The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 292 90. Hey, you are the famous V Zhentian, right?

Chapter 292 90. Hey, you are the famous V Zhentian, right?
Mason came to Paradise Island through the Hermes talisman, and saw that a huge transfer door had been created. Under the urging of Thalia and Selena, many Amazon warriors were dragging their families through the door. door to the new world.

The reason why their actions can be so smooth is that the two clever old aunts borrowed the orders of the war queen Diana.

In particular, the Queen's lasso of submission and the Bladebreaker's Buckler, which never left her body, were used as tokens, so the fanatical and loyal Amazons did not have much doubt at all.

But in addition to these female warriors advancing to the Osborne Tower on the other side, some people are transferring from the Osborne Tower.

Zha Kang is sitting on his zombie flying dragon and flying around in the sky. While maintaining order and guiding the direction, he is looking around among these muscular big sisters with mischievous eyes.

It feels a bit like "choosing a concubine".

When the fellow Batgirl saw Mason, she immediately walked over angrily.

Mason greeted him with a smile on his face, but Barbara waved her hand to hit him, but because she couldn't do it, she could only turn around and strangled Mason's neck.

she yelled:

"You damn guy! You came here to do such a dangerous thing without telling us, if something happened to you and you asked me to go back, how would you explain to Gordon and Bruce?
That bastard Zha Kang even helped you hide it from us, saying that you are safe!
Safety shit!

Judy told me just now that the world could collapse at any moment, and you're dancing on the tip of a knife!Do you think you are great? "

"It's okay, saving another world makes me feel happy."

Mason coughed twice, squeezed his eyes and said something, the angry Barbara continued to exert force, and Mason couldn't breathe well while the prosthetic body was exerting force, but then, Batgirl let go of her hand.

She sighed and said:

"At least let us know in advance next time, okay? We are all companions, and we at least have the right to know. Sigh, I'm really going to be pissed off by you and Selena.

Forget it, you hurry over there.

Mr. Hunter will be at Osborne Tower any moment, and Judy's captain will be there too.

The big man said that he had to find time to meet with you, a 'legend', and an old aunt who had a good drink kept praising you as the real legendary mercenary.

It is said that she will make you a drink named after you in her bar. "

This unexpected news made Mason's eyes light up, and he immediately walked towards the transfer door ahead.

Barbara stayed here to enjoy the scenery of Paradise Island and talk to Harley Quinn about the private conversation between the girls. Seeing Mason disappear in the light curtain of the transfer gate, Barbara whispered gossip To Harley asked:
"Have you got it?"

"Oh, don't ask, it's just a little short!"

Annoyed, Halle threw her baseball bat on the ground and stepped on it, and said to Barbara:
"It was all on base! I could feel Mr. K's enthusiasm being channeled out of me! Hell, the nasty heroes of this world suddenly came out and messed everything up.

But it doesn't matter, I feel that the relationship between Mr. K and I is already very close.

Maybe I just need a good chance.

But, Barbara, why are you so passionate about it?Mason still calls you sister. "

Harry looked at Batgirl suspiciously, and the weird thoughts in her eyes made Barbara sigh helplessly. She looked around and whispered:
"I just suspect that Mason may be being targeted by a bad woman, a yellow-haired girl who is said to have come from hell. Although she didn't say so, her strange interest in Mason can be seen even by a bystander like me.

You gotta hurry up, Halle. "

She urged:

"Get this done before Mason and the swordsman meet, so that the young man won't be fooled away by a few words."


As soon as she heard that a bad woman wanted to rob Mr. K from herself, Harry immediately became upset. She chewed the gum in her mouth fiercely, her eyes rolled around, and she folded her arms and curled her lips and said:
"Leave it on me! But I need you to do me a little favor. Come on, I'll whisper my plan to you."

On Mason's side of the Osborne Tower Area A square, almost a replica of the doomsday rescue scene from the previous few days was reproduced again, attracting many people to watch.

And this time, the heavily armed Amazon female warriors walking out of the transfer gate are obviously more attractive than a group of sea refugees in the 18th century.

In order to prevent this group of super capable guys from causing trouble, the old green goblin dispatched his most elite defense force to guide these paradise islanders to the temporary residence prepared for them.

In the depths of the heavily polluted sea, a transfer door to Atlantis is also opened on an island.

Mason didn't intend to transfer all the 70 billion people in the old man's world to this place. The environment here was severely damaged, and it was impossible for a piece of doomsday wasteland to support so many people to survive here.

Therefore, he only intends to transfer the Amazons and Atlanteans here, and the rest will be assigned by Mr. Hunter to a different world to start a new life.

"Mason, this way!"

He had just passed through the transfer gate when he heard a call.

Looking up, Judy, a technological girl, was waiting for him in a cyberpunk version of a small three-wheeled old man Le electric car. After Mason got in the car, Judy turned the steering wheel and took him to a secret area.

She also exhorted on the way:

"After hearing what you just did, the captain and the others immediately dropped what they were doing and ran over. You did another sensational thing, Mason."

"Isn't it just a world?"

Mason said in surprise:

"Although the Stars will not be involved in personnel affairs, the transfer of the world has happened many times before, right? It won't make you so excited."

"No, that's different!"

Judy corrected:
"In the past, it was a collective action, thousands of pioneer teams were commanded to advance one task after another, but this time you almost completed the whole process of discovering, developing and transferring a world single-handedly.

Especially the fact that you can bypass Mr. Hunter and directly contact the high-level people, and let them mobilize a lot of resources to act under your leadership, which has completely surpassed the position of a C-level member of the Stars Club.

Even A-rank members can't do this kind of thing, so everyone is curious how you did it?
Now there are rumors that you are actually the 'illegitimate child' of a bigwig in the higher-level organization, and you were sent to the Stars Club to 'experience life'. "

"Uh, this is a secret, I can't say it for now, but I'm sure I'm not some bloody bastard."

Mason shrugged.

He was about to ask about Judy's laboratory, but suddenly a figure jumped down from a high place.

The guy fell straight down from a height of nearly 30 meters, and landed forward with a light double jump a few meters from the ground, just landing next to Judy's car.

It was a young man with a strange and capable hairstyle wearing a black leather jacket and carrying a straight black blade on his back.

There was a silver pistol pinned to the armed belt around his waist, which was exactly the same shape as the gun in Mason's gun pocket, and when he looked at Mason sharply, the captain felt like he was being watched by a beast.

"Mason Cooper?"

This hunky man with a great personality leaned against Judy's emergency car, stretched out his hand to Mason very coolly, and said:
"I'm V, Morgan is waiting for you, come, I'll take you there."

Looking at the guy's hand stretched out in front of him, it was obviously a gesture of goodwill, but Mason raised his eyebrows, and instead of holding it, he said to the guy in front of him:
"Hi V, I've heard your story but unfortunately, I don't like shaking hands with male V. Also, is Johnny Silverhand still on your mind?
Please tell him.

I found his 'brother' in another world, who looks almost exactly like him. "


V didn't get angry because Mason didn't shake hands with him. On the contrary, this hearty Night City buddy helped him open the car door and said very familiarly:

"Johnny has gone beyond the black wall, I don't know where he is now, hey, if you really want to see him, I'll make a copy program for you some other day.

But take my advice.

That guy is a real tongue-in-cheek who can't help at all, just babbles and cynical all day long. "

V pointed to his own brain, winked at Mason and said:
"Being able to get rid of him is the only thing that can make me feel happy since the end of the world. I heard from Judy that you are a very good guy, why don't we practice on the way?
Punching is fine too.

I, the 'Night City Boxer', don't need a gorilla arm to bully you, we'll just fight with skills. "

He said enthusiastically:
"If I win, you will work with us in the next life team. We just need someone with as good a brain as you."

Mason raised his brows when the abacus beads collapsed in these words, what's the matter?Are the contemporary young people in Night City confident to this extent?

But he didn't refuse. Instead, he looked V up and down and said:
"Then what if I win? Well, the knife behind your back is not bad, it's the famous knife 'jue', so just bet on it, okay?"


V grinned like a monster showing sharp teeth. He flexed his fists and said with a big laugh:
"It's not a bad job to exchange a knife for a legend to join the group. Come, come, come, I've chosen all the places."

He pulled Mason all the way into the underground area in front of him, and there was indeed a space opened up. Judy was asked to be the referee, and the two took off their coats and made boxing movements.

At the moment when Judy shouted, V suddenly noticed a light on Mason's left hand ring, and then his perception and level of tracking immediately lost Mason's figure.

At the same time, a clenched fist hit his face, and the kinetic energy carried by this sonic punch knocked V's feet off the ground. He was lifted up and hit his stomach hard by Mason, and fell down immediately. on the ground.

"You cheat!"

The famous V rubbed his chin and got up, looking at Mason who moved his wrist in disbelief. He moved his neck, activated a certain prosthetic body, and said:

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome. Judy! Those who haven't opened the hook stay away, so as not to be accidentally injured."

The "Friendship Boxing Match" between the two men is about to start in earnest.

But actually it ends after a few seconds.

"Night City Boxing Champion" V lost badly. During the ten-second fight, he was knocked down by the opponent's "Sonic Punch" without even touching the corner of Mason's clothes.

Even the Sianweistan prosthetic body used for "time stop" was turned on, and Mason's figure could not be captured at all. It has been proved in Gotham before that the pure prosthetic body acceleration cannot keep up with the speed runner's reaction.

As a temporary referee, Judy simply made a "technical knockout" penalty in order to prevent the two from getting on top.

Of course, the price Mason paid to win this boxing match was also quite heavy. He also used the Speed ​​Force state for a full ten seconds, making the bones of his hands already on the verge of "fragmentation".

Fortunately, this is not a life-and-death fight, otherwise, after this set of "Seven Injury Punches", he doesn't know if something will happen to V in front of him. Mason's hands must not be able to keep them.

"How can this be called cheating?"

While applying ointment to his trembling hands, Mason poured an epic healing potion into his mouth, and then slowly said to the male V in front of him:
"You didn't say that you can't use the equipment. I don't have the military prosthetic body on you, but I also have my means."

"Tch, people who can use the speed force speak hard."

V is not uninformed either.

He glanced at the yellow crystal ring on the little finger of Mason's left hand, and a faint blue halo appeared in his eye sockets. He might be analyzing the composition of this thing or recording the battle records he just fought with the "Pseudo-Speedman".

Although there was displeasure on his face, there was no expression of dissatisfaction after failure.

Originally, this temporary boxing match was to deepen the contact and understanding between the two sides, and he didn't really seek to win, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he would not use the gorilla arm.

That military prosthetic body is incredible.

According to Judy's previous explanation, the military-grade gorilla's arm can punch ordinary people into meat paste in an instant. It is a real murderous prosthetic body that is as sharp as a praying mantis knife.

"Okay, you win, this knife belongs to you."

The refreshing legendary mercenary took out a bandage and stuck it on the cut wound on his chin, grabbed it casually, and threw the black sheathed katana to Mason.

Would you like to bet and admit defeat? The men in Night City are always forthright.

Mason didn't refuse, and reached out to grab the heavy katana in his hand.

He held the handle of the knife with his backhand and pulled out a third of it with a bang. The shiny blade was well maintained, reflecting Mason's slightly tired eyes like a mirror.

This thing is a typical Japanese-style knife. It has a simple knife frame that looks very atmospheric, and its information label quickly appeared in front of Mason:

Weapon Quality: Legendary Forged Item Immortal Craft

Weapon traits: Extraordinary sharpness, cutting gold and jade, perfect center of gravity, never wearing out

Weapon effects:

[-]. Mistake:

When this weapon is used perfectly, each hit has a high probability of being accompanied by [instant death] effect, but if it cannot be killed by one hit, the destructive power of the attack will be greatly reduced.


If you want to use this weapon perfectly, you need melee skills to reach Lv8, and have [Sword Specialization] or [Weapon Master] talent.

[-]. Bloodlust:

The weapon's blade slices through skin even with light contact, applying Bleeding to the opponent with every hit, but be careful not to cut yourself when using it.

In the case of the opponent's [Bleeding], the knife wielder will be able to perceive the specific position of the enemy and increase the trigger probability of the [Instant Death] effect.

Producer: Unknown
Item description: Cowards who only dare to shoot from a distance don't play with this dangerous killing art, give it to someone who is really capable of controlling it.

"The second barrel in your team will love it."

Judy walked up to Mason and whispered to him:

"Baby V, he has this broken knife, and he wouldn't show it to others easily, but today he not only carried it with him, but even came here to bet with you, which shows that he wanted to give it to you.

These old rough mercenaries are like this.

They are hypocritical and unable to say disgusting thanks, so they can only use this stupid method. "

"You people in Night City are really generous."

Mason grinned, put Jue into his bag, and planned to find a chance to give it to the second barrel in the future. He put on his coat and said to V who was playing with a cigarette in front of him:
"Although I don't know why you came here to deliver the baby, thank you."

"This is not a random gift."

V picked up the cigarette, and Mason rubbed his fingers and popped out the magic fire to help him light it. As the smoke rose, the young legendary mercenary reached out and patted Mason on the shoulder, saying:

"Thank you for helping us get rid of the sandstorm.

What that bastard did in Night City was disgusting. Unfortunately, I was already dead at that time. After I came back to life for the second time, my world was gone, and I kept running around and didn't have time to take revenge with my own hands.

We insist that you must be paid for what you do. Although I don't work as a middleman, I can't let you do it for nothing. "

"In that case, why did you give me a knife?"

Mason said puzzledly:

"A legendary mercenary like you should be able to tell at a glance that I don't use a knife? Can't I just give you a gun? I think the one on your waist is good."

V suddenly showed a very embarrassed expression.

Grinning his white teeth, he raised his jacket, revealing the silver Johnny's gun on his belt, which was exactly the same as the one on Mason's belt.

But obviously this is the "genuine version".

The silver gun has the marks left by Johnny Silverhand during the fierce battle at Arasaka Tower.

"Don't you have?

Although the replica made by Judy is close, it is enough for you, and didn't I just say it?I've always wanted to avenge my cesspit hometown with my own hands. Didn't you preempt this?
My girlfriend's monster lizards were all driven away by you. If I give you another gun, I will lose money. "

He waved his hand and said:
"Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said, you go to see the captain quickly, don't make him wait in a hurry."

The famous V stood by the window of this place, crossed his hips and looked at the transfer gate still in operation in the distance. He exhaled a smoke ring and said to Mason without turning his head:
"Also, Captain Mason, when you do this kind of exciting work in the future, if you need help, just let me know. If I'm not busy, I will definitely participate.

I've had enough of the dark days of fighting and killing in my previous life and the previous life, and now this kind of work is too much for my appetite.

Salvation and hope, what a wonderful and distant word.
It sounds like you want to burn something to ashes. "

(End of this chapter)

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