The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 328 27. The scene person is worthy of being a scene person, even if the curtain ends, there

Chapter 328 27. The scene person is worthy of being a scene person, even if the curtain ends, there is strength

The doomsday wasteland should not be underestimated. Terrible things can happen here at any time.

For example, the eagle-eyed daughter wants to kill him to win the hellish reputation, and her former boss is a ruthless character who can endure pain and wait for an opportunity to attack when he is near death.

If it weren't for Mason's group breaking in here, it is estimated that the end of Ashley Parker's "twenty-five boy" behavior today would be to be shot through the heart by this wasteland leader who killed Magneto.

The harsh environment creates a treacherous heart, and after the civilization is broken, even malicious intentions no longer need to be carefully hidden.

The battered old wolf tied up the crazy wasteland spider girl with the chains he snatched from the Ghost Riders, and then hugged the seriously injured Eagle Eye with difficulty.

"You'd better put him there. The bullet hit his spine. Stop the bleeding first. I'll treat him later."

Mason, who was studying the alien blow dart, said something to the old wolf, and threw the hemostatic agent over. The latter obediently put the old man where he was, and unscrewed the cap of the bottle to pour him the potion.

"You almost popped your claws just now, didn't you?"

Mason wiped the blood on the dart and asked:
"Seeing Clint nearly get beaten to death by his daughter ignited the anger in you."

"Just a little."

Logan didn’t deny it, he sat on the ground panting and whispered:

"Looks like Wolverine isn't dead yet, he's still thinking about fighting, but he's trapped in an old, useless, decaying cage. If you don't stop the bleeding from that guy, he won't be able to answer any of your questions .”

"No hurry, he can hold out for a while."

Mason glanced at the leader of the Wasteland Gang on the ground, and said:
"Let him be tortured for a while so that he won't waste time making up lies to lie to me. I'm really interested in the last life of Magneto in this world, so this guy who personally ended the life of Lao Wan will not die."

As soon as the voice fell, the information label of the alien blowgun popped out:
Broken Arkan Arrow

Quality: Epic Engineering Creation·Perfect Craftsmanship [Damage reduces quality]

Qualities: Sound-sensitive materials · Self-propelled engine · Continuously variable speed · Super penetrating

Status: repairable


This item is a throwing weapon and enjoys a shooting skill bonus when used.

Producer: Yondu Udonta

Item description: This little cutie can't only be activated by the whistle, if you can modify its guidance mode, then you only need to fart to destroy an army of miscellaneous soldiers.

"How vulgar!"

Mason complained fiercely about today's item description, and put the golden sentry arrow with obvious welding marks back into the bag, planning to find some time to repair it.

For a support shooter, this thing can be regarded as the best secondary weapon.

It is both concealed and vicious, and it is much better than the Johnny's gun that Mason is currently using in terms of practicality, but he has to consider practicing his whistle skills from now on, or he can only really replace it with other sounds
Of course, the sound of fart will never be selected!Although it is indeed unexpected, don't think about it!
Master Mason needs face.

"help me"

The leader of the Wasteland Gang in pain on the ground let out another scream.

He is really uncomfortable, the feeling of not being alive or dying is too painful, even if he can't save him, at least a shot will make him feel at ease.

"About Magneto, tell me!"

Mason took a bottle of inferior healing potion and put it into the mouth of this huge guy who was suspected to be Jin Bin's son, and dropped a few drops of Veritaserum along the way.

He reached out and took Lao Wan's helmet off the guy's forehead, and stared at him while wiping the blood in his hand.

The latter knew that he had absolutely no good fruit to eat today, and he didn't intend to show his backbone in front of this guy. After feeling the pain subsided, he gasped and said weakly:
"The old man was dying, we took him in, he fled from the direction of New Babylon, and Hydra's mercenaries were chasing him.

It was we who protected him.

We also gave him precious medicines, and we did not feel sorry for him. "

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't last that long."

Mason reminds:
"Tell me what I really care about."

"He wants to kill us!"

The leader coughed a few times and shouted with difficulty:
"He's crazy, you know?
With his reputation, our gang rose rapidly. We wanted to seize Hammerfell, but he blocked us and said that we are living like mice without dignity, and he would give us a happy life instead of dying.

We are also helpless.

But the process of killing him was not as difficult as I thought. It wasn't until the sentry arrow pierced his heart that I realized that Magneto, who once shook the world, had only an empty shell left.

His proud magnetic force couldn't even stop the broken sentry arrow.

We were bluffed by him for years. "

"Sounds like something the old Almighty did, but where did the whistle come from?"

Mason asked:

"Where did you get it?"

"Cough cough in the desert, a crashed spaceship, there are some weird guys inside, Magneto opened the hatch for us, but the inside was blown up, I found it on the head of an unlucky ghost .”

The leader now only wants to die quickly, and knows everything about Mason's problems.

他 说:

"I begged Magneto to help me modify him, but he refused. At that time, I realized that he was not unwilling, but he couldn't do it. Otherwise, how dare I resist such a terrible person?
But he was right.

We're here to suffer, and I can't hold back these ambitious but stupid bastards without his name.

Ashley was just the first, hehe, the leader of the bullshit, just a bug in the wasteland.

Before the old man died, he left a letter and hid it under the seat.

Kill me, kill me. "

Mason winked at the old wolf, who immediately stepped forward and rummaged under the leader's "throne" kneaded from scrap steel, and indeed found a blood-stained letter.

After opening it and taking a look, he said to Mason:
"It's Lanciel's handwriting, I recognize it, but it's written in ciphertext, perhaps because I don't want it to be seen by unrelated people, it's the ciphertext commonly used within the Brotherhood of Mutants.

I can translate. "


Mason nodded, pulled out Johnny's gun, aimed at the forehead of the leader under his feet, and shot three times in a row, giving the latter a good time.

"Take them and go."

Mason gestured to Kevin, and the ooze immediately split into two and carried Ashley Parker and Eagle Eye back, while Old Wolf spent his time deciphering the ciphertext. After a few minutes, they returned to the place where Harry was Next to the guardian spider car.

"Drive slower this time."

In the back seat, Mason put on medical gloves and said to Halle who was driving:
"I had to do a little surgery on Clint, the bullet his daughter used in the sneak attack damaged his spine, and the old man suffered some of it next."

"I think this girl should be sent to Arkham!"

Halle stomped on Ashley Parker, who was knocked out and chained up, and she said:

"That's the place for a crooked lunatic like her, good sir, how sad would old Peter be if he knew his granddaughter had become like this?

And Xiaomei!

When I played house with her last time, she also told me that she must give birth to a cute little princess in the future, and then train her to be a hero as powerful as her father. "

"On the bright side, Xiaomei will indeed have a daughter."

Mason took out the Skeletal Spirit and the surgical forceps for taking bullets, poured life-dead water into Eagle Eye and let him fall into a deep sleep, then sighed and said:

"This can be regarded as half of the wish come true."

On the way back, the Spider car has been running smoothly, thanks to the car's super suspension, Mason's operation on the back seat went very smoothly.

The rusty warhead was taken out, and after perfect debridement and suturing, the bone life spirit was used to treat the damaged spine, and by the way, it could also repair Clint's hidden wounds everywhere.

Mason checked Eagle Eye's physical condition by the way during the operation.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are injuries everywhere, and the cartilage in the knees has been completely worn out. No wonder he always has a little limp when walking. It seems that this old guy has not been idle for more than ten years. He is completely fighting survived.

"Didn't he tell you what he's been doing all these years?"

Mason asked while throwing away the bloody medical gloves, and the old wolf next to him shook his head and said:
"I never asked, and he never told.

This is probably a tacit understanding between us old guys, but based on what I know about Clint, there must be something behind his insistence on going to New Babylon.

He just looks cool on the surface, everyone knows how sensitive and gentle Hawkeye's inner world is, let's not talk about him, this letter has been translated.

You see it. "

The old wolf handed the blood-stained letter to Mason. He wrote the translated cipher text on the envelope, but kept the letter in his pocket.

Mason didn't stop the act.

He knew that the old wolf and Magneto were immortal enemies, but in this situation, it is meaningless to dwell on the past hatred.

The old wolf may just be collecting relics from his countrymen to remember the lonely loss of an old friend.

Mason looked down at the letter:
"This is a letter to our compatriots, if new mutants can be born in this wasteland.

I, Magneto, Eric Lanshere, I have lost my people again, I have seen the outsiders take the remaining young people out of this world, and I have no power to stop them.

When Charles was dying, he conveyed his final will to me. He said that all this was a conspiracy.

I trust my best friend so much.

After the big transfer, I went alone to New Babylon, which was rebuilt by the Red Skull, to find out the truth, but there was no truth there, only despair.

Weak Charles has failed me yet again.

He failed to stop the end, failed to see through the conspiracy, and failed to prevent his power from falling into the wrong hands.

The Red Skull has desecrated the remains of my best friend, who took Charles' powers!

The murderer who triggered the nuclear war transformed him into a monster, but I am relieved that even after death, Charles is still resisting the dangerous spiritual authority that the Red Skull cannot control.

I found some clues in the battle with him.

The ambitious Red Skull tried to make himself the god of the mind, but his tricks were spotted by his fellow villains, and the conspirators behind him left him in this wasteland as his prison.

I would have had a chance to kill the Red Skull.

But I realized it was just him wanting to die not for redemption, but for a real fusion with Charles' power.

Both Charles and I knew what would happen if his psychic powers fell into darkness, and I would not let the monster born of pain be born from my hands.

So for the first time in my life I chose to flee without fighting.

Those who have betrayed this world know very well that once Berserk is born, they will not be restrained and restrained, so they are very likely to use some means to force the Red Skull not to commit suicide, and naturally they cannot complete the final step of complete integration.

That lunatic provoked me wildly, trying to use my hand to help him untie the dog chain imposed on him by his companions, so as to ascend to a stronger and darker form.

But I won't let him do it.

Red Skull's distraught appearance made me feel joy from the bottom of my heart. Maybe rotting with this wasteland is the punishment he deserves.

I feel that my time is numbered, and that it is not so unbearable that the curtain ends, except that even in death I am alone, as I was in birth.

I trust this letter will be read.

I believe that those mutants who left their hometown will definitely come back, because abandoning their homeland is never an option for mutants!

If you homecomings read this letter, take my advice and stay away from New Babylon!Don't give Red Skull a chance, let him rot.

Let him live his damned ugly life in his trash-heap kingdom.

But if you have the power to destroy it all, then show no mercy to your homeland and destroy it all, leaving it to be forgotten as the ruins of a dark age.

We, and the entire ravaged world, will thank you. "

The content contained in this farewell letter from Lao Wan was very secret, and Mason frowned as he read it.

In particular, the description of the "doomsday president" Red Skull stationed in this world has revealed the tip of the iceberg of the hidden things in the wasteland world.

According to Lao Wan, the so-called world manager of the Red Skull is just a lost dog abandoned by the bastard friends who did bad things together. Combined with the behavior of the warlock master who blocked the world for 17 years, the truth is full of gold. Also quite enough.

"Have you faced the 'Frenzied Attack' before?"

Mason put away the letter, looked back at Old Wolf, who silently lit a cigarette, rubbed his head and said:
"It seems to have happened many years ago, but my memory is missing a lot. It should be that Professor X erased that memory with his psychic power to prevent the secret of the birth of the mad attack from being discovered.

But the Red Skull found it.

Eric made it very clear that the Red Skull is a shameful lunatic who desecrated the professor's body and tried to turn himself into a doomsday attack. "

"Thank you for finding this letter."

Mason raised his head and looked at the vast wasteland in front of him. He rubbed his eyebrows and said:
"My original plan was to kill him if there was a conflict, and now it seems that plan needs to be revised. Don't worry, the Red Skull will definitely not let go, but we need to push his death back.

I mean, reverse the order. "

"Can you get rid of him?"

Logan looked at Mason in surprise and said:
"Without triggering the birth of mad attack?"

"It's hard."

The captain let out a long breath.

He took out the damaged sentry arrow and put it in his hand to analyze and think about the repair plan. He said to the old wolf:
"But fortunately, I have prepared some special tactics for this situation in advance, in short, leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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