The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 298 96. Ah Fu: Let me see what new work Mason has done... 6

Chapter 298 96. Ah Fu: Let me see what new work Mason has done.6
Crime Alley at night is quite crowded.

This is especially true after a mysterious bombing and a weapon fight just happened here a few days ago. According to the Gotham police, a herbal medicine store was unfortunately burned down in the weapon fight. Citizens were involved in this vicious case and are currently suspected to be missing.

In Gotham, this kind of news can basically be equated with death.

In this area with a high crime rate, any normal person would not go out casually at night, so when the black luxury car slowly parked at the entrance of the crime alley, it did not attract any attention.

The old man pushed open the car door and came out. He opened the door for his ex-wife very gentlemanly. When Mrs. Martha walked out of the car wearing a lady's hat and a long skirt, she also moved her shoulders a little uncomfortable.

She was carrying a handbag and decorated her chest with a string of beautiful pearl pendants, and whispered to the old man beside her:

"Are you sure there are no cameras around here? How do I feel?"

"That was arranged by your good son."

Damian leaned against the car and explained to his grandparents in another world:

"He has set up a surveillance system in this city so that he can catch criminal incidents in the first place and then screen them out and stop them. Under normal circumstances, the surveillance system in the city will not be fully turned on. Tonight may be due to an accident in the city. .”

Harry hugged his leg, gritted his teeth and said:

Maybe it's because the world laughed at him for not having his parents by his side, but now, he has!No one will be near my baby until I die.

Thomas put on his black gloves again, and said:

"I have written down all the camera positions, do you want me to help remove it?"

Apparently, they intend to "happy".

He was also obviously suppressing the cold desire to kill in his heart, and said hoarsely to Mrs. Martha who was wiping his eyes beside him:

The little nurse Wendy closed her eyes, and when the wind blew her long hair, she folded her hands and said softly:
"I will continue your unfinished business and use the knowledge you left behind to help more patients. May you be happy in another world"

We in this world chose to accept death in order to protect him, which is a great sacrifice.

"It's just colleagues, I swear, nothing happened that you imagined. Damn! Isn't it here tonight to see a joke about Batboy?
Why are you looking at me like that? "

"Goodbye, Mason."

The old man reached out and picked up the black straight-edged sword in his hand. He stroked the hilt carved like a ghost, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Now, it's time for us to get down to business."

He swore that for a moment, he seemed to see the master and wife who had been dead for many years appearing in front of him in a very vivid posture.

The old man showed his temperament as a business tycoon, took the initiative to shake hands with the old housekeeper with a smile, and said softly:

"Who are you commemorating here?"

"We don't want to draw attention."

"You are not good."
"I always feel that the girl just now looks familiar. I must have seen her somewhere."

But when the master returned and took up the disguised identity of "Bruce Wayne", the two "good-hearted people" had already left the manor.

Just like going back to their own home, they bypassed the servants and entered the main building of the manor, and then walked into Bruce Wayne's room under the leadership of Damian. bedroom.


Madam Martha wiped her red and swollen eyes, and said softly:

"You have to control yourself!"

The atrocities of that night 30 years ago were replaying in the minds of the two of them, and they could clearly remember every detail of what happened here. Just under the streetlight in front, by the trash can, the shameful robber rushed out.

Someone has to bear those dark things for him to free my darling from his cruel fate. "

The lady who had gone mad and was called back was crying uncontrollably, and the eyes of the old man were also slightly red.

Emotions are such a thing, isn't that what it is? "

The old man moved his fingers and said:
"It really is a place like a cesspit."

Damian made an OK gesture, took out a youth-style peaked cap and put it on his head, and waited for the two elderly people here just like the entourage driving.

But it's just these two cold-faced evil stars who can set off a terrorist massacre at any time, but now their emotions are exposed to such an extent that the little lunatic can't help but start thinking about some topics about family and relatives.

But when the middle-aged couple turned around, the strange appearance brought Alfred back to reality.

The old man and Mrs. Martha who finished their work quickly disappeared into the darkness, and several corpses were cleaned up, even the shell casings were taken away.

The sudden sound startled the pensive little lunatic.

The banquet was very lively, but it could not attract the attention of the two old people at all.

"I have admired the name of the Wayne family for a long time, and I hope you don't mind taking the liberty to come to visit tonight."

It was obviously a painful memory, but at this moment she had the urge to laugh out loud. She endured it very hard, but the corners of her mouth were bent into a dangerous arc.

Mrs. Martha said with a look of disgust:
"Don't waste time."

The old butler immediately felt guilty for his dereliction of duty.

The wall opposite the bed is covered with similar photos, which have been made into a photo wall, and all the memories of Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne are here.

"You! Wait. You are"

But the one in front of me is obviously well maintained, and the majesty and power of Gotham's first family are revealed only from its elegant and majestic appearance.

"Hey! Old man! Get out of here! Yo, this aunt is taking care of herself well, do you want to play with me?"

Mrs. Martha's body shook a little.

So, if you can't control yourself and block my way, or if you go crazy and hurt Bruce Martha again, I will never show mercy to you again!

But he obviously underestimated the "acting" ability of the members of the Wayne family. When Damian was a little at a loss, Mrs. Martha and the old man had quickly sorted out their emotions.

He's been bullied for too long.

In the woods outside the manor, Mrs. Martha put down the binoculars in her hand and said to the old man who was wearing a battle suit beside her:

"bang bang bang"

Go find someone!
Thomas, I need lots and lots of people.

Mrs. Martha expressed unemotionally:

"But this city needs a Batman."

"I'm not the guy this city needs, I tried and you saw it too."

Ah Fu walked to the door, and was shocked when he saw Mrs. Martha's back, and then he was struck by lightning when he saw the old man next to him turning around.

"Well, it's terrible."

Even if life and death are separated, even if there is a distance of a world, the relationship between Thomas, Martha and Bruce can still be shared to such an incredible degree.

He has always admired a crisp and neat style.

It seems that Thomas in this world also has the same expectations for his children.

"No, there will be opportunities in the future."

Mrs. Martha's words startled Ah Fu, and when he looked at Master Damian again, he did find that his face was a little pale, as if he had experienced pain.

However, there are those who hide in the shadows who want to hurt him, those malevolent tentacles that hide in the shadow of his cloak, he is the one who stands in the light and dark, and he wants to protect his world.

Mrs. Martha bent down, covered the eyes of the terrified girl beside her with a full smile, and noticing the white flower in the girl's hand, she asked:

I need many, many weapons, I need many, many cannon fodder who are not afraid of death, I want to control the darkness of this city and turn it into Batman's sword and shield.

"That's what I want to tell you, Thomas."

"Hello, Steward Alfred."

"We can go in and have a look."



Lei Xiaogu and the old man must have a lot in common.

But neither of them took any action and just stood there watching. A few seconds later, a girl in sportswear staggered out, holding a bouquet of white flowers for a ceremony in her hand, and behind her were some men The punk whistled and chased.

Mrs. Martha burst into tears for a moment.

The old man took out two medicine tubes, which contained the compound decoction that Mason had prepared in advance.

He played with a black bat dart and said:

Madam Martha also put her hand on Damian's shoulder with a smile on her face, and said with a smile:
"My husband and I came across this cutie by accident during our trip a few days ago when he was passed out on the side of the road after taking some dangerous drugs.

As quietly as they came, they left quietly.

"Don't you take a look?"


Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

The black luxury car drove all the way to Wayne Manor, and stopped when it approached. The three got out of the car and walked. Damian, who was held by Mrs. Martha, frowned and said:
"That seems to be Mason's colleague? I saw her information in Bruce's anti-Mason tactics."

" ex-boyfriend."

At the same time, in the room of the Osborne Tower, Mason had a weird expression and felt the weird gazes of the surrounding people, and Halle at his feet had already begun to grind his teeth angrily.

And Thomas and Martha strolled into the crime alley that was almost exactly the same as in their world, walking slowly under the dim street lights.

His first reaction was to push A Fu away who was approaching, for fear that the old butler would be killed here by his grandpa and grandma from another world.

Seeing the old man and Mrs. Martha beside them, these guys with brains and brains suddenly roared impolitely, while the terrified girl hid beside her and shivered.

In another world, he also gave his son a stethoscope on his eighth birthday, hoping that his child would grow up and become a decent person living in the sun without the dark career of the Wayne family.

He admitted that at this moment he was a little jealous of his father.
Perhaps, he should also give Bruce Wayne a chance, let that always cold and clumsy man learn to be a good father.

The terrified girl bit her lip and walked through the darkness. She was very scared, but she finally insisted on reaching the ruined shop. A distorted silver bottle cap.

Thomas squatted down, and stretched out his hand under the streetlight to touch the empty and dirty ground. There was nothing there, but in the eyes of the old man, there was still blood that could never be wiped away.

We took some time to take care of him, and got his address to send him back tonight.

"Mr. K!"

Although he still had doubts about the identities of the two people in front of him, he still politely invited the two well-meaning people to the banquet tonight and at the same time notified Batman, who was patrolling outside at night, to rush back to the manor immediately.

No, it is [-] times better than my dream, he is right in front of me, within reach. "

"Master Damian? Where have you been these few days? My God, we almost turned the whole Gotham upside down."

Mrs. Martha sneered and said:
"Aren't you?"

Mrs. Martha reached out and took off the specially prepared pearl necklace around her neck, tore it up and sprinkled it on the ground like a ritual, and then followed the old man to the front without looking back.

This is the tradition of the Wayne family, especially after the playboy Bruce Wayne took over the family, there will be a monthly banquet to donate money to the city of Gotham and the poor.

The old man's voice sounded like a wake-up call to Mrs. Martha's heart, causing her to wake up from the temptation of madness. She reached into her bag and took out the palliative that Mason had given her, twisted off the cap and took a sip.

Wayne Manor in her world has long been abandoned.

They were silent and did not speak a word, but each step they took was heavier.

"I see him! Bruce, my Bruce, he's grown up, so handsome, so handsome, like something I'd dream about in my dreams.

The clarity of mind made her breathe a sigh of relief.

I also know you hate me, you never forgive me, I am not going to ask for your forgiveness, I just want to tell you that in this world our children are alive!

This is also one of the few opportunities for the local dignitaries to meet the legendary Young Master Wayne.

"He remembers us. He never forgets."

Several piercing gunshots sounded in the dark alley, and the flickering flames reflected the fallen figures. The old man didn't give them a chance to escape or defend themselves.

"Put it off, Thomas."

Many of their ideas are very similar.

I'll prepare a grave for you right here, right here! "

"Don't think too much, that's just an ordinary person."

It looks like a charity gala is being held here tonight.

He controlled himself not to show a weak expression, but he couldn't help clenching his fists when he saw the old stethoscope placed in the glass case of the cabinet as a treasure by the master.

"Hey, it's not what you think!"

The voice was full of fear and anxiety.

But it's a pity that Mr. Bruce, who is busy dating various celebrities and high-class ladies, doesn't always show up.

The moment the door was opened, the eyes of the old man and Martha fell on Bruce Wayne's bedside at the same time.

"I didn't intend to bring you here, I thought it would be terrible to have you near Bruce, but Mason convinced me that he believed in a mother's desire to protect her child over all mad impulses.

The old man sighed, he turned and walked towards the exit of the dark alley, and said:
"Let's go, it's time to go home and have a look."

Even though he didn't get along with the old man for a long time, the status of this cruel and ruthless old man in his heart was almost equal to that of his dead grandfather.

He didn't ask for money at all, he raised his pistol and shot at the Wayne family. Poor little Bruce fell down.

"He'll hear it, but it's time for you to go home now, it's not every day you get a big bad guy out and about to be kind, listen to me, go back and find a new man to entertain yourself.

But as a steward, you should probably spend more energy on the next generation of the Wayne family heir, instead of letting him run around like a little lunatic.

Mrs. Martha looked at the Wayne Manor standing in the dark night in front of her. While talking to her little grandson, she nostalgicly admired the place where she had lived for a long time.

"That's it, it won't stay for too long anyway, remember to delete this record when you go back to the Batcave."

"Maybe we don't care about the survival of this world, but we want to protect our children, which is the only possible reason for a reconciliation between the two of us.

Damian, who was guarding the door, watched with a complicated expression on his grandparents from another world staying in the room of his father whom he never liked. He knew very well how cruel and merciless these two were.

The old man got up and said:
"The city needs him."

She remembered that the guy who had disappeared from her life used to play with bottles and jars in his spare time.

That's what we're here for. "

Mason explained with difficulty:

He's 11 years old and he deserves a safer life. "

Just as they were about to leave Crime Lane, there was a scream not far away, as if something terrible had happened to a girl.

There was an old photo there.

The girl who was terrified by the gunfire grabbed the bouquet in her hand, shaking her body and mournfully said:
"He lives around here and disappeared in the chaos a few days ago, and I just wanted to tell him what I couldn't say."

He and Mrs. Martha drank a bottle each, and after changing their appearance, Damian, the heir of the family, led them into the manor generously.

The old man said:

It's a picture of him with his parents when he was seven years old.

"Good boy, don't look at it."

"I don't care what agreement you have with Mason Cooper, and I don't care what you plan to do in this world, the sole purpose of my coming here is to keep those bad guys from touching my baby.

"then you go."

Mrs. Martha quickly took out a set of servant's clothes from her luggage, and while changing, she said:

"I'm going to lurk here, just stay by my baby's side and not go anywhere, he has to eat the meal made by his mother, he has to have a good rest.

Look how tired he looks. "

(End of this chapter)

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