The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 322 21. Thief who steals other people's beloved things, you will be punished for your b

Chapter 322 21. Thief who steals other people's beloved things, you will be punished for your bad behavior~

The muffled rumble of engines echoed through the ruins of San Francisco at dawn.

Barbara was guarding the entrance of the camp, chatting with Jimmy Houtley and his sister Laura Houtley, and instructing the two children how to control the bone claws so that they would not be hurt.

She is very interested in the body structure of the Son of Wolverine, but unfortunately there is no special equipment to check it.

The sound of the engine made Barbara look up, and with a thought, there were a dozen Griffin drones deployed around in a defensive state, but soon, she saw Mason appearing on a strange looking burning motorcycle. In the dark night, behind him, Harry chased after him on a flying motorcycle.

It's like a race.

Farther away is the spider car full of supplies driven by the old wolf. Although Mason has repeatedly reminded himself that there are enough supplies in his bag, Logan does not need to search for things in the base of the Ghost Riders, but living in the wasteland Old Logan, who has cultivated a frugal character for 17 years and successfully transferred to "Wasteland Garbage Guy", is still very stubborn and collects all the things he needs.

It's hard to say whether this is the instinct of the wastelanders, because Mason saw the old Logan secretly pick a retro "flat shovel head" from the locomotive left by the Ghost Rider Gang and put it on the back of the spider car.

This is exactly the retro taste that Logan, the "undead", likes, so it may be Wolverine's "remnant soul" that caused the old wolf to "fake public affairs for personal gain".

But soon, Mason knew that he had misunderstood Logan.

He gave the retro motorcycle he had managed to find to his son Jimmy, who was clearly overjoyed.


This turned out to be a warm story of a wimpy father who wanted to make up for his son.

"Where did this incredible-looking motorcycle come from?"

Barbara looked at the flaming Harley motorcycle under Mason's crotch in surprise, but before Mason could answer, Harley, who came from behind, made an emergency stop with a dashing tail, allowing the "out of favor" little blue car to stop at the camp side.

Halle, who was wearing flying glasses, jumped to Barbara's side excitedly, took her hand and screamed:

"Mr. K found a better motorcycle, so from now on the lovely flying motorcycle is mine, I'm going to call it 'Harley Speed'!
And take my dog ​​for a drive around.

Put something awesome on it for me, Barbara, I want an awesome gun!Great cannon!Launcher of the Clown Bomb!Also put a unicorn wing and fence on it."

"Okay, I'll put them all on for you."

Batgirl perfunctorily comforted Harley who was jumping up and down very excitedly after getting a new gift. She probably understood when she watched Mason jump out of the car and picked up the toolbox to fix it.

The eldest daughter of the Gordon family rubbed her forehead helplessly, and said to her younger brother:

"I know that young people of your age are interested in motorcycles, but can you change your habit of picking up junk?

What a mess this car is!
Driving out will damage your honor Robin's status, the various motorcycles in the old man's garage are not enough for you to drive!What's the matter with this car? "

Barbara's adoptive sister hadn't finished talking about it, but the evil spirit motorcycle, which was said to be a "broken car" and stimulated a strong sense of self-esteem, suddenly accelerated and hit Barbara's buttocks.

This knocked Batgirl away and rubbed her buttocks before she got up and screamed:
"Mason! Take care of your car! Don't let it chase me! Okay, can I apologize? You are not a broken car, you are the most powerful motorcycle in the world, okay?
I'm wrong!

Still laughing there!Stop it, my hair is going to be burned! "

She was chased by the burning motorcycle and ran all over the ground. She had no choice but to use her flying claws to pull herself up to the upper level of the ruins before barely avoiding it. Seeing that the evil spirit motorcycle was still gathering strength to "spit", Mason hurriedly Step forward to appease it.

他 说:

"Don't make trouble, I have to check your body before departure, my dear, I have good materials here that can be replaced for you, but I have to get your drawings done first.

come over!Stubborn ass!We don't have much time. "

After making such a noise for a while, Mason was finally able to work. The damage to the Ghost motorcycle was indeed serious. It seemed that Eagle Eye's previous statement that Madman Venom was fighting Ghost Rider here was not a lie.

Mason inspected the entire car body, pessimistically found that at least four-thirds of the parts needed to be replaced, rounded up, it would have to be returned to the factory for overhaul, fortunately he has a suitcase factory that can handle the casting of these parts.

However, the "mouth" of this evil spirit motorcycle is quite tricky.

Mason took out all the existing magical metals and physical metals for it to choose, and it caught Zhenjin and Urujin at a glance.

The problem is that this thing is also scarce in Mason's hands, so he can only make it accept the next-level Kryptonian alloy and Isu gold as repair materials.

It also has its own ideas for improving the drawings. It uses its noisy engine sound to ask Mason to modify the drawings to its original shape but also add some cool functions.

It's like a stingy and demanding Party A!It's just a matter of asking Mason to get it a set of colorful blacks.

With so many requests, Mason's workload increased rapidly, and it would definitely not be finished in a few hours. Fortunately, the evil spirit motorcycle was reasonable, and Mason was not forced to fix it immediately.

When the dawn came, the engine and some internal parts were barely replaced to ensure that it would not run and "explode equipment", and the first stage of transformation was completed.

The rest of the shell and details need to wait for the suitcase factory to produce qualified parts.

The development this time is not considered an official mission, nor does it come through the gate of the world, so K team 2.0 has no mandatory time constraints, so Mason changed to a more relaxed rhythm.

He decided to wait for the sun to rise before setting off, mainly to take care of the eagle eye who had just undergone eye transplantation. This guy was very excited after seeing the bright light, and he couldn't wait to look around, but he accidentally saw the burning The evil spirit locomotive almost blinded his delicate eyeballs again.

This one is covering his eyes and weeping.

In desperation, he had no choice but to put on those coquettish little sunglasses to protect the newborn's eyeballs. After all, he has been blind for almost 17 years, and it will take some time to get used to regaining his sight.

After a sumptuous breakfast at the camp, which Mason himself cooks, the team set out again.

This time it was much more luxurious.

Mason and the Ghost Bike and the "Harley Speeder" opened the way ahead, and Logan and Hawkeye and the Hautley family sat on the Spider car, just like moving.

The last one is exaggerated.

In order to better collect information, Barbara released her Demon Lizard Tank. This tank has been modified into a vehicle "special for electronic warfare". Barbara alone can cooperate with Delaman AI in it. Perfect ride.

Not to mention whether it can fight or not, just the two 25MM rapid-fire guns and the four thermal missile launch tubes are enough to deter. The thing didn't dare to charge at all, for fear that someone's muzzle would turn around and send him to hell with a shuttle.

"Wow~ woof!"

Harley twirled the handlebars with red-and-blue flying goggles.

She likes her Harley speeding car very much, and her two dogs also like it very much. Now they will huddle together in the car, clawing at the edge with their paws and barking in all directions.

Obviously, he was as high as his master.

Harley also got a clown goggle for each of them, which looks like a migrating circus.

"Mason, we need to speed up."

Barbara's voice came from the Demon Lizard heavy tank at the rear, and she reported:

"Zod and Firestorm found some strange things in Hammerfell Town, nearly a hundred kilometers to the north, and they think you need to go and see for yourself.

It is said to be a legendary artifact in this world, called Thor's Hammer. If I heard correctly, it is probably the legendary Mjolnir hammer in Norse mythology. "

"It's surprising that there is such a thing in this world."

Wearing a safety helmet, Mason nodded. He slowed down so that the ghost motorcycle and the spider car were parallel, and asked Eagle Eye, who was sitting on the co-pilot and was looking left and right to practice his new vision:
"What's going on with Hammerfell up ahead? And that Thor's hammer? I guess it's another spooky story?"

"That's okay."

Clint, who had been put on new glasses, was obviously a lot more friendly. He sipped the wine that Mason kindly gave him, and said:

"Thor was the last soldier on the night of the nuclear war, fighting Loki to the death when Matt and I evacuated S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Later I heard that Loki and the Fantastic Four died together, and the bones of the evil god were further north, and we had to drive for three days to see him.

And Thor.
Unfortunately, he fell in the desert of Nevada, where it was officially ravaged by nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs can't kill the mighty Thor, but Hulk, who was driven crazy by nuclear bombs, can.

I've heard people say that the whole of Las Vegas was razed to the ground in the fight between these two guys, and finally with the nuke going off, the Hulk broke Thor's neck.

Thor's bones are gone, and Hulk has completely become a monster. "

Eagle Eye sighed, every time he talked about the past, he would be deeply moved, and the next story was taken over by the old wolf, who held the steering wheel and said in a hoarse voice while driving:

"Hulk plundered hundreds of women in distress and ran to the foothills of Southern California. A year later, the Hulk Gang appeared, and those sons of Hulk were the products of his crazy indulgence.

They entrenched there and eventually took over the radiation-ravaged land, and that's all I know. "

"Then Thor's Hammer is left there?"

Mason said:
"Is no one going to recycle it? Didn't it mean that the Red Skull established a regime in New Babylon? That guy is always eyeing these fetishes, right?"

"He sent someone there."

Eagle Eye said sarcastically:
"However, anyone can pick up the hammer of Thor? I heard that Thor cursed the hammer before he died. He hated all this and asked his weapon to stay in place forever and not be used by anyone. .

Twelve years have passed.

The living bastards in this wasteland want to try their luck.

They rebuilt Hammerfell from the ruins of Las Vegas, but none of them succeeded. "

"Well, I see."

Mason nodded, and he said to Barbara in the team communication:

"Sister, share this news with Kara and Blue Beetle, and tell them they can try to pick up that hammer before we arrive.

If they do, I send them back to the Justice League. "

"Are you serious?"

Barbara, who was called "old lady" by Mason for the first time, froze for a moment, then she said suspiciously:
"With the strength of the Kryptonians, if you go crazy, you can break the continental shelf. A warhammer can't stop them. You have lost interest in disciplining these disobedient guys, so are you going to smash it?"

"I just want some second-rate Kryptonian with a half bottle dangling around to know that she's facing a job with limitless possibilities."

Mason looked at the vast Gobi ahead, he whispered:

"Besides, I don't believe that Thor's dying wish was hatred. The inheritance oath of the hammer must be related to the successor of Thor's power.

If Kara can really become 'Thunderman', it means that she may have reached the height of Dachao. In that case, why not let her go back? "

The sound of a low-pitched, crackling engine sounded in an unknown place, and amidst a burst of flames, a strange speeding car with a unique and even indescribable shape roared towards it.

It is surrounded by raging fire, and the melting steel shapes the gloomy skull embellishment on the front of the car, and the chains wrapped around the car body look full of a sense of violence.

The driver of the fiery chariot is also burning.

The dead bones without flesh and blood are embellished with flames to make them plump again, and every acceleration is accompanied by harsh carnival, which seems to be born with the arrogance of heavy metal rock

It continuously travels through one world after another without stopping, just like a parade of fire above the sky, and also like the common manifestation of some higher power in different worlds.

At a certain moment, the never-ending fiery chariot stopped suddenly, and its driver spewed scorching sparks from its burning nostrils, and spat out a cloud of burning magma to the side with a hint of displeasure.

"The things I lost were picked up by someone, and that guy is not afraid of the evil spirit fire I left behind."

It rides on a cool flying car, looks up as if shouting to some invisible existence:
"Someone has entered that world! It's not an ordinary weak guy, do you need me to deal with it?"

It waits for a response.

But this response was obviously not delivered to it in normal words. After a few seconds, the burning skeleton knight twisted the handlebar again to accelerate his speeding car, and chattered like a complaint:
"Okay, okay, according to the rules, I can rush back as soon as I speed up, but I still have to go through a boring procedure, is this the twisted world view of the devils?

Fucking about destroying the world, you have to go to little details like this to try and show that you're not some big fucker looking for chaos. "

It complained loudly, then grabbed a communicator on the flying car that was also dotted with skulls, put it near its mouth and shouted:
"Hey, brother traitor! You're alive."

"Call me 'Warlock'!"

Another gloomy voice sounded from the communicator, scolding:

"If you yell that word that offends me any more, I'll bury you in heaven's paving bricks!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you know, my head is empty, don't argue so much with a brainless person."

The burning skeleton knight laughed and rushed into the stars, letting his speeding car pull out a dazzling flame in the sea of ​​stars. It shook its head in a certain violent rhythm, causing scorching sparks to scatter, much like The big fellow Taoist shouted loudly again:

"Someone broke into that world, and the higher-ups asked us to follow the rules, but that guy's ability is a bit strange. I have to go and see for myself, and let your people prepare the sacrificial ceremony to pull me over."

"Someone broke in?"

The Warlock Master was stunned for a moment, and then immediately returned to a gloomy posture.

他 说:

"Wait patiently, I'll arrange it right away. Also, restrain yourself when you pass by, that world can't bear your current strength."

But the communication has been hung up, and the warlock's instructions are equivalent to empty cannons.

In the gloomy meditation room of the Stars Fort, the Grand Master put down the communicator and activated the dark orb in front of him. A moment later, a terrifying face appeared on the orb, and asked rebelliously with the probability:

"What's wrong? Tell me!"

"Someone has entered your world."

The warlock didn't care about the guy's impoliteness, he pulled his gloomy hood and said:

"I'm checking their identities, you'd better be prepared to call the 'Knight' back if necessary."

"This is my world, my territory."

The figure in the orb snorted and said:
"I'll do whatever I want, you don't have to worry about me, just do your own thing, when I'm in trouble, I'll naturally ask the right person for help so I don't get stabbed in the back again.

After all, no one likes dealing with rats with a history of treachery, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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