The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 309 8. The black guy wandering around Gotham in the second half of the night is not necessar

Chapter 309 8. The black guy wandering around Gotham in the second half of the night is not necessarily Batman, it may be.
"The Hal Jordan who was brought back turned out to be a Green Lantern! But his oath and suit are a little bit wrong. As expected of the Green Lantern Corps with all kinds of strange things, the probability of 'mutant species' appearing is much better than other Lantern Corps many."

On the top floor of the Afterlife Bar, the busy Mason did not forget to observe the two green lights flying and chasing at the end of the sky.

Although he didn't release the drone to watch the whole process of Hal's transformation in another world, but for his Isu perception, which is currently being discovered, if he is only one floor away, it is still a good idea to hear the sound. It's easy.

At this moment, he was delighted that Hal's "job change" was successful, but he was also a little annoyed that this guy had attracted Hal's attention from this world.

The original plan was to put him in the old man's hidden operation as a punch.

Now that it's all exposed, how can you hide it?
But when you think about it, Green Lantern's fighting style and his ability characteristics are really not suitable for sneaky actions.

Leaving aside the fact that such a large group of green light is easy to be discovered, this mode of drawing power from the emotional spectrum is quite "ideal" power, which leads to the amazing upper and lower limits of the Lanterns.

These guys are notoriously unstable.

When it is strong, it can ignite the sun, and when it is weak, the master can quietly steal the lantern ring. It happened three times
So instead of forcing him to hide in the shadows, it is better to let him act openly, and if necessary, he can also restrain the attention of those eyeliners.

Only by doing things in the light and in the dark can they cooperate with each other.

On the contrary, Hal Jordan did not arrive here through the gate of the world, he has nothing to do with the stars, and his identity is currently only known to Xiao Shan, he is quite free in this world, as a lone ranger hero who is elusive and always ready Freemen who support any action are also pretty good.

Thinking of this, Mason sent a message to Hal Jordan, and then stopped caring about the "frolicking" between the Lanterns.

He returned his attention to the inscription making at hand.

At his feet, half a box of Darkmoon cards and some treated Isu accessories were already placed. They were the by-products of the Chong Inscription skill, and they were of low grade and mainly used by the servant army that was being formed.

He will extract the world coordinates on that weapon X card tonight, and by the way, learn the only systematic knowledge of inscriptions that he currently has.

Consus, the Isu ghost, hovered beside Mason, guiding him in engraving the elementary Isu inscriptions and explaining to him how these inscriptions work.

In fact, after careful calculation, Mason has quite a lot of knowledge in this area.

I have mastered more than a dozen scattered inscriptions of Asgard's gods, and the inscriptions of the gods of Olympus from Paradise Island have basically been assembled because of Zha Kang's search in the old man's world.

However, the difficulty of getting started with these divine inscriptions is at Lv6, so we can't count on them yet.

"You have mastered it, my brother."

After Mason completed the engraving of the inscription again quickly and well, Consus praised:
"Your craftsmanship is already comparable to the best inscription craftsman in Feiyan City. You are indeed a person who has inherited the knowledge of a 'spiritual craftsman'. I don't think you need to try making these individual inscriptions anymore. Let's try a more difficult one." Create things.

Golden Apple.

Or biological bait.

Those are the works of masters of the Isu inscription system, and being able to make finished products with your own hands means that your craftsmanship will break through to a new level. "

"It's not impossible to arrive."

Mason shrugged, and glanced at the Isu talent [Forger] on the character card, and found that the latter's upgrade requirement to make 2000 Isu creations had reached 1827 over time.

If you work hard these days, you might be able to upgrade.

He rearranged the materials, ready to try to make biological bait.

It is the "transformation" Isu genetic biological "bomb" found in the Great Temple of New York before. Although Mason doesn't know much about the genetic engineering of the Isu, Consus behind him is a leader in this field. Knowing his patience, Mason shouldn't have much problem making primary biological bait.

"You don't have the gene fragments of the behemoths we used in the past, so you can't make high-level biological bait, but you can try the gene fragments of ordinary creatures first."

Consus reminded:

"Mix your amazing alchemy skills, first purify those gene fragments, then use engineering to make the shell and inducer of the biological bait, and finally use the inscription technique to imprint a distribution system for it.

You'll end up with very special 'bio-bombs'.

You only need to throw it at the enemy to destroy the target's gene and transform it into the form you want. It may not be effective against strong enemies, but it is much better for cleaning minions than your current engineering bomb.

You are a craftsman, my brother.

You should be more focused instead of wasting time on things like clearing up minions. "

"Makes sense."

Mason nodded approvingly, and began to devote himself to the production of "new toys".

Although the process mentioned by Consus is quite complicated, in fact, for Mason, whose various skills are getting better at present, as long as he finds the knack, there will be no insurmountable obstacles in this process.

Only three or ten minutes later, the first biological decoy bomb made by him was inscribed.

The finished product looks like a golden apple but is very dull. The surface of the palm-sized metal ball is engraved with a combination of layers of geometric Isu inscriptions. The basic inscriptions alone are engraved with twelve and combined with each other to achieve complex. function.

Consus was right.

This kind of combined attempt will test the patience and skill of the craftsman more than the production of a single inscription, and it is more in line with the "excellence" characteristic required by Mason's manufacturing industry.

The moment the last line of the inscription was engraved, he could feel that the biological bait bomb in his hand began to actively absorb free energy from the surrounding environment to complete self-recharging.

This means that this thing has been successfully produced.

He put the dim metal ball in his hand in front of his eyes, and the information label popped up:
Primary creature bait bomb · crocodile
Quality: Excellent Engineering/Inscription/Alchemy Creation·Excellent Craftsmanship
Special effect: The biological bait is full of [Gene Fragment Killer Crocodile]. After being activated, it will apply the [Gene Recombination] effect to all life within 50 yards around it, forcing the target life form to change to "Weakened Killer Crocodile".

The duration of this effect varies depending on the stability of the target gene, with an upper limit of 24 hours and a lower limit of 0.1 seconds.


This biological decoy bomb is self-recharging for multiple uses.But in the case of an external energy source, the bomb becomes effective once, and its influence range and strength will be greatly improved.


This type of biological bomb can forcibly change the life form of the target by replacing the internal preset gene fragments, but using the same type of biological bait on the same target multiple times will cause the target to become resistant to the effect of genetic recombination.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: Why do you want this crap?You listen to me, change to a mage now and practice hard for a few days before you can learn the "sheep changing technique". Magic is much easier to use than this bomb (dog head).

"Yo, you finally did a good job."

Mason blinked his eyes when he looked at the item description this time.

He stroked the freshly baked biological bait bomb in his hand, grinning and said:
"If you don't mention this, I can't connect it with the fantasy magic sheep-changing technique, isn't this just a technological version of the sheep-changing technique?

It still works in groups, which is great.


Suddenly I had a great idea. "

He flung out his suitcase and jumped in. A few minutes later, Mason walked out holding several test tubes filled with black blood.

There was also the yelling of the zombie three-headed dog Maomao from inside the box.

With the improvement of Team K's strength, the zombie three-headed dog has also been "unemployed", and is now chained by Mason as a watchdog outside the suitcase factory.

However, like Professor McGonagall, this guy was also "ripe" under the effect of the resurrection stone fragments.

At least he won't bite Mason again.

As for Cowardly Fangya, that guy was handed over to the female pirate, Mrs. Elizabeth, and he is now in a "stocked" state. It is said that he got close to a group of "zombie buddies" in the abandoned city of New York.

The survivors of Pirate World have set out to clean up the city with the support of the Old Goblin.

As the former pirate king and daughter of the governor, Lady Elizabeth wants to lead them to start a wasteland life there, and Fang can at least provide them with a little warning.

"This thing is definitely not comparable to the mythical three-headed dog Cerberus, but it is also a serious magical creature. It only needs to purify the pure biological gene, and it can be made into a more powerful biological bait."

Mason shook the black blood in his hand, he said:
"When the time comes when you encounter a siege, throw the bomb out and turn them into three-headed dogs biting each other. If you think about it, you will face each other. Wait, you can become a vicious three-headed dog. Why use it for the enemy?"

The Captain rubbed his chin, as if he had suddenly opened the door to a new world.

He looked at the biological bait bomb in front of him and said:
"If you modify the effect, it should be okay to use it as a temporary reinforcement for your own people? Isn't this thing much more convenient than spraying medicine? Well, the 'Druid' servant army of the K team?

It feels very funny! "
The darkness was long, and it soon arrived at dawn, and the lively Afterlife Bar gradually quieted down, and even those guests who had been playing all night were a little bit out of energy.

A black SUV drove slowly from the street and finally stopped at the entrance of the bar.

The car door opened, and a bald black man in a leather jacket and blindfold jumped out, stretched his body, looked around, and finally looked at the signboard of the bar and the resplendent gate in front of him.

He curled his lips, and didn't go in right away, but waited at the door for his driver to park the car, and walked in together with the tall, blond man with the upturned butt.

The guy knocked on the table at the front desk and said to the smiling android receptionist:
"Is Mason Cooper here?"

The receptionist from the 2077 world said with a very professional smile on his face:
"Sir, we don't have the person you asked here."

"is it?"

Old Hei, who looked very social, curled his lips and said:

"But he invited me to come over tonight. It's very troublesome to travel and travel, and it's not easy to find some time. Why don't you ask again? By the way, my nickname is Old A."

The receptionist froze for a moment.

The two in front of her didn't seem to be looking for trouble, so she asked her superiors for instructions.

Soon, Ms. Hua Zi, the business director of the bar who had been busy all night, came out to meet the two guests in person, and led them all the way to the top floor.

"There are very clever masking skills. The plane here is separated from the outside world. No wonder we can't feel him outside."

The blond man behind Old Hei whispered something.

Without deliberately lowering her voice or avoiding Huazi beside her, Miss Huazi acted as if she had not heard any sound, and led the two of them to Mason's office without saying a word.

She knocked on the door, and Mason's slightly tired voice came from inside:
"Come in."

Huazi made a gesture of "please" to the two guests, then turned and left.

Old Hei shrugged, stretched out his hand and opened the door, and saw Mason sitting behind his desk putting a dim bio-bait bomb in the weapon box.

The box was already full of nearly twenty identical gadgets.

"You have a nice place, old K."

The one-eyed bald-headed black man strode into the office, he was not polite, and lay down on the sofa very familiarly.

He casually threw a mobile phone-shaped device, and in the next moment, special energy fluctuations reverberated here, instantly constructing a shield covering the room.

And beside him, the blond man with sunglasses tied his hands, standing behind the bald old man like a soldier.

"Hello, old A."

Mason glanced at the guy sitting on the sofa like an uncle, he took out a bottle of owl potion and drank it for himself, dispelling his fatigue and slowing down his high-speed thinking for a while.

He did not come to Gotham tonight just to attend the opening ceremony, and the meeting with the leader of the Quint Society was also arranged here.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

After all, this is Mason's base camp. If something happens, it only needs a message to shake up the whole Zhenglian to help the battle.

This was the safest place Mason could find. Although he didn't think anything dangerous would happen in the meeting tonight, he was prepared.

Mason stood up, put the weapon box full of biological bait bombs back into his luggage, and glanced at the translucent character card in front of him again.

The inscription skill that has reached Lv4+1 is enough for him to extract the world coordinates on the weapon X card, but the conversation with the titular "boss" is obviously more important right now.

He walked out of the desk, pulled the chair and sat beside old A, reached out to activate the gravity ring in his hand, took out a bottle of wine and three glasses from the cabinet, and landed them firmly on the table between them.

"I thought about it."

While opening the wine bottle, Mason said warmly to the bald, one-eyed old Hei in front of him:
"That A-level seat is not suitable for me at the moment, so I handed over its distribution rights to Q, which is her job. With the current strength of me and the K team, it is enough to be a low-key B-level team .

I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't need it. "

"You can arrange it yourself."

Old A waved his hand and said indifferently:
"Anyway, with the talents and abilities you have shown, even if you don't need a little help from me, entering the A-level 12-member council in a short period of time is a sure thing.

I just want to be a favor.

Alas, it is indeed old.

I can't even grasp the thoughts of young people. Maybe it's time for me to abdicate, and it would be nice to go back to some garden world and be a toubob to live my life. "

"You're joking, Mr. Nick Fury."

Mason glanced at him, pushed the full glass to him, and said:

"In the world where you exist, your reputation is so great that no one dares to underestimate you. Mr. Steve Rogers, don't stand there, sit down too.

This conversation is safe with me, and I promise no one will bother us.

However, what is your code name in the organization? "

"number 3."

Captain Steve, the blond man, replied bluntly:
"At the same time, he is also the captain and commander of the Third Conqueror Sequence of the Cleaner Legion. I really appreciate Team K's swift action in Osborne Tower."

"It turns out that the first time I messed up was because you helped to clean up the aftermath. I really caused you trouble."

Mason showed a sincere smile, raised his glass and said:
"Thank you, Captain."

"It doesn't have to be like this. We are all soldiers in the same trench, and we should help each other."

Captain Steve was as humble and polite as the rumors said, he waved his hands and said:

"The knowledge and information brought back by the K team from the Isu world and the war world really helped us a lot. Frankly speaking, the haze of the third impact has been washed away a lot because of your outstanding contributions.

I don't think even an A seat is enough to honor your contributions. "

"Okay, gentlemen, no more business bragging."

The bald old black who was left out picked up the wine glass, coughed a little unhappily, and said:
"The clone I left in the Council of Hope will be seen through at most 10 minutes, we have to go back before then, old J's broken ship is still waiting in Gotham Harbor.

Traveling across worlds is hard work, not to mention avoiding those damn eyes.

So, let's get down to business. "

He raised his legs and looked at Mason, showing his white teeth and saying:

"What the hell are you doing, boy? If you have any dissatisfaction with us, tell us quickly, the end of the world is near, and everyone has no time to guess charades here.

Openness and honesty are a prerequisite for solidarity.

If you can't pee in one jug, it's better for everyone to part ways as soon as possible.

What do you say?
Mason Cooper. "

(End of this chapter)

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