The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 299 97. What time is this, you are still worried about your Robin!

Chapter 299 97. What time is this, you are still worried about your Robin!

"Tch, what, you've been waiting for a long time and this is it?"

In the room of Osborne Tower, the members of Team K were obviously dissatisfied with the drama of the Wayne family reunion. This group of assholes from the Stars Club turned into rioting fans, and they almost shouted for Geneva to refund their tickets.

But for Mason, who kept his aunt smiling in the noisy crowd, this result was completely expected.

Both the old man and the stable Mrs. Martha are not ordinary people. They will never lose their minds and let their instincts dominate them in the face of such important matters.

Their purpose is clear, to protect their son instead of destroying Bruce Wayne's current life.

They are also well aware of the enormous hassle that comes with identifying themselves in the first place.

Not to mention the gloomy character of the old man. Believe it or not, the parents who suddenly appeared after 30 years, the hidden identities of Mrs. Martha and the old man are enough for Batman to raise their vigilance against them.

Once mixed with temptation and doubt, the relationship between relatives is bound to no longer be pure.

The old man and Martha naturally wouldn't ask for trouble.

Of course he knew the reason why these guys voluntarily left the room.

While turning the dangerous Slytherin pendant box in his hand, Zha Kang locked the door with a magic chain with a smirk, and then turned back and said to the people behind him:
"He has always been a little guilty towards Harley, and he always takes good care of her. It's not unusual for some sparks to come and go."

Zha Kang snorted and said:

"You don't need to ask, you idiot who drank too much fake wine."

Captain Jack held Ertuan's shoulder, winked and said:
"A beautiful woman like Harley who is outstanding in all aspects takes the initiative to throw herself into her arms, but as long as the boys muster up the courage, the matter is more than half done."

While they were planning for the future, Batgirl, who had been connected to Gotham's city monitoring system, exclaimed, causing Mason to get up and look at the monitor screen.

It was as if a restless soul had settled down all of a sudden.

"What about Team K?"

Captain Jack, already drunk in the corner of the room, asked:

Both this document and some of the meanings it represents were destroyed in an accident 17 years ago, and it has disappeared into this world as a means of covering up secrets.

Maybe she would poison Batboy to keep him out of Batman's career, she never liked her son being involved with Batman's fate.

But she hesitated and asked:

"Has it had any effect on our work?"

Even getting a Shazam done requires coaxing, cheating and shameless sneak attacks. The symbiont is indeed powerful, but it is obviously not a good weapon in the current "version" of Gotham.

To be honest, for the experience of both of them, being able to hide and be with their son is enough to comfort them.

Aunt Rogge of the Afterlife Team is also very interested in taking over the Iceberg Bar. She will support a group of people to help run it. When the time comes, you will hide behind the scenes and don't show your face. It's not a big problem. "

Batman squinted his eyes, thinking in his heart that it seemed that Flash's "journey to a foreign land" should be rewarding, which can also be felt from the unique low-key demeanor emanating from Xiao Shan.

By the way, I took the opportunity to bring Judy back to Gotham to meet Gordon. I abducted his precious daughter, and I have to give an explanation to my guardian in name. "

He is not the first brother.

And some of its outdated embellishments didn't fit some of the habits of a young man like Barry Allen.

"Boss, I don't resist going back to Gotham to continue serving our cause, but there is no way to solve the confidentiality issue."

The master nodded, not too excited or emotionally leaked.

Mason smiled, which immediately drew Judy's loud condemnation.

"Are you leaving? I'm yawning."

"You can't talk properly, can you?"

"Bruce upgraded the bat safety net."

He looked at Jack Kang and Captain Jack, who were the most experienced in the group, and the two men who had clicked on the Charm option smiled at each other. Those mean smiles made people want to punch them twice in the face.

It will even implicate the old man's secret arrangement. "

Just turn to the logistics post like the winking Charles, don't hold us back anymore. "

She will absolutely do it. "

Xiao Shan, who had just returned from another world, really appeared in the Batcave. He seemed to be waiting for the arrival of the master.

What I am most afraid of now is that they will stand still, and that will really be the end of it.

Lady Catwoman looked unconvinced.

Batman asked, and Barry Allen looked back at him. After a few seconds of silence, he shook his head and said:
"It's hard to say, but I did bring back the knowledge we needed. In addition, Mason also informed me of his agreement with you. I'm here to join your small group, Bruce.

I will be responsible for the transmission of some important information between you and Mason, and help you hide the identity and secrets of the K team in this world.

Mason took a sip of orange juice, comforted the agitated Harry, and said:

"Before I get started, I need your help finding this thing, Barry."

"Do you still dare to listen to the corner? Let's see if Xiao Zha beats you up."

"Selena and I are both listed on the Justice League's bounty list, and within a few hours of going back like this, we will be output by riding our faces.

The kiteman will say to Mason with a sad face:

But she didn't think Zha Kang's words were harsh, as it was, even with the help of the symbiote, she would definitely not be able to fight the Kryptonians head-on.

I have a treat today.

The Captain threw a popcorn into his mouth, and said to the surprised Catwoman:

"Congratulations, you guessed right."

take a break.

Xiao Shan looked at the burnt thing on the screen in surprise, and said:

Judy chewed gum and said:

"This is... an adoption document?"

I just doubt the means she will use.

The master looked at what was reflected on the screen and said:
"After Mason took the initiative to shoulder the heavy workload, we should find something for him that can answer the questions in his heart.

This should be given as a gift.

Mason comforted:
"As for keeping secrets, the old man will help. You should have some confidence in our revenge knight, which is an enhanced version of Bruce Wayne."

Mason shook his head and added:
"Now I have a bold new idea. I will give you a specific plan before you leave, but you have to be prepared. Going back this time may not be as simple as digging out a few monitoring eyes.

She was born into a member of the Kane family.


And as Mason's close comrade-in-arms, she knew that Mason also had a plan in progress in the Gotham world. Now that Mason can't freely travel between the two worlds, there must be someone he trusts to stay there to preside over the overall situation.

But what really surprised Ertong was:
"Did Mason like this type?"

Or find a place to have a drink? "

"It's not a matter of whether Mason likes it or not, my poor second barrel."

Mason shook his head, looking at Mrs. Martha who slipped into the manor disguised as a maid in the picture, he whispered:
"The palliative has been proven to stabilize the mind, and the dosage I suggested to her is three times the normal amount, which is enough for Martha to maintain her basic sanity without collapsing.

But you can bring it back from the time it was covered up.

"What about our mission?"

"I'll take care of this."

"No, it doesn't mean much to us, but it means a lot to Mason."

Barbara pulled out a strange-looking pistol from her waist with a swish, pointed it at Zack Kang's head and said:

"Yeah, as long as you are ruthless enough to throw away your Batboy, what's the matter with Harley."

The enthusiasm in her eyes made Mason a little numb, and the other people in the room seemed to feel something, you looked at me and you were driven away one after another by the eyes of Selina and Zack Kang.

Harry poked his head out from behind Mason, blinking at Mr. K.

I have no doubts in her determination to protect Bruce Wayne.

"Besides, Ms. Selina doesn't really think that we have to rely on you to turn the tide when we fight, does she? Now that Mason has three more Kryptonians on hand, you useless old aunt should abdicate a bit by yourself.

The master didn't wear a bat mask to cover his face. The seven giants of the Justice League knew each other's identities, but they never mentioned them in public.

"How many times have I said that there are eyes of the Constellation Society over there, and naturally there is only one mission for us, to find those eyes! Dig them all out!"

"No! More than that."

"Oh, no wonder I heard that there was a big project in Shenyu's cyberspace yesterday."

After all, she is a genuine mental patient, so she will take advantage of Zha Kang's time to get up and complain, and rush to Mason's right hand and whisper beside him:

Barbara hesitated and said:
"My dad is fine with everything, but I just doubt whether he can keep it a secret. For his safety, it's better not to tell him."

"But I still think it's a terrible choice for you to let Martha stay at Wayne Manor."

"If we can't crack the encryption quickly, neither can the Scavengers and other Trailblazers, and it looks like the Justice League has learned something new after one defeat.

"B-level personnel have the authority to select some props in the secret treasure house of the Stars Club. If there is not even a thing that can hide and track, it will definitely be very disappointing.

I have confirmed with my own eyes that they are not the bad people I imagined. "

Halle felt like she had a lot of say in this.

"That means she's going to be hated by her son and it means she won't be able to see her baby every day, which is absolutely unacceptable for someone who has lost a treasure and now has it back .”

"It's a good thing."

At least Bruce only needs to take care of the mess in Gotham. He doesn't need to make troubles in the dangerous alien world like you. "

Barbara frowned and said:
"This overwriting encryption algorithm is very troublesome, and it takes me some time to re-decipher it, but this encryption method is very familiar, and it feels like the data form of Zola or Ott.

The keen master immediately noticed the changed battle suit on Xiao Shan's body. The unique sense of time and unconcealed wear and tear of the old thing meant that the suit should not be new.

"I am a scout and a thief. Without me, you will definitely encounter quite troublesome situations when you go out to perform missions. I am worried about Bruce, but I am even more worried about you.

We'll just wait for the news. "

She frowned and said to Mason:

"Well, Mason, I don't think you should do that."

"Mason is not without ideas."

Just like the simple action mode in Justice League, he stepped forward and clicked on the bat computer a few times, pointed to something on the screen and said to Flash:

Looking at the K team, apart from her and Constantine, there is really no one else who is suitable for this position.

Zha Kang grinned unscrupulously:
"Mason likes mature girls, and you happen to be the older and hotter type. Believe me, I haven't missed my feeling in this regard yet. Well, there is something going on inside. Should we stay here and listen to the corner?

"Yes, Mr. K."

Zha Kang took the wine handed by the kite man, took a sip and persuaded with a drawn out voice:

But Zhakang cannot be released.

"Mason! Come on, Little Flash has gone to the Batcave and is having a secret talk with Bruce."

Selena felt joy when her previous proposal was approved. She herself does not like to fight and kill.

"Doing intelligence work is also for the service of the team."

But when Barbara adjusted the resolution of the camera, there was a sudden burst of disturbing snowflakes, and within a few seconds, Batgirl's snooping was forcibly terminated.

This guy can't control his waistband and has a lot of bad luck. He has many enemies in heaven and hell in the Gotham world, and he may cause more troubles.

"Martha's mental state is too unstable. Once she is stimulated and goes crazy, Wayne Manor is likely to become a hell on earth."

Don't get drunk, don't go home, everyone. "
In the Batcave, Bruce, who had just withdrawn from the charity dinner, appeared at the elevator entrance. He saw the Flash standing in front of the Batcomputer and looking at the city surveillance system in front of him.

Mason looked at the interrupted monitoring screen in front of him, and said:

"Ms. J is much crazier than me. Do you know what is the scariest thing? She doesn't contradict the reality that she has gone completely crazy at all, and she is still planning to indulge her madness.

"Don't be afraid, Gordon has the right to know what's going on with his daughter."

That's it, Barbara, there is no need to try to crack it, I can probably guess the content of the conversation between Xiao Shan and the master.

It should be written by Cyborg, and the quantum thinking of the cyborg seems to have been iterated to a new version. "

"You look very tired."

Lady Catwoman crossed her arms and said with some sourness:
"It's just that if I'm ten years younger, there's nothing wrong with her."

While drinking orange juice, Catwoman slammed on the head of Zha Kang, who was peeking at Mrs. Martha changing her clothes, fully expressing her disdain for this scumbag's indifferent taste.

Ertong, who was taken out of the room by Barbara's arm, was still a little dissatisfied, but a bunch of people around him stared at him unkindly, which made Ertong realize something belatedly.

Before I leave, I will give you reinforcements. We also need a cross-world communication system that will not be detected or disturbed. The afterlife team is very good at this.

"Is this trip satisfactory?"

"This is a long-term lurking, I guess they will not have an easy mission this time, right?"

"Hey, don't pull me, I still want to talk to Mason about the three Kryptonians."

Mason, don't you want me to go back to Gotham again? "

"Since you are worried about your crazy mother-in-law, then go back to that family to fight wits with her, and protect your lover with your own hands."

If these are not enough to reassure you, then Selena, the next task I give you is to return to Gotham and assist the old man to establish our safe zone there. "

Coupled with the secret help of Batman, as long as there is no large-scale return to the other side, one or two people will not be a problem.

Obviously she didn't want to go back to that broken place, but in terms of the current alliance between Mason and Captain Morgan, she couldn't do this job.

"Harry is pretty good. She dared to fight Wonder Woman for Mason's sake, which already shows Mason's status in her heart. As for Mason's strange luck that can always cause all kinds of things, he is also a lunatic who is not afraid of trouble haha Li is suitable to accompany him."

The secret family that shared Gotham with the Wayne family has hereditary mental instability for generations, and the precepts and deeds she has received since she was a child have given her enough experience to fight against her overactive nerves.

"Let's go! Let me go to the bar on the top floor. Old Norman has decorated it into an entertainment room. Mason is tired and needs some timely entertainment. We also have to find a way to relax.

"Our top programmers and hackers have been mobilized. It should be the project to design this communication network specially for you. Oh, that level of super communication must be maintained for a long time.
and many more!

This is something only you can do.

You can think of it as a gift from us to our collaborators. "

"Gotham 17 years ago?"

Barry seemed to understand, he said:
"give it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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