The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 329 28. The "Secret Treasure" of the Stark Family

Chapter 329 28. The "Secret Treasure" of the Stark Family

After several hours of driving, the spider car full of people finally arrived at today's campsite when night fell. It was a wasteland gathering point nearly [-] kilometers northeast of Hammerfall.

It's as messy and dirty as Hammerfell.

But the good news is that there are no gangsters around here, because the K team has entered the sphere of influence of the "Ant Gang".

According to Eagle Eye, the "Wasteland Baixiaosheng", this area is the "most orderly" place in the entire wasteland, and the Ant Gang rules here in a cruel and efficient way, and rejects the intervention of all external forces.

Although it is still poor and difficult, as long as the people here feel at ease to make offerings every month, at least they don't have to worry about dying.

The spider car stopped in front of the only "bar" at the gathering point, which had already been bought by the rich and powerful Barbara with several boxes of compressed biscuits and purified water.

Hawkeye, who had just endured the "torture" of the bone spirit, struggled to get out of the car with the help of the old wolf. Facing Barbara who came to greet him, Harley dragged Ashley Parker, who was covered but still struggling, He vividly told Batgirl everything they encountered in the canyon.

When she heard that the filial daughter in front of her was trying to show her strength by killing her biological father, Barbara looked at Ashley with disgust and contempt.

People in the Bat family can't hear this the most.

However, out of humanitarian considerations, Barbara reached out and tore the tape off Ashley Parker's mouth. This wasteland bully chick didn't care about other people looking at her. She looked at her immediately after she was able to speak. To Mason walking to the bar.

She shouted hoarsely:
"You are a man of power! You are the leader and I want to join you! I want to share your strength"

"I'm not interested in madmen."

Without looking back, Mason waved his hands and said:
"Harry will check her to see if she has any psychological problems. Barbara will take care of her tonight, and if she dares to act like a monster, she will be beaten hard."

"No, you can't trust Clint Barton!"

Ashley Parker shook her head and shouted:
"That man lied to you. When he left my mother and me, he said that he would bring hope to this hopeless world. He went to the no-man's-land in South America to find the secret treasure of the Avengers!

Now that he's back, it means he's found it, boss!

This news is enough for you to accept me, that is the most valuable treasure in this wasteland."


Barbara, who couldn't listen anymore, cut her neck with her palm, and dragged the crooked spider girl to the second floor of the bar like Harry.

They have to treat her wounds and give her a bath.

Look at her dirty mud monkey, it's like rolling in a pit.

As for the "Avengers Secret Treasure" that Ashley just said, it didn't stop Mason. The goods that Hawkeye delivered this time were in his luggage.

If Eagle Eye really found the so-called treasure, it must be in that box.

But Mason isn't interested in any of that right now.

He greeted the team members who were enjoying the weird "Wasteland Dinner" sitting at the cramped and dimly lit bar, and then went to the room on the second floor by himself.

He took out the alchemy workbench, and then took out the Magneto helmet found in the canyon gang.

He wants to crack the secret of this helmet as soon as possible.

This thing is really unusual, it is definitely the most valuable trophy that Mason can find on this "journey home", and most importantly, this thing has extraordinary commemorative value for all mutants.

The dark red helmet was designed by Magneto to look very elegant yet powerful. From this detail, it can be seen that Lao Wan in this world is also an absolute scene person.

After being washed with Stark's mecha cleaning fluid, Mason put the clean dark red helmet in front of his eyes.

The info tab pops up:

Helm of the Black Emperor
Quality: Legendary Forged Item · Perfect Craft

Traits: Psychic Protection, Permanent Magnet, Power Boost, Never Wear Out
Special effects:

[-]. Mental isolation:

Magneto specially made this helmet in order to fight against his best friend and old enemy, Professor X. It uses magnetic field as a means to re-smelt steel, and achieves a special arrangement at the atomic level to make the item have the ability to isolate.

When wearing the helmet, the user is immune to all mind control, mind peeping and charm interference effects, and remains in a [awake] state at all times.

[-]. Permanent magnet:

Magneto's special ability makes the helmet that he never leaves his body also have certain characteristics.

When wearing the helmet, the power of the user's energy attacks (including magic effects) will be enhanced, because it comes with a stable and indestructible magnetic field interference, so the user cannot be tracked and located by any electronic device.

When attacked by electromagnetic weapons, the helmet can give the user the [Attack Deflection] effect.

Producer: "Magneto" Eric Lanciel

Item description: Although Lao Wan never took off his helmet, Magneto is an elegant gentleman who is so strict with his hygiene habits that he is almost a clean freak, so you don't have to worry about any hair oil and dandruff remaining on the helmet.


When the forging skill reaches Lv4, you can try to learn the smelting formula of the special material of the helmet.

"Hat, I think you might be retiring."

Mason played with the not heavy but very textured helmet in his hands, and whispered to the sorting hat on the other side of the workbench:
"Look at this helmet, it's much stronger than you in every sense."

Facing Mason's ridicule, the Sorting Hat protruded a vague human face on its own hat, and responded with a few sneers:
"It's really powerful, but I don't believe you can take it with you when you take a shower, and the Occlumency I gave you is long-term effective, besides, can it hallucinate?

Does it have such an elegant shape as mine?
Can it have a thousand-year-old history like mine?
Anyone with a brain knows which hat you should choose between me and it."

"You are just bullying the Black Emperor Helmet who can't speak."

Mason complained.

Of course he was just joking, Lao Wan's helmet can be used in battle, but it is so uncomfortable to wear normally, the soft material of the sorting hat is more comfortable to wear.

"The current forging skill is Lv2+1, which is still one level short."

Mason stroked the helmet in his hand and thought:

"This kind of material that can weaken or even isolate the power of the mind is very rare and must be mastered as soon as possible. In the future, the battle suits made for the members of the K team will have to add this material to avoid being secretly shady.

As we all know, those who play with psychic power are hard to guard against, and not every psychic manipulator is as ethical as Professor X.

It would be difficult to deal with such scumbags as the purple man. "

"Someone is approaching outside the door, Mason."

The hat suddenly reminded him, the captain nodded, put Magneto's helmet by his hand, pulled out a silver pistol from his waist, and pointed at the door.

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, Mr. Mason, I'm Sonny, the owner of Stark's Bar, and I'll bring you a midnight snack."

A flattering voice sounded outside the door, Mason blinked and said:
"come in."

The door was pushed open, and the fat boss walked in with a dinner plate. His flattering face immediately frightened when he saw the black muzzle of the gun in Mason's hand.

He held up the plate and raised his hand, shouting:
"No! I have no malice. I even used the best ingredients in the cold storage to cook myself. I just want to get closer."

"He's lying."

The hat in Mason's hand said coldly:

"His thinking is quite violent, not just because of fear, he has other purposes, maybe you should give him a shot to calm him down."

"I said it! I said it all!"

Sonny Stark, the owner of the Stark Bar, saw that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he frowning and moved his fingers nervously, and said to Mason:
"I am...I want your help, unknown big shot.

I just heard your team members complain about some things during the meal. If they were not joking, then you should all come from another world, and you have already saved some people in Hammerfall before.

I would like to ask your kindness to take me and my family out of this wasteland.

I mean, leave forever!

I've had enough of this damn place that has taken everything from me and reduced me from a well-fed upper class kid to a pathetic failed business operator. "

Faced with this request, Mason was noncommittal.

He looked the fat boss up and down, noticing that although this guy was down and out, he was still trying to maintain what little decency he had left.

At least the clothes are shabby but clean, and they even try to maintain the habit of wearing shirts.

His hygiene habits are obviously better than 99% of the guys in this wasteland.

"What's your relationship with Tony Stark?"

Mason asked.

Sonny was a little nervous, but still stammered honestly:

"He is my uncle, my grandfather is Howard Stark's distant cousin, and later the family moved here and has been working in the Stark Group.

Uh, it's a job, but it's actually a salary for nothing. Although it has no real power, at least the quality of life is great.

I was growing up in a California mansion until I was 22 and finished school and was ready to really start having fun when the damn nuclear war happened.

My uncle Tony died in the chaos, and so did my aunt. Anyway, it was a terrible tragedy. "

"Still not telling the truth!"

This time there was no need for a hat reminder, Mason who picked up the penguin umbrella and activated the golden apple could feel that Sonny was still hiding something.

But he didn't yell anymore, but said in a gentle tone:

"You are now fighting for a ticket to another world, Brother Sonny, I think you should be more honest, what do you think?"

"I, I didn't hide it on purpose."

Sonny gritted his teeth and said:
"Please come with me. There are some things you have to see with your own eyes. Although I am not a good person, I am not just begging you for my own well-being."


Mason became interested.

He wears Lao Wan's helmet, Isu battle armor and shroud cloak. He has the feeling of being the Magneto Youth Plus version. In addition, he also has a gravity ring, so he can really live a life if necessary. Cos addiction.

He followed Sonny through a trap in the bar and into the ground.

This underground area is quite large, and there are traces of precision machinery everywhere. It looks like a secret base of Iron Man, but it is obviously completely abandoned and used as a shelter and residential area.

In the deepest part of this small base, Mason saw a biological cabin that was still in operation.

He stepped forward to look at the glass of the biological cabin, and saw a dormant little girl in it, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was wearing a rather unique set of Mark series armor, but it was so dilapidated that she must have suffered suffered serious damage.

"This is little Morgan, Uncle Tony's daughter and my cousin."

Sonny stood beside the biological cabin with some sadness, he said:

"She was the one who escorted our big family here from the place where the nuclear war broke out, but she was also injured by the pursuers sent by the bloody Red Skull, so she could only enter the biological cabin to 'hibernate'.

There is no way to cure her in this damn world, and I can only watch my cousin weaken day by day.

I don't have any skills, I'm just a dude.

But I am also a member of the Stark family. I must protect her and find a way for her and my family. Please, Mr. Mason, please take us away.

This world has long been bloody hopeless! "

"Why didn't you go to the transfer 17 years ago?"

Mason said:
"As Stark's family, they will not deny your asylum request."

"That's Uncle Tony sent us a message before he died."

Sonny hesitated, then whispered:
"Uncle Tony said that all this is a conspiracy, let us not trust those outsiders, if I hadn't been forced to do anything by the cruel life, I wouldn't choose to believe you at this time.

You saved someone in Hammerfell, and I met Mrs. May Parker.

She lived here for a while.

She reassured me that you were good people, and that made my mind up. "

"Well, this thing is getting more and more interesting."

Sonny Stark's words made Mason squint his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, before sending them here, the swordsman said that this was the place she knew that the Council of Hope had saved before it fell.

The hunter also said that the stars would be a righteous organization for a while, and old A was even more proud of this and tried to persuade Mason to change his course and follow him.

But now it seems that there is a sea hidden in this early "justice".

"I know I can't make you work for nothing, so I prepared this."

Seeing Mason thinking, Sonny thought that this mysterious outsider was considering whether to help his big family. Although he was a failed bar operator, he was a businessman after all, so he gritted his teeth and took out his last hole card.

That's a box.

After being opened, it revealed a sophisticated device that looked like a processor. He said to Mason:

"This is what Uncle Tony left in this base. I don't know what it is, but Little Morgan told me not to touch it before hibernation."

"It's a data sandbox."

Mason has also been exposed to a lot of high technology, and he can discern its usefulness after a casual look. He said:

"It's a device used to run some special programs that can't be connected to the outside world. This thing looks very interesting. I'll take it away. Go and pack it up."

He said to the surprised Sonny:

"I'll give you two options, one is the wasteland world where civilization still exists, where life is tough but there is enough order and armed forces that won't be too dangerous.

The other is a prosperous society about to be invaded.

You can have a good time in it, and fulfill the dream of drinking and drinking that you didn't realize when you were 22 years old, but the price may be that you may encounter danger. "

"I choose the second one!"

Sonny said impatiently:
"I've had enough of the goddamn post-apocalyptic world, I just want to indulge now, I don't care how long I live! But my family and little Morgan are going to be sent to the first world.

They suffered too much from the incompetent me.

They need a peaceful, undisturbed life to heal them. "

"It's a lot to ask for, but it's OK."

Mason took the processor, waved to Sonny and said:

"Go to Barbara, she will arrange it for you, but you have to stay in my suitcase factory for a few days first, there is a nice house there, let's rest there first.

As for Morgan Stark."

He glanced at the young girl in the biological cabin, shrugged and said:
"It's not my turn to take care of people with her background. Some people will do their best to save her."

As he spoke, Mason activated the sandbox processor in his hand. A row of small lights flickered rhythmically, and a hoarse mechanical voice sounded from it after a few seconds:

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

Mason asked back.

After a few seconds of silence, the latter replied:

"My name is Ultron, to be precise, it is the last copy program left by Ultron's main program after it was destroyed by a nuclear war and the network was destroyed.

It's your turn, stranger. "

"My name is Mason, a B-level member of the Stars Club, and the captain of Team K."

Mason held the sandbox processor in his hand, he said:
"Can you tell me what happened that night?"


Ultron's voice became weaker as if it lacked energy. It said:
"Betrayed from the heart of the world, stabbed in the back by those most trusted, Tony Stark and the order he fought so hard to keep are victims
The enemy is in the Illuminati! ! !
Insufficient energy and shutting down."

(End of this chapter)

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