The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 303 2. The Deathstroke Legion is in Action

Chapter 303 2. The Deathstroke Legion is in Action

At noon in Osborne Tower, Zhakang, who had taken a nap, yawned and rubbed his eyes and walked into Mason's workshop. His eyes were red from a night of high last night, but his mental state was surprisingly good.

Probably because he finally caught the "little handle" of the slippery captain, which made people feel happy.

He yelled but there was no answer. When he opened the door and walked in, he saw Mason smelting some kind of steel in the workshop wearing a blacksmith's overalls.

Mason's hand is full of carefully selected magic ores, and the right hand is the completed engineering mold.

The blacksmith worked very strangely. He first used his jewelry processing skills to screen out suitable ores, and then used his hands to light the fire to make the magic fire burn to remove impurities.

In just a dozen seconds, irregular pieces of metal were extracted, and then placed on iron felts to be beaten.

"You are getting more and more proficient at manipulating the magic fire."

Zha Kang admired it for a while with a cigarette in his mouth, and praised:

"If you don't mention the flame yourself, others will think that you want to send a big fireball instantly."

Better than Gotham City, but not much better, the Metropolitan Police can't get into the mansion of Mr. Luthor, a well-known local entrepreneur.

Hurry up, gentlemen, another me has installed a self-destruct device on his secret base. Although it is an outdated concept technology, the 25-minute countdown has now started.

The old version of the mercenary leader leaped out of his hiding place with nimble movements, without wasting a second.

If there are pioneering tasks or something in these two days, I guess I won't be able to participate. "

The young Luthor didn't intend to hurt anyone, and Laidu in this world imprisoned the two sons and daughters of Deathstroke underground. This dispersal strategy is obviously very suitable.

He clicked into a clip, and amidst the bean-popping bullets, the nasty bastard said to the other end of the comm:

"Is this for the second barrel? He is the only one in our family who needs this."

Mason took out a disposable ark reactor and put it into the energy cabin, took a few steps back, took out the activation key and pressed it.

"Well, the scientific name is 'Support All-Terrain Commander Mechanical Vehicle Type [-]', and the common name is 'Midnight Day'."

"Busy, the Kryptonian babies are fighting again."

The younger version of Luthor said dissatisfied:

Mason reminds:
"It's time to use your masculine charm and win Xiao Zha to our side. If it doesn't work, you can take the risk to go back."

The vent in the underground area was kicked open by Death Knell No. [-].

"This entire building!"

Zha Kang swayed his crotch obscenely, waved his hands again, and strode out of the workshop humming a song.

The boy who resembled him shouted excitedly:

The black magician walked around the black mechanical horse in front of him a few times in amazement.

Death Knell No. [-] scolded:

He just put down the polishing tool in his hand, and was about to use his Lv3+1 tailoring skills to get a good set of saddles for the mechanical horse in front of him, when he heard the special communicator of the K team on the workbench beeping. .

"I'm here to save you two oil bottles. If you have any conscience, you should at least say 'thank you dad' at this time."

Forging skills are currently Lv2+1.

He threw the cigarette butt into Mason's forging furnace, and said in a low voice with a smile on his face:

"Deadshot! Can you play with the goodies we got from Mason?"

Mason sighed and said:

The death knell strode forward to harvest the lives of the armed employees of the Rex Group in front of him. He said:
"Luther, open the gates and kick everyone out! Then Deathshot blows up the building, giving Baldy a little death knell shock.

"Successfully complete the production of an epic-quality Ultimate Craft Engineering/Forging/Jewelry Processing item, the effect of wisdom enlightenment will take effect, and the proficiency of the three skills will increase by X240.

She exclaimed:


Constantine grinned shamelessly, stroked the shiny blood mark on his wrist, and picked up the Slytherin locket hanging around his neck, snorted, and said:
"The old woman suddenly sent me a message this morning, saying that she had something to talk to me about, she suspected that she invited me to team up with her to hunt for treasures, but she definitely wanted to use me as cannon fodder.

I just heard Harley say you're going to Castle of Stars tomorrow? "

"Forging skills can be regarded as beginners, and there is still work to do in the future."

"I know that the weak and poor old man will always look forward to having a home. No matter how dangerous or sharp a person is, he will become gentle when he is old. What a cowardly and shameful statement."

This series of conversations made Mason cover his forehead, and he picked up the communicator and said to Batgirl:
"Look for Gotham, Barbara, this thing will be subjected to cross-world information interference in the future, it's useless for you to find someone to test it here."

"come over!"


An explosion from over there startled everyone in the response state, and then the impatient voice of Death Knell echoed and shouted:

He knew that when he decided to do something 20 years ago, he would definitely not give up halfway. He jumped into the sewer with the weak boy and girl in his arms, and said to the top of his head:
"Be careful, if you die unfortunately, your children will belong to me."

The old death knell complained, reached out and took off his mask, revealing the gray-haired, wrinkled face. This scene scared the girl.

The eyes made of rubies looked at Mason. Driven by the Isu mechanical program, it lowered its head and touched Mason's arm like a living thing, and raised its front hooves, as if it was ready to gallop on the battlefield.

At this time, he was still manipulating five computers in a moving car in the metropolis, sitting on a swivel chair with coffee in his hand, and slowly giving instructions like an octopus, controlling the actions of the Deathstroke Legion.

The landmark Rex Building a few blocks away is already full of flames. In broad daylight, there is a puff of black smoke rising, and the streets are full of sirens.

"Shut up!"

The assault of the two Deathstrokes has attracted security personnel to deal with them.

"If you don't go to accompany your sea goddess, what are you doing here?"

"Harry isn't bad, right? That looks, that figure ~ tsk tsk, tell me."

Shark King is about to break into the sewer system and take them out. Well, the other me is really rich. Look at the string of zeros in this account, it really dazzles my eyes.

The elevator opened at the same time, and the leisurely Death Knell No. [-] came out carrying the "Mason Seiko Edition" Widowmaker Rifle. Looking at the embarrassed old Death Knell, he complained:

"I'm taking a shower, and Colypso is helping me, how about letting her help you?"

Old Deathstroke didn't dissuade his younger self.


"That is, it is already Lv4 after all."

"It is the favorite vehicle of the Isu cavalry commanders. It is mechanically built and tireless. It also has special tracking and automatic walking devices. It can also fly for a long time by activating the thrusters when necessary. It can convert energy into formation when encountering battles. Defense Matrix.

Barbara responded, and adjusted the frequency quickly. A few seconds later, her roll call sounded again on the communicator:

"You! Why are you so old? Luther tortured you?"

The old death knell looked at the pair of brothers and sisters in front of him with a complicated expression.

"I don't remember either, I didn't ask much at the time, I just remember that girl's figure is very smooth"

Poor old Deathstroke is going to be cut to death, that's a shame. "

But what does it matter?Why not do something profitable?

"I'm fighting wits with Ah Fu, I'm very busy and irritable today, don't bother me!"

Since Metropolis is an area Mason has never set foot in, the world map is completely closed, so the captain of Team K sensibly did not participate in the decision-making, and let his team members play by themselves.

A group of heavily armed men and horses rushed into the underground area, and Deathstroke No. [-] had no intuition of being surrounded, but showed a bloodthirsty smiling face under the mask.

The dead shooter who was leisurely "shooting" in the sniper position snorted and said:
"Tell me, where do you want to blow up?"

If I didn't already have a better one, I'd love to get one for myself. "

A whole row of electric-shock automatic turrets guarded the entrance, and the building's access control was closed, causing the white-collar office workers serving Luthor to move to the upper floors of the building in horror.

Mason snorted, counted the time to open the mold, and took out the small cast parts.

"Do you care about men so much?"

The No. [-] death knell held the key and inserted it into the keyholes on the left and right sides of the front door together with the No. [-] death knell, and said quietly:

"Well, Charles?"

He was in full swing and suddenly remembered something, so he said in a long voice:
"Are you going to meet your vampire count lover? What's her name?"

"You take them away!"

The most wonderful thing is that as long as the energy can keep up, this thing can cruise and run at a speed of Mach [-]. It is really a big killer for home travel, killing people, and fighting.

"Escort them out, and Luthor will pick you up. I'm going to stay with these Masons to find some gadgets, and leave a 'resignation letter' for Baldy Lai."

"Well, it looks like he's out, so Damian?"


"I'm doing yoga with Miss McGonagall. I don't have time to test it. Find someone else."

Then, Barbara's voice sounded from it:

"Go away! Two barrels?"

He once had the opportunity to have such a pair of children, but the perception from the superhero made him quickly put away his mood, put on the mask again and gestured to the two children.

I'm too lazy to hack, so you guys better get your act together before it blows up.

Deathstroke No. [-] watched his sons and daughters and his space-time alien approach the sewer.

"You don't care about us at all! You bastard out there with bad women!"

This movement made Mason raise his brows. He grabbed the communicator and asked Barbara to assign permissions. Then he cleared his throat and said to Death Knell, who was fighting fiercely:
"Schreider, after entering Luthor's secret area, remember to look for it. If you can find the kryptonite hidden by the bald man, bring it back. I will reward you."

"Team communication system 2.0 test begins! The team members who have been named please reply immediately and participate in the communication test. Zhakang?"

"Breaking into the Lex Building! Wait until I finish saving people, Luther! You fucking work hard, did I hire you here just to watch you fish?
Turn off this damn high-energy laser-cut mesh for me!

"Uh, Captain Mason? Let me remind you, I'm listening."

The security personnel patrolling the underground area only saw black shadows escaping, and then special stun smoke bombs exploded around them. They were quickly knocked down one by one by the old man of death knell while coughing violently.

He motioned for Zha Kang to help, and then the two men combined the strange-shaped things in the workshop. A few minutes later, Constantine saw a strange-shaped "mechanical horse" appearing in front of them.

"If it wasn't for you, my sister and I wouldn't have been arrested at all!"

Deathstroke No. [-] snorted and said:
"If you want it, I'll give it to you! If you can let my stubborn donkey son and black-bellied daughter call you father, I won't stop it."

"I realized how annoying I was 20 years ago when I saw you! No wonder my friends didn't like me back then. I thought it was their problem."

Deathstroke No. [-], go through the vent!
It's on your right. After entering, execute high-altitude assault tactics and you can directly reach the target detention area. There are wandering guards there, pay attention to safety.

Zha Kang pursed his lips, gave Mason a strange look in his eyes, stepped back cautiously, and said:
"Then you are busy, I won't bother you, just call if you need anything."

"work on your businesses."

A few minutes later, the old death knell approached the basement holding the bloody key.

Mason looked suspiciously at Zha Kang, who was unexpectedly energetic, picked up the forging hammer to ignite the fire and beat the metal ingot to form it, and then poured the molten iron into the precision mold next to it.

"Clypso kicked me, she laughed at me for being a cough, too vulgar, anyway, between me and her is an 'open relationship' that innocent teenagers like you can't understand.

However, his protection measures for personal property may need to be upgraded, transfer request access. Everyone!Tell everyone the good news, I am now a billionaire. "

"Uh, wait until I subdue that vampire count goblin."

He looked at Mason who picked up the grinding tool, and said:
"Is this an Isu engineering item?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the locked door in front of him was blasted open.

The young Luthor sighed with emotion.

Perhaps the next is the era of K team 2.0. "

"toot toot"

"I think you deserve a beating. You haven't troubled me about putting a magic lock on me yet."

"Remember to write a letter to Zha, John."




He flexed his neck and said to his other self:

Because the automatic defense facilities here have been taken over by the young version of Luthor.

In the next moment, with a loud neighing of the war horse, the geometric patterns on the originally black mechanical horse were immediately lit up.

"Yes, I was tortured, boy, but not Luthor."


The golden halo makes the mechanical horse look mysterious and abnormal, and when its flexible bionic head sways, the cloud mane composed of golden flames also extends from the forehead to the back.

"Now I am more and more regretting pulling you, an old man, into my team. Look at you, killing a few chickens and panting. Every time I see you, I can't help but imagine how useless I will be in 20 years. .”

Constantine stroked his chin and said:

The character trait is unlocked as [steady blacksmith: forged items are endowed with the 'durable' feature]"

"During the ninth high-speed obstacle flight test of the vulture-type modified flying wing, this message was an automatic response."

As Mason stepped forward to polish the details, he said:

Mason said something in a low voice, before Zha Kang asked more questions, he asked back:

Since he dared to drive me to be cannon fodder, he was prepared to be bitten back by me.

"Tsk tsk, your family relationship is really tense. You don't look like a good father at first glance."

"Schrader Wilson? Reply received!"

"Tsk tsk, do you still have friends?"

While throwing the key in his hand, the old death knell retorted:

Without the disturbing of this flamboyant man, Mason's production speed suddenly increased, and after two hours, the mechanical vehicle that gathered the Isu's engineering wisdom was polished.

The two death knells silently counted three times in their hearts, and twisted the key at the same time.

"This is a gift.
A gift for the hunter, I don’t know how to offend him, I don’t answer the calls, I don’t reply to the text messages, considering that I have to get the identity card of the B-level personnel from him tomorrow, I’m afraid something will happen if I don’t appease him quickly . "

"Isn't it just a drone that has advanced by a billion points?"

"No, the second barrel is not a special cavalryman. He has always fought without a horse. The upgraded scarlet knight battle motorcycle for him is already under design."


With a click, Mason coupled the strange thing forged in his hand with another metal joint. He glanced at Zha Kang and said:
"Selena is going back to Gotham, Charles is going to reorganize the logistics, Barbara is going to meet with Gordon and Grayson, and help the Blue Beetle adjust the alien weapon by the way. We used to have two barrels of good teammates who were just bad. stay with me.

"Will you be so kind?"

These are all strategies, all bureaus.

"I don't have long hair because of my body. Please don't use malicious words like 'bald' to describe me. Death knell No. [-] stops! There are a large number of induction self-propelled landmines in the area three meters in front of you.

In the past, I followed her because my mage was not skilled enough, but now the good things you have given me have made me not what I used to be. If she dares to make trouble again, I will take care of her on the spot.

She went to the Atlantean city to pretend to be a ghost, so I don't bother to care about her.

Zha Kang pouted and said:
"I've inquired about it. How can an ordinary B-level team have such high-end equipment? Besides, I'm just temporarily taking a leave of absence for some personal affairs. When you need it, don't you just say hello and I'll be right back?
And I don't want to be a light bulb. "

The heavy basement door flew open quickly, and the two half-year-old children who were imprisoned inside hugged each other in horror and looked out the door. Then, they saw two black and red mercenaries dressed in exactly the same appearance appearing in front of them.

"That is, three Kryptonians plus a firestorm are not enough for you to build?"


The viewing area for Deadshot extends three meters to the left.

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring and said:
"Do you need me to go there together? Maybe there is someone to take care of you or something."

Mason stretched out his hand to caress the handsome and powerful mechanical horse in front of him, and said softly:

"Sounds pretty good."

"What is this stuff?"

"It seems that you were much better off than me back then, old man."

This thing is very delicate, but it looks a bit rough without subsequent polishing, but it is covered with mysterious geometric patterns, which made Zha Kang recognize the source of this thing at a glance.

After traveling north and south with you and experiencing out-of-control situations time and time again, I urgently need to go through the normal exploration process of the Society of Stars, but this is my private matter, and I will definitely ask you for leave if I want to do it.

"I hope you can calm Ciri's nameless anger."

I hope this mouthful of blood can make him feel pain."

"You better hurry up!"

At the last moment, Mason finally intervened in the operation, reminding him:
"It's very risky to do things in Superman's territory. If you are caught, I will have to send out the attackers to save people. They are not the opponents of Superman now.

So once the Kryptonians appear, don't say that you know me. Considering what I just did to them before, revealing my relationship may be a crime. "

(End of this chapter)

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