The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 311 10. Ciri "Hunter", a non-staff member of Team K, reports to you, Your Excellen

Chapter 311 10. Ciri "Hunter", a non-staff member of Team K, reports to you, Your Excellency Captain
Mason's office is a troubled place.

Since the Kiteman specially reserved this place for him to show Mason's extraordinary identity, this place has encountered strange encounters including but not limited to being bombed, experiencing Batman invasion, superhero melee, and being placed with alien gods and evil objects .

Tonight, the unlucky office experienced another energy shock, and the scattered space-time energy almost destroyed all the furniture here.

And the explosion that sounded immediately alarmed the security staff of the bar.

When more than a dozen 2077 bionics dressed in the Terrorist Mobile Squad kicked open the office door led by Judy and Barbara, what they saw was the embarrassed Mason sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a silver-haired woman in his arms. look.

This scene made Judy and Barbara look at each other.

Didn't Mason just finish the kiss-and-stick ceremony with Harley?Who is this silver-haired woman with a beautiful figure from behind?

Hello Mason!
The innocent-looking person actually plays the game of stepping on two boats, right?
Harley should have let the dog kill you!

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not a case of random associations, this is my colleague who can't explain anything now, go out.

Don't interrupt the rest of the conversation. "

Looking at the wonderful expressions on the faces of Judy and Barbara, Mason knew that the two sisters had already started to play the "little theater of catching rape" in their minds. Ciri, who was panting, helped her up.

The reckless Mr. Hunter is really in bad luck this time.

She was subjected to [Punishment of Wisdom] and her brain was almost in a mess. Fortunately, she was not a strategic character, so it was just a sequela of a brain pain and a numbness all over her body.

If the old Black Falcon just now had been hit head-on, given the activity level of his brain full of tricks and dark secrets, he would probably have become an idiot on the spot.

This made Mason have to sigh with emotion, this thing that the warlock gave is really TM evil.

"I've seen that thing before."

Ciri, who was supported and sitting on the half-torn sofa, rubbed her hair and made a moaning sound, while pointing to the starry sky disc that fell to the ground and said:

"That is a strange object that the Warlock found when he was exploring a dark sea of ​​stars a few years ago. Why is it in your hands? Mason! Tell me honestly, have you betrayed the Warlock?"

"It sounds complicated."

Mason picked up the disc, looking at the cracks on it, feeling a little distressed.

This thing is powerful, but its fragile body is its biggest weakness. It can make cracks if it is hit on the ground, and it will definitely be smashed if it is punched hard.

This is the result of Mason adding the [Sturdy] feature to it.

He picked up the wreckage of the twisted metal display stand at hand, activated the magic fire to shape it into a stronger airtight protective platform, and put the disc back in.

"I originally wanted to ask you to take me around the secret treasure vault in Starsburg and help me choose a treasure that I could hide, but you're on a 'business trip' so I can only find it myself.

It was really an accident that I met a warlock halfway through, and I don't know what kind of mentality he gave me this.

Don't say that this thing is very powerful, even you are so embarrassed, it seems that I don't have to worry about being raided by Dr. Fate in this demiplane. "

Knowing that his boss loves to drink coffee, Mason took out a handful of coffee beans from his luggage and made a coffee machine with the materials on site to make drinks.

While busy, he jokingly said:
"What? Are you finally done with your business trip?"

"Can't you just leave it alone? You bastard, and I'm actually on a business trip, just to mediate a private fight between two B-class squads on the front lines of a world at war.

They each pulled hundreds of servants to prepare to start the film, the reason is simply to fight for the control of an ancient civilization relic.

There's just too much shit like this.

Compared with them, you are a good employee who obeys the rules. "

Ciri would have a terrible headache, and really didn't have the energy to argue with Mason anymore.

She leaned on the sofa and wiped the blood from her nostrils. Although she looked embarrassed, with the strength and vitality of the great teacher, she would not even be considered a minor injury.

just a headache
"Why are you angry?"

Mason quickly made a steaming cup of coffee and sent it to Shirley. He asked:

"It was fine before?"

"Who was that woman next to you during the previous communication?"

Hunter asked:
"Did you know that having a third person while we're talking would give me away? You really have no respect for me, Mason."

"That's Harry."

Mason felt that Ciri's anger was definitely not just because of his identity being exposed, but he still explained:

"It's my new team member and girlfriend."


Ciri, who just took a sip of coffee, narrowed her eyes for an instant, making Mason feel chilly, but the next moment, Miss Hunter said in a strange tone:
"Harley Quinn, the famous assistant of Zhou Ke'er, an evil crazy beauty, she is also among the best among the famous psychopaths in the entire parallel world system.

So you like this type?

Tsk tsk, Mason, your taste is a bit weird, I began to wonder if your spirit is not normal. "

"Harry's mental state is indeed unstable, but I think having me by her side can ease her condition, but I don't think you came all the way here to talk to me about Harry's problems, right?"

Mason erected the chair that had been crippled by the explosion, and sat on it himself. While taking out the medical kit to help Ciri clean and bandage the bleeding arm, he said:

"Are you worried that my meeting with old A will expose your current movements? Don't worry, I just talked with him, and the conversation was very in-depth, and he showed me his attitude.

He wanted to prove to me that they weren't a bunch of worms just sitting back and letting bad things happen, and revealed to me that he did have a big plan. "

"They've always had it, and it's pretty well targeted."

Seeing that Mason was talking about serious business, Ciri also became serious, and she said to Mason:

"This is the reason why I have been unable to make up my mind to break away from them. I admit that I am easily influenced by such ambitious goals, but after thinking about it for a while, I found that I was not really attracted by the old A. Describe the ideal of bewitching.

He should have talked to you about the establishment of the Council of Hope.

In the early days of Stellaris, we did some really good things, and he proved that his idea could work.

Especially the aid to another A-world before the first shock, which was our first big diversion, which I was involved with with my parents.

That scene is still fresh in my memory.

Oh, by the way, that transfer took place in the swordsman's home world.


Ciri lowered her head, sighed and said:
"My parents trusted him until that happened. Although his age is not comparable to that of a witcher, I did regard him as an elder for a while."

"Old A has a feasible plan and ambitious goals and has nothing to do with whether he is a good person or not."

As Mason tied the bandages into a cute bow, she said:

"I still don't trust him, for the same reasons as before. He can sacrifice many people for his own goals, including us, of course.

He didn't even try to hide his utilitarianism, admitting that he met me because the K-team found something valuable.

Plus, I signed this with him. "

He handed the note written by old A when he left to Shirley. The latter took a look at it and frowned. She said:

"Find a real way to fight against the destruction of the world before the fourth impact, if you can't do it, obey his command honestly and implement his plan.

You are too risky, Mason.

So many smart people in the fox's nest can't find a solution, why do you think you can solve this headache for everyone in a year at most? "

"First of all, to correct me, I don't need to address the shock."

Mason shook his finger and said:
"I just need to find a way to preserve the two worlds at the same time when the impact occurs. The difficulty is not as terrible as you think. Secondly, you think that with the old A's style, you will honestly abide by this contract that has no mandatory effect at all. ?

Do not!
He will not.

So neither will I. "

"Are you trying to stabilize him?"

Ciri reacted immediately, she said:
"So that he won't find trouble for you secretly?"

"more or less."

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"He has thousands of times more resources than us, if he insists on 'beating' me, even if he just has an idea, it will be enough to make me accomplish nothing in the future.

Making this small contract, which is like a game to him, can indeed buy us a little bit of freedom and time.

At the same time, that quote from Steve Rogers also reminded me.

If I want to convince you, and others, to join me in this, I can't just tell you Quint is bad, I have to show you evidence.

I mean I've had some before, but that probably wasn't enough to convince you to stick with me. "

"It's not that I have no confidence in you."

Ciri took a sip of coffee.

She glanced at the messy office, and after hesitating for a moment, she decided to tell Mason something really important.

"follow me."

Ciri propped up her body, put on the starry sky mask and robe again, motioned for Mason to follow her out of the demiplane area of ​​the Starry Sky Eye, and then waved open a silver arc leading to an unknown place.

She walked in, followed by Mason.

The two of them entered an unfamiliar area in the next instant, and this place didn't seem like a complete world, because it reflected the boundless reflection of the starry sky around it.

Those starlights shone around, reflecting the strange land suspended in the invisible place under their feet.

It is like a dilapidated strange temple, its main body has been fragmented and scattered around, and it is suspended here under the support of some kind of force.

Mason stopped where he was, looking at the sea of ​​stars around him. After a few seconds, Ciri looked back at him and said suspiciously:

"Let's go! What are you doing here?"

"This starry sky. I have seen it!"

Mason stopped at the entrance. He looked at the stars above his head and stroked the devil tattoo on his left hand.

He said to Ciri:
"After I joined the Gathering of the Stars, when I was seeking power through tattoos, I came to this area in a trance! Yes, I remember correctly, it is here.

The endless empty sea of ​​stars seems to breed endless darkness. "

"It's not surprising that every member of the Constellation Society who has grabbed the 'power' from Lord Fate has seen the sea of ​​stars here."

Ciri sighed and said:
"That process is a symbolic manifestation of your deep contract with it, which means you are also a 'candle' to help it burn, but I didn't bring you here just for the stars.

Follow me, be careful, don't go wrong. "

The hunter leads the way, and Mason follows behind. There seems to be nothing here, but in fact, Mason can feel that some rather strange "things" exist in the invisible.

As long as he takes a wrong step, those things will be peeped and captured.

"It's in front."

After walking for more than ten minutes, the two reached the depths of this special area whose existence cannot be outlined by conventional spatial perception.

In front of him is a dark cave that seems to swallow all light.

"Follow me!"

Ciri took a deep breath, and cast a magic spell on Mason to take away his breath, and then reached out to hold Mason's hand. When the ten fingers touched, the coldness of Ciri's fingers made Mason raise his eyebrows.

She is afraid.
This discovery gave young people a hunch that what they were about to see next was anything but ordinary.

Guided by Ciri, Mason stepped into the dark place in front of her with her. Once entering the black curtain cave, all perceptions were instantly blocked.

He can't see, hear, or smell.

Even his own thinking seemed to be gradually being frozen, only the clasped fingers in his hands led him forward like a guiding light.

Time seemed to be distorted, and he didn't know how long it had passed before he finally walked through the cave and stood on the edge of a cliff. In front of him, Ciri was already out of breath.

She shielded Mason from a place where he shouldn't be here at all, which means that all the pressure on Mason has been borne by her.

"see it?"

She pointed to the large space below and asked Mason.

The young man stood beside Ciri and looked down but couldn't see anything, only a mist blocked his sight, and as Ciri waved his hand, the moment the mist dissipated, a piece of "starlight" appeared before Mason's eyes.

Dots of flames danced, illuminating the entire area in front of the eyes, and looking carefully, there were delicate stone pillars all over the entire hollow, and there were light spots burning on each stone pillar.


This is the candle.
Mason understood instantly.

The place where Shirley brought him was the place where Lord Destiny kept his candle of power, and the burning fire full of pits and valleys in front of him flickered silently, like starlight shining in the darkness.

But it makes the hair stand on end.

His fingers clenched tightly, this action was noticed by Ciri, Mr. Hunter pointed to the high place, and said softly:

"Look, there's your candle."

Mason looked up, and in the candlelight of the weird stone platform suspended high above, he could clearly feel the fire that belonged to him fluttering there.

It is inconspicuous among tens of thousands of candles.

"how about yours?"

He looked away and asked a question, but Shirley didn't answer.

But the moods of the two are definitely connected at this moment. They are looking at the candlelight all over the mountains and plains in front of them, and a sense of powerlessness rises in their hearts.

"Every fire here can regenerate it once, and our burning will give it strength."

Ciri said softly:
"Every B-level member will be brought into this place when they decide to participate in A-level promotion. They know the truth here, and there have been people who resisted.

Their candles are all extinguished.

Mason, you once asked me what I wanted to do. "

She raised her hand and pointed to the tens of thousands of sparks floating in front of her eyes.

she says:

"I took some time to refresh my mind, I confirmed that I wanted to destroy this place, I confirmed that I wanted to see the Society of the Stars collapse, and I confirmed that I wanted the souls of my parents to rest in peace.

More than once I felt like plunging down and blowing out those candles.

But I can't.

There is a price to being a great teacher, and my existence is that price.

I have almost become one with it. It sleeps all year round because it carries too much divinity, and the three masters are its lair guards.If you want to hurt it, you have to kill us first.
I have not made up my mind to do these things with you not only because I doubt you, but also because I am not ready to die bravely.

The truth is, I'm not as brave as I think. "

"Is that so?"

Mason understood, he pursed his lips and said:

"It turns out that I have been forcing you to die, so every time I ask you must have put a lot of pressure on you, right?"

"I'm not afraid of death, Mason."

Ciri stared at the burning candles in front of her eyes, and she answered the non-essential question:
"I'm just afraid that my sacrifice is meaningless, so I want to remind you that if you really want to destroy the Constellation Society, please be fully prepared.

When that day really comes, I will be cold-blooded enough to kill my companions and give you my heart.

But you only have one chance.
You must win!

I brought you here today because I finally figured out that matter, about your question, about my answer, maybe me and old A are really not the same way.

I don't have the intelligence to peek into the hope of ending the shock, and I don't have the patience to wait until the stars will get back on track.

Like Barbara said, the days go by and I lose my nerve
I have delayed this revenge for too long. "

After finishing speaking, Ciri put her hand on Mason's shoulder, she showed a weak smile, and said firmly:
"You wanted me to be your partner, you wanted me to be a sidekick to K-Squad, and you got it, Mason, between them and you, I've come to trust you.

But we have to come up with a surefire way!

I know it's hard"

"This goes beyond the definition of difficult."

Mason stared at the sea of ​​burning candles in front of him. Every dancing candle represents a life. He took a deep breath and squeezed Ciri's hand tightly.

他 说:

"But I will do it! Your trust is too heavy for me to live up to."

(End of this chapter)

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