The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 300 98. Harley Harley!good luck!tonight...

Chapter 300 98. Harley Harley!good luck!tonight
"Which wicked fellow actually locked the door? Is that a human thing? It's like locking me with a hungry lioness."

Mason reached out and pulled the door lock, and heard a rattling sound outside the door.

This fun way of doing things gave him a headache, but what made him even more troubled was that Harry behind him was standing there shyly, looking shy with his head bowed, but in fact he had already secretly opened a small bottle with both hands behind him.

"Are you holding the hormonal spores of Poison Ivy?"

He suddenly turned around and asked, which startled Harry who was "doing bad things". With a shake of his hand, the small bottle fell to the ground, and the gray spores in it, which were like date pits, spewed out green under stress. gas.

Mason's response was very professional. He took out a bottle of white honey for detoxification and threw it to Harry.

Then he raised the hat and put it near his mouth to transform into a gas mask, and then put on the alchemist gloves made by the tailor and squatted down to extract the plant spores in the broken bottle and put them into a special alchemist storage box.

Harry behind him looked regretful and regretful.

She begged for this thing for a long time before Ivy agreed to give it to her. It is one of Poison Ivy's superpower killing moves. It uses plant-like hormones to confuse the mind and make people enter various negative states.

It is especially effective for men, and Harley needs the [Aphrodisiac] effect that comes with it right now.

Maybe it was her superb hunter instincts calling the police, reminding her that everything seemed to be back to calm, and there was still a dark tide, well, it was true.

It was as if there had been an unplanned singularity in a system where everything was working perfectly, a dissonant note in an elegant ballad.

I just want now.

Is it because they don't love each other sincerely enough?

In the highest-level office of Castle of Stars, Ciri, who was writing a reply to an official document, frowned and looked at the broken quill in her hand.

"I can't help it either."

You tell your boss that there is no future if you don't grasp the present, but you make the same mistakes as the insects you despise when it comes to relationships.

Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"You know the difference between the two options, don't you, Harley the Swordsman. Besides, I have plenty of options to entertain myself, so stop pouting and sit down.

Do not!
Don't think that far!No need to think about it either.

"I don't resist this kind of intimate contact, and I'm not a cold-natured person like Zha Kang privately complained about. My orientation is also normal. Frankly speaking, Harley, you actually fit my ideal of 'beauty' definition"

Harry was angry again.

The atmosphere of the whole room seemed to turn pink.

We haven't reached that point yet. We are just young couples in love who want to taste the forbidden fruit for the first time, and we are not discussing marriage, starting a family and having children now.

This idea quickly appeared in Mr. Hunter's mind, and Ciri also thought it would be great to have a reliable external brain, so she connected to Mason's communication with the coffee cup in her arms.

This relationship seems to have really not reached that point, and it really doesn't need to think too much.

In her heart, Quinn, the second personality who has always been irritable and evil, also quieted down. Perhaps the two Harleys realized that Mr. K, who had been avoiding this relationship, finally decided to take it seriously.

We need to talk about this. "

"I know you've been learning from Batboy, but only the good part, not the bad part. Besides, even Batman has Selena who always pays attention to his mental health.

Harley held Mason's neck and hung her whole body on Mr. K's body, just like a koala, her face was full of seriousness, and that serious expression didn't look like a schizophrenic at this moment.


It was impossible for him to change his way of thinking just because of Harley's words, but Harry's sophistry did not seem unreasonable.

She really wanted to eat the sweet Mr. K in one bite.


He pointed to the sofa next to him. Harry blinked and stared at him. Seeing Mason who sat down first pat the seat beside her, she immediately coughed and sat on it very ladylike.

Harry pouted, and after a few seconds of being serious, she sat there cross-legged again, took out chewing gum from her clothes pocket, threw it into her mouth, chewed it, and folded her arms and said angrily:
"It feels like one of those soap operas I've seen, last night was great, but it was just an accident. You're a good guy, but I think you deserve better. The kid isn't yours, but he calls you daddy gone."

"It is very irresponsible to promise a relationship to others in a precarious situation.

I can't tell exactly what's wrong, anyway, it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

Harry lowered his head, admitting his mistake like a child scolded by a teacher, and didn't try to argue, looking very frustrated, even the energetic twin ponytails didn't seem to droop down with arrogance.

After all, although she was a little crazy, she also hoped that the other half she was attached to could take herself seriously instead of just treating it as a joke like another annoying and evil guy.

The captain struggled, he said:
"Uh, Harley, I feel that your focus has shifted by a billion points! You need to calm down first."

Her whole body seemed to be fully charged, and even her voice became sharper. She cupped Mason's face, and kissed it fiercely, firmly, without any hesitation, like a cat attacking.

他 说:


Mason stopped the spinning alchemy container in his hand. He looked into Harry's eyes without any evasion or dodge. It was the first time he looked so frankly at the crazy beauty in front of him who obeyed his orders.

She exclaimed excitedly:
"You actually think so far? I thought I was already committed enough, but I didn't expect you to take this relationship ten times more seriously than me.
I was wrong, Mr. K!

"Maybe I should ask Mason for advice?"

Mason snorted, and Harry, who was complaining crazily, immediately quieted down, and leaned her head on Mr. K's shoulder obediently, waiting for what he was going to say next.

Mason took off the frame of Ravenclaw's wisdom glasses, put the container in his hand to his mouth, and let the sweet crimson liquid flow between his lips and teeth.

"You know that besides aphrodisiac, it also comes with paralysis and neurotoxins?"

Maybe you weren't attractive enough to me back then because you were too old and boring.

The future may be dark, but that doesn't stop us from having fun now.

"And the big villain Quinn~"

"Be serious."

His breathing became a little faster, and a reddish light appeared in the depths of his eyes.

do you remember?The argument between you and your boss, Barbara recorded that argument, I overheard it once before, and I admit that you have a lot of truth in what you said.

This attitude also made Harry feel at ease.

Even without the shock, I'd risk being electrocuted in the morning while I'm waking up to toast. I really don't care if we make it to the end, if we have a happy ending.

She sighed, picked up the coffee in hand, and glanced at the two documents on the desk.

But all-out conflict is bound to come.

It must be tragic, bloody, painful, you know what I mean? "

She said to Mason:
"You're just thinking too much, Mr. K.

"I admit that what you said is reasonable. The pressure has indeed been quite high recently, but it has not been so severe that I need to choose to vent instead of relieve."

He sighed and said:
"I should have told you and Ivy about the situation when the K team was first formed. Charles and I came back alive from the Hogwarts world after a narrow escape. The scoop was opened by the wine bottle flying overhead.

What I'm trying to say is that after a resuscitated awakening, my personal life is a mess.

If we die in the next second, at least we can go to hell together hand in hand. If we are lucky enough to survive ten years later, I may not still be with you.

You like me so much, you've even started thinking about how we'll get to the end.

This was a very failed 'sneak attack', not in terms of planning or execution. "

He looked at Harry in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice:
"After receiving the gift from the Isu, I spent every second of my waking hours discerning, learning and accepting the vast amount of knowledge, and I'm used to that state.

"I'm glad you praised me for being pretty, but is the annoying 'but' coming?"

But I think you deserve a better night, Halle.

It's also possible that this will happen in a few months.

What we are doing is inherently dangerous, and surviving the dead can no longer describe it. Perhaps in the next second, a large group of conquerors will break into this world and burn us into ashes together with the Osborne Tower.

Harry leaned down and whispered in Mason's ear:
"Hey, live in the moment, okay? I don't need you to think so much about me, Harley Quinn can take care of herself at any time."

You need your catwoman too, Mr. K.


The grievances and hatreds of the Bat family, the turmoil of the Star Club, and the complexity of the shocking incidents are now added to the mystery of one's life experience.

I have good reason to say this, although I am not reliable, but I am also a psychologist with a Ph.D. certificate, and I can tell your state.

I don't care about our future.

He took a deep breath, and at the moment when Harry cheered and helped him unbutton, he made a pause, put the alchemy container in his hand in front of his eyes, looked at the color and concentration of the liquid in it, and then Say to Harley:
"Remember what I said just now that Ivy's aphrodisiac spores need to be purified three times to work on me? I purified it five times."

In this precarious world you are always trying to find an ending that pleases everyone, but you ignore the fact that we all live in a life full of risks.

"It's not your fault, it's mine."

This will be a big moment.

She didn't know what was going on, but she had a feeling of restlessness from just now.

Mason played with the storage box in his hand, showing a helpless expression and said to Harry in front of him:
"The aphrodisiac effect attached to this thing is regarded as a negative state. In terms of my resistance to toxins, unless you can purify it to three times the concentration, otherwise this dosage will not be effective for me.


You need to release the stress in your heart, otherwise it will turn into all kinds of negative emotions under long-term savings. "

Its target is Mason's home world
Obviously, the disappearance of the two caster teams there had already touched the Warlock's bottom line, and he was holding back his energy to teach that Transcendent A Grade world a lesson.

Because it's not just your cat Harley who's here tonight."

She explained with gestures and gestures in her sharp voice:
"I just feel that you are under a lot of pressure, maybe you need a little bit of leisure to relax and entertain, and your life is too boring and rigid, except for collecting some weird things, you almost refuse all forms of entertainment.

Mason played with the plant spores in the alchemy storage box in his hand. He poured the alchemy solution into it as if doing a simple experiment and then sealed it. While maintaining a fixed frequency of rotation, he organized the language to speak to the deer beside him. Banged Harley says:

"No, there is no need to calm down."

But she also overlooked a very important point, that is, she has no fighting power in front of Mr. K.The inner dependence prevents her from rejecting any request from Mr. K, and of course she cannot reject criticism from the other party.

It's not that you don't like me.

She jumped up and hugged Mason's neck like a kitten catching a mouse, and was about to kiss him passionately, almost smashing the alchemy container in Mason's hand to the ground.

Why did Selena choose to escape from marriage beyond everyone's expectations when she was finally about to achieve a positive result?

Harry raised her head and stared at Mason, she pouted angrily and said:
"You don't sleep at all. I've been observing for a long time, and I can't find a chance to attack. Quinn is so annoying in my heart that I'm so annoyed.

"The most important thing is that I am an alchemist, Harley."

It's an unhealthy life for you, Mason.

It was almost a brush with death.

Holding her heart in her hands, she untied her twin ponytails like a peach blossom. With her long hair dyed red and blue fluttering, with a hoarse voice as if some kind of hunger was approaching, she said softly:
"You are really too gentle and considerate of me, Mr. K, if you continue to be so warm, I will definitely die of heartbreak when I propose to break up in the future.

This is what you deserve. "

I was wrong, I shouldn't doubt you, come, let me kiss you. "

The redness in Harry's eyes flashed suddenly.

The one on the left is Mason Cooper's proposal for promotion of B-level personnel, as she expected, there is no objection, while the one on the right is more troublesome, it is a secret invasion plan proposed by the warlock.

Mason stood up, turned his head and said seriously to Harley Quinn who was swallowing white honey:
"If a poisoned person is almost physically ill, it will easily lead to pulmonary fibrosis and die in extreme pain. Even if he survives by chance, Ivy must come to detoxify himself.

Sadly though, you might have to invest a little more.

Love is love, marriage is marriage.

A night that belongs only to you and will not be disturbed by knowledge.

Halle, that's where we're at right now, it's really easy to get to the next level, but the hard part is how we get to the end."

But I don't mean to hurt you or do anything too egregious, Mr. K. "

"so what?"

His brain, which was always running non-stop, was slowly emptied at this moment, and then his suppressed personal emotions quickly filled the vacancy in his mind.

You mentioned Batman and Catwoman just now, so guess why the master and Selena have been playing the game of chasing for so many years and have always maintained a close relationship?

If you accidentally release all the toxins in the spores, at least it will disturb everyone on this floor. Such a dangerous thing will cause trouble, Harley. "

Because even if we have to separate, it must be because I dumped you, Mr. K who likes to think wildly. "

She approached Mason, grabbed Mason's hand sincerely, and whispered:

"No, silly boy."

Mason blinked.

These remarks that were supposed to be dissuading not only did not disappoint Harley, but instead turned her bright eyes into the shape of red hearts.

But you don't have to.

Mason, who had his earlobe bitten, grinned, and then he heard another sharp and manic voice rang in his ear:

Although the way of detoxification is very fragrant, but the painful process probably no one wants to try.

She sat on Mason's waist, folded her arms and bulged her cheeks, and said angrily:
"I'm old and ugly enough to need you to get high with this thing?"

I am willing to recommend myself. "

I almost don’t know how long I can last. I used to be very confident that I could go to the end, but now I don’t dare to tell others with such certainty that we will definitely win.

As a result, no one answered even five phone calls, which made Ciri feel even worse.

"You don't value your superiors so much? How arrogant!"

How dare you not answer the phone?
It's the other way around!
Ciri made seven calls in a row but no one answered, taking advantage of the growing evil fire in her heart, she simply picked up her seal and stamped it on the document, then drank a large cup of coffee.

There was an evil smile on her face with flying silver threads, as if she finally felt bad breath, she picked up the hot coffee again, raised her lovely feet and put it on the desk.
Hey, bad luck to you, asshole Mason!

However, I don't know what that bastard is doing now?
(End of this chapter)

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