The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 294 92. If all the members mess around like you, how can the organization work?

Chapter 294 92. If all the members mess around like you, how can the organization work?
When Mr. Hunter came to Osborne Tower with his elusive cross-boundary teleportation, he saw Mason, who was giving him a headache, talking happily with the captain of the afterlife team.

Seeing the two of them chatting speculatively and laughing, people who don't know may think that they are asking for help.

In other words, when did the relationship between the K team and the afterlife team get so good?
Ciri looked at the two in front of him suspiciously.

She wondered if these two guys had created some private alliance behind her back. Morgan Blackhand's mercenary character is unlikely to be so blatantly involved, but considering that Mason is here, everything seems to be explainable. .

Since recruiting Team K under his command, Your Excellency Hunter has developed such a thinking pattern in unexpected situations. If there is something wrong, Mason must be the first one to look for.

She even suspected that the water in her shower last night was not hot enough, maybe it was because Mason had tampered with her office.
"What are you talking about, so happy?"

The hunter Ciri stepped forward and said quietly:

"Suggest I sit in?"

"Master Hunter is here, you must have something important to discuss, so don't bother us, the line-filling soldiers."

Captain Morgan stood up and laughed. He pretended to glance at the military watch in his hand and said:

"I have to go and see what's going on at the Portal of Transfer, and I'll support other companion teams by the way. I heard that several teams under your command have come here to join in the grand event. The companions have to get along with each other.

You guys talk first, I'm leaving. "

He bid farewell to the hunter in a friendly way, and the old aunt Rogge beside him also nodded slightly, and then took Judy to leave the place quickly. The secret place that was still lively and chatting about the past in Night City suddenly became quiet. .

This makes Mr. Hunter suspect that he is an unwelcome bad guy.

But she did nothing.

Hmm, so it must all be Mason Cooper's fault!

"Sit down, what does it look like standing there?"

Mason took the initiative to get up and pull a chair for Mr. Hunter, but the latter did not sit down but leaned against the table, staring at Mason with folded arms.

The Alice sword she used for camouflage was "greedy" by Mason in the name of doing a mission. Team K didn't say anything about returning it, and she didn't take the initiative to ask for it.

So now she is using a black two-handed sword, which is carried behind the black robe.

Mason obviously knew the sword.

If he remembers correctly, this sword should be called "Jiwiel", which means "swallow" in the elf language, and it is also a gift of coming-of-age for a witcher given to her by the old demon hunter Gay camel.

"What? It's not enough to take my knife? Are you going to take my sword too?"

Mason's eyes were quickly sensed by Ciri, and the hunter said unhappily:
"What the hell did you talk to old A? Why did you make such a big fight? I rarely see Quint make such a big fight, and he also told me to drop everything I'm doing and come here immediately to receive what you have in hand.

They even sent people to wait in Stars Fort to escort it back.

It looks like you've really found something truly remarkable. "

"I told you all, don't ask, don't make trouble for yourself, this thing is really hot."

Mason took out a very special box from his luggage.

The pulsating yellow lightning on its surface is like a magic lock, which is the seal of Speed ​​Force to ensure that the matrix blueprint stored in this box will not be cracked at will.

He handed the box to Ciri, who took it in his hand and threw it into the bag without turning around to leave. This action made Mason raise his eyebrows in surprise, and said:
"Didn't you say that someone is waiting at the Fort of Stars? Don't send it back quickly so that your boss won't be in a hurry."

"I just want to chat with you a few more words, why? Don't you want to?"

Ciri flexed her neck and said:

"About this support operation, you have also seen that I have sent all the forces I can use here, although in name it is a taboo transfer order from the higher authority, and all the procedures are complete.

But this also means that they took the initiative to disclose the hidden power of Quint in the Gathering of Stars. I think old A must not have done this just because of your coercion.

I think there is a deeper meaning behind his actions."

"Oh, I get it."

Mason sat on the chair and nodded, he looked at Ciri and said:
"Are you going to let me analyze it for you?"

Ciri didn't answer.

But her silence was the answer in itself.

This is the direction Mason hopes to see. He said before that he should discuss with Shirley before doing things. Seeing that his boss really did this, Mason naturally used his brain happily.

He took out a bottle of brown owl and poured it into his mouth to shake his tired spirit, then rubbed his forehead and said to Ciri:

"This means that our 'latent' stage is over, and the next step is to act aboveboard! If I follow my thinking, I will tell you that this is a sign that Gwent intends to formally intervene in the power structure of the Society of Stars.

Maybe they made you lurk and stealth because you were not strong enough.

But after accepting the Old Green Goblin's vote against the rebels lurking in various institutions of the Hope Council, their size increased rapidly.

Speaking of which, do you know the status of old A in the Council of Hope? "

Mason asked, Ciri hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:
"I know, he is one of the permanent directors, and he just recently became the rotating speaker, because of the third shock."

"That's it."

Mason nodded and said:
"I learned some inside information from the conqueror I captured before, and he told me that after the third impact, the weak worlds that could be plundered at will have basically been eliminated, and the rest are hard bones.

As the pioneers and pioneers of the council, the stars will face a very serious situation in the future, and we may suffer continuous losses.

You see, I'm used to thinking about things from a dark perspective.

if i do this
I would let the other teams go and keep my own, so that in the face of a lot of losses, the Blazers who didn't want to be used as cannon fodder had to come to me if they wanted to survive.

In this way, the lower-level pioneers will be gradually controlled, and if they find a way to operate at the higher level, it may only take a few months to seize control of the Stars Club.

At least part of the control. "

Having said that, he paused to look at the thoughtful Ciri, and after giving the latter a few seconds to sort out his thoughts, he expressed his conclusion.

"So, old A took this opportunity to let you and us stand uprightly, to show an attitude to everyone in the Stars Club.

That is to say, they have a new choice, and they can turn to us when they can't get along with the original faction.

Right now the choice is irrelevant.

But as long as the situation changes, with the cunning and greedy nature of the pioneers of the Stars Club, Quint's influence in the Stars Club will grow rapidly.

This is a conspiracy.

You don't have to worry about being feared by warlocks or swordsmen because of this, unless the forces behind them want to provoke a sharp struggle at the upper level, otherwise they will just ignore it.

I'm not talking nonsense, or lying to you, Ciri, I have proof. "

Mason stood up, approached Ciri, and whispered:

"Old A promised to give me the vacant A-level seat when he was talking to me. He is already planning to fill the 12-member council with his own people. Has he told you about this?"

Ciri froze for a moment, then shook her head.

She said hoarsely:

"I was going to give that seat to the afterlife team"

"Then give it to them."

Mason smiled and said:
"I've negotiated with Morgan Blackhand. I don't want that seat. You decide to promote him to the 12-member council. The afterlife team will compensate me privately."


Mason's words made Ciri hesitate, and the explorer said softly:

"He said he would give it to you. Will your refusal so readily cause you trouble? Didn't you say that this B-level promotion task is that they want to beat you?"

"Trouble? No, I won't be in trouble."

Mason shook his head, patted Ciri on the shoulder, and said meaningfully:
"Because it's your decision and it has nothing to do with me.

As the great exploration mentor of the Stars Club, you have the responsibility to think about the development of the organization. You must strictly control the most essential seats and resources so that they cannot be wasted on low-level personnel like me who always like to make trouble.

No matter from the perspective of strength, experience, and loyalty, the Afterlife Squad is much more suitable than the K Squad.

Old A must know your plan. He may want to create a rift between our two "close comrades in arms". I will not let him do so, so I will explain it to you in advance.

Now it's up to you to see if you can handle the pressure.

Shirley, you may be used to obeying, but you should also know that the power in your hands is not given to you by old A, and your right to manage the Stars Club comes from the approval of Lord Fate. "

Mason said persuasively:

"This means that you actually have a choice, and once you have a choice, you will have the capital to resist the old A's orders, and at worst, you will turn to the Lord of Destiny and become a devil's loyal dog.
Of course, I'm talking about extreme cases.

But trust me!

Old A has spent so much energy and resources on you, it is impossible for him to fall out with you because of such a trivial matter.

You used to be too obedient, stupid and innocent, that's why they easily manipulated you.

You have to learn to argue with reason, and you have to learn to properly use the power in your hands. Believe me, if you use this power well, it can even make old A fear you. "

"I admit that your previous analysis made sense, but now you are starting to trick me into giving up my allies and trusting you."

Ciri shook her head.

She said to Mason:
"You should give me some time to think about it."

"I gave you time, and it's been almost ten days since we last spoke."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Such a long time is enough for me to defeat Zhenglian twice, and you still say that you are not ready. Obviously, Ciri, you can't rely on your own thinking to make a decision.

The swordsman's evaluation of you is very accurate, you are not suitable for playing with their brains.

But I won't force you to choose either.

Let me give you a piece of advice, my good boss, think again about your purpose, clarify your goals, and compare them to what they want you to do.

And what I want you to do with me.

Use this stark comparison to determine who is better for you to travel with.In addition, really don't believe the nonsense that it will be better if the system of the Stars Club is changed to one person in power.

This organization is based on using soul curses to maintain contact, but as long as you have read a fairy tale or two, you should know that it is generally the villain organization that uses this model to maintain existence.

we are bad people
Really don't expect bad guys to do what good guys can do. "

After speaking, Mason took a step back, looked at the time on his watch, and said to Ciri:
"You should go back. If you don't go back, they will be suspicious. Take this thing back to them, and then let go of it and concentrate on doing your own thing."


Ciri nodded, and stretched out her hand to open a door leading to Fortress of Stars, but before stepping inside, she glanced suspiciously at the box sealed by the Speed ​​Force in her hand.

She said in a whisper that only she and Mason could hear:

"Did you really give old A all the information he wanted?"

"All they should see is inside, don't worry, these are enough for them to be satisfied."

Mason showed a flawless smile and said seriously:

"In addition, my B-level promotion task is considered complete, right?"

"It still needs to be reviewed."

Ciri curled her lips under the mask and said:
"But it's just going through the process, which has alarmed the rotating chairman of the council. If the knowledge you brought back for us is really so valuable, then no one would dare to block your promotion.

To be honest, even if he really breaks the rules and promotes you to an A-level member, not many people will complain.

Although everyone has their own thoughts, they are all for the continuation of existence.

Are you really determined to decline this seat?
Maybe you still don't know what A-level personnel mean, do you need me to introduce you the benefits of A-level personnel? "

"No need, I already understood."

Mason waved his hands and said in a long voice:
"The resource treasury of Stars Fort is all open to A-level personnel. Before each mission, you can borrow the rare treasures stored in the organization for free, and you can even apply for long-term holding.

Becoming a member of the 12-member council means that all the resources of the Stars Club will be tilted, not to mention the treatment of the main players and substitute players, and they don't even have to pay for the servants themselves.

All the knowledge in the Mystery Area of ​​the Great Library of Stars can be consulted at will, and you can apply for the use of the 'Destiny Machine' once a month.

The limit on the number of base worlds will also be removed. As far as I know, A-level personnel can hold up to five resource worlds as bases at the same time.

It can be said that joining the 12-member council is equivalent to buying a direct boat ticket to the "end of the doomsday". Even if everything really dies, the A-level personnel will definitely be the last batch.

I know exactly what it means to say yes to old A, Ciri. "

He looked into the eyes under the hunter's mask and said:

"But you also know my situation. I still need to ensure a certain amount of covert action. It's not the time for me to show my face. Compared with these easy-to-get benefits, I value my friendship with you more.

We will definitely be companions.

Do you know why? "

Ciri was indeed a little moved, but still joked in a hoarse voice:
"Because I have a conscience?"

"not only."

Mason shrugged and said:

"I just believe that the daughter raised by Lord Geralt will never become a bad person. Finally, do me a favor and make a decision as soon as possible.

A guy like old A will not let me be so carefree.

He has a lot of ways to force me to really join you, and if you want to give yourself another choice, then keeping me is tantamount to helping yourself. "

"Well, I will."

Ciri agreed, and then returned to the office in Starsburg through her own rift. On the sofa in front of her was a man wearing a leather jacket and jeans.

The latter was holding coffee and admiring the photos that the hunter hung on the wall.

"I got the stuff back."

She said to the man in front of her:
"You should go too. A Conqueror Commander appearing aboveboard in Starsburg will disturb me a lot."

"Sorry to trouble you, Hunter."

The man put down his coffee cup, stood up and apologized in a gentle tone:

"It happened so suddenly, there's nothing I can do about it, but before I leave, I still want to go somewhere. You made a cloak for Geralt, right?

May I go to pay my respects? "


Shirley refused in a cold voice:
"Stop being a hypocrite here, Steve Rogers! My father trusted you so much, and what you paid him back was a betrayal, if it wasn't for your snitch"

"That's not a snitch, Ciri."

The blond man in front of him sighed and put the box in his hand away properly.

He explained:

"We should serve the interests of the majority. Geralt knew what would happen to him before he decided to act. He is a true hero.

If possible, I would rather die in his place."

"But he's dead, and you're alive."

Ciri pointed at the door and scolded:
"Go away, hypocritical fellow, before I draw my sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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