The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 313 12. The end of the world is drizzle, Mason experienced it when he was a baby

Chapter 313 12. The end of the world is drizzle, Mason experienced it when he was a baby

"Not to mention why you want me to drop by and destroy your er, our hometown, you should at least tell me what happened there, and why I had this card on me when I was sent to Gotham?"

Mason, who was bound by the noose of submission, sat on a chair and looked at the swordsman master mentor who was also wrapped around his wrist by the noose. The two seemed to be playing a somewhat perverted game.

He didn't show any surprise when he heard the latter's request, but asked calmly:

"And what does the 'recycling operation' you mentioned just now refer to? This matter is full of doubts. If you don't explain it clearly, I really don't dare to act immediately."

"Oh, how can you be a mother-in-law as a man?"

The swordsman was a little troubled.

But Mason's request is also reasonable, so she thought about it and replied:

"It's not that I didn't tell you. I'm not very clear about the specific situation. Don't show such an expression, I didn't lie to you! The night the incident happened, I was still lying on the edge of hell.

By the time I received the news and hurried back to the human world, a nuclear war had already broken out.

80% of the entire world has been plowed by nuclear bombs, and the devils and demons who were in charge of receiving people in hell that night were almost paralyzed from exhaustion.

Every level of hell is full, and I heard that the same is true on the Heavenly Mountain side.And in the chaotic days after the war, before I could gather my compatriots together, people from another world suddenly appeared.

And they call themselves the 'Hope Council', a disaster relief organization from another world, including some of our 'other world compatriots'. "

Liana sighed.

She didn't hide what happened to her, and grabbed a ball of black energy that turned into flying ghost claws, grabbed the half-drunk wine she put on the desk, and took a big gulp.

Under Mason's gaze, she quickly said the next thing:

"The world was in chaos at the time, and no one knew what those people were doing, and when we called our people to prepare for possible conflicts, they first expressed their kindness.

Another Professor X stood up and stopped the chaos in the world with spiritual power. I also met another self. She had a completely different life trajectory from mine and became a nun.

I hate her.

But after she died in a special operation a few years ago, I found that I actually didn't hate her that much.

In short, after a series of contacts between the two sides, those of us were transferred as refugees from the world that had been abandoned by the war. We call this the 'Great Transfer'.

It lasted five full months before it finally came to an end.

At that time, there was no convenient World Gate, and there was no Star Club.

That was the first time I knew about the existence of the Council of Hope. Afterwards, I was selected by the clansmen as a representative to join the formally formed Stars Club, and rose all the way to my current position.

Well, that was already 17 years ago. Just half a year before the first impact, according to the development process of our higher-level organization, that stage was still in their infancy, and the big transfer operation was their end. The most successful attempt since the beginning of the era.

I also met Hunter at that time.

Tsk tsk, she was still very young at that time, following behind her parents like a little follower, she rescued some young mutants from the ruins, that is, Anna and the others.

Later, Anna took the rescued mutants and joined the Stars Club to work with her. "

"Do you really believe in this kind of 'Apocalypse of the Doomsday' story?"

Mason narrowed his eyes and asked:

"You never suspected them?"

"I know what you mean."

The swordsman took a sip of wine, shook his head and said:

"But our hometown has entered the end of civilization and the Council of Hope does not matter, the nuclear war that destroyed order and civilization was not provoked by them.

At that time, the gate of the world hadn't been casted yet, and they couldn't do anything if they wanted to intervene on a large scale. They didn't have that ability, you know?

At that time, they used the Infinity Gauntlet to cooperate with many superhumans who could travel between worlds to barely open a transfer channel to communicate the two worlds.

I have also secretly investigated these years.

Everything that happened in the hometown is very consistent with the definition of "interplanetary war" by the stars, and they really played the role of "savior" 17 years ago.

At least on the surface.

The loss of data during the big transfer was serious, Mason, and your suspicions cannot be confirmed without evidence. "


Mason frowned, and after thinking for a while, he asked:
"As for the organization behind you, you said earlier that you would not accept the old Green Goblin's contact request because he is not one of your own, so this organization only accepts mutants, right?

Do you have any countermeasures in the shock event?

I mean, you can't just call everyone together and wait to die, can you?Definitely trying to save myself or something. "

"Yes, and we've been advancing."

The swordsman waved her hand, she stood up and said:

"But I can't tell you yet, your X gene is still recessive. Theoretically, you are just an ordinary person at the moment, and I can take you to 'Utopia' only after you truly become 'one of my own'.

As for your being sent away during the nuclear war and the 'recovery operation' implemented after the establishment of Utopia, this is not my responsibility.

I just know there is such a thing.

But as far as I know, the Aix team on the hunter's side, that is, Anna and the others carried out the recovery operation more than ten years ago. I will help you contact her and prove your identity.

She will tell you more.

I think you've seen it too, Mason, I'm basically a hands-off shopkeeper, unlike a hunter who is obviously incapable but insists on doing big things, I'm very accurate about my situation.

I basically don't get involved in things beyond my control, so my little life has been pretty comfortable so far. "

The swordsman patted Mason on the shoulder while letting go of the noose that restrained him, and said:

"Go back and get ready, I'll send you to our hometown when you're ready.

In addition, I heard that Warlock has placed an A-level person on duty in our home world. The real identity of the other party is unknown, but the code name is 'Commander', so you have to be careful.

Bring your guns!
The more the merrier, do you need me to find you some people to go with you? "

The swordsman flicked his long golden hair and said enthusiastically:
"I can summon a team of three A-level members. This time it's our own business. There's no reason why they won't show up."

"There are three of us in the 12-member council?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and said in surprise:

"The power of mutants is so strong in the stars? According to this ratio, we also have a great say in the higher-level organization?"

"Uh, well, it's so-so."

The swordsman pouted and said:

"It doesn't really matter how powerful it is, maybe it's just because we joined early? As a veteran-level force, there must be some preferential treatment. There are two of us in the parliament, but they are all in the hands of the X royal family.

They are not the same as us.

In the circle of mutants, those of us who have lost our hometown, lost our leader, and even the X-Men have disappeared, are incomparable with other "regular army". "

"I have one last question!"

The hat on Mason's head moved, he stretched out his hand to comfort him, then looked at the swordsman in front of him and asked seriously:
"A year ago, to be precise, a year and seven months ago, did you carry out a private mission to invade a wizarding world and search for something called the Sorcerer's Stone?
According to the description in the notes left by the parties, Scarlet Witch and Storm should be involved. "

"I don't know that."

The swordsman spread his hands without changing his face, and said:

"You gave me too little information, there are too many mutants from different worlds housed in Utopia, and there are no fewer than five Scarlet Witches of all ages and mental states.

The number of Storm girls is even higher.

We have Black Storm, White Storm, Short Hair Storm, Sexy Storm, Granny Storm, Maiden Storm, and Baby Storm.

Some of them were arranged to be war inspectors in the sequence of conquerors, which is a privilege won by the X royal family, but there and the stars will be two systems, so I generally don't ask about these things.

If you really care about this, can I look it up for you? "

"Forget it, it's not a big deal."

Mason smiled, waved his hand and said:
"That world has already been destroyed by the third impact. I'm just asking casually, so that's it. I'll go back and make preparations and wait for Miss Anna's visit, and then I'll ask you to take me there."


The swordsman nodded in satisfaction, and personally sent Mason to the door of the office and said:
"Remember to keep it secret, although our existence is not a secret in the entire organization, but you must have a special status, and it is good to reduce a little attention.

I heard that you are very good at causing trouble. Although I am not afraid of trouble, you should try to keep a low profile. "

She reminds:

"Stop doing things like the Isu world, you don't know, those things have left a psychological shadow on me."

"That's out of my control. I'm not very lucky in that regard."

Feeling helpless, Mason bid farewell to the swordsman, left the top floor of Fort Stars and walked into the elevator with a normal expression. The moment the elevator door closed, the hat on his head said in a hoarse voice:

"She's lying! She knows that! When you asked her, there was a slight shift in her hell-originated magic, surreptitious but I could feel it.

That's what mutants do!

Mason, it was your fellow countrymen who ruined my world!Just for a few Sorcerer's Stones! "


Mason made a silent movement, narrowed his eyes, and whispered:

"Low-key, hat, let's investigate this matter slowly later."

The swordsman who sent Mason away opened his drawer in the office with an ugly face, and took out a spar for communication. After connecting to a certain communication, she cursed at the other side:

"Look at the good things you guys are doing! As I said before, the X royal family is a group of extreme warmongers, and I should be responsible for finding things.

I have a lot of people who are stealthy, you guys have to do it yourself!
Now that there is trouble, it seems that our new compatriots have a good relationship with the world that was ruined by you. My old lady almost leaked the truth just now, but fortunately I kept it a secret. "

"Swordsman, you know the situation at that time."

A hoarse man's voice came from the opposite side of the spar, and he said:
"We can't afford to waste time in that situation. The situation of the Supreme Professor has just stabilized. This matter is an absolute secret. Don't talk about it everywhere.

Don't put any more pressure on him.

If this new compatriot insists on rebelling against us because of this, then let him go, Utopia is not short of him.You know, it's about the interests of our species, and in this day and age we don't have the energy to care about other people's feelings. "

"Hmph, he is different from others, he is my little compatriot, from the same place as me, I will not let you bully him!"

The swordsman replied very hard, then she hesitated and said:
"The third impact is over, so what is the result of the experiment the Supreme Professor has been advancing?"

There was a moment of silence and said:

Obviously the fusion of worlds is not as simple as the reshaping of magnetic fields and planets. We lost a Magneto and many compatriots who manipulated the earth.

Alas, may their sacrifices provide a future for the beleaguered mutants. "
"I heard that you made big news again, Mason, all the vassal teams of Mr. Hunter were dispatched before, and even the staff of Fort Stars were deployed to support that secret operation.

It was only through my relationship that I found out that it has something to do with you.

Are you a troublemaker by nature? "

In the alchemy factory resident on the second floor of Fort of Stars, a blond short Edward Elric held a glass of fruit juice and said to Mason who was sitting across from him and flipping through a stack of blueprints in a mocking tone:
"Al and I have been in the Stars Club for so many years, and we haven't seen anyone who can make trouble like this."

"The most powerful thing is that you guys get out of your body again and again!"

The younger brother who looks like a ghost in the armor brought freshly squeezed juice to Mason. He was also very surprised and said:
"You guys are really lucky in terms of escaping, and it only took you more than two months to go from D-level to C-level and then to B-level, which can be regarded as a remarkable achievement.

Team K's reputation among the rogues has become increasingly popular, and many friends have asked us to ask for help and see if they can join you. "

"Squad K currently has no plans to recruit new members."

Mason smiled modestly, picked up the blueprint in front of him, and said to Brother Elric:
"I want all of these. Although they are all ordinary objects, they are not bad for practicing. But don't tell me that your collection is only at this level?

Show me something awesome. "

"You want something powerful? Okay, we happen to have it in our hands, and I will ask you to palm it."

Edward and his younger brother looked at each other. The two brothers mysteriously took out a small box from the secret compartment of the alchemy factory and placed it in front of Mason.

The moment the box was opened, Mason immediately widened his eyes.

He looked at the blood-red irregular spar and almost jumped up, but his mind was calm after all. Under the gaze of the two brothers, he reached out and touched the surface of the spar, picked it up and examined it carefully.

The info tab pops up shortly:

Philosopher's Stone/Minor Sorcerer's Stone

Quality: The product of epic alchemy, the ultimate craftsmanship
Traits: Unstable · Low-level reality rewriting · Alchemy medium
Producer: Edward Elric

Item description: Although it looks very similar, the gap between it and the genuine Sorcerer's Stone is as desperate as the gap between the stupid Mason Cooper and the great me.


This item is a downgraded product of the Philosopher's Stone. Although it can also be regarded as a top-level transformation medium, its ability to join the alchemy process is weakened and the number of uses is reduced to [1/1].

Included in the blueprint of the weak magic stone, making this item requires alchemy Lv7.

"Is this a downgraded version?"

Mason put the blood-colored crystal in his hand into the box. He looked at Brother Elric and said with surprise:
"It took you less than a month to produce a magic stone of this level. You really deserve to be a genius alchemist. Compared with you, I really have a pair of pig's hooves."

"Don't say that, Mason, without the blueprints and samples you provided, the two of us would not have been able to pass the technical reserve stage out of thin air. From this point of view, the three of us made this thing together."

Edward did not hide his secrets.

He signaled his younger brother to hand over the complete alchemy transformation blueprint to Mason, and said to him:
"The Philosopher's Stone, which was made without the cost of human life, can be regarded as a fulfillment of one of our dreams, but the cost of making it is high, and the attempt during this period of time almost bankrupted both of us.

Next, I have to figure out the process of the elixir, but it is really a headache to collect the materials because I am so shy. "

Having said that, Al put a large number of orders in front of Mason's eyes with a bang, and said:

"So, I will trouble you with these orders, Mason. Although I need to borrow your labor, the money earned through the orders will be used to explore the formula, and we will share these mysteries with you."

"so much!"

Mason looked at the order up to his waist and said with a headache:
"It will take me at least half a month to finish these, so I don't have time to do other things."

"It's not paid."

Edward smiled meanly, reached out and pushed the weak magic stone in front of Mason's side, saying:
"I know you are under a lot of pressure, so you can use it first. Remember to make a record of the experiment and send it back. I'll see if I can modify the process or something."


Mason rubbed his head, put away the huge amount of business orders in front of him, and glanced at the two brothers again.

He rolled his eyes and said:
"You don't like Star Fort, what are you doing here all day? Why don't you go to a good place with me? You are not forced to join Team K, but we are already friends.

Let's go.

Go to my place? "

(End of this chapter)

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