The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 333 32. What are you still doing, silly boy, call me mom

Chapter 333 32. What are you still doing, silly boy, call me mom
"The second batch of unlocked Isu blueprints does not contain 'time stagnation capsule' or 'photonic computer'. It seems that these knowledge, which are regarded as the highest knowledge of the Isu civilization, have to wait until the next talent upgrade."

Mason, who walked out of Attilan's palace rubbing his waist, was a little disappointed.

He was walking in the highest area of ​​the Inhuman city, which was dominated by black buildings and looked very solemn, but he didn't bother to look around at the city that had escaped the disaster.

At this moment, Mason's attention is focused on the new drawings that are constantly being checked on the translucent character card in front of him, as well as his personal information that has been updated so far:
Name: Mason Cooper
Race: Standard humanoid, human subspecies, Isu hybrid (blood concentration 9.94%)

[Forger Ⅰ] talent is replaced by [Forger II]: The high-quality rate of all manufacturing branches is greatly increased, and the effect of manufactured products is increased after 0/50000.

[Isu Legacy Ⅰ] talent replaced by [Isu Legacy Ⅱ]: Isu Civilization Exclusive Weapons, Armor, Auxiliary Research and Manufacturing blueprints open, "Forger" talent upgrades open the final blueprints, Isu Civilization Legacy Facilities higher authority get.

"How did the blood concentration of this Isu increase so much all of a sudden?"

Mason rubbed his forehead that was still a little hot. He looked at his Isu blood, which was close to 10% concentration. At the same time, he spread his eagle-eyed senses, and captured all kinds of detailed information in the entire alien palace in an instant.

The perception that was only 360° without dead ends before has also been upgraded. Although this is not a bad thing, it is still a bit difficult for Mason to adapt to the various details that flood into his mind in an instant.

At that moment, there was even a feeling of brain shutdown.

"You have to slowly train your senses to adapt to the real world in the eyes of the Isu."

Consus' figure was projected to Mason's side, and he reminded:

"For us, the world is completely different from the 'truth' in the eyes of ordinary people, and you can now perceive various dynamic changes in the three-dimensional world.

However, this is only an extension at the basic level.

By the time your Isu lineage completes the third awakening, you will be able to sense the flow of time, and if you fail to lay the groundwork at this stage, my brother, you will go mad when the Isu senses are fully activated of. "

"Sounds dangerous."

Mason complained:
"So why on earth did you evolve into such an extreme form?
No wonder you couldn't survive the first wave of cosmic tremors 7 years ago. With such a keen perception, the aftermath of deep changes in the universe is enough to destroy your sanity. "

"Our evolutionary goal has always been to get rid of fragile flesh and blood to complete the promotion of spirit and soul, so as to expect to get rid of the boring third dimension and enter a higher dimension."

Consus smiled bitterly:

"We were proud of that.

But now it seems that this may not really be a successful evolution.But I'm even more curious now, what kind of secret did Hephaestus give you during your dream conversation with Hephaestus just now? "

"Not much to say, most of it is Hephaestus's life details and his overly exciting private life with his charming wife, and frankly, I think I wasted my time."

Mason pouted, and when he was approaching the Inhuman Palace, he pushed the hat on his forehead and said:
"But it's not all fruitless, I saw Hephaestus and Athena's initial design for the Aurora device, Consus, I have to tell you a crazy truth.

The aurora device used in the Isu world is only a "semi-finished product". When the Isu civilization was extinct 7 years ago, they did not really complete the follow-up upgrade of the aurora device.

To put it simply, only the defensive module was installed, but the design of the offensive module was not completed. "

The captain stretched his neck and said:
"In the original design, that thing was still a 'dimension weapon', which was used to disrupt or suppress the dimensional vibrations near the planet in an instant. I will be busy later.

After the contact between the two worlds is completed, I have to go back to the Grand Temple of New York to take a closer look at its actual structure, but unfortunately, with my current engineering skills, I can't help them complete this unfinished drawing. "

"It doesn't matter, my brother."

After Consus listened to Mason's explanation in detail, he said:

"In the current situation, we should pursue a more secure approach, and perhaps you can upgrade it to a tool that can help you achieve your ideals.

Like planet fusion? "

"That's exactly what I thought."

Mason chuckled, and while walking through the newly unlocked mysterious blueprints, he replied:

"After learning that the Aurora device still has redundant space for secondary transformation, I have the same idea as you, but let's talk about this after we leave here.

To complete this design, I need a lot of out-of-the-box thinking.

This is not something I can do alone.

But I'm curious, Consus, does the "mythical weapon" specially made by the Isu forger for the ethnic warriors really need the blessing of the Isu blood to exert its true power? "

He looked at the engineering blueprint describing how to make the legendary war bow "New Moon/Dawn" in front of him, rubbed his chin and asked:

"How do I get rid of this stupid blood restriction? It's a pity that such a good energy weapon is not used to arm my team members."

"All you need is a high-level inscription of [Bloodline Adaptation] to unlock the permission to use mythical weapons."

Consus gave an unambiguous answer, but he also reminded:
"However, my brother, the forgers did not set this restriction just to show the glory of the so-called Isu gods, but our special weapons all contain fine manipulation of energy.

Only the super senses and energy control of the Isu people can master it, and it is not impossible to hand it over to other races.

But first you have to make sure they're skilled enough that they don't hurt themselves."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Mason looked at the dazzling array of fully unlocked mythical weapons, armor, and high-level Isu inscriptions. His hands were really itchy. As a craftsman, his production instinct was about to move, but he quickly suppressed it.

There are more important things right now.

The moment Consus's data projection dispersed, Mason took a deep breath, tidied up his appearance, and then stepped into the hall in front of him under the watchful eyes of several armed and indifferent warriors.

This is supposed to be a place where Inhuman courtiers and their kings discuss racial matters.

But this meeting seemed very quiet, except for the king of aliens sitting firmly on the high throne in front of him and the mysterious person behind him, there was no one else in the entire hall.

And on the seats placed below, there are nameplates, just like strange tombstones recording the life of the owner of the seat.

Mason took a look with his newly unlocked super senses, and found that the courtiers here died at the same time, all on the night of the world nuclear war 17 years ago.

Even Black Bolt's sister Crystal Princess and his wife Queen Medusa.

These powerful and noble alien royal families all died in the defensive battle to protect Attilan. This truth sets off the dead silence of this hall and the loneliness of the old man in black on the throne.

Attilan didn't really escape the doomsday.

The survival of the city is based on the fact that the high-ranking blood of the Inhuman race has lost all casualties.

"Come forward, Mason Cooper."

The Black Bolt King cannot speak, so after he gestured, the mysterious man in a white cloak behind him said for the silent and lonely old king:

"As a distinguished guest of Attilan, you don't have to worry about being hurt."

"I never worry about that."

Mason walked forward as if meeting the king's courtiers, and said softly:

"I'm just surprised that there is still one member of the Illuminati remaining here in this world. Based on the various information I have obtained from the outside world, that once powerful and mysterious organization has been destroyed in the end of the night."

Black Bolt shook his head, his old, wrinkled and tired face was incomprehensible, and as his "mouthpiece", the people behind him explained:

"The one in front of you is not the only one who survived, but the truth has long been buried in the past, and this is not what we are going to discuss today.

The problem we should focus on is you, Mason, or, the subject 'Maia'. "

This address made Mason stop in place and looked up again.

Under his gaze, Black Bolt got up slowly, took a book beside him and made a farewell gesture, then turned and walked into the passage behind the throne.

The hall was also closed by the guards from the outside at this moment. In the moment of dim light, bright lights lit up around, and the mysterious man who was the mouthpiece of the Black Bat King also stepped down from the throne.

Under Mason's gaze, she opened her hood, revealing a beautiful, coquettish, charming, haughty and young face.

And waist-length blond hair.

Mason recognized her immediately.

Not just the face, but the recognizable battle suit she wore beneath the white robe.

"White Queen?"

The captain said in a surprised tone:

"Why are you still here? I heard that in the great transfer 17 years ago, you left the world with the mutants who escaped the disaster."

"The one who left this world was just a clone, just like you."

Emma Grace Frost, the White Queen, was once a woman who could call the wind and rain in the world of mutants, standing three meters away from Mason, with her arms folded and looking up and down at him critically.

It is like a creator looking at his creation in a harsh way.

Moments later, the beautiful woman who survived the end and was still young explained:

"The real me was seriously injured in the nuclear war, the Hellfire Club was destroyed, my ex-husband Namor and my love Scott were both gone.

It was Black Bolt who saved me and brought me back to Attilan, the apocalypse that cost us everything.

He and I both lost our clansman and lover, and our two lonely and devastated hearts finally reported to the group for warmth and survived until now.

You can call me Emma.

Or Her Royal Highness. "

"Okay, Emma."

Mason nodded, and he asked:

"You told Barbara that you knew the truth about the Weapon X project?"

"I not only know the truth, I even know your specific life experience."

The White Queen looked at Mason in front of her with complicated eyes, she was silent for a few seconds, and said:
"You're a clone with no real parents."

"I'm not surprised by that."

Mason shrugged, this result was within his expectations.

But then Emma interrupted him and said seriously:
"But your paternal genes come from other mutants, and your maternal genes... come from me. The unique appearance is the result of gene editing. To be precise, the maternal genes of the experimental clones in the same batch as you are all derived from me. .

That's not mandatory.

It was the professor who convinced me to actively participate, and only my re-mutated gene segment was tough enough to carry the experimental changes they made in it.

When you just left the baby room, I carried you to the base myself.

I have had no children in my life.

So in theory, you are my son. "

"This ethical relationship is not calculated in this way, Emma."

Mason didn't care about this. He looked at the White Queen in front of him and said:

"I also didn't see any 'mother' emotion in your eyes, you seem very satisfied, but that's just the experimenter's recognition of the excellence of the test object.

So, my suggestion is, let's stop playing this 'mother and child reunion' trick!

Come on, what do you want to do? "

"You're a little excited, kid."

Emma said softly:
"Maybe we should talk some other time."

"I'm calm!"

Mason's voice became indifferent.

As he retreated, he took out Lao Wan's battle helmet under the reminder of the hat, and put the helmet that can isolate all spiritual exploration on his head when Emma was stunned and obstructed with a hint of fear.

他 说:

"Don't read my mind! You... you! Wait what are you doing? What's going on here!"

When Mason put on Lao Wan's helmet to isolate the White Queen's telepathy second only to Professor X from his body, the special effect that could see through all mental illusions was also activated.

The special energy on the extremely glamorous White Queen that could interfere with other people's consciousness was nullified in his eyes, and Mason saw the real White Queen.

There is no incomparably charming body line, no ageless face, and no chic waist-length long hair.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a frail old woman who was dying of old age.

She must have been severely injured in the nuclear war, causing her hair to fall out, and her body was bent and slightly deformed, and her frightened face was covered with age spots and some burns that would not heal. scars.

There are even complex life-support devices around her neck and chest.

"No! Don't look!"

Emma covered her face in pain, but Mason already knew all the truth.

He bit his lip and whispered:

"It's not that you don't want to leave, you can't. So, what you have been insisting on waiting here is our possible return? Emma.

You know, you can say these truths in a less offensive tone. "

He took a step forward and took out a potion from his bag.

But the injury that has lasted for 17 years cannot be cured by a bottle of potion. Attilan's technological level is not low. Emma still needs to use the life support system to support her body, which means that her injury is terminal.

"I just want to keep some dignity in front of my children, that's all I have."

The White Queen refused Mason's potion, pulled the hood back to cover her face, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Mason Cooper, I admit that there is no normal relationship between you and me, and you are right that we lack the necessary emotion to connect with each other.

But what I want to tell you is that there is a traitor out of the Illuminati, and the Weapon X project is a trap. It is an end that the traitor specially arranged for us.

They collected the known genetics of all the X-Men and all the mutants through that project.

That project is still in operation today.

Do you want to know the truth about nuclear war? "

Emma smiled weakly and said:

"That's all to cover up this project that is still in operation today!

Right here in New Babylon.

Every month, clones like you grow up and are sent out of this world to join a dark army to conquer cities and lands for them.

This is my last wish, my child, Mason.

You must destroy it!

That's a 17-year-old mistake that needs to be corrected. "

(End of this chapter)

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