The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 302 1. The Justice League: Criticism and Self-criticism

Chapter 302 1. The Justice League: Criticism and Self-criticism
In today's Justice League Watchtower, the atmosphere is unusually solemn.

Green Arrow Oliver Quinn, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was still a little weak. He walked into the Hall of Justice with the help of his girlfriend, Ms. Black Canary, on crutches.

When the technological hatch opened, the round table in front of him was already full of people.

This scene is very similar to the scene where everyone discussed how to deal with the alien world that hit the earth last time, but the theme of today's meeting is obviously different.

Oliver thought that all the participants were extremely serious, and their faces were full of deep thinking so that no smile could be seen.

This is obviously a statement of high emotional intelligence.

Low EQ, I won't say it if it's vulgar.

Even Zatanna, the magician lady who attended the audience on behalf of the spellcasters, was full of frustration and worry on her face. Obviously, being the "nurse" of a group of little wizards in the past few days made the famous unmarried white wizard feel the terrifying marriage in advance. after life.

Daily fear of marriage +1!

The atmosphere was very depressing, and the pale Wonder Woman sitting at the round table and the Flash who looked exhausted holding a cup of wolfberry tea aggravated the spread of this atmosphere.

The worst thing is that the central battery of Oua Star is in the process of self-upgrade due to the bug I found. Before the cause of the fault is found out and the upgrade program is written, all Lanterns are not allowed to use the lantern ring excessively.

Otherwise it wouldn't explain why he would show mercy to me while beating up other people. "

Flash's good friend Hal Jordan frowned and said:
"Why did I call you these few days to let you go out to relax and you didn't answer? I thought you ran to cross the timeline again."

A few minutes later, the bat-fighter flew out of the observation tower and headed towards the earth. In the cockpit, the master activated the data protection to avoid being snooped, and the little flash behind him took out a document and handed it over.

Seriously, I wanted to send him to you as a baby. But I have seen the consequences of disrupting time firsthand, and I am also surprised. It turns out that I met Mason 17 years ago.

"There were more than that number of spellcasters who escaped in Gotham City that night. Are there any escaped people who have not been captured?"

And the car accident the night Mason was adopted was also intentional, and another group of people who crossed the line tried to take him away, and I stopped them.

"I'm so angry right now and desperately need a fight to bring myself back to life."

Diana waved her hand and followed Dachao out of the hall. She said boldly:
"The warriors of Paradise Island will send you the girdle of Goddess Hestia, and help me finish re-arming as soon as possible."

"Uh, now that it's all said and done."

"I'll lead the team."

This failure should make us vigilant!We are not invincible, we should face up to our weaknesses and avoid them. "

"Yeah, can't you catch Mason Cooper and them?"

But in a life-and-death confrontation such a failure can be fatal and cause irreparable damage.

He played with the blood-stained card that belonged to Mason in his hand, stopped talking but recalled the meal he had last night.

No wonder I always felt a strange kinship with him.

"It just takes some time to recover. That crazy young man smashed my leg and gave me a terrible potion. The pain made me see the gate of hell open with my naked eyes."


She took off her tall hat and put it aside, explaining:
"Not for nothing in our Gotham operation, folks, we have captured 15 Stellaris spellcasters who are currently being held captive in the Mystery House for questioning and torture.

We cannot fight a war of attrition with them, it has no chance of winning. "

The Planet Daily has published several articles to refute the rumors, but the bad influence caused cannot be dissipated in a short time.

"Wait, Zatanna."

"Well, a comprehensive costume change plan has also been put on the agenda, and I have found enough reliable master craftsmen to help."



This mild-mannered Kryptonian seemed to recall some embarrassing scenes, and he couldn't help sighing with his hands on his forehead:
"My family was terrified, except for my stupid son who was excited, and everyone else was worried that my hero career would be ruined by this.

What the hell!


"Barry, tell me the truth, did you and Mason bring back something from other worlds?"

Having said that, Arthur gave the master a strange look, and said:
"I estimate that Batman's anti-reverse alliance tactics have been greatly expanded. In order to protect us from being defeated by powerful enemies, and to protect us from being seen through by our own people, I think it is necessary for us to carry out targeted training in the next time.

"So everyone is competing for misery now? No matter how miserable you are, can you beat me?"

Diana shook her head and said:

"It's a pity that I was busy at the time and didn't go to take a few photos to laugh at you."

"No, I can't be sure, but if necessary, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"Is our failure really due to our lack of strength? No, absolutely not. From what I know about Mason Cooper, he is not an opponent of any of us in terms of absolute strength.

"Yeah, I heard that your buttocks were still frozen."

I have sent the information of the Stars Club to Oa Star, and I am applying for the assistance of the Lanterns. Although the monitors do not participate in or advocate this matter, they have not stopped my recruitment.

Xiao Shan was stunned for a moment, and he whispered:
"We didn't, that's against the laws of space and time, I wouldn't do that kind of thing, you know me... But, do you feel something?
Could it be that people from the Constellation Club are already lurking by your side?
Need my help finding it? "

It would be fine if I lost the battle, Lantern Man is never afraid of failure, but the tragic thing is that I haven't even seen the face of the enemy, so how should I write this accident report?
The minimum requirement is 40000 words!I searched and scratched my stomach, but I couldn't get it all together. "

"Are your legs better?"

The master shook his head.

They are by no means the third-rate opponents we imagined.

I suspect he has too.

The Flash sighed and said:

This Justice League cyborg is still in the process of upgrading himself with a quantum brain, so he has a thick data cable attached to the back of his head.

"I'll go as well."

"Doctor Fate is personally leading a team to hunt them down, but we can confirm that some people in this world are secretly helping these outsiders, and their tracks are quite secretive.

After a few seconds, the master suddenly said:

"I think the weapons of Black Canary and I also need to be upgraded. It turns out that ordinary battle suits and weapons are no longer able to protect us in the face of attacks from the Constellation Society.

We lost in our own mentality. We thought he couldn't make any splashes, but that magical young man gave us a few mouthfuls with practical actions.

But if I'm messing around with myself on this, I'd rather ask you for help, Batman, you're the acknowledged master at it. "

The most important thing right now is not to review, but to come up with methods. "

Xiao Shan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised her head and said in a firm tone:
"We can't rely on luck for this kind of thing, Hal! That would lead to pretty dire results, and we have to be 100% ready! No, 500% ready!"

He didn't know how to describe it to Barry, but during that ordinary supper, he had a feeling that he had never had before. It was a feeling that was very strange to Batman.

Da Chao got up and said:
"Those people have very dangerous abilities, and they have strong malice towards our world, and they may create inhumane disasters around the world at any time.

"And the part about intelligence collection has to be put back on the agenda, and it turns out that we seriously underestimated the ability of that mysterious member of the Constellation Society.

Batman made a "please" gesture to Xiao Zha who was watching, and the latter immediately got up and placed a magic ornament on the center of gravity of the Justice League round table, and a series of projections were released soon.

The master emphasized his tone, causing Green Lantern to make an apologetic gesture immediately, and stretched out his hand to tug on his mouth, indicating that he would not interrupt again.

"I saw with my own eyes the woman who opened a very peculiar door, who appeared to be terribly injured, left Mason at the door of the orphanage and staggered away.

"I'm going back to Atlantis to launch a worldwide alert for marine life. If you need help, just say so, and I will rush there immediately."

"The loss of the Lasso of Mantra is not a big deal."

Ha, we'll be invincible. "

Da Chao moved his fingers, looked at Batman, and said:

It is said that the master was injured all over his body at the time, extremely weak, and his lack of energy seemed to have encountered some suspicious abuse.

"Yes, for a guy who thinks about how to beat his own people every day, it is a matter of his hands to design a set of reinforcement plans for us."

If he hadn't made preparations in advance, he probably wouldn't be able to appear here today.

The master glanced at the cyborg that looked like it was down for maintenance. The latter was still in the process of system upgrade, and he would use a spare thread to respond with an electronic voice without emotional fluctuations:
"The world monitoring program is online!
During the operation of the energy tracking program, the mobile communication authority is delegated.Areas matching energy signature remnants have all been detected in South America, Africa, and Antarctica.

With any luck, we'll have powerful allies from other planets the next time the war resumes. A real lantern!


They are dangerous!
We must prepare in advance.

The master ignored the gazes looking at him, he stood up, and said in a characteristic hoarse voice:
"While such incidents are rare, it is an unavoidable fact that we have suffered terrible defeats, and our enemies have been cunning in finding and targeting our weaknesses.

Even Batman, who is dressed in black and doesn't speak a word.

We can say he is opportunistic.

Neptune complained:
"If you lose, you lose. It's not like we can't afford to lose! I also know the reason why everyone gathered here today. The first failure can be said to be underestimation and lack of preparation, but if you suffer a second defeat, there will be no more No excuses at all.

I am a warrior, and I have been seized with arms, and that is enough to make me a disgrace to all Amazons. "

And this task belongs to Batman. "

"He just took your leg bone off. How bad can it be? Stop complaining."

What is certain at present is that the core members of this organization number in the tens of thousands, and the bottom-level members who are used as consumables are even more numerous.

We must act! "

I was also the one who guided the drunken Robert Cooper to him at the scene of the crash.

However, he played us in the applause overnight.

"We're not here today to share each other's defeats."

After you come back, I will come up with an intensive training plan. In addition, Diana, I can help you find a craftsman who is capable of handling divine items, if you don’t worry."

"And prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry!"

They looked at Batman in unison.


"I went to the Gotham orphanage 17 years ago and witnessed Mason being sent there as a baby, and I have to say, Bruce, we really underestimated where he came from.

The enchantment that suppresses the gate of the world to prevent it from crossing the border cannot be opened for a long time.

Seeing the intensification of this Justice League "tragedy contest", the master who has been silent all this time feels that he will die if he doesn't come forward, and everyone's morale will drop if this continues.

"He was part of the Bat-family."

"Steel bone?"

We are not lost to a mighty force.

"My Lantern Ring encountered a virus invasion and issued a shutdown order, which is a rare situation for the entire Green Lantern Corps in the past countless times.

Green Arrow also raised his hand and said:

The most frightening thing is that they occupy the planetary resources of many parallel worlds.

Hearing this incredible story, Batman opened Mason's adoption papers and his childhood belongings, staring at one of the blood-stained cards in thought.

Worst of all, I still have to figure out how to make up for this year's crop failure on the farm due to the cornfields I destroyed, and explain to my family that my cousin is missing."

"Zatana, publish the information you have collected."

That's why I'm here today. We need the intelligence support of the Justice League to search for their traces all over the world.

The master said hoarsely:
"I'll deal with him!

"You mean, Mason was sent there on purpose?"

I need you to help me find the traces left by Mason in this world. "

As soon as the master spoke, everyone's complaints stopped.

The most outrageous is the steel bone.

We cannot determine their headquarters, their high-level structure, their mode of operation and specific plans.

Green Lantern joked:

Wonder Woman, who was out of breath, touched her wrist, sighed and said:
"I still don't know how much he took away from me. To be honest, if he didn't think of that shameful and vicious method to torture me, I don't even know that I still have such a weakness."

And according to the gossip from the retractable man who was the first to rush to support after receiving the distress signal, Batman was beaten terribly by that fierce and mysterious opponent, and even his bat suit was torn to pieces everywhere. .

"I don't worry about you doing things."

"Please, Superman, don't try to make something bad happen right now."

We've gathered a lot of valuable information from a few unsteady individuals, but the soul curses attached to them prevent them from revealing anything about the core secrets of the Society of Stars.

The master nodded and said:
"I will come up with the finished product as soon as possible, Green Arrow, you and Black Canary stay in the watchtower to assist Cyborg, Flash, you come with me.

Green Arrow whispered:

In their impression, The Flash is a very active and kind character, occasionally rough but always optimistic, making it hard to imagine such a bat-like speech coming out of his mouth.

That would destabilize the Ley in this world, so we must catch those escapees before it is forced to shut down. "

Arthur Curry present here glanced at Diana, who was downcast, and the deep-sea brat whispered:
"I think for soldiers, this is much more serious than physical pain?"

Da Chao stretched out his hand to invite his companion to sit on the chair. When he saw the twitching corner of Oliver's mouth under the domino mask, Superman asked softly:

Wonder Woman, who has always been very emo, suddenly raised her head. She looked at Xiao Zha and said:

"He also took your weapon."

The meanings in the eyes are different. It is said that the master was brutally attacked by strange individuals on his own territory in Gotham's Batcave.

"That's better than being tied to a rocket and jumping into your own farm under the attention of the whole town, isn't it?"


But, that's not a bad thing."

Xiao Shan hesitated, coughed and said:
"I went out for a run. After all, being frozen by an ordinary person hurts my self-esteem too much."

Almost all the outer armor of its overall mechanical body has been removed, and it will sit on a chair in the posture of a "mechanical skeleton", and a large number of mechanical nanoworms are swimming in its body frame to reorganize the internal modules.

Da Chao also looked at his companion with a serious face, and said in a deep voice:

"Speaking of which, where have you been recently?"

He looked around, thinking about whether the "Anyway Alliance Tactics" left by Mason needed to be supplemented, and said:

Green Lantern chimed in:

I was ordered to write an accident report, and I had to rush to Oa Star to participate in an interrogation meeting composed of 72 Lanternmen.

Wonder Woman, whose face was still a little weak, moved her wrists and stood up. The demigod moved her wrists, gritted her teeth and said:

These words made everyone around look at Xiao Shan in surprise.


Someone should be chasing her. I tried to help but was attacked by her.

I almost got my heart pulled out by that mysterious woman. "

He whispered:

Xiao Zha flicked his smooth black long straight hair, and said seriously:

Target designation, waiting for the assignment of combat tasks. "

Arthur got up suddenly, and the deep-sea brazen said loudly:

To be honest, this scene looks a bit bleak.

Batman didn't expect such a thing to happen when he sent Xiao Shan to fetch the files, he asked in a hoarse voice:

"About Mason Cooper who mysteriously disappeared after that night"

"No, what I mean is that Mason may not even know it himself. He is not from our world at all! He is an alien! Just like Clark, although he didn't fall here in a spaceship."

But Green Arrow knows the origin of this scene. The low pressure of the big guy comes from the shameful failure he just encountered. Everyone here is a loser.

"It's okay, I can walk now."

Da Chao couldn't help but join in the complaints.

"Arrow, sit down."

Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who sat unharmed on the chair, complained with pain on his face:

"The girdle of the goddess Hestia is still enshrined in the temple on Paradise Island, and it only needs to find a skilled craftsman to remake it. But you are right, Arthur.

It's so warm that it makes people uneasy, but it makes people irresistible.

It's just like.
It was like a treasure that had been lost for a long time suddenly returned, and even made him resist for the first time in his life to uncover the truth behind it. However, he is Batman after all.

Tenderness is just an illusion to him.

He had to keep his eyes bright at all times, and it seemed that it was time for a "big inspection" of Wayne Manor.

(End of this chapter)

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