The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 321 20. Whose beautiful motorcycle is parked here!Shall I drive away the chapter I don’t wan

Chapter 321 20. Whose beautiful motorcycle is parked here!If not, shall I drive away?
"Did you eat it?"

Harley watched Mason absorb the magic fire on the broken locomotive, she said something in surprise, and at the same time felt that her little sweetheart, Mr. K, is really amazing.

She was completely unaware of the profound meaning behind this seemingly ordinary thing.

Mason was not at peace right now.

His craftsman's magic fire originated from an adventurous attempt by Zha Kang. It was a "gift" obtained from the Lord of Fate through the curse of the Star Society, and it represented a trace of power from the godhead devil.

However, the demonized vehicles of these wasteland motorcycle gangs in front of them are some kind of "sacred objects" left in the ruins by the ghost riders from this world.

Both come from the same source.

This has fully explained the true identity of the Lord of Fate who hides his head and reveals his tail. Mason is very familiar with the origins of the various versions of Ghost Rider.

Let's just say, of course he admires the master most, followed by Logan, and No.3 may be Spider-Man, but if we sort it backwards, then the most powerful contender for Wonder Woman No.4 is that A coquettish man riding a motorcycle across heaven and hell.

That's right, Nicolas Cage. Ahem, I mean the man named Johnny Blazer.After all, who could say no to a lunatic, immortal, and tragically destined Burning Skull biker?

He can also piss out flames and burn a city!
That's pretty cool, right?

"Well, if it was just pure curiosity and exploration before, then now it seems that we really need to go to the base camp of the Ghost Rider Gang."

Mason stood up, and instead of absorbing the flames from the remaining dozens of demonized locomotives that had been blown apart, he took out the egg of the hapless phoenix Fox, and gave it to Harley to hold it to absorb those flames. Magic flame.

The previous appearance of this unlucky Phoenix was too tragic. The shame of being killed by sister Ka made him eager to complete the rebirth of Nirvana again.

These flames are what it desperately needs right now.

"Logan, you're still here."

Mason looked at the spider car behind him and the old wolf sitting in the driver's seat, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes, he was indeed the man he admired second.

Although he has fallen into the terrible state of having to pay in installments even to buy a bottle of water, he will still not be absent when someone needs him.

"I'm here to take you back, Mason, don't go any further."

Logan advised:
"The boss of the Ghost Rider Gang is not these rookie gangsters. He and the Hulk Gang have formed a lot of blood feud with his younger brothers. No matter what the Ghost Riders left here, they have been killed by the self-proclaimed 'Hell Knight'." Men are in total control.

You are here to find the origin of your life experience, not to seek revenge. "

"No, there will be no rancor."

Mason stretched out his five fingers, and the burning magic fire covered his palm like a candle. He said:

"I really want to choose a successor to Ghost Rider's legacy here, and I think it's definitely not the so-called Hell Rider. I'm just going to get back what I deserve.

Don't worry, Logan, there's no danger.

But can you please help me hold the line?I feel a little more at ease having Harry with you. "

"I want to go with you!"

Harry pouted, shook her body and said coquettishly:
"I can help you with a bomb! Mrs. Martha has improved the formula of the clown gas, which is deadly now, and I carry it with me everywhere."


Mason touched Harry's cheek and said:

"I don't want to see your face burned. If you are ugly, I will run away."

"whispering sound."

Harry snorted, threw a piece of chewing gum into her mouth, and sat reluctantly on the co-pilot of the Spider car, and then she saw Mason fix Fox's egg in front of the flying motorcycle, as if he had made a piece of gum for himself. "shield".

Putting on his safety helmet, Mason pressed the horn twice and rushed towards the ghost rider gang's base camp in the ruins of San Francisco.

This wave of active rushing to the tower soon aroused the counterattack of the Ghost Rider Gang.

A large number of locomotives of various models rushed out of the ruins with those carnivally screaming doomsday punk riders. They roared obscene language, and each waved their symbolic chains to chase after Mason.

Want to have a "Wasteland Rush" with Mason on their territory.

The attack patterns of these guys are interesting.

They kept accelerating the locomotive to ignite the demonized fire burning on the wheels, and then "ignite" the chain in their hands close to it, turning the chain into a demonized object and then smashed towards Mason.

Those chains will continue to extend like fire whips, but this weak demonized mason doesn't even look at them, and doesn't bother to answer them.

When those chains get close to the coquettish little motorcycles, the flames will be sucked away by the extremely hungry phoenix eggs in an instant, and even the riders driving the motorcycles will be affected, and the magic fire endowed on their motorcycles will flow along the flames of the phoenix. The extraction of eggs goes off quickly.

It's like a walking "deluminator".

Wherever Mason went, the riders of the Ghost Riding Gang, who were showing off their might with their vehicles, were silent one by one. Even if this group of fierce people managed to catch up with the flying motorcycles by relying on their excellent riding skills, Mason still had a close-up weapon.

The ooze monster Kevin attached to him will always turn into a big fist, sending them two bang bang punches in the roar of these "ghost fire middle-aged".

Kevin, who absorbed the body of Wonder Woman's clay puppet twice, is in a terrible situation now. That punch breaks the speed of sound. These ordinary people will die if they are hit.

The malicious Mason even took these ghost riders around the ruins a few times, and within 10 minutes, the huge ghost rider gang was killed at least one-third of the elite.

This horrific rate of attrition terrified the rest.

These bastards who gathered together by violence had no belief at all, and they were afraid of Mason's "fire-extinguishing" power, so they quickly dispersed.

This dissatisfied the phoenix egg that was placed in front of the flying motorcycle.

It made a buzzing sound to indicate to Mason that he was not full at all, and asked him to catch up with those delicious magic flames and eat them all!

"Keep your appetite! Little cutie."

Mason drove the Flying Motorcycle to the base camp of the Ghost Rider Gang with a burnt tire on the spot. He comforted the anxious Phoenix Egg and said:
"I'll give you something delicious later."


The door of the only "intact" huge building in the ruins of San Francisco was blown open by a missile, and amidst the smoke and dust, the blue motorcycle rushed into the hall that looked like a cult site.

A large group of high-flying men and women who were holding an "uncovered meeting" rushed forward roaring while grabbing their chains while lifting their pants.

Mason covered his eyes and scolded:
"Open YP, right? Warden rounds! Bastard, men left and women right! Stand up for me!"

Of course, it was impossible for him to fight in close quarters, so he threw the ooze monster with his hands. After Kevin landed, an explosion split him into three pieces, transforming into the Batsuit master, the classic Superman and Wonder Woman Diana respectively.

These are the three guys who are the most capable of close combat in the memory of the dramatist Kevin. Amidst the shouts, the "Big Three" became Mason's "forward" and began to fight against the gangsters of the Ghost Rider Gang. stand up.

Mason, who was well protected by Kevin, didn't take time to pay attention to the chaos around him. His eyes were already focused on the Harley motorcycle placed on a "black altar" in the center of the hall in front of him.

Mason is not a biker, and his knowledge of motorcycles is limited.

But he recognized the car in front of him at a glance. The Harley V22 was the classic car of Ghost Rider Nicolas Cage, but the state of the car was a bit "weird".

It itself is very run down.

It's like having an unpleasant time in a junkyard and being recreated, restored as best it can be by a bunch of shoddy folks resulting in an oddly colored shell.

It was placed on a decent but flawed "altar," under two wheels piled with skulls, human skulls.

This is obviously the final destination of the wasteland residents hunted and killed by the ghost rider gang from all over the place.

A large area of ​​magic fire surrounds the skull altar, burning from the eye sockets of those skeletons like lighted candles, and there are many waste soil locomotives parked on the "ring road" set up around it.

Their riders would ride these bikes through the ring and approach the altar when necessary, allowing the wraith bike's magic fire to attach to other bikes.

It's like a weird cult ritual.

"Those skulls are completely useless except for decoration."

The hat on Mason's head said in a tone of disgust:
"These biker lunatics got the ritual wrong, they didn't actually have any professional means of channeling it, these killings are pointless and cultish.

Destroy this place, Mason!
It's very uncomfortable here. "

"Should I say, welcome to the wasteland?"

Mason sighed, and with disgust in his eyes, he took out a few engineering grenades and threw them over, blowing up the uncomfortable altar and skull, but the Evil Spirit locomotive was not injured in the explosion.

A tall man wearing a weird wasteland motorcycle suit was startled by the explosion. He rushed out from a height and was accompanied by several naked women in coquettish dresses.

"Provocateur! The blood of the ghost knight will send you to hell!"

The crazy man roared and jumped down from a high place. What was surprising was that the evil spirit motorcycle started to fly up along the wall and caught this guy in the air.

Then, under Mason's gaze, a large amount of magic fire surged from the locomotive and covered the man's body. I really wanted him to turn into a burning skeleton rider like a ghost rider.

"I am a Hell Knight!"

He frantically swung the burning chain and hit Mason, he roared:
"I am the king of the wasteland! I am the messiah who kills! My father declares to me, let me take your head! Die!"

"This hanging man is crazy."

Mason curled his lips, but didn't even try to hide, letting the chains hit him.

As before, the burning thing was quickly sucked away by the flames when it approached the phoenix egg, and when it hit Mason, only the bare iron chain was left, and Mason grabbed it again.


He said sarcastically:
"Would you like to see how the real magic fire works?"

Afterwards, the magic fire manipulation was launched. Although the craftsman's skills were completely useless for combat, it was still easy to melt such a crudely made chain.

The scorching magic fire crawled and sprinted towards the opponent along the melting chains. This same source of fire originating from Lord Destiny was immediately sensed by the burning locomotive in front of him.

The latter is like seeing something familiar.

Not only did he immediately stop his wild sprint towards Mason, but he swayed on the spot, throwing the "Hellknight" flying away in the violent tail of the dragon.

The flames on the "Hell Knight" who was about to drive the "ancestral relic" to slaughter the invaders were all extinguished the moment he was thrown out.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment.

He saw the magic fire burning in Mason's hand while falling, and he didn't know which tendon was wrong. This guy who couldn't judge his mental state at all actually knelt on the ground with a plop.

He yelled madly at Mason like a pilgrimage:

"Ah! My father, you finally took pity on this doomsday wasteland and returned to your hell on earth, and you will lead us to the undead mountain to receive the glory of the ring of fire."


Before the nonsense roar was finished, the walls around the hall were shattered in violent collisions.

The spider car driven by the screaming Harley rushed out like a chariot, and a forklift-like obstacle avoidance device popped up in front of it, and it was crushed all the way until it crashed into the nervous leader of the ghost riding gang.

The poor "Killing Messiah" didn't even finish his hell bible before he was hit head-on and flew out.

The sharp shovel cut off his neck. Under Mason's speechless gaze, the head turned several times and landed precisely in front of the burning hell locomotive.

The astonishment of death shone in its unrepentant eyes, and in the next moment it was crushed by the burning wheels into flying ash, and the burning head flew out and hit the central altar, scattering the skulls of those innocent people in all directions. .

Like the final chapter of a hilarious and unlaughable wasteland joke.

This scene completely collapsed the morale of the Ghost Rider Gang.

The high bastards screamed and ran in all directions. Kevin wanted to chase after him but was called back by Mason.

Let them go.

He stood in front of his flying motorcycle, watching the "unmanned" burning motorcycle slowly approaching him, and finally stopped three meters away from him.

The car is still burning.

Just like with every scorching breath it takes, it seems to have its own consciousness looking at Mason in front of it.

"Johnny's car-loving personality, how could he leave you here, little one?"

Mason picked up the phoenix egg and approached the locomotive. Under the protection of the "powerful flame absorption" of the phoenix egg, he reached out and put it on the handle of the evil spirit locomotive. Dead Mason.

But it ended up not doing so.

After a second, the info tab pops up:

Johnny Blazer's Ghost Bike
Vehicle Quality: Epic Engineering/Inscription/Enchanted Creation·Immortal Craftsmanship [The broken car body leads to a decrease in quality]

Vehicle Traits: Source of Demon Fire · Will of Hell · Rider Adaptation · Ownerless Thing
Vehicle effects: Do not view without permission

Maker: Johnny Blazer/Zartanos
Item description: The poor little baby has lost its owner, but maybe it can't understand that it was abandoned. At this time, it needs a kind mechanic to appease its dazed and fragile heart and help it repair the serious damage. body.


Perfectly repairing this item requires engineering Lv7, inscription Lv7, and enchantment Lv7.

"You want me to take you to Johnny? You know I can always meet him."

Mason fondled the bike's badly damaged handlebars and said:

"Okay, I promise you, I'll fix you, but can I ride you until I find Johnny?"


The engine made a more irritable sound, as if scolding Mason for his rudeness, how could such a loyal motorcycle be ridden casually like those coquettish sluts?

Was that crazy Hellknight able to ride it because he was a collateral descendant of Johnny?

But the engine was running at high speed, causing the body of the car to fall off and hit the ground in one piece. This embarrassing scene made Mason and the evil spirit motorcycle fall silent at the same time.

After a while, the Evil Spirit motorcycle seemed to sigh, and shrunk its motorcycle body a few times in the flames to fit Mason's "slender" body.

That's the default until Johnny is found, so Mason can ride him.

But this is not without conditions.

Mason has to fix it, it's a disgraceful look for a ghost bike with a lot of pride.


The hat on Mason's head said faintly:

"He was in such a desperate situation, maybe I should have told him that some young guy who seemed like a good guy promised to sew me up, but so far it's only barely done.

Alas, the entrustment is not human. "

"Hehe, hat, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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