The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 324 23. Jane Foster in this world said that she loved and was tired.

Chapter 324 23. Jane Foster in this world said that she loved and was tired.

Mason's three Kryptonians are the strongest in the squad, but they can't do anything with Thor's Hammer either, proving that pure brute force is useless against this thing.

The captain also wants to try the challenge of pulling out the hammer.

But he was clearly a know-it-all.

Under the faint gaze of the eagle's eyes, Mason took a deep breath, and said to the old stone hammer in a solemn tone:
"As conditions permit, I, Mason Cooper, the homecoming wanderer of this wasteland world, I swear that I will do my best to help this post-apocalyptic homeland.

Just like your previous holder did. "

As a solemn oath was promised, Mason then held the worn-out handle of Thor's Hammer. He seemed to have the illusion that the hammer body was shaking, but after several seconds, the hammer remained motionless under the force of his whole body.

Well, oath guessed wrong.

Thor's dying words have nothing to do with "guarding".

Eagle Eye, who was staring at Mason's movements, sighed regretfully, and the glimmer of expectation in his eyes under the sunglasses also dimmed.

The old hero took out the flagon jug at his waist, unscrewed the lid, and said softly:

"It's not your fault, Mason, it's just because this world is hopeless. Let it stay here, and let Thor's last wish rot with this world."

"If possible, I would like to."

Mason glanced at the black death sword suit on his left hand, and said:

"Sorry, Clint, your friend's relic may be damaged today. For me, when I can't use legitimate methods to obtain something I desperately need, I am actually not hesitant to use a more 'flexible' method."


The black viscous liquid covered Thor's Hammer under his feet like a swarm of snakes.

In an instant, the thunder splattered and the wind and cloud changed color, causing Eagle Eye and the old wolf not far away to look up at the sky at the same time. This scene reminded them of the glorious scene of the man who controlled the thunder descending from the sky a long time ago.

However, this is just an instinctive counterattack of the dilapidated artifact that has lost its master, but it is completely powerless to resist the bite of the wolf-like black death sword without any support.

In just a few seconds, all visions disappeared.

Wrapped in fine blue arcs, the Black Death Sword lazily returned to Mason's wrist, as if he had tasted a delicious morsel.

In the eyes of everyone, Thor's Hammer, which had stood here for 17 years, fell to the ground with a bang, as if it had lost all its magic.

This made Hawkeye suddenly stand up.

He looked at Mason in surprise, who smiled apologetically at him.

He really couldn't control Black Death Sword's actions, and he delayed giving him a chance to try just now because Black Death Sword saw that he had "happy cooperation" with Mason before.

"Okay, the brute force cracking is complete, now let us reveal what Thor's last words are."

Mason bent down and reached out to pick up Mjolnir, who had lost his divinity. His hands were heavy but within the acceptable range, as if all the divine power had been swallowed up and only a heavy body remained.

In Mason's eyes, the entry of the hammer is no longer concealed:

Mjolnir Thor's Hammer

Quality: Epic Forging/Inscription/Enchanted Creation·Immortal Craft [The lack of divinity reduces the quality]

Traits: Thunder Infused·Death Star Forged

Effect: The Thor's Hammer, which has been extracted with divine power, has been reduced to a mortal thing, but it can still be regarded as a high-level magic item, with considerable lethality, and can summon thunder attacks in the hands of the user.


Because it was made by dwarves, Mjolnir can be regarded as a forging hammer of the same quality. When using it for forging, there is a chance to infuse the finished product with additional entries related to the [Thunder] and [War] domains.

The effective probability of this effect is related to the blacksmith's skills. Under the current blacksmithing skills, the chance of triggering [Thunder Infusion] is low.

Divine Law (expired):

[-]. Anyone who holds this hammer can control the power of Thor, which comes from God King Odin.

[-]. Whoever it is, please save my brother from Thor Odinson, God of Thunder.

Created by: Aitri of Nidawi
Item description: I just wanted to tell you that there is actually a way to circumvent that law. If you can listen to me, you will have a meow hammer that belongs to you. Unfortunately, there is not enough space to write it down.
"Want to know what Thor's dying wish was?"

Mason ignored the item description that was obviously messing with his mentality. With a hint of ridicule, he held the Thor's Hammer that had lost its power, and turned to Eagle Eye and said:

"I think it will definitely exceed your imagination."

"Go ahead."

Clint said with a complicated expression:
"I will try my best to fulfill Thor's last wish, if we can still do it."

"At the last moment of his life, he still hoped that someone could help him save Loki, his bad-born brother."

Mason shook his head.

He threw the newly harvested forging hammer into his luggage, patted the dust on his hands, and said with emotion:

"Sometimes I really envy Rocky, and I also think that I don't need to think about the result when I do something wrong, because there will always be a stupid big guy desperate to wipe my ass.

I suspect that the unique way of getting along between the two brothers is just a little trick Loki uses to act like a baby to his brother, tsk, it always feels wrong to say that. "

"Speaking of this, I remembered a gossip I heard before."

Hawkeye rubbed his chin with a messy beard, and said softly:

"It is said that when the Fantastic Four blocked Loki, the evil god could have escaped, but he acted like a madman, contrary to his usual cunning, and fought with the Fantastic Four to the end.

The truth is exactly as you say.

The world without Thor is not worthy of nostalgia for Loki. He may have realized the cruel truth that Thor died at the hands of Hulk, so he chose to kill himself with the death of his relatives. "

"But why?"

The doubts in Mason's heart became more and more floating, and he asked:
"It is said that on the night of the nuclear war, the supervillains of the whole world united without warning, and they launched a counterattack against the justice camp under the leadership of the Red Skull.

Sounds like a mass madness of madmen.

But even lunatics do things for a reason, and if this was the area where a lot of nuclear bombs went off, why is there hardly any radiation left?
Look here, Clint, in terms of radiation residues, this place is much cleaner than Logan's farm, and even these people have lived here for 17 years.

Maybe someone absorbed all the radiation during the detonation?

Is it Hulk?

Catalyzed from gamma energy, he does have such an ability, which may also explain the result of his battle with Thor. Killing Thor is not an easy task even for the furious Hulk. "

"I haven't heard similar rumors, but your guess is very reasonable. This can also explain why Hulk went crazy. The terrifying radiation was absorbed into the brain as a force, enough to destroy his useless brain.

As for the truth of the nuclear war, maybe it is the prophesied doomsday natural disaster? "

Eagle Eye popped a cigarette to his mouth and said:
"Only in terms of results, the entire world and civilization did collapse after that night, which verifies their previous prophecy of doomsday events."

"No, it's a civil war at best."

Mason shook his head and said:
"The real crisis comes from outside the world, but I guess you are well protected so you don't know what's going on outside for 17 years."


Eagle Eye curled his lips and said:
"This is the most nonsense I've ever heard! Making the world like this is still called protection. The values ​​​​of you outsiders are really fucking distorted."

"At least you are still alive, although you are like mice living in a garbage dump, eating leftovers every day."

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and he said patiently:

"It sounds miserable, but the truth is that you only need to pay attention to the food to satisfy your hunger and beware of the maliciousness of the people around you, instead of spending your remaining energy on worrying about some more terrifying situations.

To be honest, you will be envied outside for your 'carefree' living conditions. Why?you do not believe?Would you like to take a moment to listen to me tell you what kind of troubles the entire parallel world system has encountered in the past 17 years? "

Mason wanted to talk to Clint carefully.

Eagle Eye was also a little moved, but at this moment, the captain suddenly felt the excitement of the black death sword battle suit that had just been "satiated" on his wrist.

This surprised him.

At the same time, Barbara's screams also sounded on the communication:
"Mason! Something's coming out of the ground! Run!"

Mason activated the speed ring with a jerk, threw the spider car into the bag at the moment of superluminal speed, and then grabbed the eagle eye and ran out a few kilometers away.

The poor old hero was caught off guard and experienced a "supercar" that accelerated to the speed of light in a few tenths of a second. The moment Mason showed his figure, Clint fell to his knees with a plop, almost Spit out the stomach.


Even the superhero's sense of balance is not born to adapt to this rhythm!

Better get me ready before you run off, okay?


But before Eagle Eye could complain, one-fifth of Hammerfall's surface collapsed suddenly.

Like a big earthquake that changed the earth's crust, and like a legendary earth dragon turning over, as far as the eye can see, the already dilapidated buildings fell down in rows and splashed a lot of smoke and dust.

Chaotic screams erupted in the city, and Mason, who reacted extremely quickly, grabbed a replica wide falcon backpack and activated the thrusters to fly into the sky and look ahead.

Flying smoke and dust severely reduced visibility.

But one can vaguely see a nest of filthy black tumbling in the crack like the legendary snake that devours the world.

"What it is?"

Mason frowned and asked softly, but no one could answer him, because the K team 2.0 members except him and Barbara had never seen anything of this scale.

"Mason! I detected a very strange life signal."

Ten seconds after the earthquake, Batgirl's voice rang through the team comms, saying:

"The thing below is very similar to Selena's venom suit! But the biological energy level is at least twenty times higher! In addition, the blue beetle scanned the gap, and we can be sure that the thing has hollowed out Hammerfell and the nearby Gobi. The underground space is like a monster hiding in the ground is startled by something.

The initial explosion point of this thing is in your area. What the hell did you do? "

"The Hammer of Thor!"

Mason narrowed his eyes, and the cause and effect were instantly connected. He said:

"I took Mjolnir, so this thing got out of the way. Well, a very reasonable explanation. It seems that the divine power of Quake's hammer was restraining the surrounding ground, which happened to suppress this thing under the ground. relief."

He touched the extremely excited black death sword suit on his wrist again.

The old man's excitement at this time was not the excitement of seeing the food, but more like the excitement of seeing a bully of the same kind who could be "bullied" by it, which made Mason curl his lips.

"You finally found the same kind, look at you."

He looked at the giant black symbiote that was still expanding the gap, and complained to the black death sword suit:

"But you don't intend to help me, how can I clean up this mess now?"

"Capture! Fusion! Complete!"

The black death sword battle suit understood Mason's meaning, and rarely took the initiative to convey a ray of consciousness information to his "pendant". It was very vague, but he could still distinguish its meaning.

"Maybe it's because the giant symbiont in front of me has undergone some kind of qualitative change beyond the quantitative change?"

Isu biologist Consus projected on Mason's side, and explained to Mason based on his own guesses in the professional field:

"As the apex of the King's Landing symbiote family, the fragment of the Black Death Sword dismissed the venom in Selena's hands, but it became interested in the extremely large sample in front of it.

You should meet its demands, my brother.

This may complete the fragments of the Black Death Sword in your hand, or unlock more vitality. "

"But is it really necessary?"

The hat on Mason's head complained:

"I think this guy is already active enough, and it's only interested in divine enemies. It seems a bit outweighed the gain to let Mason risk his team members' injuries to attack such a dangerous enemy?"

"No, my lord the hat."

Consus explained slowly:
"The fragments of the Black Death Sword only attack divine enemies. In addition to its own arrogance, it is also because it is in a weak state. Providing it with more choices may help it exert its power more frequently."

"Is it really?"

Mason is skeptical of that claim.

But he finally chose to trust Consus's professional opinions in his own field, but before making an action, Mason still needed to collect a little more target information.

"Blue Beetle!"

The captain instructed in the team communication:

"Turn on the life scanning mode of the scarab system, and sweep this guy from the beginning to the end! Then tell me the conclusion, and others should stay away.

Harley, get the Hautleys and Hawkeye out of danger on a motorcycle. "

"Received!" X2
Two vigorous responses from a man and a woman sounded.

The blue flying motorcycle turned around and flew out of the smoky Hammerfell Town. Harry, wearing a goggle, slammed the accelerator, while the old wolf was sitting in the back of the car, clinging to Mason's magic suitcase.

His family is in it.

Behind Harley, the blue beetle armed with alien scarabs accelerated towards the giant black symbiote that was tearing apart the ground below.

Inheriting the tough folk customs of the Texans, the cowboy boy is surprisingly bold, and he has no fear in the face of this huge monster with a diameter of about ten meters in front of him.

But after getting closer, he discovered that the "giant snake" he thought had no scalp-numbing snake skin or bones at all.

This thing is only covered with a layer of rock shell. After the thick rock shell is gradually broken, what is exposed is a "body" that is still staggering and rolling like black mud.

It's like a thing made from petroleum.

"It's disgusting."

He cursed, and then activated the life detection according to Mason's request.

The life detection of a cosmic level war weapon is extraordinary. The blue light beam shoots out from the arm of the blue beetle, and sweeps into the surging giant below like an X-ray. It takes him ten seconds to sweep from the beginning to the end, and then reports to :
"Report to the captain! The target is suspected to be a cosmic life in the form of a parasite. It has grown to a very advanced level and is suspected to have super-deadness.

Information on the weaknesses of this race is not included in the scarab database, but the combat advice it gives is to use fire!I can make a flamethrower."

"You better put away your little water gun first, it won't come in handy."

Mason asked:
"Did you find the host of the symbiont in the scan?"


The blue beetle was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the information and repeated confirmation before replying:

"No! No! This symbiont is a single life, and there is no second life signal in its body."

"Sure enough, your guess is right, Consus."

Mason nodded and it became clear where the excitement of the Black Death Sword came from. He was suspended in the air and said:
"The venom in front of us seems to have completed the 'evolution'. Like the black death sword, it does not need a host to maintain its individual existence. No wonder the black death sword uncle is excited about its appearance."

"I'm always right in the professional world, my brother."

Consus' figure turned into pixels and dissipated. He reminded:

"The target of this strange symbiote is the life in the city. It is obviously very hungry and wants to feast on brothers. Whatever you want to do, hurry up."

"Certainly caught it."

Mason rubbed his chin, watching the dramatic geological changes in front of him.

He said in the tone of a researcher:
"The environment of the wasteland and the fierce battle 17 years ago obviously caused some interesting changes in Venom, and its vitality can obviously be used as a better research material.

Tsk, it's rare to meet.

The wasteland as the hometown is really generous enough not to disappoint. "

(End of this chapter)

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