The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 325 24. The passing super symbiont just wants to add a meal, what's wrong with it?

Chapter 325 24. The passing super symbiont just wants to add a meal, what's wrong with it?

"Mason, what should we do? Withdraw? Or fight?"

After the blue beetle's on-site situation assessment information was communicated to the teammates, everyone felt tricky.

Facing the inquiry from Barbara, the "number two" of Team K at this time, Mason thought for a moment and then gave an order to the team members suspended in the air:

"Although Hammerfell is a chaotic place, since we encountered it, we can't ignore it, Barbara, and released the drone to guide the locals out of the preset engagement zone.

The Kryptonian team stepped forward to attract the target's attention with a heat ray attack, and Bizarro prepared to 'take a deep breath'!
Firestorm!Immediately enter the combined state, with the super volume of this thing and the thick blood bar that we can't even imagine, it is difficult to expel it from the outside by conventional methods, and it must take a risk to bloom in the center.

The arrow that shoots into its heart is up to you! "

The captain calmly instructed:

"I need you to complete a nuclear explosion of your high-energy level when necessary."

"You mean, let me jump into the belly of this thing?"

The fire storm that turned into a ball of flying fire meteors flashing back and forth in the air shouted:
"I think there is something wrong with your plan! Professor Stein told me that with the super-digestive ability that this weird creature may have, I will be digested within ten seconds without protection!"

"Be confident, Jakes."

Facing the rebuttals from the team members, Mason corrected him academically and gently:

"Based on my previous research on the symbiote's super appetite, it takes less than ten seconds for it to digest you, but as long as you grasp the perfect timing, it won't hurt.

This thing is weak on fire and sound.

Although it has evolved due to unknown reasons, it is obviously not yet fully immune, so, Jakes, and Professor Stein.

Be bold, you are its natural enemy! "

"It's not that I'm showing off my abilities, but I can actually transform into an alien sonic gun"

When Blue Beetle heard Mason's encouragement to Firestorm, he immediately expressed his idea that he could help, but was ignored by all his teammates.

Want to help?

First rely on your own efforts to decipher the "baby safety mode" set by Dr. Octopus for the Scarab weapon system. After all, an alien armor that can turn against you and get out of control at any time on the battlefield is no less than a time bomb.


Mason gave an order, and the male and female supermen in Isu battle suits stepped forward immediately.

They bravely shot out scorching eye rays, and four red lights staggered and cut and burned the giant symbiote under the gap, making the symbiote with only a lot of "delicious" in its eyes feel pain.

This guy grew a big ferocious face from the center of his body in a weird way, and bit the sky fiercely.

That face is like a black head with white eye spots, a big mouth full of bloody sharp teeth, and a scarlet tongue covered in mucus. It is exactly the normal Venom's nightmare face magnified ten times. Effect.

This thing screamed and bit at the two Supermen, but it obviously couldn't keep up with the superman's fast moving speed without the host's "help to think", so it could only be rushed around.

However, the terrifying power of its super-large body turned this mindless pounce into a disaster.

The impact and tear again and again is like the sound of an eight-magnitude earthquake brewing.

"That's venom!"

At this time, Hawkeye finally recovered.

He and the old wolf huddled in Harley's car and looked around, then waved to Mason and shouted:

"It's the crazy venom who fought Ghost Rider in San Francisco and destroyed it. I heard that guy ate up a third of the people in San Francisco. Get rid of it, Mason!
Use flames!
It is afraid of fire! "

"Anyone who has read the basic comics knows that venom is afraid of fire, but how many people can use this to deal with it? Everyone in the Bat family knows that the weakness that can be exploited is the real weakness.

Weaknesses that cannot be grasped are called traps. "

Mason complained.

Of course, he wasn't just fishing. Barbara delegated the control of the drone to him, and Mason was using the blazing engineering bombs in his luggage to set up a safety line.

In the distance behind him was a large group of Hammerfell residents who were evacuating.

The fact that the venom in front of him can exist without a host doesn't mean it doesn't need a host. Once this big guy is impatient and his IQ returns, and he attaches to someone casually, it will be difficult for the K team's hunting to be effective.

Must be quick.

"Well, 15 seconds to solve the problem."

Mason looked at his watch, set the countdown, and then activated the speed ring again. The chaotic crowd in the rear instantly decreased by dozens. Super speed is a magic skill for transferring innocent people when a crisis occurs.

And 15 seconds is currently the longest time that Mason can maintain the super speed force at one time, which is much better than the first 3 seconds. Although he is usually busy with skills, he also secretly exercises in private.

While Mason transferred the citizens of Hammerfall, the giant venom, which was constantly restrained by Zod and Kara, finally got impatient, and it began to distribute more power from its body to attack them.

This scene is like the mythical "Hydra" waking up.

Those black mud-like symbiotes flung out tentacles, each with a large face plate of venom at the top of each tentacle.

Kara flew too low and was almost hit. At the critical moment, Zod punched the Kryptonian girl and sent her flying, but he himself fell into the dilemma of being surrounded by several symbiote tentacles.

This thing is not an entity in the ordinary sense!
The characteristics of the liquid make it difficult to break through brute force, and once a symbiote of this scale is glued, even with the physique of a Kryptonian, it will be quickly parasitized.

Seeing that Zod was about to fall into a tight siege, the strange demon superman who had been accumulating power according to Mason's request finally appeared on the stage. This sturdy guy slammed into his friend and knocked his friend away, maintaining the "deep breath" lung tube for accumulating power He was about to be suffocated, making his chest size increase three times out of thin air.

But the effect of holding your breath is superb.

The moment the symbiont surrounded him, a terrifying breath of flame spewed out from Bizarro's mouth.

Just like the legendary dragon's breath technique, the surrounding temperature rose by more than ten degrees in an instant.

As the strange demon superman shook his head left and right without a teacher, the continuous high-temperature flames scorched all the tentacles of the symbiote below into smelly fly ash.

"Oh! Bizarro is the most useless!!!"

Amidst the screams of flying ash and giant venom, Bizarro, triumphant and dizzy from holding his breath for too long, put his hands on his hips, bathing in ashes like a victorious hero.

He asked Zod and Kara who flew to him:

"Look at my trash? I'm Mason's worst enemy!"


Zod gave a thumbs up with a calm expression on his face.

And Kara obviously still can't accept Bizarro's upside-down speaking mode. At this moment, despite all the flaws, he can only imitate Superman in black and give the strange monster a thumbs up.

But the battle isn't over yet.

Bizarro's "super deep breath" burned one-fifth of the giant venom's body, but the symbiote obviously didn't have "battle damage".

The collapse of the body only made it feel threatened and the enemy was not easy to mess with, so it changed its tactics and went deep underground.

"Firestorm! What the hell are you waiting for?"

Mason's absence is naturally overseen by "Bat Man" Barbara Gordon.

Batgirl saw that everyone else had completed the task, but Firestorm, which was used as a weapon against the enemy, hadn't acted yet, so she immediately shouted in the communication:

"Go up! It's going to run!"

"If you win the bet, everything will be fine, but if you lose the bet, everything will be fine. You have to let me do a good job of psychological preparation."

The fiery storm made a complaint.

But as a rugby player, Little Black Jacks does not lack courage. Seeing that the idiot Superman who has never been looked down upon is so powerful, he will definitely be looked down upon if he doesn't show himself.

"Professor! It's coming!"

While pounced on the giant venom that was moving its body to the ground below, Jakes said in his mind:

"I hope the explosion model you just designed is correct. Whether we can come back depends on your scientific literacy."

"You brat! Follow the steps I gave you to detonate and you're done!"

Professor Stein cursed in Firestorm's mind:

"Never question a researcher's scientific literacy and detonate preparations! Three, two, one fire!"


The huge shock caused by the detonation exploded deep in the Nevada desert. Mason, who was transferring people at super-light speed, stopped and looked back.

The small mushroom cloud behind it is really spectacular.

The team has a superman who can rub nuclear bombs with his hands, which makes people feel full of security. The rarest thing is that the ability of Firestorm is not a one-off.

Such an explosion is not premised on the consumption of his own energy, it is just the practice of the atomic energy knowledge mastered by Professor Martin Stein in the field of high-energy physics all his life.

The saying that knowledge is power is vividly reflected in Huo Fengfeng.

Many superheroes have the ability to control atoms, but there are still only a handful of people who can easily achieve such destructive power.

"Barbara, report the situation."

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, the disturbed communication returned to normal again. Mason asked, and a few seconds later, Batgirl's steady voice came:

"Jax is alive! Professor Stein is alive! The operation has been a complete victory! The body of the giant venom has been burned, wait a minute, and there are still some fragmented symbiote residues moving around.

Mason, your attempt to capture it alive has failed. "

"No, Barbara, you still know too little about symbionts."

Mason shook his head and replied:
"For them, one is all. Even if there is only a drop of wreckage left, it is only a few bowls away from the full energy. Monitor there and wait for me to come back."

"No need, Mason, the fire storm's explosion flattened the city of ruins, and there is nothing left here. After the blue beetle collects the symbiote residue, we will go to meet you.

The call is over. "

Mason nodded at Barbara's suggestion. He was a little tired from running back and forth hundreds of times in the short time just now, so he would simply sit on the rocks by the desert and rest.

Opposite Mason are more than 1000 wastelanders brought out of the town by him. These guys are dressed in strange shapes and don't look like good people, especially since everyone is carrying weapons, which shows that the people here are tough.

But they didn't dare to be slight to the tired young man in front of them.

After all, even the worst guy can see that without this man, the nuclear explosion just now is enough to bury them all in the city that has been razed. If Hammerfell can be called a city.

Some guys with brains gathered together, and finally chose a guy who can speak well, stepped forward and whispered to Mason with a flattering face:
"My lord, I venture to ask you if you need a servant."


Mason glanced at him, and the questioning look was caught immediately, so the oily fat man rubbed his hands and said:

"All powerful figures in this wasteland need servants, and the citizens of Hammerfall are not willing to submit to the Ghost Riders."

"The Ghost Rider Gang is gone."

Mason packed his bag, and the ghost motorcycle was released beside him. The burning wheels and the roar of the replaced engine made the guy choke and couldn't speak.

He looked at Mason even more in awe, and said:

"You are almost as powerful as the Avengers in the legends before the war, but our city has been destroyed, and our hidden weapons have also perished. Please pity us who have nowhere to go.

If you leave us here like this, within a few days we'll be in a situation where we can kill each other. "

This is a prayer without any rhetoric, but it is also loyal enough. Mason glanced at the people in front of him, rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and said:
"It's not impossible. My factory does lack some hard-working workers. I can afford to support a few hundred people. Throw away your weapons and wait for the recruitment.

Go tell them.

Those who don't want to come with me can leave now. "

Mason waved his hand and ignored these wastelanders.

The fat man was very excited to go back to convey the good news to his companions. In today's wasteland, following a powerful boss with discerning eyes and knowing people is definitely the first guarantee of survival.

But not everyone is willing to follow Mason, a guy of unknown origin.

So when the members of the K team rushed over, there were only more than 400 people who stayed in place waiting to be recruited, and most of them were old and young women and children. These people belonged to "worthless" people in the wasteland.

But Mason wasn't picky.

He didn't really want to dominate the wasteland, so he took his magic box back from the old wolf and handed it to Harley, and asked her to take the blue beetle and Zod to complete the collection.

Mason himself took the biological storage tank from Barbara, which contained a large sickly black symbiont.

"Look, this venom is sick, not as good as us."

He said something malicious, then twisted open the jar and put his left hand in.

Seeing the white fingers sticking in, some of the abnormal wasteland giant venom were happy to eat more, but before it could act, the black death sword battle suit covering Mason's wrist swished. All over Mason's five fingers.

Under Mason's gaze, the venom in the jar, which was already ready to go, had an obvious "pause" and "shock" movement at this moment, and then it screamed and hid at the bottom of the jar like the little girl who saw the satyr.

And the black death sword battle suit on Mason's fingers stretched out his tentacles carelessly like a bully, and mercilessly pierced into the body of the wasteland venom.

Like a pinch of milkshake.

It only took two or three mouthfuls to suck out four-fifths of the venom from a large pile of waste soil, and even hiccupped comfortably.

But it left a little bit of it.

"That's enough, the rest, I'll give it to you. The weak enemy, it will fight."

The black death sword battle suit changed back to the tattoo on his wrist, lazily sent a message to Mason, and added a "good" appreciation at the end of the voice full of malice.

This made Mason's expression instantly weird.


It seems that this is the "final solution" of the Black Death Sword suit for its unwillingness to help Mason in a battle without divinity.

It's still reluctant to waste its power on pointless foes, but Mason can get hold of this wasteland venom that's much stronger than the average symbiote.

This uncle "outsourced" the dirty work he didn't want to do.

The best part is that Wasteland Venom didn't dare to disobey its meaning at all, and had to thank the boss for saving his life.

In this way, Uncle Black Death Sword is very satisfied, and Wasteland Venom dare not be dissatisfied. Although Mason's opinion is not very important, Black Death Sword did give him a new plan after all.

The host and guest enjoy themselves!

This operation is six.
"You're a fucking programmer symbiosis from Ah San Software Company! Are you such a dog?"

Mason who understood everything scolded:

"You really think I'm picking up junk, right? With the Fenrir armor, do I still need a group of symbiotes that are useless to help me fight? The opponents that the Fenrir armor can't solve, venom can solved?
You are really a master at pretending to be confused! "

(End of this chapter)

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