The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 312 11. So the membership standard for mutant groups is already high enough to destroy a wor

Chapter 312 11. So the membership standard for mutant groups is already high enough to destroy a world?
"Don't be so depressed."

In the invisible place where Lord Fate hid the "candle", Mason felt complicated when he saw Ciri's generous face to die. He didn't expect that there was such a key in it.

I couldn't say any consolation for a while, so I simply joked:
"Maybe I can find a way to save you from dying, and then we can kill the big devil too, but things like 'resurrection' should be quite common in the parallel world system, right?"

He asked:
"To do this, is there a way to keep you from dying?"

"Resurrection is indeed common. I have no less than three methods in my hand, but without exception, the integrity of the soul must be guaranteed."

Ciri sighed, touched her cheek, and said:
"But as I said just now, when I became a great teacher, I was bound to its existence. That is not a simple soul curse like yours.

It gives us real power, and every time I use it I get closer to it.

Among the three mentors, I am the most restrained. The warlock has completely sunk into it and is indistinguishable from each other. The swordsman is originally from hell, and she is extremely resistant to this kind of 'pollution'. "

"I know, it's the kind of technique similar to 'Force'."

Mason rubbed his chin and said:
"No wonder I seldom see you use it. I didn't see you use your big move when you were beaten like that by Sister Ka. But it's not impossible."

He touched the Isu shroud on his shoulder.

After hesitating for a while, he still didn’t tell Ciri about the existence of Consus. It wasn’t because he didn’t trust her, but before he was fully sure, Mason felt that it was better not to make promises to others casually.

"Are you trying to code her soul into an Isu ghost form like mine?"

Consus suddenly appeared and hovered beside Mason. The Isu biologist looked Ciri up and down. After a few seconds, he said to Mason:
"It's not impossible, but there is a certain power shrouded in her body, which will affect the result of the soul code. In fact, no matter what kind of 'resurrection' is, you must first remove the pollution from her body.

And I'm curious, does the 'shared destiny' she mentioned earlier go both ways?

If you bypass her and directly attack the devil itself."

"We have to go."

Ciri observed the invisible place with flickering candles in front of her. When she saw the dark red color floating in the light outlined by the flames, she turned her head and said to the thoughtful Mason:

"You can't stay here for too long, it will disturb it."

"last question."

Mason coughed and said:
"Can I put out these candles? Summon a shower of rain or something."

"Do you think it will be that simple?"

Ciri rolled her eyes and said:
"The candle you see here is just the symbolic manifestation of the contract and the link of power, it doesn't mean that Your Excellency Destiny really made you into candles and put them here.

And are you sure you can blow out the candle faster than it can be lit?

look over there! "

She points to the left hand side.

Mason turned his head, just in time to see the scene where several candles gathered together suddenly went out and even the stone pillars carrying the flames collapsed together.

Shirley said quietly:

"We just lost 7 C-level personnel, and a pioneering team was wiped out. What a pity."

But under Mason's gaze, a new flame was ignited where it had just been extinguished, which represented a new C-level team being re-selected and promoted.

If you look carefully, this kind of extinguishing and re-ignition has been happening alternately before your eyes. The upper candle burns very stably, but the lower the lower the candle, the more frequently it changes.

Especially at the bottom of the bottomless bottom, those faint sparks representing E-class personnel are flickering like waves caused by wind blowing.

It's like a dot plot.

It reflects the current state of existence of the entire group of stars in the parallel world system, or it can also be understood as the "ultra-long blood bar" of the great devil, Your Excellency Destiny.

The connection is so long that it can go around the earth several times, and it is so long that all the brave men who try to open up this BOSS will feel desperate.

"I've been thinking about a plan."

A few minutes later, when Mason was dragged out of the dark cave by the hand of Ciri and returned to the office of Starsburg, he said to his superior:

"If we could have a chance to bring all the B-class and A-class members together, say in a certain world, and then set off a massacre.

Or just blow up the whole world.

Losing so many high-level candles at one time will definitely make that great devil into a weak state, right? "

Ciri didn't answer him.

Instead, he stared at him with a very strange gaze, and after a few seconds, Ciri said:

"I've now confirmed that its soul curse will definitely not affect you. I will never be able to say what you just said, and even thinking about it in a direction that will really hurt it will cause quite serious backlash.

How did you do it, Mason?

How did you fool it?You have obtained its power but you are completely unrestrained, you can freely think about how to hurt it or even kill it"

"Ah, another little secret of mine was discovered by you."

Mason pouted.

He didn't deny this, but it was also difficult for him to explain to Ciri the working principle of his "Gold Finger of Rebirth", so he could only say vaguely:

"Maybe it's because of my special constitution?"

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Ciri snorted, took off his mask and threw it on the table, flicked his long silver hair and said to Mason:
"You can go back, perfect your plan, and let me know when you need my help, and don't feel sad about my fate.

When I chose to accept the position of Grand Mentor, I already knew that this day would definitely come, and it might not be sad to die at the hands of a good person like you. "

"Why did you accept this position when you knew you were going to die?"

Mason frowned and asked:

"Did old A convince you in some way?"

"Do not."

Shirley looked back at him and said expressionlessly:

"Because I know that my death will make it very painful, it hurts deeply, like a bomb detonated in the heart, maybe it can't kill it, but it can also create the best opportunity for my companions to destroy the enemy .

Of course, I didn't know at that time that Old A and the others had no intention of destroying the Stars Club.

But your presence was a surprise. "

"Well, think about it in this direction. If I can kill the three masters, maybe I only need to face a weak big devil who is about to die of distress?"

Mason comes up with a pretty hellish idea, which Ciri ruthlessly rejects.

"What do you think the A-level 12-member council is for?"

she says:

"They are all the reserves of the three mentors. As long as one of the three of us dies, a substitute will come up immediately. The feedback of their strength when they 'promote' is enough to prevent Lord Destiny from falling into the weakness of being passively beaten.

Unless you can kill all A-level personnel at once as you said.

But that difficulty is exaggerated. "

"It's a devil. This system is really too strict. It seems that I really need to do some homework."

Mason rubbed his forehead with some headaches, then he glanced at Ciri, put his hands on the luggage, and said:

"Well, close your eyes."


Ciri, who had just picked up the coffee cup, looked at Mason suspiciously, and the latter explained:

"I want to give you a gift, there must be a sense of ceremony."

"You know that even if I close my eyes, I can sense what you are doing through hunter perception, right?"

Hillary said in a long voice:
"Who the hell told me before that useless rituals are a waste of time? You are a big man who is even timid about giving gifts to your boss. How can you shine in the workplace in the future?"


Seeing that the superior began to speak harshly, Mason let out a snort and released the Isu mechanical horse he made from the bag, and activated its energy again.

The golden flame spread all over the body of this delicate mechanical vehicle in an instant, making it look like the legendary Pegasus.

"Give you."

Mason tossed the elaborate reins to Ciri, saying:
"It's weird to be a hunter without a war horse. Although this horse is not as powerful as your father's carrot, at least it won't be afraid or tired.

Don't be mad, please. "

"What kind of shit? My great teacher of the Stars Club will sit on this when he goes out?"

Ciri scoffed at the gift, played with the reins in her hand, and said:
"I have my own mount, but you haven't seen it before. Mason, with all due respect, your understanding of me is only superficial. If you really want to give gifts in the future, you should pay more attention to it."

She commented very viciously.

Then he took a sip of coffee, waved his hand to see off the guest and said:
"Go back to accompany your crazy girlfriend, don't come here if you have nothing to do, and don't cause trouble, rest for a while and wait for the difficult development task of the B-level personnel.

Don't stand here, looking upset. "

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

Mason raised his hands to beg for mercy, turned and pushed open the door of Mr. Hunter's office, but instead of leaving, he turned a corner and walked towards the other side of the first floor.

He also took out another gorgeously decorated gift box from the luggage.

He did not forget.

He also has a "date" with the swordsman master mentor.

In the office, Ciri put down her coffee cup and stepped forward to caress the midnight warhorse waiting for the rider's instructions. While putting on the reins, she curled her lips and said:

"The little guy is quite scheming. Knowing that he did something wrong, he prepared an apology gift in advance. This kind of intention is good. But speaking of it, why did I suddenly get so angry before?

emmm, must be dizzy. "

While speaking, she touched her cheek, curled her lips in a sense of loss and said:

"It's an old lady, she's lost her charm, she can't handle even a young man, Ciri, Ciri, your method of missing a button has failed.

This is really embarrassing. "
"Hey, Mason? Usually hunters treat you like a baby, why did you take the initiative to send it to your door today?"

When Mason knocked on the door of the swordsman's mentor's office, the blond girl opened the door for him enthusiastically and joked to welcome Mason in.

But the environment of her office.
Uh, how should I say it?

If the Hunter's side is a bit quaint at any rate, then this side can be called a "garbage dump". All kinds of obviously powerful collections are randomly placed, and there is no pattern at all.

Outside the fairly tidy office area, there was a rather evil bone bed.

But the blanket on the bed was twisted into a very abstract thing, and there was a pink slipper under the bed, but the other one had already flown to nowhere.

A proper sense of sight of a slovenly dormitory for house girls.

But the carefree Swordsman didn't care about these things. She asked Mason to sit on a chair while trying to get him some hell-style snacks to try, but Mason politely refused.

He felt that his stomach was still a little fragile in front of the delicacies from hell.

"You brought a gift? Ha, the hunter taught you really well, I like it."

The swordsman pulled the chair over and sat beside Mason in a relaxed posture, and saw the gift box Mason put on the table at a glance, which made her smile all of a sudden.

"This is not to bribe you, it is mainly to thank you for your assistance before."

Mason said politely and handed over the gift.

The swordsman held it in his hand and tore it apart without hesitation, and then saw the bundle of whip weapons that was very similar to the mantra lasso in the gift box.

She glanced at the thing with strange eyes, then glanced at Mason again, and said:
"You probably don't know the customs of hell very well, Mason, let me explain it to you.

Generally speaking, when men in hell give women such things that can bind, it often represents some unfriendly attempts.
Although your face is barely beautiful.

But I'm sorry, I'm not very interested in a nice man like you, after all, I already have one at home, why don't I return it? "

"But it's a weapon."

Seeing that he violated the "cultural difference", in order not to be regarded as a hooligan, Mason hurriedly explained:

"I got it from a world of war, a lasso of submission blessed by the gods of Olympus, as long as your spiritual power is stronger than the opponent, you can force him to do everything by binding this thing to someone.

I think this style of weapon matches your temperament very well, so I chose it specially. If it is really not suitable, I can change it.
Do you want Neptune's Trident? "

As he unpacked his bag, he said:

"The weapon of the king of the seven seas can call wind and rain, but it needs the blood of Atlanteans to use it."

"Oh, it's a weapon. Why don't you tell me earlier, I thought you were planning to have something interesting with me."

The swordsman laughed, grabbed the noose of submission and waved it casually.

Under Mason's stunned gaze, the thing flew up and was precisely placed on his shoulder. With the swordsman's forceful pull, Mason's arms and body were bound.

"Now! Tell me! Mason Cooper!"

The swordsman who was smiling just now stood up and raised his long legs, pressing down on Mason's shoulders with his black skull boots.

In the noose pull of submission, she asked aloud in a rather strange pose like a hell girl who tortured a volunteer:
"Are you a mutant? Did the hunter send you to spy on us? The gargoyle I placed in the corridor just saw you coming out of her office.

Are you having an affair with her? "

"I'm a mutant! The hunter doesn't know about the cooperation between me and you, and I have full respect for her without any extraneous thoughts.

She is a noble princess. "

Mason felt enforced restraint.

But he didn't intend to hide it at all, so he answered very frankly:
"I came here today to talk to you about this matter, 'Secretist' Liana, did you help me because you realized that I was a mutant?"


The swordsman wrapped the other end of the noose of submission around his arm, allowing himself to accept this "double torture". Then he looked at Mason and replied:
"Yes! With this thing, you can feel whether I'm lying or not. This saves the hypocritical politeness. That's how people from hell do things.

If you want to talk about serious business, you must have insurance, so as not to waste time and energy.

I originally prepared a torture circle.

Thank you for bringing this so that you don't have to suffer the pain of soul torture. "

She blinked her eyes sincerely and said:
"But don't worry, after everything is confirmed, I will give you absolutely satisfactory compensation. When did you know your status as a mutant?"

"Six hours ago."

Mason took out the card given by the master from his pocket, but didn't take it out right away.

He looked at Liana and said:

"I feel that my mutant ability has not been fully activated. In your terms, the X gene is still in a recessive state, but I am more concerned about my own life experience than my unknown ability.

Can you give me some clues about this problem? "

"It's not certain yet."

The swordsman said with some annoyance:

"We have been searching for all fellow mutants in the parallel world, lest they fall into the situation of being bewitched, but your situation is very special.

According to the information I have found so far, it was a sad accident.

But I can probably be sure that you should come from the same world as me, Mason, besides being superior and subordinate, we are still fellow villagers. "

"Can this thing help you?"

The vibration from the noose of submission meant that the swordsman's answer was not mixed with any lies. After confirming this, Mason flicked the card in his palm.

Holding it in his hand, the swordsman glanced at Mason in surprise, and said:
"I thought this thing was uniformly destroyed in the previous containment operation. Wait! There is a disturbance of time and space disorder on this thing, you traveled through time and got it in the past?
Amazing!Mason. "

"so so."

The young man smiled and asked again:

"If you are sure that I am from your world, can you send me back? Although I don't care much about my own life experience, if possible, I still want to see who my parents are."

"Well, that's the problem."

The swordsman said with a headache:
"Something happened in our home world, it is now under the control of that bastard Warlock, who blocked the coordinates of the home world with mysterious power.

Even I can't send you back, in fact, I haven't been back for a long time. "

"Lost your own world?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"This doesn't seem like the style of the mutant group, maybe it can be said that you are forced to do so?

Well, let me provide a little useful information, I can extract the specific coordinate information from this card. Don't be so surprised, Liana, you and I both know that you have seen more powerful things with your own eyes.

If I have specific world coordinates, can you send me there? "


The swordsman narrowed his eyes, nodded and said:

"I personally escorted you there, and I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

Mason asked a question, and then heard the swordsman say grimly:
"Just doing our Lost Hometown a little favor, I don't know what Warlock is hiding there, but it sure isn't good stuff, so one of your missions there is to destroy it!
We are mutants, Mason.

We are the most united group of people in the doomsday era. We may have no future, but we also do not allow our hometown to fall into the hands of others.

Think of it as giving it a final decency and dignity.

ruin it!
Then you are our 'one of us', and my sister will take you to see the really amazing things. "

(End of this chapter)

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