The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 310 9. I almost believed it, if you weren't Mazefake's chapter

Chapter 310 9. I almost believed it, if you weren't Mazefak

Old A is the famous Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the best secret agent in the world, the spy chief and the one-eyed bastard whose mind is full of shady secrets.

A guy who is not likable but has the ability to form a covert organization that operates secretly in the end times.

Mason wasn't surprised by this.

According to his observation, Quint would hide in the Council of Hope and continue to infiltrate personnel into subordinate agencies, so as to secretly control more resources, which is completely the development of a spy agency.

And there are only a few spy organizations that can be mentioned in many parallel worlds.

However, Old A's open and honest attitude really caught Mason a little by surprise. According to his thinking, a guy like Old A who hides his head and shows his tail and wants to make trouble should be the kind of riddle person who always has a dozen twists in his words. How could it be possible to reveal all the hidden conflicts between the two sides as soon as you open your mouth like now.

What is this talking about?
Change the environment and change the identity, this is to smash the field.Hey, do you know how to negotiate?

Under Mason's strange gaze, the bald old man snorted and seemed to guess what he was thinking, took a sip of wine to moisten his throat, and said:
"It seems that you are not used to such a frank conversation, how about we change it?
I tell you a riddle and you guess it, then give me a riddle for me to guess, and finally waste time, let those bastards who are staring at me all the time find my current location, and send a hundred fully armed conquerors Invade here and blow us all to the sky, okay? "

After such a spicy complaint, the guy put the wine glass in his hand on the table, snorted again, folded his arms and said:
"All of you smart people have these bad habits. You always feel that your superiors have eight hundred tricks hidden in a black heart, and they don't know what to do unless they trick you.

But actually?
How can there be so much time to play tricks on each other in this situation?That does no good other than destroy unity and waste time.

I know, you must suspect that I gave you the A seat to split the relationship between you and Q.

But as I said earlier, I really just intend to be a favor.

When I, the rotating speaker, still have a full day in office, there are many ways to split you. Why use such a trick that can be seen through at a glance?

So please put your amazing wit to the right place, Mason. "

"That's what I said, but those who know you well know that you are indeed the kind of person who can spit out bad things in a blink of an eye. After all, you are famous. The more you know you, the more vigilant you will be."

Mason didn't pretend either.

He spread out his hands directly and said:
"Since I joined the Gwent Society, every instruction from you has made people dream about it. I don't want to doubt you, but your style is like this, so how can I not doubt it?
You profess to make things right, but you will stumble if you keep your head up, old Mrs. A. "

"You see, this is the difference between our two philosophies. I guess this is the reason that makes you lose your temper. An idealist, huh, is really rare in this era."

Nick Fury sneered and said:
"You are the kind of kind person who can't see others suffering, but I don't think it is unacceptable to sacrifice a little bit of the present for the sake of the future.

Of course you can call me cold-blooded.

But the fact is that if Quint does not take such measures and chooses to attack everywhere, then it will be destroyed by others when it is first established.

Q helps you hide a lot of things.

It looks like you've hooked her up, but that's okay too.

I have never cared that people in the organization have their own ideas. As long as everyone has the same general direction, we can cooperate. I asked you to meet in person to make this point clear.

Mason, you can have your own purpose.

I don't interfere.

But your actions cannot be premised on harming the interests of the organization.

Bad job at Osborne Tower, it's a total lone walk!

But the things in the Isu world are barely okay. I wanted to hit you with the B-level promotion task, but what you did in the world of war made me appreciate it.

You are making progress.

Rapid progress.

This progress is obvious to all!The truth is, you can find a balance between your own goals and the interests of the organization that benefits both parties.

I appreciate such behavior and encourage such action.

I'm not here tonight to ask you to be quiet, I'm not beating you up, and I'm not planning to give you a bad word, I'm here to remind you that the benchmark for future actions should be as close as possible to this aspect.

It is my duty as the leader to wipe the ass of the members of the organization.

But if you give me something that pleases me, then I'll be smiling when I rush to the toilet to pass you the toilet paper."

"Can't you switch to a decent metaphor?"

Standing beside the bald-headed one-eyed old black man, Captain Steve said in embarrassment:
"Don't speak so vulgarly in front of young people, he will learn to be bad."

"You have also seen what Mason did. Do you think there is really only one person like this?"

Nick Fury scoffed, saying:
"When I was thinking about how to deal with the fat girl in my class, when you were traveling all over the East Coast for a certificate of enlistment.

But what about him?
He has been the savior more than once, so I think there is nothing wrong with my statement, and the boy Mason who is a hero will not care about this little abstract metaphor. "

Having said that, the bald old man shrugged, leaned on the sofa and said to Mason:

"How? Is my suggestion acceptable?"

"Besides the difficulty of distinguishing between true and false, it really doesn't sound so overwhelming."

Mason nodded.

After drinking a glass of wine, he put the glass on the table and said frankly to the old A in front of him:
"I'm going to destroy the Stars Club!"

"no, you can not!"

Mason's words didn't surprise old A at all, he said in an old spirit:

"We have to take it and transform it from a predatory chaotic organization back to the efficient state it was created in, and we have to unite all the worlds that still exist.

Only by concentrating resources can we accomplish great things!
If you do destroy it, it means that the worlds under the impact will have to fight on their own, and the chances of everyone surviving in that situation are less than zero. "

"No, I have to destroy it."

Mason shook his head stubbornly and said:

"Its existence has become the most stubborn cancer of the dark ages, and it will not make things better.

It will only push the already cruel doomsday era into a crazier zero-sum game.

Do you want to transform it?

You think beautifully!

I don't doubt your wrist and your abilities.

The problem is that there is not so much time for you to adjust the structure. When you really turn it into the organization you want, the shock may have already reached the seventh round.

And at that time, how many worlds can we have left to linger?

Does it make sense? "

"Of course I can't do it on my own! I'm not your savior."

Nick Fury crossed his legs, rolled his eyes and said:
"That's why there is the Quint Club, and with your help, it is possible to take charge of the Star Club in a short period of time. Let me reiterate, what I want is not a parallel world of mutual suspicion!

Let me tell you more as an elder.

Changes in ideas about the Council of Hope.

All the actions you have seen so far are based on a cruel logic, that is, as long as there are even worlds in the parallel world system, the impact events will not stop.

But if there is only one earth and one plane left in the entire system, then this disaster will end without a problem.

After all, even the will of the universe cannot allow us to destroy ourselves, so they drive the stars to continue to explore, develop and pollute.

They formed the Scavengers to conquer, destroy and devastate.

It's all about the ultimate and simplest goal, which is that only the strongest world will survive in the end.

This is a very simple idea, but there is no reason to refute it. The most ironic thing is that the conclusion drawn from this simple thinking can make more people agree.

Everyone feels that as long as their world gets enough resources in the early conquests, then there is a chance to bet on the place of the last survivor
Mason, tell me, do you see the biggest problem with this theory? "

Faced with this question, Mason was silent for a moment and said:

"Only one world can survive stepping on the dead bones of other worlds. As the impact deepens, no one will think of unity and will only use all their wisdom and strength to ensure that the other party is killed."

"Yes, this is it! Dark Forest"

Old A narrowed his eyes, leaned forward to look at Mason, his tone became gentler, and said:
"I want to rebuild communication, Mason, the prerequisite for you to avoid mutual destruction and establish cooperation with vigilant strangers is that you must be able to communicate.

Only good communication can avoid conflicts.

This is the original intention for the establishment of the Council of Hope and the Club of Stars.

You can ask Q.

In the first few years, we accomplished this goal very efficiently, especially the feat of transferring thousands of worlds at once in the second impact.

That's where this 'communication concept' wins.

The collision of the two worlds does not mean that the two sides must become enemies. With cooperation, both sides can survive the disaster and accumulate strength to help more people in need.

However, I hope the council is not my word, my asshole colleagues obviously prefer power, and I watched the self-help organization that I proposed to create became an accomplice to the destruction in a short time.

They don't want to waste time communicating with the weak.

They believe that only the union of the strong can resist the brutal onslaught.

They think that instead of letting those low-level worlds be destroyed by natural disasters, it is better for us to grab useful resources first to strengthen ourselves.

This kind of thinking cannot be wronged.

It's just too rough and can have quite serious consequences, and the conflicts and infighting that are currently erupting within the council are the end of rough behavior.

However, the stars will be the key to mastering resources, and whoever controls it will have more say.

Once Quint dominates the allocation of resources, even if those brutal guys don't want to, they have to sit down and listen to us honestly.

I don't want to see all the earth kill each other for one spot.

You also don't want to see this result.

But only when we stand high enough can our words have enough weight and people will listen!

Can the stars be destroyed!

It is the source of turmoil, but it is also the key to solve the problem, like a weapon!There is neither good nor evil in a weapon, it all depends on who holds it. "

These words silenced Mason.

It's not that he couldn't think of this layer.

But he felt that old A's idea was a bit too ideal. When both sides fell silent, Steve Rogers, the No. 3 member who had been standing by the side, suddenly said:

"Actually, Mason, if you want us to follow your opinion, it's not impossible if you want us to help you destroy the stars."


Mason looked up at the captain.

The latter took off his sunglasses to reveal blue eyes, and there was a scar on his left eye that looked very hideous.

He said to Mason:
"I don't really agree with Fury's idea, but the problem is that we don't have a better choice now, old K.

The important thing is not to follow whose plan, and the important thing is not whether the Constellation should exist.

The important thing is not a battle of ideas.

You can question, you can object, but you can't just criticize!
You have to find a way.

Mason, if you have a plan that can make bad things good and happy after ensuring that the stars will be destroyed.

And that plan has certain practicability.
Then trust me, Nick Fury and all his innocent ideas will be thrown in the trash in an instant, and everyone will rally around you! "

"Yes, that's it."

Old A picked up his wine glass without psychological pressure, and squeezed his only remaining eye at Mason.

He said softly:
"As soon as we met, I said that I allow members of the organization to have their own goals and plans, and Quint will always be a highly inclusive organization.

I don't talk about it.

If you can come up with a more feasible plan, I will definitely support you with my hands high and I am willing to give you the position of leader, and become your number one loyal dog.

I will cut off the head of anyone who dares to oppose you!

The issue is.
Mason, do you have a plan?Do you have a solution? "

The office became quiet again. After old A drank the wine in his hand, the bald-headed one-eyed old black man stood up and said to Mason:
"You see, apart from the disagreement on whether to destroy the Stars Club, our current general direction is the same, so we can continue to cooperate, but remember the reminder I just gave you, old K.

You can try to save everyone, and I'd love to see them survive.

Anyway, I don't need to think of a way, but when you ask me to wipe your ass, remember to give me something that makes me happy.

This is the correct mode of 'cooperation'. "

"You just said that as long as I come up with a better way than your naive idea, the entire Quint will listen to me?"

Mason looked up at Nick Fury.

他 说:

"Would you like to make a written statement?"

"Mazefak! I just said a lot of words for nothing, right! You stinky boy!"

Old A's eyes widened, and he waved his hand angrily to hit him, but in the end he reached out and took out a notebook from his cool leather jacket, glared at Mason, wrote a line, and signed himself. name.

He handed the notebook to Steve Rogers next to him, and the captain also glanced at Mason and signed his name on it.

Afterwards, the bald old black Frankie tore off the piece of paper and handed it to Mason, saying:

"I'm waiting for the solution you come up with, but hurry up, if you can't do it before the fourth shock, then just listen to me honestly.

OK? "

"make a deal."

Mason looked at the paper that was actually written in black and white in his hand.

He pursed his lips, stood up and sent the two to the door, saying:

"I won't send you away. My reputation here is not very good. Once I step out of the top floor, I will be perceived immediately."

"Less trouble, more work."

Old Hei walked towards the elevator slowly like an old leader with his hands behind his back. He said:
"Q is a simple girl, don't use her to do bad things, you know, I didn't ask her to restrain herself in Stellaris because I want her to be a puppet.

The hatred in her heart is terrible, and once it is released, something will definitely happen.

You better take it easy. "

Mason watched old A and No. 3 disappear into the elevator.

He took a long breath and returned to the office, stood in front of the French windows and looked at the silent Gotham, and wanted to pop a cigarette out of a little restlessness.

As a result, as soon as Dumbledore's extinguisher was ready to be ignited, there was a strong wind behind him, and a silver light suddenly appeared.

Mason turned his head sharply, and shouted at the person who was about to rush over in the crack:

"Don't! Go back! Come in through the gate!"

But it's too late.

The hunter Ciri hurried over. This act of forcibly breaking through the demiplane propped up by the Eye of the Starry Sky was regarded as an invasion, which immediately triggered a counterattack from the alien creature.

Before Ciri rushed in, a black light precisely smashed into the flickering silver light.

Miss Hunter let out a scream, and she failed to cross the boundary and was thrown into a mass of scattered streamers. Mason rushed over before he had time to put on the Isu shroud.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the shattered space-time rift.

The backlash of energy made a mess in the office, but fortunately, Ciri didn't really complete the intrusion in the end, which made the counterattack of the Eye of the Starry Sky less deadly.

When Mason got up rubbing his head, he saw Ciri, who was bleeding from his nostrils, lying on the ground, grabbing his wrist and screaming:
"Why didn't you let me know when you were here to meet him! Are you crazy? That guy always carries more than one Infinity Stone with him.

As long as he moves his mind, you are finished."


Mason pulled out the sawdust fragments that had wiped his face and stuck into the wall, and said to the embarrassed hunter in front of him:

"Old A didn't kill me, but you almost sent me to hell. I know you are a good leader who cares about his subordinates, but next time, please try to be more gentle, okay?

In addition, it's not that I don't want to inform you, aren't you 'on business trip'?
No phone calls, no reply to letters.

I can't even get in touch. "

(End of this chapter)

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