The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 330 29. The Invincible Hulk: Rotten Rebirth in the Doomsday

Chapter 330 29. The Invincible Hulk: Rotten Rebirth in the Doomsday
"Sister, do you have the ability to restrict this procedure?"

In the early morning of the next day, when the K team set off again, this time Mason, who was sitting in the cockpit of the monster lizard heavy tank, handed over the sandbox processor in his hand to the hacker expert in the team.

Batgirl took it over and looked at it, then popped out the connecting device from her wrist and inserted it into the processor.

Colorful lights emerged from the eye sockets of the bionic eyes, indicating that the cracking program was running. After a few seconds, Barbara disconnected, threw the sandbox processor to Mason, and said:
"No, it has multiple encryptions inside. The person who made this processor is a million times smarter than me. There is a data destruction program inside. Once I crack it forcibly, it will be over.

But Judy should have a way. "

Barbara said with emotion:

"She always has weird ways to unravel this annoying self-upgrading encryption program, and she said that tinkering with the technology of the mother box found something interesting, and she will share it with me later."

"Well, the growing intimacy between the two of you worries me."

Mason whispered:
"I'm concerned for Grayson, maybe his ass is being replaced by some of Judy's flair for you, and as far as I know, Judy is a very interesting girl.

You have to hold on, old lady, don't make Grayson sad, you're wearing rings on your fingers. "

"It's not something you should care about!"

Barbara turned cold, but quickly changed the subject and said:

"How long do you plan to stay here? Compared with our previous pioneering operations, this time the progress is so slow that I am a little crazy, and this world will not make people feel very comfortable.
Look, Harley is still beating dishonest Ashley in the Spider Car.

That rebellious and crazy spider girl is really a headache. She has no mental illness, she just learned from a group of bad guys. "

"Let Halle do the 'personality correction' for her then."

Mason waved his hand and said:

"My little girlfriend is a doctor of psychology, she knows how to bring this child back on track."

"Little girlfriend?"

Barbara immediately corrected:

"Harry is nine years older than you! Mason, you are her sweetheart."

"It's not just about age."

Mason wanted to explain how he and Harley got along, but soon realized that the topic was being led by the cunning Barbara to ask her little brother to say something that would satisfy her gossip.

So the captain immediately stopped the topic and returned to the topic just now. He leaned on the supine co-pilot of the Demon Lizard Heavy Tank, looking at the electronic map of the world compiled by Barbara through collecting data everywhere.

"We're going to New Babylon!"

Mason said seriously:

"The current clues are showing that the world's nuclear war 17 years ago was not just caused by internal struggles, and the outsiders who played the role of 'saviors' in that incident were not clean.

But they concealed this very well, and the hunters, swordsmen, and members of the Ex team were all kept in the dark.

But I believe that we can find all the information we need in New Babylon, which is the end of our journey, and we have to get there in three days! "

"Then there will be no rest."

Barbara says:

"Unless the three supermen carry us and fly there, it's not impossible, but it may scare the snake, after all, it is the territory of the Red Skull, the 'doomsday president' of this world.

Mason, you said, is he the A-level person lurking in this world? "


Mason stroked the old Wan helmet in his arms, and said softly:
"But I have a hunch that when we get closer to the truth, there may be more than one A-level personnel who will jump out to hinder us, and I think we may find something even more amazing under this wasteland.

It's like a cocoon, Barbara.

All kinds of secrets from 17 years ago are being revealed little by little before our eyes, and we are getting close to the core. "

"We're also getting closer to danger."

Batgirl handed over the remodeled Lizard heavy tank to Delaman to operate independently, and lay in the cramped and professional cockpit with her younger brother.

She stretched her body and whispered:
"Even with three Kryptonians and two guys with great potential and potential as teammates, I still don't feel safe, maybe because it's really different now.

Tell me honestly, Mason, did you split up Selena, Charles, and Zack Kang to leave behind?
You're also aware of the danger of progression, right? "

"Almost, but you don't have to think about it."

Mason said frankly:
"The current situation is that our business is getting bigger and bigger, and someone who can rest assured must be sent out to take charge of the overall situation. Selina is in charge of Gotham World's intelligence network and supports the old man's secret operations, and then makes a good handover with the old man.

Charles will assist her and take care of our old and weak women and children, such as Elizabeth's child Henry and Serena entrusted to us by Barbossa.

Jagger was going back to the wizarding world.

He is the most suitable handover person, and the messy affair between him and Xiao Zha must have a result.

Now even Jack and the others are busy. Once the minions trained in Osborne Tower gain strength, they will become our best backup for every operation.

You feel that there are more and more people, but I feel that there are not enough people, and people are needed everywhere. I even want you to be responsible alone."

"Don't even think about it!"

Barbara interrupted him, and Batgirl said stubbornly:

"I have to keep an eye on you for Bruce and Gordon, lest you suddenly go crazy one day and go to die with the big villains or something like that, your character is absolutely capable of such a thing.

The second barrel has to be transferred back!
Only in this way can the two of us restrain you from doing really dangerous moves. "

"I'm not as vulnerable as you think."

Mason argued:
"I intend to live to see the end of the Dark Ages."

"You better be so."

Batgirl said softly:
"We'll make it to the end, Mason, we will. Seriously though, I was taken aback when you said you were from this world and not a little orphan in Gotham City.

Who would have thought that our Gordon family had adopted an 'alien orphan' after doing good deeds.

But if you think about your bizarre origin, it seems that it can perfectly explain your uniqueness. Perhaps only you who experienced world travel in infancy can make such a career at such a young age.

Also, Logan said that you will awaken your true power when you complete the third stage of that experiment, will you become a guy as powerful as Superman? "

"Probably not."

Mason rubbed his chin and said:

"The mutant's ability to take effect depends entirely on God's will. I think my luck may not be good enough to extract Omega-level abilities. To be honest, I am very satisfied with Alpha-level strength."

"Mason, beyond that mountain ahead is the 'God's Fallen Land', do you want to go and have a look?"

Hawkeye's voice rang through the comm, interrupting the conversation between Mason and Batgirl.

The captain thought for a while and said:
"Is that where the evil god Loki died? Let's take a look along the way. We took Thor's Hammer. We should help Thor bring some dying thoughts to his brother.

You can't take other people's things for nothing. "

In the ruins of San Francisco, a big brawl has come to an end.

Faced with the onslaught of the Hulk Gang, the Ghost Rider Gang, which had lost their "sacred object", was obviously not an opponent. The second leader they had just elected tried their best to resist, but they were still quickly defeated.

A small number of riders were torn apart and eaten by the berserk Sons of Hulk, and most of the riders were driven together by the cannon fodder who surrounded them before they could escape.

This time, the Hulk gang, uncharacteristically, not only did not whip the captured cannon fodder, but also distributed weapons, locomotives, and food equipment to them under the command of several sons of the Hulk who were directly descended from the blood.

Still a posture of cultivating cannon fodder servants.

The number of the Hulk gang is around 500, all of which are descendants of those poor women and Bruce Banner who were plundered by the crazy Hulk after breaking Thor's neck in 17 years.

Probably inheriting Hulk's weird bloodline makes these green-skinned guys savage and have some habits of beasts.

Their reproduction and growth rate is astonishingly fast.

And no matter whether the other party is an ordinary woman or not, as long as the child is conceived, it must be the son of the green-skinned Hulk, and the men who are captured will also be abused and tortured by the female Hulk until they also complete their conception.

In other words, as long as the Hulk gang is given enough time, they can reproduce a new civilization on the wasteland by themselves.

"come over!"

The heavy chains pulled the body of the second leader of the Ghost Rider Gang, dragging the disheveled and strong man on the ground. The savage Sons of Hulk laughed, but the humiliated man dared not speak out.

He didn't have the luck to inherit Johnny Blazer's bloodline and be recognized by the evil spirit motorcycle and endowed with the power of immortality. Besides, that motorcycle was snatched by a damned stranger the day before yesterday.

He is just a fierce wasteland bully, how could he be able to defeat these green-skinned thugs?
"Father wants to see you! I warn you, be honest."

An extremely strong son of the Hulk stepped forward, smashed the ferocious nail mace in his hand on the ground, and scolded the disheartened guy:
"Answer what daddy asks you! If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful we eat you."

After finishing speaking, this guy was taken to the "Hulk War Vehicle" guarded by twenty fully armed Sons of Hulk, which was a "Mobile Palace" composed of various abandoned vehicles.

There are more than 20 wheels of different sizes carrying the chaotic but weird car body, which is assembled and operated in a way that others cannot understand.

Every step forward will billow black smoke.

Of course, such a structure is not comfortable, but for the frail old man sitting on the sofa seat in the center of the Hulk war vehicle, this car is enough.

Dr. Bruce Banner has long lost the gentleness of 17 years ago, and now he is old, ugly and lonely.

Wearing a white vest and a pair of dirty fluffy pants, barefoot and wearing reading glasses, combined with a bald head shape, he looks like a frail old man.

But on the other hand, this "Fire Cloud Cthulhu" suit was surprisingly full of some kind of strange deterrent power.

But the seat next to Papa Banner was filled with several beautiful and helpless women, all of them had big bellies without exception, all of which were the blood that Papa Banner had just "created".

This is enough to prove that the old man is still old and strong.

For the Hulk Gang, these members with Dad's direct bloodline are much stronger than ordinary members, and they are the real "sons of Hulk".

"Are you the new leader of the Ghost Rider Gang?"

Papa Banner, who was sitting on the war car, pushed his already cracked reading glasses, and asked with the attitude of an old man:
"Where is Henry Blazer? The guy who dared to fight us with the motorcycle left by his relatives far away?"

"Boss Henry is dead."

The second leader of the Ghost Rider Gang knelt on the ground, not daring to lift his head. Facing Father Banner's question, he answered honestly:
"Killed by a group of strangers, the Hell Motorcycle was also snatched, I was on the scene at the time, the motorcycle abandoned Boss Henry, it seemed to prefer the young mysterious man.

It burst into flames like the sun in his hand.

That could be the real Ghost Rider coming back into the world, and it's just to bring us relief."

"Heh, ignorant doomsdayists and typical cultist brainwashing rhetoric, really shameful and pathetic."

The weak Papa Banner pushed his reading glasses and said slowly:

"I don't care where your so-called sacred objects go. I ask you, is Logan Hautley with them?"


The man immediately replied:
"It's Logan's car that killed Boss Henry, that goddamn cobweb-painted car."


He had no interest at first and had started to close his eyes to meditate. Father Banner suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this. He stood up abruptly, and shouted in half surprise and half madness:

"You say Logan killed someone? After 17 years of silence and self-imposed exile, he's bloodied his hands again? Are you sure?"

The scolding and questioning surprised that guy.

He felt that the focus of the mysterious leader of the Hulk Gang in front of him was somewhat strange. This is the end of the world. Who can survive here without blood on his hands?
Isn't it just killing someone? As for making such a fuss?
"Answer me! Don't you?"

His hesitation made Papa Banner very angry, and the old man pretended to jump off the war car to torture himself, which frightened the surrounding Sons of Hulk.

Especially the older ones.

They seemed to see something terrible was about to happen, one by one stepped forward to stop the old man who was about to get mad, and the rest rushed to punch and kick the idiot, yelling at him to answer the questions honestly.

Amidst the screams, the guy trying to survive could only shout:

"Yes! I'm sure! I saw it with my own eyes. It was he who killed someone! It was that old bastard who killed someone."

"He's not a wimp! Stupid, he's not an old man, hahahaha."

Papa Banner, who finally got the confirmation, was ecstatic.

He raised his hands on his war car like crazy, and shouted to the sky:
"Back! Hahahaha, familiar feelings are back! The only one who can kill me is back. Steel Claws! Fangs! Logan! Wolverine!

You are finally back
set off!

Everyone, bring everything!
set off!

Let's go find him, find him!Find Logan Hautley!I don't want to wait any longer!Hulk. Hulk doesn't want to wait any longer!Set off! "

"But Dad, should we just give up our water source like this? We finally found it, and it is more precious than gold in the wasteland."


As soon as a Hulk daughter raised a question, the old man who was like a stalk suddenly punched his daughter with a fist full of age spots, and gently knocked off most of her head.

The headless corpse flew out and hit the ground, scorching blood spilled all over the sky. This scene made all the Sons of Hulk shudder.

"I say. Go! Chasing Logan Hautley across the post-apocalyptic wasteland, I hope to have another final farewell with my old friend."

Dad calmed down.

As he was getting old, he pushed his broken reading glasses with bloody fingers, and said to his children in a gentle tone:
"Who has an opinion?"

"Go! Hulk Gang! Go!"

The eldest son of the Hulk waved his halberd welded with scrap steel and shouted forward. Soon, the bloated convoy was heading north along the route of the K team.

In the compartment of the huge war car, the excited and crazy Papa Banner grabbed the screaming woman under him and kept venting, but he didn't pay attention to his surroundings at all, and he didn't even pay attention to what he was doing.

His eyes looked into the distance.

Not only Wolverine died in the doomsday battle 17 years ago, Hulk also died, but today Wolverine has crawled out of the grave.

So the rotten Hulk, perhaps should also
"no, do not want!"

The woman's screams resounded throughout the carriage, but it failed to change the terrible ending.

More than ten seconds later, the old man came out staggeringly, cleaning up the blood and flesh on his body, with a weird smile on his face, and lowered his head to the side with a gentle tone, not daring to look at his children, pointing at the covered area. The Carriage of Blood and Flesh says:

"Clean it up, it's disgusting."

(End of this chapter)

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