The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 314 13. As I said earlier, how could this Artisan Union be a serious organization?

Chapter 314 13. As I said earlier, how could this Artisan Union be a serious organization?

"I really believed in your ghost!"

On the top floor of the Osborne Tower, Edward Elric, who was tricked by Mason in the clumsy name of "tasting alchemy", stomped violently and yelled at Mason:

"This is obviously a wasteland world! Is there something funny here?"

"Don't say that, brother, look at the Amazons fighting over there, wow, these big sisters are so powerful."

Alphonse, the armored ghost beside him, didn't see it that way. It was rare for him to see such a "vibrant" wasteland, especially the multi-ethnic mix here made him very curious.

Although these two brothers have basically never done missions after joining the Stars Club, they relied on their alchemy skills to win them a quite detached position in the Stars Fort. A little help, a little bad for the stars.

However, because of his knowledge and experience, Alphonse could tell at a glance that there were at least four different races from four worlds living in this wasteland city.

This kind of situation is very common in the garden world where the stars will specialize in arranging space-time refugees, but it is obviously impossible for this wasteland to be used for arranging refugees.

So the only explanation is that people from different worlds here are all the work of K-team.

"I probably know what you have done in your adventures and pioneering."

Alphonse turned his head to look at Mason, and the armored brother whispered:

"It's really rare that you are really doing something like saving."

"It's just a little bit of insignificant contribution, it's not worth your surprise."

Mason waved his hand. He didn't just lure the two brothers here. He pointed to the abandoned city of New York in the distance, and said to the two brothers, one tall and one short, beside him:
"This world is full of creatures infected by the source zombie virus. It is a very rare world that has been polluted but not destroyed. I have been thinking about making a vaccine that can resist the source zombie virus.

That is the most deterrent invasion weapon in the hands of the Stars. Once it is done, it means that the difficulty of the Hounds' invasion of the innocent world will increase sharply.

But to do this, I need helpers. "


Although Edward was angry, he still answered very seriously as it related to the professional field:
"Our two brothers have tried this kind of thing before. The weakened version of the zombie virus can be resisted, but the pollution of the source virus is too strong, and there is almost no solution.

What's more, we can't get pure virus samples at hand, but samples extracted from infected organisms can't make antidote. "

"I have!"

Mason patted Edward on the shoulder and said:

"My world has thwarted the pollution tactics of the hounds before, and there are several warheads of pure viruses stored there, and I can bring them to you.

In addition, ordinary alchemy potions really can't stop the source virus, but we have this in hand now! "

He took out the box containing the weak Sorcerer's Stone, and said to Edward:

"This little baby who can regenerate all alchemy items will definitely help, and I can also provide a vaccine formula to deal with the weakened virus."

He looked at the two brothers, his eyes were full of invitations and requests.

But the two brothers didn't reply immediately, but walked aside to discuss for a few minutes, and then, Edward with his arms folded came over and said to Mason angrily:

"Hey, you've come to this point with your words, you've made your preparations to this point, obviously you have grasped the temper of our two brothers, it would be unreasonable not to help if we are all like this.

OK, we stay here.

But we need professional biological laboratories and alchemy laboratories, as well as assistants. "

"It's all ready for you."

Mason snapped his fingers, handed the two keys to Edward, and said:
"My alchemist assistant is a superpower who can manipulate plants. She can catalyze the growth of all plant-based raw materials, which is a perfect help for alchemists.

She will be in charge of assisting you.

But I would like to remind you that this girl has a weird personality, you two, don't think badly, or you will be at your own risk. "

"I have a girlfriend! She's still waiting in Garden World for me to come home and give birth to my baby."

Edward rolled his eyes and said:

"And look at Al's appearance again, does he have the ability to do something even if he wants to? But if your assistant can really manipulate plants, then we can solve many materials for the weak magic stone by ourselves.

That's a good thing."


A deep vibration suddenly came from the ground, and it was transmitted along the tall building to the top floor, causing the two brothers to almost fall.

Edward grabbed a handful of metal ingots and was about to launch a formation to defend against the enemy, but was stopped by Mason. He looked at the time on his watch and said to them:

"It's not an attack, don't be afraid, I'll go down and have a look, you go to the laboratory first, and meet Ivy to build a good relationship.

Oh, by the way, those Amazons also have alchemy knowledge of the Olympian gods in their hands. You can try to get in touch with them. They are a group of warlike warriors. Now they are eager for good weapons and armor. Can help them Create your own new kingdom in the wasteland.

You are sure to be the guest of honor for those muscular babes. "

After speaking, Mason left with a wave of his hand, and walked into the elevator to go straight down to the underground area of ​​Osborne Tower.

The two Elric brothers did not leave the lounge on the top floor. They stood by the window and looked at the wasteland under the doomsday. After a few seconds, the weaker brother Alphonse took the initiative to say:

"Brother, Mason wants to win us over. He is no longer satisfied with the current cooperation between the two parties. He hopes that we can establish a closer alliance with him."

"Who can't see this?"

Edward was not in a good mood.

But that had little to do with Mason tricking him over here.

It was purely because the short alchemist saw the doomsday scenery in front of him. He didn't like this scenery, and even resisted it. It reminded him of his hometown that had perished in the disaster of the stars.

But his brain is really good.

His early experience also made him have a far more mature thinking than his peers. He looked at the crowds on Osborne Tower Square who clearly belonged to different world styles. After a while, he sighed and said:

"It's not just the two of us that he wants to win over, Al. We're just his breakthrough point, and he wants to use our prestige among the rogues of the Stars Association to absorb those free forces.

Little brother
Mason was planning to do something really big, and it struck me as dangerous.

Perhaps, we should try to open some relationship with him, this is a dangerous vortex, it will pull us into it and make us unable to get out. "

"No! Brother."

The younger brother who always obeyed Edward's words was uncharacteristically stubborn this time. He stretched out his hand and pushed his medieval armor, and whispered:
"I've had enough of living with nowhere and no direction, no matter what you think, I'm going to help them!"

"You are crazy!"

Edward scolded:

"You don't even know what kind of strength Mason has now and which allies. In my opinion, it's like a mantis holding a cart, which is no different from death."

"But have you ever seen a pioneer like this?"

The younger brother pointed to the bustling square outside the window, he said:
"Those people we met were either greedy for profit and wanted to grab everything, or they were submissive to the power of the Constellation, and none of them could achieve great things!
Mason is an exception.

Not only did he dare to resist, but he has succeeded so many times. His art of struggle is worth learning for everyone.elder brother!Our choice to be homeless is not that we really turn a blind eye to it all.

We just don't have a choice.

But now, we have.

I don't want to go all the way to the dark with the stars. Warlock has sent people to contact us several times, and his tone is getting tougher every time. If this continues, it is impossible for us to stay out of the matter.

They're going to make us hounds.

But I don't want to!

Even if he didn't help Mason, hiding in Team K's territory could at least avoid being recruited and keep his hands clean.

We can take Wen Li and her mother-in-law over, as well as the master and the colonel in an unknown world. They have been hiding and resisting.

They would certainly be willing to work with someone like Mason. "


Edward stopped his younger brother's radical speech, he let out a long breath, and said:

"It's not safe here, and if Mason wants us to be his allies, he'll have to let me see for himself what he's capable of. Don't worry, Al, I'm not scared.

I'm not afraid of those hounds!
But that doesn't mean we have to hand ourselves and our friends over.

Do you understand?
We don't have to be on the side of the winner, but at least we have to stand by the side of those who are likely to win. Don't contact the colonel and them first, and don't give them hope that may disappear at any time.

Just wait and see.

Mason knows what we think, and he will pick a suitable time to show us his plan and strength.

As an alchemist, you have to be patient. Let's go!Look at the alchemy room he prepared for us, I won't be satisfied if it's too bad! "
"What's the trouble! What's everyone doing? Don't you think the trouble you caused isn't big enough?"

In a cage near the city's water purification plant on the ground floor of Osborne Tower, Harley, with her two big dogs, sat on a chair, smoothed her pet's fur with a steel brush, and looked at the cage in front of her. Several people scolded:

"If Mr. K's relationship wasn't strong enough, you little bastards would be eaten alive by the old green goblin. I don't know how many dishes, so I'm going to drive you crazy like this!

How dare you fight the Amazons!

Do you have the strength to fight hundreds of Amazons at once?

understand!I advise you to be more pragmatic and understand your concept of 'escape' before trying to escape next time, okay?
Just bumping around like headless flies, how can you run out of my little cute palm?Tch, I have to be here to watch you, it's so annoying.

I originally asked Ivy to do nails together today. "

Faced with the sarcasm and vicious tongue of this crazy beauty who is already in the shape of Mr. K in various senses, the few unbehaved reserve members locked in a cage in front of them are really angry.

Especially supergirl Kara-El.

Even though there was a red sun energy lamp above the cage, she still slammed her fists on the wall of the cage, causing waves of vibrations.

Express your displeasure in this way.

But this Kryptonian girl is really in a bad state. Not only is her hair messy, but even the Kryptonian suit on her body is torn out of shape.

But no one abused her either.

This was purely the result of a fight with hundreds of Amazon female warriors who were like wolves and tigers and had evil fire in their hearts in the final stage of the failed escape operation.

Although the Kryptonians are strong, they will definitely not be able to please hundreds of weakened versions of Wonder Woman.

Compared with her, the black boy Jackson and Professor Stein in the cage next to them are much more honest. Their fire storm matrix was temporarily "sealed" by the old green goblin with technological means.

Not being able to transform into a fire storm made the two of them ordinary people, so naturally there was no way to blow their hair under this situation.

Jaime Reyes in the outermost cage is the best.

This kid's blue beetle combat system is still being researched and modified in Dr. Octopus's laboratory. Without the alien armament, he is just a brat.

Facing Harry's scolding, he was annoyed, so he hugged the pillow to cover his ears.


The sound of the elevator door opening made Harry prick up his ears immediately, as if it was some kind of "special ability", she immediately jumped and hid at the door, waited for Mr. K to walk in with a smirk, and then pounced on him.

Holding Mason like a koala, he swayed and kissed Mason without hesitation. He was so passionate that he wanted to completely burn Mason, a "stubborn stone".

"Well, dear."

Hanhan's voice sounded from beside Mason, and Bizarro, the strange demon superman who didn't have enough brains, blinked his eyes and grinned, applauded and shouted:
"Bad Enemy Mason and Ugly Halle Kissing."

"You are the ugly one, and your whole family is ugly!"

Harry poked his head out of Mason's shoulders in displeasure, and shouted to Bizzaro, shaking his fist:
"Although I know that you idiot are praising me, but your words sound like provocations, shut up!"

"Why are you angry with him?"

Mason wiped the lipstick on the corner of his mouth helplessly, then patted Harley's waist to let her down,
This scene fell in the eyes of Far Zod beside him, causing Black Superman to show a slight smile in the dark, and then returned to that indifferent state.

He doesn't dislike Harley's crazy personality, he thinks that although Harley is crazy, she is much more sincere than most human beings.

This may also be the reason why Mason accepted Halle.

"I heard that you guys tried to escape, but were severely punished by the old green goblin?"

Holding Harry's hand, Mason went to the cage and sat on a chair. The "Warden" Superman standing behind him was quite majestic. Of course, it would be even better if Bizarro could stop the grimaces that kept winking at Harry. There is dignity.

This strange demon superman and Harley are a pair of wonderful "opponents". Occasionally, it is very rare for them to be able to connect to the same frequency of magical brainwaves. Maybe it is a wonderful tacit understanding between a fool and a lunatic?
Mason said to the four people in front of him:

"We have to talk, my reservists, express all your dissatisfaction and doubts, and I can help you answer them.

But after we finish chatting, you'll be ready to embark on your first pioneering mission.

I have already chosen my destination.

However, this journey is not expected to be smooth, and I hope you will also be prepared. "

"Mason Cooper!"

The most impulsive Kryptonian girl was holding on to the railing. She was very weak under the light of the red sun energy lamp, but this time she won't lose, and still yelled loudly:

"You tricked us here with evil methods! You also tried to make us serve you! Don't even think about it!"

"Two mistakes."

Mason held up two fingers and said:

"First, you were not tricked by me. You were specially sent here for 'training'. Second, I didn't ask you to serve me. I have no such idea at all.

You should be in the action if you really want to do something for our hometown. "

This answer made Kara's expression freeze.

Although she has inherited the reckless tradition of the Al family, she is also super intelligent. Mason's words contain a lot of thoughtful and frightening truths, so she must take some time to sort out the cause and effect.

Mason turned his head to look at the gray-haired but silent old man in the central cage.

他 说:

"It's fine if impulsive young people can't understand the problem, but Professor Stein, you are a real academic master and a real social person, why are you messing around with them?

I think you should be the first to understand your situation, right? "

"I persuaded."

Professor Stein pushed the mirror frame, sighed and said:

"But the young people are stubborn and won't listen to me, and there's nothing I can do about it. Well, Mason, stop hiding it and tell the whole deal about your deal with the Justice League, so that the young people will give up completely.

After all, we don't have much time, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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