The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 326 25. Shocked!Old Peter, who is far away in Gotham, probably doesn't know that he has

Chapter 326 25. Shocked!Old Peter, who is far away in Gotham, probably doesn't know that he has an extra son-in-law!
The lazy uncle in the black death sword battle suit obviously caught a small "bug" in the agreement between it and Mason.

This kind of behavior made it difficult for Mason to complain.

But the matter has come to this point, facing the black death sword suit who is full of food and drink and started to pretend to be dead, the captain has nothing to do.

After all, the pitiful wasteland venom in front of him couldn't be said to be a bad thing, but how to use it made Mason a little worried.

He really can't use this thing.

Because he doesn't like being parasitized and doesn't lack the battle suit system.

He's not Selena, he likes the wonderful feeling of "unconstrained" in battle
Uh, speaking of it this way, it seems that Lady Catwoman is quite open about it, tsk tsk, no wonder the master is so obsessed with that goblin.

"Barbara, do you want it?"

Mason handed the waste soil venom in his hand to Batgirl, who looked at him with idiot eyes and said:
"I have an interface in my brain, and my left arm is a full-sensing prosthetic body. You want me to use a symbiote with such a sophisticated mechanism? You want my brain to short-circuit, right?"

"Uh, how many of you are there?"

Mason looked at his other team members, then shook his head and said:

"Forget it, let it destroy instantly, but if it needs to live together for a long time, it is estimated that even the immune system of the Kryptonians will not be able to defeat it. If another Kryptonian cytokine storm is triggered, it is estimated that the first Kryptonian who died of illness will be killed. It's in my hand."

"Mr. K! I want it!"

Harley had already noticed the wasteland venom in Mason's hand.

She is also very interested in Catwoman's strange battle suit that can "change in size anywhere". It stems from the very big brain hole of the psychopath, and she has even made up many wonderful uses in her brain.

Especially when playing with Mr. K.
You don't need to buy all kinds of expensive and cumbersome cosplay clothes, you can let your sweetheart enjoy better "care"!

"It's not impossible, it's just that your physical fitness is not up to standard."

Mason doesn't mind giving the symbiote to Harley, but he can't give it yet. Harley's physical fitness has not crossed the limit of superhumanity. The symbiote will change her body shape in order to exert its maximum power.

So I can only say in the tone of a mother helping her son save New Year's money:

"I'll talk about it after you get stronger. Don't drink the green potion! I'll make you a super soldier serum when I go back. Uh, why wait until I go back?"

He shook his head, handed the biological tank to Harry, and while taking out various materials to prepare the medicine on the spot, he said:

"Sleep well tonight, and tomorrow morning you will have your own Venom suit."


Harry pursed his mouth in frustration and said:

"I had prepared a very interesting trick tonight. But I know that Selena used venom to turn her cat into a witch! Can I also use symbiosis to turn my dog ​​into a werewolf?"

Facing her question that was very flawed in various senses, Mason sighed and answered very tiredly:
"No, you will only harvest two venom dogs, which will not increase the combat effectiveness of the Amazon war dogs at all, but will increase Bud and Luke's weakness of being afraid of fire and sound.

So, please, don't do weird things to your pets. "

"Well, what a pity."

Harry squatted down, stroked her two loyal circus dogs, and said:
"Your monotonous life has lost a possibility forever."

While Mason was busy, the old wolf who was frightened by the unexpected situation just now walked up to him and whispered:
"Mason, why do you and your team members seem to be used to this kind of thing? Has your life outside been so thrilling?"

"It's far from our real life."

Mason said to the old wolf:
"Imagine that countless worlds, known and unimaginable, are dying one by one, and you know that there is nothing you can do to change it, and you can choose to give up on yourself, or enjoy yourself before the end.

This is probably the true portrayal of our life. "

"Then which one did you choose?"

Old Logan asked, and Mason whispered:

"I chose the hardest third hidden option, which is the one I just made."

These words made the old wolf turn his head and look at the wastelanders in the factories where Zod and the blue beetle were distinguishing their identities, confiscated their weapons and sent them to the magic suitcase.

At this moment, he understood what Mason meant.

"You want to fight against the doomsday?"

Logan said hoarsely:
"What a bold idea."

"I'm going to save it."

Mason seriously corrected:

"It's harder than a fight, it's crazier than a fight, it's harder than a fight...but that's life, isn't it? It's like a ring fight that never ends abruptly.

No matter how many times you knock it down, it will come back in a different way.

But once you shrink, it wins. "

"I feel you have something to say."

Logan stretched out his hand and pressed down the torn cowboy hat on his head. He said:
"I'll tell you, Mason, but not now, I swear! When we get there, I'll reveal all the secrets.

But I think, if Charles had met you 17 years earlier, he would have been very happy, and Eric would have desperately wanted to get you. He admired your character. "

"Clint! I'm here! Clint come here!"

A woman's scream interrupted the conversation between Mason and Logan.

The two looked up, and saw a woman in a wasteland skirt rushing out of the crowd lined up to enter the suitcase factory. She called Eagle Eye's name mournfully.

And Eagle Eye, who was resting on the spider car, jumped up in a jerk, quickly got off the car and came to the woman's side to support her.

"Who is that?"

Mason asked curiously, and Logan shook his head.

In fact, he and Hawkeye didn't have much contact after the doomsday. The reason why the two of them came together to become the "doomsday courier" was more because of their fighting friendship as colleagues before.

The friendship between men is always very simple. If you see each other right, let alone run a long distance and work hard together, even if you are fighting for your life together, it is no different.

But this time he still speculated and said:
"It might be Clint's ex-wife. May seems to live near Hammerfall. The car you helped Clint fix is ​​May's dowry.

It was the only relic her father left her. "

"Is that so?"

Mason nodded.

But a few seconds later, he suddenly raised his head to look at the woman hugging Hawkeye in front of him, and said:
"Is the spider car a relic left to her by her father? Is this woman Little May Parker? Peter Parker's daughter? Spiderman's daughter?"


Logan shook his head and sighed:
"The kid who was always talking a lot died on the streets of New York that night, leaving behind only his daughter who had just grown up at the time, and Clint saved her.

Then within a few years they were together.

That wasn't a good story, as May was said to have been haunted by her father's death, and Clint was also overwhelmed by the loss of everything, and their marriage didn't last long. "

"No, that's not the point!"

Mason paused the action of making the improved version of the super soldier serum. He got up and walked to Eagle Eye. The dark-haired woman who was crying with Clint quickly noticed Mason.

She bowed to Mason with thanks.

But as she straightened up, Mason pulled out a photo and held it in front of her face.

The photo is a group photo of Team K 1.0 in the morning light of Osborne Tower. Most importantly, in the arms of Mason in the photo, only eight-year-old May Parker is smiling happily with one missing front tooth.

"Do you know her?"

Mason pointed to Xiaomei in the photo, and said to the stunned middle-aged May Parker in front of him:
"This is a photo of us in another world with another you, Xiaomei, although I know you are not her, maybe you should call me Brother Mason.


I know you're not in the mood to listen to jokes now, is something wrong? "

"my daughter."

May Parker looked at the guy in front of him who could be her son at this age but called himself "Brother Mason". The previous rescue and the photo in front of him undoubtedly brought the relationship between the two closer.

Under Mason's questioning, May Parker, who was no longer young, finally couldn't help worrying in her heart, and said in tears:

"My Ashley! She left me to join a local gang in the desert. She said she wanted to prove that Spider-Man's power is still strong in the wasteland. She was eager to prove herself.

But she did something stupid.

She went to assassinate the leader and was caught, they said they would execute her tomorrow, I came to Hammerfall to ask mercenaries to help."

"Why didn't you notify me!"

As the father, Eagle Eye said angrily at this moment:
"That's my daughter too! When I got divorced, I said you can't spoil her like that! Look! Is something wrong with being used to it?"

"Just shut up."

Mason said to Eagle Eye angrily:

"You were almost forty when you fooled Xiaomei, and you are almost 20 years younger. You really dare, aren't you afraid that Peter will crawl out of the soil and kill you?"

"Mason, Clint also lost family in the apocalypse."

Logan who rushed over pulled La Mason's arm, and he whispered:
"This is not the way you think. To survive in this hell, everyone has to hug each other for warmth. And the point now is not to discuss their failed marriage, Ashley, what about that girl?"

"What else can I do?"

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"Old Peter just helped me. I can just sit back and watch his granddaughter be chopped off by a group of wasteland savages? Barbara, take the others and go first. I'll go get someone and come back."
Captain Mason is going to save people, and the colleagues of Team K are of course willing to help, but it doesn't take much time to destroy a nearby wasteland gang.

But in the end, he just let Halle accompany him, and handed over the rest to Barbara to lead them to move on to the next campsite and wait.

Mason has his own considerations.

The wasteland venom that just appeared has reminded everyone that this post-apocalyptic land is not safe, so it can save a lot of time for the attackers to gather together to search for threats forward.

For the next journey, Mason does not intend to take a leisurely walk. He has to rush to New Babylon as soon as possible to find out the truth 17 years ago.

However, Mason, who was heading towards the wasteland and Gobi, failed to notice certain changes outside this world due to his appearance, such as a near-abandoned Aegis that was in disrepair that Barbara had been complaining about in the orbit of the earth. The bureau satellite suddenly started.

The command from the surface allowed its search module to be restarted with difficulty, and then, through constant adjustments, it locked on the Nevada area where a nuclear explosion had just occurred before.

And in the city of New Babylon, which is quite far away from here, in that crunchy palace covered with black and red guns, the ruler of this world, Mr. Red Skull, known as "President Doomsday", is standing upright. Legs, admiring the poor quality satellite photos in front of me, but the terrain can be barely discerned.

He has captured the movements of Mason and his party.

It stands to reason that for a ruler who is proficient in strategy and tactics, this would send elite forces straight to Huanglong, a wave of thunderous blows before the K team realized that they had been exposed.

However, the Red Skull did nothing.

He just stared at the satellite photos on the screen in front of him, which refreshed every minute, and sat on his rotating chair with his chin propped up, as if admiring the actions of the "guests" who had sneaked into his territory without reporting in advance.

After viewing it for nearly 10 minutes, the picture on the screen suddenly went out.

This is not a problem with the screen itself. President Doom looked up at the window regretfully. He shook his head and said:

"Oh, it was destroyed, it seems that the arrival of these guests not only attracted my attention, those rats who have been hiding their heads and showing their tails for 17 years are also planning to jump out and exercise their muscles.


It has always been a regret in my heart that I couldn't completely level you that night. I thought that I would never have the chance to make up for that small mistake in my life.

But now it seems that fate has been kind to me, a poor prisoner. "

He snorted.

Standing up to put the blurry printout into a very sci-fi device that sent it somewhere out of this world like a facsimile machine.

Then the guy in a black Hydra uniform stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, as if admiring the city he ruled.

New Babylon, a place full of irony in every sense.

It has many names, the holy city of doomsday, the land of order, the capital of the new world, the wasteland paradise, etc., but the fact is that this city is run by a group of scum and abandoned people who even outsiders look down on. It was built under the leadership of Lord Red Skull.

And the only reason it was established was to cover up the last secret hidden under this world that was destroyed 17 years ago.

The Doomsday President just calls himself.

The Red Skull has always been very clear that he is just a "jailor" who left the world and stayed in his hometown, just like in the World War of Destruction 17 years ago, what he played was not just the one who looked very beautiful on the surface commander of evil.

Well, the truth is much bleaker than that.

It's like a tool that has been drained of all value. Regarding those dark pasts, maybe he should also thank those guys for not killing him?

The instrument behind him made a crisp sound, representing a communication request.

Red Skull waved his hand and stood in the corner of the office. The man in black armor stepped forward to activate the communication, and then pushed the door open and left in a sensible manner.

Then, Warlock's gloomy voice sounded in the office:

"Did you take the photo with the door lock? It's hard for me to tell them apart because of the blurry picture quality, but I used some 'relationships' to confirm the identity of the guests.

It is indeed a 'guest'.

Red Skull, you have to 'entertain' them well. "

"Is there any reason for me to do this? Why do you order me? Because you put a curse on me and left me in this slowly rotting boon?"

Doomsday President said sarcastically:

"Although I do occupy a seat in your 12-member council, please recognize my identity, I am now serving the Cleaner Legion.

In theory, we are just a cooperative relationship, Mr. Warlock, I have no reason to satisfy some of your 'personal demands'. "

"This is not my personal appeal."

The warlock's tone became even colder.

Clearly upset at the Red Skull's lack of cooperation, he explained:
"I never thought that Mr. Mason Cooper, who has become famous in the Stars Club recently, has such an identity. He didn't sneak into this world.

He is homecoming!

He was originally a part of this world, and now he just wants to get back what belongs to him in the wasteland, and his destination is under your control.

He will definitely deal with you.

But Mr. Mason doesn't know the harsh truth, and doesn't know that in a sense, he's been 'our man' from the start.

This wonderful turning point made me feel that the world is impermanent. "


The Red Skull, who has always been very uninterested in this matter, also made a curious nasal sound, and he turned back and said:
"You're saying that this lord Mason Cooper is a creation of the 'Weapon X Project'? Tsk tsk, that's one of our own. Well, for the sake of this fascinating truth, I'm going to think Find a way.

But 'knight'.
Don't let him come here.

I hate that unruly guy who messes up the 'dog crate' you left me. "

"Are you still angry about the past, Red Skull."

The warlock was silent for a few seconds, then whispered:
"However, you are very clear that it was your own ambition that made a mistake, and you had a bright future ahead of you.

It was you who gave it up.

The curse I put on you is to protect you, but you regard it as a kind of bondage, the secrets of the year should be buried and you are the last insider.

You know what they do with things that are worthless and dangerous?

You should thank me for saving your life, stop complaining!

Get ready for the ceremony.

From what I know about Mason Cooper, he will definitely surprise you with some big surprises, so the Cavaliers will also be a good help when necessary.

Of course, if you do well, it's not that I can't consider lifting the spell on you. You, who seemed extremely dangerous back then, are not too much of a hidden danger under the current situation.

If you want to get out of your own dog crate, do something good.

I will see. "

"Hmph, then I really want to thank you for your generosity, my lord."

The Red Skull snorted angrily, but did not deny it again. He just stroked his smooth red forehead and asked with interest:

"About Mason, what are you going to do with him?"

"Well, of course I won't hurt him. Of course such a creative and determined talent must be placed in a suitable position to shine."

The sorcerer said with a sullen laugh:
"The people who work with him don't know how to use him properly, but fortunately, we are very good at it, just as we found you to do evil things in the past.

Mason will start a more brilliant life here, and you will be free, which is the freedom you long for.

This time I hope you can seize the opportunity, old friend. "

(End of this chapter)

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