The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 332 31. If this continues, Mason Cooper will die soon

Chapter 332 31. If this continues, Mason Cooper will die soon

In the speeding spider car, Harley was ordered to jump into the suitcase factory to find Mr. K and inform him of the bad news of the annihilation of the army.

However, after searching around, he found Mason who was sleeping soundly on the forging table in the rest area on the seventh floor of the suitcase factory that had been divided into ten floors.

In front of Mr. K's eyes was a restored Mjolnir Forging Hammer.

Compared with the previous one, this Thunder God forging hammer seems to have been refurbished once. After incorporating the inscriptions and repairs made of Loki's bone as raw materials, it seems to be reborn.

With the spare cut pieces of Urugin aside, the newborn hammer was still usable in battle but it was clearly no longer a perfect weapon.

Seeing that Mason was sleeping soundly, Halle couldn't bear to disturb him. She knew very well how nervous Mr. K arranged his time every day. He must be very tired.

I'm so tired that I don't even have time to kiss a beautiful woman like myself.

But now that the situation is urgent, Harry still stretched out his hand to wake Mason up, but at this moment, a blurry face protruded from the hat on the workbench and shouted:
"Don't touch him, Harley, this is no ordinary sleep. He has just finished his 2000th Isu creation, and is sleeping communicating with the newly unlocked Isu sages in his veins.

This process may take several hours. "

"Oh, what about outside?"

Harry felt numb for a moment.

She looked at the hat and sought experience from the wise hat. The hat said in her heart that I don't even know what's going on outside. What can I do?

But right now, as a representative of wisdom, it obviously cannot say that.

So the hat thought for a while, and said in a voice full of wisdom:
"You can't rely on Mason for everything, Harley, you should learn to solve problems by yourself, didn't Mason appoint Barbara Gordon as his adjutant for this trip?
Why not let her take care of the problem at hand? "


Harry felt that what the hat said made sense, so he ran out to deliver the news and came back quickly. The hat looked at her who had gone and returned, and said doubtfully:

"What are you doing back here again? He needs quiet now."

"I know, I'm here to protect Mr. K."

Harry grabbed her colorfully painted kinetic pistol and guarded it outside Mason's lounge. She asked:
"Hat, you just said that Mr. K completed the 2000th Isu item? What does that mean? Is this some kind of strange game?"

"It's hard for me to explain to you, Harley, this is related to the contract Mason signed with the ancient Isu civilization."

Hat bent the pointed corner of his wizard hat, pointed to something beside the tool table, and said:
"Look, that's what he just finished, the Isu battle suit specially made for you, which he planned to give you as a gift the next time he's alone."


Harley leaned over to take a look, and found that it was a very beautiful set of clothes, very delicately made, similar to Catwoman's battle suit, with both flexibility and a close-fitting material.

Harry, who saw this gift, held his heart in both hands, and tilted his head to feel the warmth of the little sweetheart's "little surprise".

After a few seconds, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at Mason lying there soundly asleep. She licked her lips and said to the hat while unbuttoning her coat:
"As long as it doesn't wake him up, right? Hat."

"What do you want to do?"

Hat senses that something is wrong.

But it couldn't be reminded, so it was covered by the coat thrown by Harry. Harry, whose eyes flashed into red hearts, stepped forward to hug Mason and put him flat on the ground. While moving his body, he said:

"Of course, hurry up and take advantage of the heat! Don't worry, I will take it slowly and won't wake him up! No peeking! Hats! I warn you!"
Over there, Harley hid in the magic suitcase and did bad things that could not pass the trial, and Barbara, who was conveyed the news, did not abandon her duty at this time.

She put away the monster lizard heavy tank.

Released a Zeta octant armed aircraft dedicated to tough battles with super firepower and defense, pulled Eagle Eye and Logan up, and rushed them and a large number of drones to the accident site.

Neither of the old men refused to be called up.

While Eagle Eye was preparing for the assault, Lao Lang was also doing psychological construction.

He kept stroking his fist, as if he was hesitating when he really needed to fight, how much power could Wolverine, who had been sleeping for 17 years, exert?
A guy who can wipe out three Kryptonians and two superhumans in an instant is considered a superpower even before the war. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a person to wander around the wasteland without attracting attention. right.

Where did such a powerful guy come from?
"Draman, can I get the temporary permission of Fenrir's armor?"

In front of the control panel of the octant aircraft, Barbara, who was ready to attack, asked the onboard AI, and the old driver AI in normal form immediately replied:
"According to the taboo principle established by Mr. Mason, the control of the Fenrir armor can be transferred to the fourth passenger when the first passenger is unable to move.

Downloading passenger information pre-loaded into Warframe database, please wait a moment.

The list of secret affairs and the decentralization of secret weapon operation rights are in progress. "

"Secret weapon?"

Barbara froze for a moment.

She checked the unlocked authority in front of her, and said doubtfully:

"Why didn't I know that Mason had prepared a secret weapon for this operation? What is this thing code-named 'BOOM'?"

"Passenger access rights are sufficient, and detailed information is being unlocked."

Delaman switched to an electronic voice that did not fluctuate in tone, and showed an explanatory document in front of Barbara. She didn't know it, but she was really shocked when she saw it, and Batgirl even exclaimed.

She suddenly covered her mouth and looked at the instruction document floating in front of her eyes.

Mason is actually planning to blow up the world?
And he really brought the secret weapon that can accomplish this goal, the doomsday bomb made by the Atlanteans from the world at war.

This is really
"Fenrir armor is ready! Ready to pop!"

Delaman's sharp reminder brought Barbara back to her senses, and she took a deep breath to prepare for the attack.

However, when the Zeta Octant military aircraft, which looked like a real "flying coffin", approached the "crash site", Eagle Eye, who had been on guard, suddenly exclaimed.

"No, Barbara, remove the attack stance!"

The old hero shouted back:
"That's not an enemy! That's a friend!"


Batgirl said suspiciously:

"Did the regiment kill our own friends? Is this how you wastelanders greet each other?"

"There must be a misunderstanding here."

The old wolf heaved a sigh of relief after completing the psychological preparation for re-entering the battlefield. He put down the binoculars and said to Barbara behind him:

"That's Black Bolt, one of the original members of the Illuminati, and it was he who finally approved the Weapon X project that Mason came to the wasteland to find his life experience.

He is the king of the Inhumans.

Mostly a pacifist as far as I know, and our guys are fine.

They just get knocked out. "

"This is even more outrageous. I really can't imagine how powerful a strong man who captures three Kryptonians alive at once can be."

Barbara immediately restarted the biological monitoring devices on her team members, but the armor and devices on the five unlucky guys were almost destroyed in the violent energy explosion just now, and they couldn't be restarted at all.

The man in black standing on the edge of the smoky crater on the ground raised his head and looked at the futuristic aircraft slowly falling above his head. He stretched out his hand to press his hood and waved to the sky at the same time.

To show friendliness.

Behind him, the three Kryptonians lined up along with the Blue Beetle and Firestorm. They were really fine, but they were hit hard on the head and entered a forced dizziness and coma.


The hatch of the octant, which is so thick that it can withstand the shooting of small missiles, opened, and Barbara jumped down in full armor, holding the key to summon Fenrir's armor in her hand.

Hawkeye dressed as an old wolf and a ronin then jumped out.

Clint, who knew sign language, stepped forward to negotiate. The two old friends first hugged, and after a quick exchange of sign language like ninja seals, Hawkeye came back.

Barbara was checking the situation of the team members. The old man squatted beside her, pulled off his mask, and whispered:
"Black Bolt said that he came to observe us on behalf of the entire Inhuman race, and this observation has already taken effect when you entered this world.

He said he fought back only in self-defense, and told us that Attilan was ready to meet us.

Also, there is a mysterious person in Attilan who desperately needs to meet Mason.

That's one of Mason's 'creators', says Black Bolt! "

"Attilan? What's that? Sounds like a city?"

Barbara asked suspiciously.

Hawkeye nodded and said:

"It is the city of aliens, they have been living there since ancient times.

That city has advanced technology that can be moved around, and it is very easy for the aliens hiding in it to rely on their city to escape the nuclear war.

I really didn't expect to have the opportunity to step there again in this lifetime.

That may be the last intact city on the planet, and I can assure you that we are perfectly safe there.Of course, the choice to go is yours, Barbara.

We are just making suggestions. "

"You just said that there is a creator of Mason in that city?"

Batgirl glanced at Black Bat King who was silently talking with Old Wolf in sign language, she whispered:

"How credible do you think this statement is?"

"Hard to say."

Eagle Eye pursed his lips, and said:

"But we should go and have a look. Black Bolt King's appearance in person is definitely not just an invitation to us to be guests. He may ask for something, but we will only know what he really thinks when we pass by."

"it is good!"

Barbara nodded and said:

"Then let's go and have a look, how do we get there?"

"Hold on."

Eagle Eye stood up and made a gesture to Black Bat King, who nodded, took a step back and activated a device in his hand, and soon a prismatic energy gate tore open the space and appeared in front of everyone.

Barbara helped her team members into the Zeta Octant to let them rest. When she followed Eagle Eye into the door, she asked:
"What exactly is this Black Bolt King's ability?"


Clint replied in a low voice:

"The most terrifying sound in the entire universe, it only needs to whisper to wipe out cities, to move mountains and fill seas with whispers, and to shatter stars when it roars.

But your Kryptonians are also powerful.

This is the first time I have seen people who make Black Bolt helpless. Look at them, they don't even have any injuries on their bodies, and their defense power is almost the same as that of Hulk. "

"But they were still wiped out. This reckless failure will make Mason very upset."

Barbara sighed and said:

"Some of these guys suffered later."

A few hours later, when Mason rubbed his waist and walked out of the suitcase with a puzzled expression on his face, Barbara was already waiting in front of him.

"I felt like I had a fight with She-Hulk in my dream, and was punched in the face by the other party."

Mason rubbed his head and whispered something to Batgirl.

His head hurts a little.

Probably because [Forger I] in the Isu talent has finally grown to [Forger II], the unlocking of a large amount of advanced Isu knowledge made him feel like he had downloaded a database into his brain.

He needs some time to organize these newly unlocked things.

But when he saw Barbara's complicated expression and the super low pressure of a group of people not far away, Mason realized that something had happened.He knew the cause and effect from Barbara, and raised his eyebrows and said:
"It's not bad. You can still retreat from a fierce man like Black Bolt. It seems that you haven't stopped practicing your abilities recently. This is a good thing. Let everyone know that the sky is high and the earth is strong, so that you won't be so confident that you really think You can flatten the world yourself.

Are we in Attilan now? "

"Well, this city is surprisingly good."

Barbara walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the royal gardens that grew wonderfully in the sun, and some birds she had never seen before were flying around in the lush greenery.

Farther away is the landscape of the entire city, which looks like the temperament of a large city that is not so prosperous but reveals a sense of technology.

Here and the doomsday wasteland outside are completely two extremes.

"Are you really not angry?"

Batgirl looked at Mason who was enjoying the scenery beside her, and she whispered:

"We just suffered a failure."

"Not angry at all, really."

Mason turned his head and explained:
"Letting a group of recruits defeat Black Bolt is something I can't even imagine in my dreams, even if you bring the Justice League over, they will definitely not be able to defeat him.

Do you understand what I mean?

This is not the fault of the team members, although their recklessness is indeed not to be encouraged, as the commander, you have to review your own dereliction of duty.

I need to go talk to Black Bolt now.

After I get back, I'm going to see a 4000-word review, and if it's not deep enough, I can type it back and rewrite it. Also, after this operation is over, you have to go back to accompany Grayson and Gordon.

At least seven days!
Alas, do not refuse!

This is also part of the commander's punishment for dereliction of duty, please talk to them for me. "

Mason patted the old lady on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the royal palace left for them, rubbing his back and complaining in a low voice while walking.

Batgirl shrugged her shoulders, and was about to chat with the team members, but suddenly found that the magic suitcase was opened with a bang, and then the peach-colored Harley climbed up from it, panting and disheveled.

"What did you do? Make yourself like this?"

Barbara looked at the embarrassed Harley in surprise. The latter's hair was disheveled and drenched in sweat on his forehead, as if he had fought with an elephant.

"Give me a hand, my legs are a little weak."

Harry held out his hand and said something to Barbara.

After she was helped out of the suitcase, facing Batgirl's increasingly suspicious gaze, Harley threw a bubble gum into her mouth and gestured three fingers triumphantly!
She whispered:

"I'm going to kill my mother, I'm really tired from moving by myself, I need to sleep urgently! I need to sleep for eight hours, don't bother me."

After finishing speaking, Harley, whose legs were weak, supported the stairs to go up the stairs, and Batgirl walked to the side of the team members whose faces were generally ugly because of the failure. She folded her arms and coughed, looked around, and said to everyone:
"I talked to Mason and he thinks the failure was force majeure and he doesn't intend to hold everyone accountable, but we can't pretend it didn't exist.

Now, take a moment to recap, folks.

We need to gain strength from failure, this kind of thing must never happen again! "

(End of this chapter)

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