, and you'll be charged if you ask me for help after that. After all, no official in the new world would hire someone like me who doesn't even have a legal identity.

I still have to work to earn money to support myself. "

"Well, that's not necessarily the case."

The old death knell blinked and whispered to Lai Tuo beside him:

"I just had a chat with the guy, and I realized that although we live in two different worlds, we have a lot of the same habits.

For example, the bomb passwords we use most often are exactly the same.

I heard that you in another world are super rich, and you must know his usual passwords. Taking a little from another account of yours is enough to spend your whole life.

How about we try it later?
If this is done, you don't need to worry about money at the beginning of your new life. "
On the other side, on the alien aircraft flying inland from Gotham, the old man Thomas Wayne sat in the co-pilot and manipulated an instrument that could observe the landing point of the transfer gate.

They have to go to the predetermined location to provide ground guidance for this thing, and talk to the representative sent by the government by the way.

Because the old man has been better at "physical communication" with other people in the past few years, this arduous task has been handed over to his companions at this time.

Former army pilot Mr. Hal Jordan.

Compared with the old man's calmness after all the dust settled at this time, Hal, the young man's performance was slightly worse.

He heard Mason announce the arrival of rescue to them with his own ears, and saw the strange scenery in the mysterious time maze, but he still couldn't accept the reality that his world had been destroyed 17 years ago.

At this time, while manipulating the aircraft, he was thinking about these more incomprehensible problems that ordinary people would hardly encounter.

"You are flying an aircraft that is more than ten times more complex than an airplane. The minimum cruising speed of this thing is above Mach [-], so if possible, I hope you can be more serious and focused."

The faint voice of the old man woke up Hal, who was gradually falling into thought.

The latter suddenly raised his head and grasped the joystick, but found that the aircraft had already been taken over by the steel frame in the form of data program and entered the automatic flight mode. He glanced at Batman sitting on the co-pilot in surprise.

I thought in my heart that this guy who grew up listening to his stories could still make jokes.

The story of the old man slaughtering villains in Gotham of this world is well known here, and of course, his story is unlikely to be a friendly fairy tale.

In fact, Thomas Wayne's reputation in this world is quite bad. His cold style of killing and stopping makes people regard him as a dangerous person who may lose control at any time.

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

Hal asked softly:

"Is it because the world is saved?"

"Whether the world is saved or not has anything to do with me?"

The old man said without raising his head:
"I had a lot of reasons when I set out on this journey, but saving the world wasn't one of them. Our world sucks, Hal, and I've always thought of it as the embodiment of malice and darkness in the world.

It shouldn't exist at all.

Facts have proved that my idea is correct.

We're just living in the hopeless reverberations of a dead world, so all suffering and tragedy is explained, but will that comfort a weather-beaten heart?

Do not!
I still hate it, and that doesn't change because I helped save it. "

"you are lying!"

Hal keenly noticed a trace of insincere in the old man's tone, and he retorted:

"The fabled Batman doesn't talk so much at once, and if you're not interested in the subject, you won't even say a word. Admit it, Thomas, you have joy, too."

"I have expectations, but it has nothing to do with this world."

The old man cast a gloomy glance at Hal. He didn't want to discuss this issue, but the topic had already been opened and there must be something to say, so he asked:
"Who are you going to go with? Mason said that they will assign you to different worlds, because he holds valuable things in his hands, so the treatment you can get is said to be quite good.

It is the peaceful world that those people handpicked for you.

You were part of the action, Hal, and you played a role in proving the courage and fearlessness of ordinary people. Maybe you should let it all go and move on. "

"I'm considering."

Hal pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said to the old man:

"But I don't know if I should go to those places that sound good. Can you tell me where you are going and what you are going to do?"

"I can not."

Thomas declined the question, saying:
"All I can tell you is that this is not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end, it's just the end of the beginning."

"Going out into a wider, dark constellation, fighting an enemy you've never heard of, not even sure if we're on the right side.

This is the fate we will face next. "

The old man didn't want to say it, but at this moment, the steel frame manipulating the aircraft told the truth indifferently. The cyborg, who was turned into pure data by Mason with the Soul Killer program, said in a voice neither sad nor happy:

"Thomas is right, Hal, you should go to the good places with your friends and family and enjoy life. Until the next shock that Mason claims comes, you can at least leave a little good memory for each other.

This may give you the courage to face another doomsday. "

"I'm not afraid to face the end!
Just like when I was going to fly this warplane to destroy the doomsday weapon of Atlantis and I convinced myself to join you in doing the right thing. "

Hal retorted:
"I don't lack the courage to face the dark truth!

I feel now that your convincing me to go to the good world may be just a deceitful reason, I don't really believe that we will have a good peace after 17 years of destruction.

If I can make a choice for this world, then I think I may also be able to face the second darkness.

I should probably go with you! "

The young and courageous pilot glanced at the distant city and the brilliant beams of the portal that opened above the dome, and said:
"I've had a feeling since I was a kid that at some point I'm going to take on something that only I can do, it's not my imagination, it's not the destiny of the savior.

Perhaps, I should take this step, I should enter my true destiny"


At this moment, the old man stood up suddenly and pressed Hal down, pulled out the kinetic energy pistol on his waist and shot forward.

A group of strange green fluorescent lights appeared strangely in the airtight cabin of the aircraft. Thomas' bullet hit it but failed to drive it away at all.

That thing seemed to be non-existent, and it landed in front of Hal Jordan, who was full of surprise, with a green fluorescent light.

It was a ring like green jade, with simple and strange inscriptions on the interface.

"this is"

When the young man saw the logo, he suddenly thought of the remains of the alien named "Abinsu" stored under the military base. The guy's battle suit also had the same logo.

"This is the ring!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and stared at the green ring in front of him, and said in a low voice:

"It was Mason who said that the ring was supposed to be yours, and that you had to display extraordinary fearlessness and courage to be recognized by it.
It seems you did. "

Having said that, Thomas glanced at Hal Jordan who reached out to hold the ring but didn't have any follow-up reaction and looked confused. The gun in the old man's hand quietly pressed against the young man's lower back.

He said hoarsely:

"It seems that this thing needs some specific conditions to trigger its power. Mason must know how to do it. And you, Hal Jordan, fate has made a choice for you.

Now, you must go with us. "

(End of this chapter)

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