The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 295 93. Get the title of "Old K Secret Envoy"!

Chapter 295 93. Get the title of "Old K Secret Envoy"!

"Mason! Wait."

When Mason left Osborne Tower and was about to return to the old man to see the operation of the Speed ​​Force Matrix, the second barrel came out of nowhere and suddenly blocked him.

The famous cold-faced villain of the K team will be very embarrassed.

There are panda eyes on the left eye circle and scratches on the right eye circle, and even a piece of hair has been singed off. The most exaggerated thing is that when Er Tong jumped out, he was still holding the Alice sword in his hand.

Under Mason's twitching gaze, drops of blood with a very familiar material were dripping from it.

He took out a test tube and signaled Ertong to lift up the saber, and while collecting the blood on the blade, he said:

"It's Kryptonian blood, isn't it? What the hell is going on here? You got into a fight with Kara?"

"No, Carla and Bizarro are fighting."

Er Tong said with a face full of pain:
"She was originally persuaded by Judy and Jason Brad. Although she still doesn't trust us, for the sake of the devil knight, she is willing to stay in Osborne Tower and wait for you to talk to her.

But Bizarro woke up suddenly for some reason yesterday morning, broke through the door of the prison room and ran out. The guy had a brain problem and no one could communicate with him. Kara volunteered to stop the superman and was beaten back.

Now they fight every day, and I can't stop them at all.

In other words, it is a bit too difficult for me to stop two Kryptonians from fighting with my physical fitness that has just reached the superhuman level. I even struggled to suppress the fire storm that started. "

"Do you always use knives in persuading fights?"

Mason was startled and said:
"This is a god-killing weapon, aren't you afraid of causing an accident when you strike first?"

"Without Alice, I really can't get rid of the Kryptonian's steel body, and neither can I."

Ertong sighed, and glanced at the underground area next to him. The clanging sound from inside made him sigh very tiredly, and said to Mason:
"I don't mind bringing newcomers, they do need training, they all have great potential but basically zero combat experience, but I urgently need an assistant.

A sidekick who can overwhelm Carla and Bizarro.

I dare not let the two of them fight. If the Osborne Tower is demolished, the old green goblin who has been around lately will definitely make trouble for me. "

"Ah, it's easy."

Mason snapped his fingers, took his suitcase out of the bag, flipped on the switch of the Untraceable Extending Charm, and shouted something inside.

A few seconds later, Far Zod in a bodysuit climbed up the ladder of the suitcase factory.

The Kryptonian, still holding a wrench in his hand, with oil on his face, said to Mason:
"What's the matter? Captain, I'm still repairing the car downstairs. Don't you want your scrapped Batmobile? I just carried it into the maintenance workshop to be repaired, and I will use it for my transportation later."

"I'll help you fix it, it's very simple."

Mason pointed to the second barrel and said to Zod:
"But now our teammate needs you to do him a favor"


As soon as Mason finished speaking, a loud noise sounded from the ground next to him. Amidst the splashing of stones, two figures fighting each other rushed into the sky.

Dachao’s cousin Kara El and the strange demon superman Bizarro picked up by Mason punched and kicked each other in the sky, and there was a fire storm jumping up and down next to him.

Mason looked at the sky with a sore face, and the fists of his two new teammates had sonic booms, which made people feel the hairy quality of these two aliens.

Can you afford to pay for the collapse of old Norman's building when you two fought here?
"Is that... a Kryptonian?"

Zod looked at the two wrestling in the sky in surprise, especially Kara-El, who was wearing a Superman uniform. This blonde girl gave him a very familiar feeling, as if connected by blood.

"Well, it's the Kryptonian from our side. Her life experience is much worse than yours. You are only imprisoned but the Kryptonian civilization is still there, and their Kryptonian has been destroyed.

She and her cousin are the only two remaining Kryptonians. "

Mason explained:
"The one she was fighting with was a Kryptonian alien that was cloned by people using biotechnology. Although it has the full power of a Kryptonian, it does things in an upside-down manner, and it only has the intelligence level of a seven or eight-year-old child.

I need you to help the two barrels stabilize them, Zod, and practice your abilities by the way, and the two barrels will guide you in combat experience and details. "

"Oh my god."

Seeing another Kryptonian appear, Er Tong rubbed his head and said:

"I can't handle both, and now I need to stuff another one? Mason, I don't think I can do this job! Where did this knife come from?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Mason take out the famous sword "Jue" from V's bet from his luggage, and this low-key immortal blade immediately attracted Er Tong's attention.

It is different from Alice, the god-killing weapon in his hand.

Jue belongs to the kind of powerful guy who doesn't show off the mountain but can tell the truth at a glance. Er Tong actually prefers this kind of "connotative" weapon.

"This is your reward for serving as the 'Boy Scout Commander'. Give me more food, and I will find someone to replace you when I finish the work over there."

Mason threw the famous knife to Er Tong, and the latter's complaining expression immediately became energetic. He stroked the immortal thing in his hand, and felt that Mason was really generous in his actions while loving it in his heart.

It's been a few days since I joined the K team, and I have the "Blade of Breaking Demons" Gryffindor's Revenge Sword and the "Blade of God Killing" Alice, and now I have another famous sword dedicated to physical attack.

It's no wonder that even a guy like Jack Kang is so devoted to Mason.

Watching Mason disappear into the transfer gate, Far Zod wiped the oil marks on his face, because what happened to him in the first half of his life made him feel bad about humans.

This will look at Ertong, look him up and down, and then say a little jokingly:
"Your nickname is 'Two Barrels'? Why? Are you the funny character in Team K?"


Second Barrel, who was inspecting the new weapon, immediately turned his head.

The cold eyes glanced at the black superman with his arms folded. He felt the famous knife in his hand turn slightly, and was drawn out of its sheath and held between his fingers amidst the eerie sound of the knife.

他 说:

"I knew that Mason always likes to look for unruly things like you. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, so let me test your quality.

See if you qualify to be a part of us. "

Between the fine yellow lightning, Mason entered the time maze again. It was less than five hours since he left here, but the scenery here was completely different.

Perhaps it is because the Speed ​​Force Matrix has replaced the "core" to make it run faster, so that Mason can clearly see the scenery beyond the time axis bounded by 17 years on the broken light wall of the maze.

Even including the scene where it "brushes" with another world on first impact.

"I can feel that the life in this world is being transferred to the outside world at a very fast speed. Obviously, this is not the first time you have done this kind of thing."

The voice of Barry Allen in this world sounded behind Mason, with a trace of weakness and clearly noticeable "dissipation", like snow that lost its foundation of existence and quickly melted in the sun.

When Flash ran instead of him to drive the Speed ​​Force Matrix, Barry Allen in this world was already dead, and what remained here was only a phantom of the past fixed in the time maze.

Mason turned to look at him.

Before, this guy still looked like a faded photo, but now most of his body has become completely transparent like soap bubbles.

"Is Barry okay?"

Mason asked:

"Can he hold on?"

"He can't hold it."

The Flash of this world shrugged.

Looking back at the matrix hub that was as bright as a doomsday warning light in the dark and distorted time axis behind him, countless yellow lightning bolts burst out from it, and were sent to the speed force network that wrapped the world along with the matrix blueprint.

Considering that one of the Flash is running wildly to recharge it, this scene is actually somewhat similar to the principle of the hamster electric cage.

"I guess all the people who can be the Flash have a stubborn personality, Barry Allen can't hold it, he is actually exhausted in the first 10 minutes when he stepped on the matrix core run.

But I believe he can last until the last second. "

The past illusion of this world smiled, and said to Mason in a relaxed tone:
"I talked to him, we shared our past, he was luckier than me, he had Iris and those friends by his side, but I lost them early."

"It sounds like your story is pretty miserable, too."

Mason pouted and said:
"As bleak as Batman's past and Superman's memories of this world, the old man said that this world was born of pain, and its existence is worthless.

Although this statement is one-sided, it is not without reason. "

"Our world is certainly not perfect, but we have no choice."

The illusion of the past shook his head. Standing beside Mason, he let out a sigh of relief as if he had lifted all the burdens. He said:
"Thank you, Mason, thank you for coming before the end, and thank you for bringing me a perfect relief. I know you still have a lot of questions in your heart, so ask them.

Before I disappear with this world, I must know everything. "

"Then my first question is, what about the other world?"

Mason pointed to the wall of light that reflected the scene of world collision during the first impact, and asked:
"You intercepted the timeline when the shock occurred, and sealed your world in a constantly reciprocating twisted time, which means that this timeline is missing a piece.

The other world should have escaped because of this? "

"I do not know."

Barry answered very frankly, he said:
"At that time, all my energy was used to activate the speed force matrix, and I had no time to take care of the outside world, but it is not entirely true if you say that the other world escaped a catastrophe because of this.

Mason, our world was on the verge of shattering when the Speed ​​Force Matrix was activated, and I pulled it back from the brink of disintegration, but I couldn't stop Amanda Waller from dropping a special nuclear bomb on another world.

So if you want to ask me the fate of another world, I can only tell you that it has most likely turned into a cloud of cold cosmic dust when the disaster happened 17 years ago. "

"Haven't you investigated?"

Mason frowned and said:
"With the power level of this world, it should be enough to enter the other side to check the situation when the impact is brewing."

"Atlantis and the Amazons are busy destroying each other, humans are caught in the middle, Superman is kept as a guinea pig in a military base, and Batman is obsessed with killing criminals."

The Time Vision sighed and said:
"I've heard your story from Barry, unfortunately we don't have that many dedicated heroes around here, and people don't panic until the shock emerges.

Although I had a premonition from the shock of the Speed ​​Force in advance that something bad was going to happen.

But my Lightning family and I were so busy setting up the Speed ​​Force Matrix that we didn't have that much time to check out another batch of fellows who were just as unlucky as we were.

But I'm not sure about my guess either.

Thinking about it positively, maybe the world that once 'passed by' us still exists in the vast sea of ​​stars, but according to your statement, the impact of extinction has occurred three times, so... "

"Well, I understand."

Mason also sighed and said:

"Not all the expected miracles will happen. I just regret that if the two of you can cooperate to expand this speed force matrix to the scope of the two worlds, maybe the two earths can be preserved."

He suddenly stopped his words, and after a few seconds of thinking, Mason, who was frowning, looked at the past phantom beside him, and said:
"Can this be done? Save the two colliding worlds at the same time by distorting time?"

"Theoretically yes."

The Flash of this world replied:

"But to complete a matrix of this scale, the required speed force will be an astronomical figure, which is far from being provided by a few speedsters, so I can only say that it is theoretically possible.

But it may take some outside help to really achieve it.

At the very least, the process should be suspended when the impact occurs, and the time to complete the construction of the speed force network spreading across the two worlds should be bought. "

"This is also a way of thinking."

Mason took out his notebook and wrote a few words on it.

When he was writing, the phantom of the past seemed to have a premonition. He glanced back, then raised his hand and put it on Mason's shoulder, whispering:

"Our world is dead, Mason, but we still have power, power that I've tried to preserve for the 'future'.

Now they have been passed into your hands, they will be your chips in this game, please use them carefully and make sure to make the best use of them.

I still can't see the future, but I hope you can see the end of the dark age for me.
Good bye my friend. "


The farewell words made Mason turn around suddenly, and saw a figure composed entirely of yellow lightning in the shattering and dissipating illusion of the past, being struck from the back by a "black" Flash man.

The latter wears the uniform of the Flashes.

But what was exposed under his mask was a face that made people shudder like a zombie.The black eyes stared at Mason in the shattered Speed ​​Force light, as if Mason was his next target.

"Black Lightning!"

Mason's heart trembled.

He subconsciously touched the speed ring on his finger. It was clearly stated in the item warning of this thing that if Mason used it many times, it would attract the attention of Black Lightning.

And the latter is the "executor" at the end of the fate of all speedsters.

"goodbye friend."

Mason said something.

The black lightning in front of his eyes disappeared in the next instant, leaving only Mason walking towards the core of the speed force matrix in the collapsed time maze.

He saw Barry Allen running in mid-air.

The latter was obviously very tired, but he was still running hard. In the yellow lightning package, Mason could see that Barry's uniform was no longer his original one.

Little Flash put on the wrinkled and very old suit of the Flash in this world, as if taking over the unfinished mission of the other party and sticking to it until the world collapses.

"Can you hold on, Barry?"

Mason asked softly, and a few seconds later, a hoarse voice sounded from around him. He tried to make himself look more relaxed, and said in a joking tone:

"I'm so tired, Mason, so this is what it feels like to run with a world on your shoulders?"

"I think you'd better get used to it, you know, Barry."

Mason took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, bowed his head and said quietly:

"After you go back, you who have inherited this knowledge must be considered by Batman as a choice in a desperate situation. No one knows how to make good use of resources better than him.

But now that it's here. "

He raised his head, exhaled the smoke ring, and said:

"Barry Allen, are you interested in 'advancing' into Team K? I just happen to have a position here that's perfect for you and only you can fill.

In addition, I think your cosmic treadmill also needs to be readjusted. Give me the manufacturing blueprint later, and I will take it back and study it carefully.

You know, it's for our common cause. "

(End of this chapter)

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