The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 327 26. What?The scene people just died like this?

Chapter 327 26. What?The scene people just died like this?

The red spider car galloped across the sand.

Hawkeye and Logan sat in the front, Mason and Harry sat in the back, and the two dogs ran with the car.

The strong endurance and speed of the Amazon war dogs keep them from falling behind, and the fierce dogs will be crippled if they don't exercise regularly.

Eagle Eye held a map given by his ex-wife, and according to the nuclear bomb that had just passed through the desert and could be detonated as a reference point, they were only 5 minutes away from the location where Ashley Parker fell.

"That's a gang stronghold."

Eagle Eye said:

"This kind of large and small dens are everywhere in the wasteland today, just like the horse bandits that were rampant in the western era, plundering the desperate refugees around them.

I know my daughter has a violent nature, but I didn't expect that she would actually join such an organization after I left. "

"Then why are you leaving?"

Harley chewed gum, leaned against Mr. K's shoulder, took a selfie with her mobile phone, and asked:

"I heard my sweetheart tell your story. Since you are a former hero, you must care about your family, right? In this chaotic world, shouldn't you stay by their side to protect them?

I think if you had taught by example and example, your daughter wouldn't have become a member of the bandits, would she? "

"My departure was a mistake, I admit it."

Eagle Eye didn't make any excuses, but just sorted out his weapons on the co-pilot, a hunting bow and a quiver that looked old, and didn't look like the high-tech weapons used by the Avengers.

This made Mason, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, a little bit uncomfortable. He took out a black weapon box from his luggage and handed it to Hawkeye.

The unique logo on the box made Clint stunned for a moment, and then he opened it to see that there was a complete set of technological compound bows and an armed quiver that could replace different arrows in the box.

Next to it is a folded Ronin battle suit and a black katana sword made of scandium alloy.

"This is the Hawkeye's 'inheritance' I got in another world. It was intended to be used by the weapon masters in my team, but the second barrel will soon have a better one."

Mason said:
"Although you in another world died young, if he knew better, he would allow you to use these weapons. I made some changes to it, will you use it?"


Elderly Clint picked up a black short stick-like weapon and swung it vigorously in his hand. The black compound bow popped out of the bow arm with a swish, and the bowstring made of composite material was stretched straight.

"It's exactly the kind of weapon I used back then, specially designed for me by the designer of S.H.I.E.L.D."

He didn't shy away from picking up the ronin suit, and changed into the worn-out wasteland denim suit while taking it off.Harley couldn't bear to look at the scars all over his body, and Mason could tell that many of these scars were recent.

This seems to prove that Eagle Eye has not lived a stable life since he left his family for more than ten years, and has been enjoying a life of "blood licking".

He took off his coquettish little sunglasses, stared at Mason with those sharp eyes again, and said seriously:

"Thank you, Mason, you didn't have to do this for a stranger who hid a lot from you."

"You think too much, the reason I'm in this car now is because I want to take a living granddaughter back to give to Peter."

Mason shrugged and said truthfully:
"He will definitely like it very much, but for you, a son-in-law who can be his father's age, he probably won't like you."

"Mr. K just wants to have fun!"

Harry shook his head and added:

"Although little sweetheart is a very nice person most of the time, he can be very funny occasionally."

"We're almost there."

The old wolf who was driving glanced forward, and the rift valley in the barren mountains of the desert was not far away.

Some strange buildings can still be seen vaguely. This scene reminded Mason, who stood up and took out the binoculars, of the desert city in Mad Max.

Of course, the scale is much smaller.

According to May Parker, the number of this gang will not exceed 200, but it is already the only force in the Nevada region next to the Ghost Riders.

"The three of us charge forward, you go and save your daughter."

Mason put down the binoculars and said to the gloomy old Clint who had pulled up the ronin hood:
"Don't waste time, leave as soon as you save someone, I have begun to lose interest in this wasteland and desperately hope to find the answer I am looking for, and then leave here."

"Is it because our many disputes disgust you?"

The old wolf asked.

Mason shook his head and said:
"Discord is not a problem, but it is really uncomfortable not to see the rot of hope.

They left this world 17 years ago for sure not to be a subject of civilization observation, so continuing to stay in the world of appearance is just a waste of time.

Harley, get your explosives ready. "

He ordered, and Robin immediately turned around and rummaged behind the spider car, and quickly picked up a tube of anti-tank rockets. After a few minutes, Eagle Eye left the car and rode on the motorcycle borrowed from Hautley Jr. After a detour, Harley aimed at the approaching rift and pulled the trigger.

With a loud "boom", the flames exploded above the rift valley, and large pieces of blasted stones splashed, causing the shady place in the desert to quickly become chaotic.

A large group of strange-looking guys rushed out of it and shot at the spider car, but their bullets couldn't penetrate the shell of the off-road vehicle restored by Mason.

"Aren't you going to participate this time?"

Mason grabbed a "Watch" sniper with his backhand, loaded it with a click, set up the gun steadily on the high-speed moving spider car, and said to the silent old wolf:
"Just treat it as an old brother helping you. You don't even need claws. It won't waste a few minutes of your time to kill them with your fists."

"I won't fight again, Mason."

The old wolf turned the steering wheel to let the car avoid a landmine. Amidst the piercing gunshots, he said:

"The past life and the present blood are a burden to me."

"Well, I am really looking forward to the moment when you tell me the truth yourself."

Mason didn't ask any more questions, and glanced forward to complete the target locking.

The low-pitched firing of the 2077-era kinetic energy sniper pierced through two heads in a row at a distance of nearly a kilometer in the first shot, and then the crisp shell casings were thrown away and reloaded, making Mason's targeted clear look easy and freehand.

Fighting with Power Armor for so long that he almost forgot that he positioned himself as a "support shooter", and his shooting skills have been stuck at Lv4 for a long time.

"You can go faster, Logan."

While shooting, Mason reminded:

"Don't worry about me, this bit of bumps won't affect my accuracy. Although it's definitely not as good as Eagle Eye, I'm actually quite talented in shooting."

"Bud, Luke! Go! Go and blow them up!"

Harley in the back seat of the spider car yelled for her two dogs to join the fight.

The ferocious and cunning Amazon war dogs are not afraid of the hail of bullets in front of them. Wearing the "bomb vest" made by Harley himself, they rushed up screaming, and ran back happily amidst the violent explosion.

For smart dogs who can cooperate with detonators to blast, the cute big bang of the bomb has obviously become their crazier claws and fangs.

Under the action of this "deadly young couple", the counterattack of the gang in front of them was quickly beaten back, and the spider car drove straight in and drove these guys to the other end of the slender canyon, throwing away their armor and armor.

Mason didn't continue to chase, and killing them all was unnecessary in this case.


The speeding spider car stopped suddenly, and the silent old wolf looked at a certain part of the messy camp in surprise.

He jumped down and hooked his fingers at Mason to signal him to follow, then quickly walked over the corpses all over the floor, and finally kicked on a rusty iron cabinet.

A lot of messy things fell out of it. Logan bent down and picked up a tattered purple cloak, held it in his hand, and handed it to Mason, saying:

"Do you know this?"

"I'll have to take a closer look."

Mason took over the dirty cloak that was stained with unknown stains. He stared at it and quickly saw the information label:

Magneto's Shattered Cloak
Quality: permanent damage irreparable

Producer: "Magneto" Eric Lanciel

Item description: Who would have thought that the most famous person in the world would be buried here alone?

"Eric Ranshall!"

Mason frowned and looked at the broken things in his hands, and then at the various items on the ground that were mixed together like garbage.

During Logan's silent search using the "big scavenging technique", a pair of gloves, combat boots, and a robe uniform and shirt stained with a large amount of blood were quickly found.

The combination of these just fits into a set of "Magneto Suit".

It's just that the most critical dark red helmet is missing.

"He's not dying of old age."

The old wolf half-kneeled on the ground, stretched out his hand to touch the dense bullet holes left on the robe and shirt, his voice became hoarse and deep, and said:
"He was murdered, right here!"


Mason also said:
"Magneto's final ending would actually die from a bullet. What's even more unimaginable is that such a person would end up in this world in this way. He really doesn't deserve the pomp he used to. Huh?"

Before the two ended their discussion about an old man, the watch on Mason's wrist started beating. He glanced at Logan and said:
"Hawkeye is hurt and he needs help."

"Did you put something on him?"

The old wolf suddenly got up, looked at Mason and said:
"That set of weapons?"

"Do not."

Mason shot his flying claws towards the mountain wall above, and pulled himself and the old wolf to land on the rock wall leading to the gang's stronghold. While changing into the Widowmaker rifle, he said:

"No matter how old he is, he is still a super shooter. The monitor on his body will reveal it, so he can only choose a way that he will not notice.

in his eyes.
do not worry.

That won't affect his health, don't tell him, okay?Just treat it as a harmless little secret. "

"Do I have it too?"

The old wolf asked Mason in a low voice while running forward with Mason.

Mason didn't answer, but felt that the old wolf's question was a bit big and unnecessary. Do you have a monitor on your body, and you don't have a clue in your mind?

How long have we been in touch

The door leading to the mountain wall was blasted open by a grenade, and Mason rushed into it, and then there was a piercing gunshot sound mixed with a sharp and strange explosion.

They quickly approached the prison room where Eagle Eye was, but unexpectedly, when the old wolf knocked open the door, he saw a burly man with two arrows in his eyes.

This guy is completely weird dressed as a gangster, but on his head is a metal helmet that Mason looks very familiar with.

Magneto's Helmet!


Is this the guy who killed Magneto?
The most powerful mutant assassinated by a punk who could be killed by Eagle Eye with the most common arrow?

What the fuck is this fucking joke!


The old wolf let out a roar, and threw himself forward with all his legs, pushing the eagle eye who was lying in a pool of blood away, and he himself endured the heavy blow from the front.

The handle of the worn-out shotgun swung like a warhammer slammed heavily on Logan's forehead, causing the blood to explode.

Holding the weapon was a black-haired girl in a shattered spider outfit. The latter rushed forward and slammed Logan who was only defending.

She rode on the old man and swung the blood-stained gun like a warhammer, hitting him mindlessly.

Judging from the quick fist speed, this girl's bloodline is unusual, but her crazy appearance did not inherit the kindness and bottom line that the spider family should have.

"You are all old!"

she screamed:

"It's like the leader killed Magneto and became the master of this land, I also want to kill you to establish my hegemony! I have to show my strength to convince everyone!

Either you, old man!
Or the old immortal lying over there!
One of you must die today! "

This crazy look made Mason very uncomfortable.

He glanced at Eagle Eye, who was lying on the side covering his heart and moaning. The latter was obviously attacked by his daughter with a gun. The bullet pierced his old waist, making it difficult for the old shooter to even move.

If Mason and Old Wolf hadn't come in time, a human tragedy would have been staged here today.


Mason pulled out the silver gun at his waist and fired a shot forward. The flying bullet knocked out the broken gun in Ashley Parker's hand, and the second shot went through her shoulder, causing blood.

The huge momentum of the special bullet made the girl fly away, but she turned over deftly and landed on the ground, planning to attack Mason.


A third bullet grazed her ear and entered the wall behind her.

Mason held the gun with one hand, and said in a cold voice amidst the smoke:

"If you dare to move again, I will have to send an obituary to old Peter. You have stained your spider suit, little crazy girl! As an elder, I think I have to teach you a lesson."


A ball of yellow ooze suddenly jumped up from behind Ashley Parker, transforming into the appearance of old Peter in a spider suit. Under Ashley's astonished gaze, he looked at him with an expression of "unfortunate family". The fist hit her on the forehead.

"This bloody place!"

Mason put down the gun and inserted it into the weapon slot on his waist. At this moment, his disgust for this wasteland reached its peak.

Even the girl who inherited the blood of Spider-Man has been distorted into this crazy and vicious look. It is completely conceivable how bad it is here.

The kind that stinks ten thousand times worse than Gotham.

"help me"

Just when Captain Captain felt that everything was settled, the head of the Wasteland Gang with an arrow stuck in the eye at his feet, and the leader of the Wasteland Gang wearing the helmet of Lao Wan miraculously begged.

This guy is not dead?
This kind of injury can survive, you kid is not a normal person, right?
Mason knelt down to help him take a look, and brushed up his proficiency in first aid skills, but just as he knelt down, he heard a weak whistle, and then a red light pierced Mason's face.


The speed force ring was activated, allowing him to hold the alien blow dart that was only a few inches away from his eyes, and then pressed it down into the leader's chest without any delay.

Under the severe pain, the whistle stopped ringing.

The blowgun also lost control and was no longer a threat.

"You used this thing to sneak attack on the old Magneto, didn't you?"

Mason took out the veritaserum and whispered to the desperate guy lying in a pool of blood:

"You see, I'm also a half-mutant, so I'm a little interested in the matter about Magneto back then, why don't you just say it outright, I'll let you die quickly.

make a deal? "

(End of this chapter)

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